The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, April 19, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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    FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1907.
Flower Seeds !
Just received a shipment of Choice Sweet
Pea Seeds; all Varieties and Colors.
I ImvestM&teTMsO
Selected Nasturtium Seeds 1
5 Cents per package
We also have a large line of Garden and Grass Seeds
News reached this city yesterday
noon from authentic sources, in fact
from parties just in from the territory,
that the Harrlman Interests are over
, whetmlngly busy in the Lewis ft Clark
country buying up rights-of-way for
that section of the Lytle line that Is
to be deflected hither from the Hills-
boro-Tillamook road, and are paying
almost fancy prices In tbelr quest for
an early acquirement of the property;
they are making no bones about the
work nor Its object, according to the
informant of the Astjrlan, and expect
to cover the line to Young's Bay in a
few more days.
Apropos, of the Lytle road, the dif
ferences between that road and the
Astoria ft Columbia River railway, are
now squarely in court, with Judge Geo.
H. Burnett, presiding at Salem, and
the case will take some time to adjust
as there is a great deal of testimony to
be produced by both parties to the ac
tion, and there is a bare possibility of
the issues being amicably reached and
Mr. Lytle was on the stand ,and of
fered to compromise to a certain ex
tent and give the Astoria ft Columbia
choice of 25 feet on the coast side or
on the Inland side, In which case, both
companies can lay their rails on the
same right of way.
Auditor Deyoe also favored this
plan, but was not willing that the en
tire right of way at this point be given
ever to the defendants, as it would shut
them out entirely, and the Lytle com
pany has already built Its line from
Buxton to Hillsboro, and is now con
structing Its road to Tillamook Bay,
and has surveyed the entire right of
way to Astoria through Seaside, Ne
halem, Garvote, Hobsonvllle and Bay
The Result of
Our Bread and Cakes are even better than
Mother used to make and cost less than
any mother can afford to try to equal. Our
"Table Queen" and
"Butter Loaf " Bread
Can't be Beat
505 Duane Street.
275 W. Bond Street.
Branch Store, 1335 Franklin Ave.
2:30 Sharp
Prices lOc. and 25c Howard-Dorset Company
In tha Matter of Tip.
The man v!i, t,H tlio lii'Iut gets tit
best service an J tlie most ostentatious
deference, "t.ivo this t tlio t'ook." said
t St Louts purrcnu. handing a doUai
to the waiter with bis orUcr, "and tt't j
him to cook It uiy way." "Give this t i
the cook," said a acrllw at the uext ta j
ble, tiuuJIns a two dollar bill to tin
waiter with his order, "and tell him U '.
cook It bis own way, for be la a bettei '
cook than I am." We will not b out '
bone. We will not shrink lu any man'i
shadow. At the same time the pare l i
too hot and fast for most of us. St
Louis GIolHvlH'iuorrat. '
Localized Him.
A stranger wishing to piny golf al
North Berwick saw some one In au
thorlty upon the matter.
"What name?" asked the dignified
official in charge. .
"De Neufeldt," the stranger replied,
"Mou," said the official In a tone ol
disgust, "we catma fash oorsels wt
names like that at North Berwick
Te'll stulrt la the morn at ten flfteei
to the name of Falrguason." Black
wood's Magazine.
He Was Willing.
A good, kind man unfortunately mar
ried a shrewish wife, and the woman
changed his nature. One morning aft
er his wife had called blm a good foi
nothing loafer and snatched bis break
fast away be started off. hungry and
sore, for work. A sour looking woman
entered the car be was on. She got
Into a violent dispute with the con
ductor over her change. Finally, red
with rage, she looked about ber and
said. "Is there t gentleman In this car
wbo will stand by and see- a lady In
sulted?" The hungry man whose na
ture bad been spoiled rose eagerly.
"Tes, madam.- he said; "I will."
The Nature of Love.'
Love Is the river of life in this world
Think not that ye know It who stand
at the little tinkling rill-the first small
fountain. Not until you have gon
through the rocky gorges and not lost
the stream; not until you have gon
through the meadow, and the streaa
has widened and deepened until fleets
could ride upon Its bosom; not until
beyond the meadow you have come tc
the unfathomable ocean and poured
your treasures Into its depths not un
til then can you know what love ls.
Henry Ward Beecher.
Takes No Chance.
"Remember," said the kind elderly
gentleman, "that you may be president
of the United States." "Tes," answer
ed the boy whose father is connected
with the race track, "but look at th
population of this country. I've only
got one chance In millions. I ain't play
ing any long shots' like that' Wash
ington Star.
Morning Astorian, (0 cents a month,
delivered by carrier.
Concerts, will be Given
From 3 to 4 P. M.
?, H I
For Militia and Regular Army
Officers and Men.
American Marksmen Invited To Par
ticipate In Rifle And Pistol Matches
In Switzerland lows To Sell Na
tional Guard Camp.
WASHINGTON, D. C, Apr.18. The
program for the National RKle Mat
ches at Camp Perry, Ohio, commenc
ing Augest 28th has been arranged.
Monday, Augcst 26. and Tuesday, Aug
ust 27, have been get aside for pre
liminary team practice. The National
Team Match will begin on Wednes
day, the 28th. The first prize In this
match wilt be the National Trophy
and $300 caHh; second prize, the Hil
ton Trophy and $200 cash; The Sol
dier of Marathon and $1!"0 cash.
There will also be prizes of $100,175
and $30, to the fourth, fifth and sixth
teams, and a medal to each member
of the winning teams.
In the National Individual Match
there will be a number of gold, silver
and bronze medals carrying with
the meash prizes ranging from $5 to
$(S0. In the National Pistol Match
there will also be a number of medals
and cash prizes. ' ,
An Important decision In this con
nection Is the one that no person who
is either a principal of alternate on
any team entered In the competition
JUST in the due course of business, the Morning Astorian
has in contemplation with the Eiler Piano House of
Portland a proposition which it will launch in a few days
whereby the music loving people of this city and county may
upon exceedingly flattering terms become possessed of a Gcn
uine Columbia Talking Machine, accompanied by six notable,
records (your own selection), all of the actual value of $25.00,
further particulars of which will appear in a day or two
in these columns. v
The Eiler Piano House
will be represented in this city by Mr. Clyde C. Hurley, who
will have charge of the Talking Machine Store. Through
special arrangements with Hildebrand & Gor, he has been
able to obtain one of the front windows of their store and
on Saturday, April 20th, he will have the Machines on
display at that place. All are invited to call and investi
gate this Wonderful Offer.
for the National Trophy shall bo el
llglblo to serve either as principal on
any other team at the next yearly
competition for the National Trophy.
This provision does not apply to mem
bers of the teams from the United
States Military or Naval Academies
should they be entered as mVmburs
of theso teams, graduating might be
found In the army or navy team next
The matches of the National Rifle
Association will be snot the week pre
ceding the National Matches, and up
on the Camp Perry range's. The Ohio
Rifle Association matches will bo shot
at the same time and place.
Immediately following the National
Matches, the Matches of the New
Jersey Rifle Assocletlon will be shot
at Sea Girt, New Jersey. Although
the matches of the National Rifle As
sociation anJ the National Matches
will be shot In Ohio, the Boa Girt
shoot Is an attractive affair as It will
be the seventeenth annual competi
tion. During these seventeen years a
number of matches have been estab
lished, tncludelrig those for regiment
and company teams and Individuals.
Prizes will consist of time honored
trophies and cash. New matches are
nnnounced for a prlzo to bo given by
Senator Urlggs for regimental teams,
to be confined to rapid fire and skir
mish runs; a prlzo to be given by
Colonel Anthony R. Kuser, and a slowl
fire match for regimental teams, to
trophy to bo given by Ex-Attorney
General, John W. Griggs, it Is ex
pected that "many of .the rlfliimen In
attendance on the National matches
In Ohio, will go to Sea Girt for these
matches. General Bird W. Sericor,
formerly President of the National
Rifle Association, will have charge of
those matches.
Mr. Brutus J. Clay, American Mln-
Itll tM
Ister lo Switzerland, forwarded,
through the Department ot Slftio. a
note received from the Committee of
the Tor edoral, Inviting the American
marksmen to be represent! by a del
egation at the International Rifle and
Pistol matches to be held at Zurich, In
July, l07.' It wilt be Impossible for
representatives of the American army
to be present on the occasion, but It
Is likely Mome individual riflemen will
attend, and there Is a possibility a
team will be sent by private Individ
uals. Iowa proposes to sell lis present
National Guard camp ground, con
sisting of 160 acres north of the army
post at Des Motnes. This ground can
be sold for about $126 per acre or
more, and north of the city a doslra-j
ble rlllo range and camp can be so-
cured at $8 per acre, It Is proposed .
to add to the funds thus secured ft;
part of thu State's share ot the gov-1
eminent appropriation for rlilu prac
tice, which will enable the State to
secure a much larger cntnp ground,
and to tit up an excellent range.
General Grant, commanding the De
parlment of tho East, has directed
that the annual rifle practice of the
shall take place on the range of the
Naval Academy, at Annapolis, Mary
and, which has been placed at h
disposal of the Department for this
purpose by the Navy Department.
There is a great deal of Interest In
small arm practice among the Middles
and I hey have a first class range.
Tho National Rifle Association has
presented a gold medal to the Tope
ka, Kansas, rifle club, which will be
awarded to the best shot In the club.
A 500-yard, range Is being laid out
near Topcka, and the club is reported
as doing excellent work.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho Sjlf TTT"
81gaturs of CcAnnZ&&tf
iicup iuui reeiy
If people would keep their
feet dry half the doctors
would have to go out
of business. Our
Dr. Reed's Cushion
are just the thing for keeping
your ieet dry.
They shed the water almost
like ajduck's back.
We Guarantee Each Pair.
Our Specialties Are
Loggers and long hand made
boots for Fishermen.
Ml lend at, opposite Fisher Bros,
People's Money"
Friday, Saturday and Sunday
Matinee Sunday