FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1907. THE MOllNING ASTOIUAN, ASTOKIA, OIIEGON. N New Light on An Old Subject The careful selection of best 'wheat, the care in milling and blending the clcanincss iu handling m go to make "LOG CABIN FLOUR" the best of family flour. $1,20 the sack ROSS, HIGG1NS & CO. Will Apptar In ptmbr Andrw Hursld Jmsm, a natlvo of 8wotln yesterday made his formal ap plication for final cltlaenshlp papers hp for County Clerk Clinton, and h will go up befor Judge Mtltrld In September next, th 17th. Not Dd riUd - record (or doeda AM for county clerk's ornr. was single pen-mark yester day, not a dcod having bron preemted nor any other Instrument. It la on of th red-letter dy In titnt busy of fice whm such a hiatus occurs; though ihm U pl. niy to work on all rtalu. It hns not '(iHniirc1 In nrarly two years. Not h Dd Pi Tf4t entry r . iVord at th i aulltlpM of a For Th, Llttl Popl. Kvry parent In (bit city should In vestlgate, at once, th. new and ap preclable sho. for tbe youngster, at rhftrlri V. flrown'a Commercial street house. They are railed the "B. C. HcuftV and are (he very epitome of good wear and real comfort, Thry are going like wIM-flr and the Wd thrmsidve are aftr thorn because thy look ao "comfy." Petition Filed The Atorla Electric Company filed a petition with Auditor Anderaon ask Ing to be altoweJ to Install a J,000 gal lon fuel oil tank at the gn plant at the foot of Third atrt. The com pany agrees to have the tank placed In concrete pit and to comply with all th regulations of Hoard and Fir Un derwriter!. Action will be taken at the next council meeting. Aged Settler Dead Jonathan T. tlorow, aged It year, died yeeterday morning at hi home In Chinook. The pent IS years of hie life were spent In Chinook and he wan known along the Columbia river for SS years, lie leaves a widow and nine children, four eon and five daughter, all of whom were present when the end came. The remnlne will be burl ad today In tha llwaco cemetery. At th Astoria Aatnrlans turned out again full force to witness the unique and pleasing performance ot the Howard Dorset Stock company at the Astoria lust (l nigiu ana in no uomg aispjnyea i.ieir jrvod judgement In approving a com- fly that ran for twenty weeks, klYln.t,f In T nit kntr,nm n m, u'hlt.h will ft) to Tortlnnd, na aoon as on of the theaters there Is open to them. Ther I no question as to the cab ability of tha company, In fact It ! abov th average and the murmur In which th local audience hav be stowed their applause Is an Indication of th popularity they have assumed In th minds of th people. Tonight the bill will be changed, and a farce comedy substituted, as good If not better, than Christopher Jr, which proved so pleasing th first part of th week. "Other people's money" Is the title and In the bands of this cap bl company treat la In stor for th theater goer. Fannon Funeral I'nder the nuplcs of the Cuahlng CI. A. It. the funeral of the lute Thomas Fannon was held from ft Mary's Catholic Church yesterday morning, the Reverend Father Waters officiating, fix nnn-eommlaalnned of ficer from Fort Ptevens acted as pall bearers and lent, a military touch to obsettles that was furthered by the casket being draped with a huge American flag. Th ceremonies were attended by a large number of the (I. A. It. and the many friends of th deceased. The Interment was In Oreen- wood. FUh Hatohery Chang Tie plans and specifications for the new hatchery on the McKensI river are being prepared and Master Flh Warden Van Dusen has already aa- signed W. A. Soil i h, as superintendent of the new hatchery. The new plant will be able to lake car of 10,000.000 eggs and will probably b ready by the first of July. Warden Van Dusen has also filled the vacancy made, when Frank C. Brown was promoted to a deputy flh wardenshlp, by transfering A. D. Allen fro mthe Wallowo rjver station to the Ontario hatchery, Th promotion of Mr. Brown will result In the moving up of a number of the men In the department, as It Is the rule with Warden Van Dusen to promote cupabl men In the department rather than to go outside. Just what Chang es will be mado has not been fully de tvrmlned, Joseph Hlemmons will have charge of th new Sluslnw hatchery or dered built nt the Inst meeting of the Hoard of Fish Commissioners, Ice Cream Sherbets 1 People ,n An WalKs fe- Pfl Of Life ' C"" Can be suited here at all iMfff Groceries are always uiod- erate and the quality of our --' J goods are so well known Sf I they require no comment. j- Scholfield, Mattson & o. J--f Successors to Johnson Bros CHAMBER OF COM MERCE ITEMS MANAGER WHYTE 18 ENDEAVOR INO TO SECURE A GEOLOGICAL 8URVEY OF THE STATE OF OREGON. Miuiuger Whyte, of III Chamber of Commerce, stated to an Astorlan re porter yesterday that while things were not so very, brisk he hoped to hv nn Item or two In the near future that would causa the inhabitants to sit up and take notice. Ho Is grad ually lining up the local situation and pushing forward the work, of first get. ling a aolld foundation, of getting things arranged So as to attract the class of peopl he I after and then the main work will be pushnd with all posslhl vigor. Ills latest move along this line la the "ccurlng of a geological survey for th stats of Ore gon. , Oregon Is probably the only stst which the government has not tak en car of this matter and In many lutes th ofDce of Htatn Geologist has been Inaugurated. Where ver the system has been tried It has proven to b of groat help, toward developing tht, resources and while It Is Mr. Whyte's Intention to secure a survey oT the whole state Is osalbl, It Is mainly for the benefit, of the territory In the immediate vicinity of Astoria. To this effect he has written to the department at Washington and also to th Governor of (lie slate. In response to Mr. Whyte's Inquiry as to whether or not he could havt the new hotel completed by the time of the IVce President's visit Paul Wea. senger replied yesterday, saying (hat It would b an Impossibility. He stated further however that the struc ture would be completed within (ho present year and that th operation"" would be pushed with all tha speed possible and conslstant with th first class construction which th new hotel will recelv, Th postal card distributed among th school children are being returned with mor rapidity than ever. The way In which th little one hav token hold of this mater I a sourc of constant delight with Mr. Whyt and h never misses an opportunity to comment up on It Master Fenton Cellar holds the record for having- returned the mot name up to date. Lata yesterday afternoon hla card containing twenty names together with a letter having 0 more was receive! and they wsr fur the most irt the names of people living In the East, Just the people this class of advertising Is destined, to reach. ' Sooislist Mseting , Mln Irene Smith of Tacoma, Wash- will speak Saturday evening In the Finnish Hall Vnlor. town and Sunday evening In A. O. U. W. Hall Astoria on the "Triumph of Socialism." Seats free. For a VICTOR OR AN EDISON . PHONOGRAPH goto ohnson Phonograph Go. Parlrs toond Floor ovr SoholfUld A Mattson Co. Fish Run Light- Word from' the Astoria canneries yesterday Indicates that the run of salmon Is rather light and below the llmlt-wclt;ht In most Instances. Not a Hah has gone to the cold-storage plants as yet. A number of the city canner ies have not yet cut Into a salmon and but few of them have bought at all. The fleet on the river and bay yester day whs the largest noted this season, so far. From Tillamook Collector of Customs Carnahan, found the custom affairs in the Til lamook district to his satisfaction, and hnd time to observe that a great many new settlors have arrived In that sec tion. The dairymen have awakened and rapid strides are being taken In this line. The price of land In this vicinity is rapidly on tho rise and has now reached tho point where an acre of good land brings around $250. Persons Injured J. W. Inman, was received at St. Mary's yesterday afternoon with a dis located shoulder. He was driving a oolt hitched to a cart and leading two oth ers, when those In the rear became frightened and endeavored to Jump over the cart. As a result of this Mr, Inman was struck by the for feet of one of the animals and be sides the Injury done to his shoulder he was severely bruised; about the body. Tho accident happened on the road , between ithe Young's Bridge and the one over the Lewis and Clark. While his injuries are painful Mr, In man is resting a easy as could be expected. NEMGYl The Seed of Prosperity. Supposing every man in a community was slovenly and un tidy, what kind of a city would grow up there? It may be the very natural desire to be in the lead that prompts the more progressive element to forge ahead. Is it not a laudable ambition , " For tSmith to Say:-- "I Built the Finest House in Oregon, Here" For Jones to Say: "I Raise the Finest Stock in Oregon, Here" For Brown toSay: "We have the Loveliest Women in Oregon, Here. My Ambition Is to have the "Most Up-to-date" Clothing Establishment in Oregon, here in Astoria Let those who are built the wrong way criticise. If I but show accomplishm'entsVlf I but meet with half the success I deserve I shall becontent, and !t won't hurt the town any if strangers talk everywhere about 11 ATA VI fl ' A HMO i i Best" Things UJ "3 o 3 S' c a 5Q in 3 nj O c J to o c c s O o U JLL il T Iwiisdr IJb) MAN WI BEHIND EACH ARTICLE SOLD IN HIS STORE son camp, severely Injured Ills right foot with an axe Wednesday evening.1 While working on the Jetty yester day morning Lem Coftey, a son of James Coffey broke his leg. He was given attendance at the government hospital, on thef ground, and as soon as the bones knit he will resume his duties. To Property Owners Tho undersigned for ourselves and those we represent are willing to buy and pay for property In this vicinity to the value of $1,000, to $100,000, or several pieces of property of various kinds, business property, or lots or acreage, but we must have fair prices and will not under any circumstances pay profits to land grabbers who have no bona fide intentions, but who have tied up desirable property on contract and expect new-comers to pay them enormous and unfair advances on same. If you want to sell and will of fer us a fair deal, address I L. Fol som or W. D. Field, care of F. N. Clark, Astoria, Oregon. Morning Astorlan, 60 cents month, I .... i u Oxford 'Ties For Women. The demand for this style of footwear promises to be greater this season than ever before. Either patent, kid or tan are correct for leathers The shoe that is bought from us is certain to be cor rect in style. We have them in all leathers, styles and widths. Wherity, Ralston Company:! Astoria's Best Shoe Store r Swan Engleaton, a logger at the Ole. C.Mlversa oy owner.