The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, April 19, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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VmyMlA Are 'Here. . i
ii 'turn i ..
Ii i Kwrv JtMU : ; I
mriym$ M Wo01 Fabrics Cut ta I
II i r-M", V-.-Wi ii : I
I IW HonestlyTa5Iofed and Mad I
I'Mfc to Fit.
W 'm
r $ MHS- Thse Hart Schaffnw &
P- MiSlt Marx Clothes '
7. tf-f&5 Better See Them Now
You'll Need Them Any Day
Copyright 1907 by Hart Schaffher & Marx -
I " r m mH y g M S N.
is b jr-s v
I "Uncommon Gothcs." Always Right
I A Peep Into the Fashion World
At Jaloff's New Store
You will recognize the fact
that an inspection of Jaloff's
lines of
Millinery and Ladies'
Wearing Apparel
is equivalent to "A Peep
Into the Fashion World.1'
You will need no long argu
ments to convince yourself
that Jaloff's is the smartest
and most reasonable priced
line in the city.
120 11th St, Between Commercial and Bond Streets ;
Millinery, Suits, SKIrts, Waists, Etc. j
Something New Every Day.
Alaska Fishing Fleet All Ready
to Sail Today.
German Tramp Eva Dua Here Today-
Will Await Charter At Aitoria El
der Down And )ut For Bay City
Odds And End.
Toe steamer Nome City arived down
from Portland yesterday with 800,000
feet of lumber on board and fourteen
passengers for San Francisco, and
among the latter was the devoted wife
of Captain C. M. Forest, late of thej
schooner Annie Larsen. Mrs. Forest j
will go to the Oakland home and put!
all things In order and good hands, and '
will then return to- Salem, where she
will dwell and minister to her unhap
py husband during such time as hej
shall remain in the state's prison. Mrs. j
Forest has made a world of good!
friends in Astoria during the trial and
trouble of the old captain, and all wish
for the couple an early reunion and
subsequent peace and happiness.
the custom house yesterday with S,
200 barrels of Southern Pacific cement.
The steamer Costa Rica, arrived at
tie O. R. A N. dock at It o'clock last
evening and after unloading the freight
and passengers, she left three hours
later, bound up the river for the me
tropolis. She reported sighting two
sailing vessels eight miles south of
the lightship that had the appearance
of scooners. Also that she passed the
oil steamer Asunslon In company with
two other steamers, at the lightship.
If bound for this port they ought to
be oft the mouth of the river this
The steamship Geo. W. Elder came
down from Portland yesterday morn
ing, apparently, 24 hours before her
advertised time for sailing. She had
a big group of passengers on board
for the Bay City, among whom was C.
P. Doe, her managing agent at Port
land, who is making the round trip on
her this time.
The schooner Mabel Gale entered
port yesterday afternoon late just in
time to catch the Oklahama. She
comes from San Francisco and will
; load lumber for the return trip.
The steamer Sue H. Elmore entered
this port from Tillamook Bay yester
day, and brought up a hold-full o
dairy merchandise, and several passengers.
Riohardton and Portland
The Proper View Of It.
Yesterday's Oregontun contains Do
folowlng clever hit of expression, apro
pos of an 'Important mutter: "Until
the Astoria Chamber of Commerce
communicates Its wishes as to Port
land participating In the entertain
nu'iit of Vice President Fairbanks, the
Portland Commercial Club will take
no steps in that direction, The Vice-
President has accepted an Invitation
from the business men of Astoria to be
their guest on the occasion of his visit
to the Coast to itttoml the National
convention of the Christian Endeavor
Society at Seattle,
"Tom Richardson, manager of the
Commercial Club, said yesterday that
though Portland would like to enter
tain Mr. Fairbanks on Ms way to and
from Astoria, it would depend entirely
upon the wishes of the Astoria people.
He added that Portland has no desire
to Interfere or "butt In" when sister
cities have undertaken to entertain
prominent people.
'To extend an Invitation at this time
to Mr, Fairbanks without first obtain
ing froni Asoria an expression of their
wishes would be, he said, unfall to a
Lawrence riloper. of walla walla,
arrived here yesterday, on a visit of
several weeks with his aunt and uncle,
Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Judah.
E. J. Colllngs, the well known mer
chant of Ilwaco, passed through this
city yesterday, for Portland, where he
will meet and return with his wife and
family who have been spending some
time there with friends.
Mrs. W. E. McAfee was a Portland
bound passenger on the 8: 10 express
yesterday morning. She will visit
friends In the metropolis for several
Mr .and Mrs. Adam Catlln, of Port
land, are visiting In Astoria.
Osborne Coulter, of Oystervllle,
looking after business interests In the
Jame M. Alexander, of Aberdeen
stopping at the Occident
C. A. Belknap, of Chinook, Is attend
Ing to personal matters In he city.
J. M. Day, of Portland, came down
on the night train last evening.
T. J. Hutchlngs. of San Francisco,
in Astoria
canvassing the business
The French bark Leo Xin, grain
laden for Eurooe. arrived down yes-
lln and John Currier, are all at anchor terJay 0 the hawser) of the
The American ship St Nicholas, Ber :
In the lower harbor ready for sea and
Nushagak Bay; the St Nicholas with
192 souls on board. Including Mr. and
Mrs. L. O. Belland; the Berline with
184 people on her decks and in her
cabins; and the John Currier with 158
steamer Oklahama,
and will leave aut
The big German tramp steamship
Eva, from Europe via San ranclxco, is
due In this port today, and will re
iu.ks oi sevenu aUuns on xuey, in her, untj, Becureg a charter.
are stored and equipped for the nor-
mern season in tne usual generous j The steamer Harvest Queen went up
style, and will get away on the first i yesterday with a big load of new sal
tow-lines mat oner toaay. Manager mo There was nothne n the harbor
P. A. Berglund will go to his distant
post on the steamer North Star In
about a week latter, and will over
take and pass his ship, the Currier,
en route. All have cleared at. the
custom house.
The motor schooner Sotoyome, Cap
tain Christiansen, was hauled Into the
stream from the O. R. Sc. N. pier yes
terday, In order to keep her crew on
board and sober. The master return
ed from the metropolis yesterday morn
ing with five able seamen, out of the
nine he went after. She cleared at
for her tow lnes yesterday.
The seamer Costa Rica was due here
yesterday from San Francisco, but
failed to show up. She will probably
enter this morning.
The Kamm steamer Lurllne got
down a little late last night, but it did
not Interfere with the bulk of her busi
ness any.
The steamer Tiverton Is loading
lumber at the Tongue Point Mills for
San Francisco.
Why it pays you to buy
Millinery HERE !
High Class Materials,
Top Notch Styles,
Superb Workmanship,
Wearable Trimmings,
Exclusive Patterns,
Bon Ton Millinery
Georgia Pennington, Milliner 4
483 Bond Street, - - Astoria, Oregon
Rsbekah Meeting.
Gateway Rebekah Lodge No. 7", will
meet In regular session this evening,
Members of staff be present. Mamie
Clinton, Secretary.
It makes all the difference In the
world to the convivial man where, and
what, he drinks. Most men desire
beauty and cleanliness, and handsome
appointments In the saloon they pat
ronize regularly, as well as the essen
Hal pre-requlslte of genuine wines and
liquors that are served to them. And
these things are so particularly and
properly conspicuous at Otto Sund's
elegant resort, the Commercial, at No.
509 on the street of that name that
they account thoroughly for the fixed
and splendiJ cuaom he enjoys. There
is nothing allowed to pass his counter
but the best and choicest In every de
partment of Indulgence, and the ser
vice behind It all, is the most pleasing
and satisfying In tne city.
Wanted to buy a house
Must be In good location.
M., this oce.
and lot.
Mrs. A. Jaloff announces that she
has Just received by express a new line
of ladies head gear and also black voil
and ladles panama dress skirts.
Tne St. Agnes Guild win have a
sale of home made Bread, Cookies &
Candy, also fancy work, on Saturday
afternoon at 2:30 p. m., in the base
ment of Grace church.
Everyone is invited to come to the
sale of homemade Bread, Cookies and
Candy, also fancy work, to be held by
the St. Agnes Guild, in the basement o
Grace Church on Saturday afternoon
at 2:30. '
AH the new Spring Blocks in Knox
hatg have arrived at Herman Wise's.
Dr. Linton has arranged a great
convenience in keeping his drug store
open nights It Is the only place in the
city where suffering humanity can
get relief after business hours, he de
serves your patronage 185-llntreet, in
heart of the city.
The delayed Boys' Spring Suits Just
came in at Herman Wise's.
Spring models of "WISK" clothes fr
men in the various shadings are now
In and those who desire "Wise" clo
thing are Invited to inspect them at
Herman WlBe's.
Dell B. Scully, Notary
(cully's Cigar Store. Any
Public tt
nt.l hour!
Ultra Stylish Lines.
Charles V. Brown Is showing the
last and daintiest things In the way of
LadleV low shoes, the Garden Tie, In
Oxford style and the latest finish. They
are ultra, and no more than that con
be salJ. Go after t'nem while they last.
Nothing excels them in this shoe-market.
For your watch and clock repairing
go to Frank 3. Donnerberg the reliable
jeweler, 110-11 street
Co to A. D, Craig for your tent,
awnings and all kinds of canvas wort
12th and Exchange, t(
For Eleetrle 8rvlee Installation or
repair work, go to J. 8. Vernon, sK
trlclan, No, 4(7 Exchange street, tel
ephone. Main 1441. AU manner of
electric and telephone work done at
short notice.
A Guaranteed Presentment.
The1 moving-picture presentment of
the Burns-O'Brien ring fight at Los
Angeles m November last aa put on at
the Waldorf In this city last night and
now occupying the boards there tali
week, and which Is heavily advertised
In thsi issue. Is a guaranteed exhibit
for exact and truthful detail In every
particular of the full number of rounds.
Five Cents to f&OO When you feel
Ilk "sponging" a bit, drop into Frank
Hart drug store and bay sponge.
Ton can find Just what you want, from
cents te 13.00 per sponge.
1 .
If a man know anything of his own
anatomy he must be aware that his
stomach la a magnificent organ and
entitled to the utmost consideration;
knowing that he will eat at the Palace
when he can conserve Its safety and
comfort, by eating only the best
cooked, best served and most compen
sating meal In the city of Astoria.
day, ornlght, it In always the. name,
and the Palace habit Is' one that pays
to acquire. Arthur Smith is a mas
ter of the art of preparation and ser
vice, of all things edible.
A Spring
Millinery Sale !
Our Dress and Street Hats,
on Friday and Saturday
April 19th and 20th
Will be sold at Lower Prices
than Anywhere in the City
Mrs. M. Petersen
11th & Commercial Sts. Star Theatre Bldg.
To the Residents and Fishermen of
Upper Astoria: Dr. Linton, formerly
of Uppertown is located at 186-11 st
with a fine line of drugs and sundries.
Leave orders with A. Kraus' at the
Royal Bakery branch on Franklin
avenue. Mr. Kraus has A full line of
patent medicines and carries the cele
brated Linton remedies prices and
goods are correct, save money by go
ing to Linton's; Open day and night.
It Cheers the Cook
v If you fit up your kitchen out of our
New Line of Granite and Enanielware
which we have just received.
Fresh Vegetables of all Kinds.
523 Commercial Street
Phone Main f81