THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1907. CHAMBER OF COM MERCE SEWS i The Note of Distinction ! THE MORNING ASTOUIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. You know what this means 'in dress. The indefinable something that sets a woman apart from the crowd. It's the Hat ! At Jaloff's New Store you always get the Unmis takable Style at the Lowest Price. TOM RICHARDSON WILL ATTEND BANQUET GIVEN VICE PRESI DENT FAIRBANKS IN JULY RAILROADS TO ADVERTISE. t 120 11th SI, Between Commercial and Bond Streets Millinery, Suits, SKIm, Waists, Etc, " Something New Every Dayv , J MARITIME MESSAGES The general-service steamer HW vest Queen, of the 0. R. & N. Corn pany, cam down lan. night with a lot of extra freight for jhjs city. Th handsome f,iu. moilAl rhnnr But Little Business on me from, Bangor went to sea yesterday on the Yesterday. . tow-lines of the bar tug bound for San Francisco. Wallula, JOHN POULSEN TO KNAPPTON The Geo, W. Elder Is due back from Portland on her way to California ports, tomorrow morning, and will i leave out at high noon. I The steamship Costa Rica is due In Alaska Fleet Of Cannery Shio, About : th! smornir.g fro mthe Bay City, and Ready To Depart For Nuthagak will return down on her way south, Bangor Leaves Out For The Bay on Saturday next City Waterfront Items. The line steamer Hassalo Is so busy these Jays she has to chuck her sche ! dule with extreme regularity . The Kamm flagship Lurllne goti down late last evening, and did; not start back for Portland until wellj on toward moonrlae. She was doing considerable business, however, which. always accounts satisfactorily for any time-card discrepancies. IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE. and Sund's It makes all the difference In the i world to the convivial man where, and ! what, he drinks.' Most men desire beauty and cleanliness, and handsome appointments in the saloon they pat- The Warren Packing' Company's ronl regularly, as well as the essen Alaska ship. Berlin, is still in waiting Ua P'e-requlsite of genuine wines and f. w , tht. 'mi. -nil "I""" t"t are served to them, And h. In fln rnnrfition fr her Hummer ' th,n8 are SO particularly stay in the far north. The Alaska ' conspicuous at Otto fleet will orobablv get away this week. , eleant resort th Commercial, at No. i 509 on the street of that name that Just one year ago this morning the thy account thoroughly for the fixed line steamship . Columbia was sent anl P'endiJ cosom he enjoys. There c-.shln from th blocks on which ls nothing allowed to pass his counter she rode for repair, fh the dry-dock at but best anl choicest In every de Hunters Point, the terrible earthquake ! Pertinent of indulgence, and the ser beine th. force that did the damage. ! vlt behlnJ " a. ls the pleasing ' i and satisfying In the city. The St. Nicholas will close beri hatches over her cannery cargo some time today, and will be In trim for her voyage to the north, for the Alaska season .In the service of the Columbia River Packers' Association. . I The John Currier is fully loaded for her trip to Nushagak, Alaska, in the Interest of the Alaska Flshermens' Packing Company. She will load In to the stream this morning. The steamer Johan Poulsen has ar rived In from San Francisco and went directly to the Columbia Hill docks at Knappton, where she will load out on the return voyage. ' The fine French bark Leo XIIL grain laden for Europe, ls due down the river sometime today, ready for her long voyage. . PERSONAL MENTION. ) Charles M. Gllman, representing the well known paint house of R. M. JTas & Company, of Portland, arrived In the city on the steamer Lurllne last night, and will be here several days doing business therefore. Hon. Swepson Mortcfi came over yeBterday morning, from the classic precincts of Knappton, and reports that flourishing suburb of Astoria In healthy and hearty condition. Frank Bourne, the capitalist of Frankfort, was In the city yesterday, on business bent He says that rail way matters are In statu quo over there Just now. Mr. and Mrs. A. Schernecka'u, leave today, for a few weeks visit at Orellla Washington. v V A- 'V. P Reasons I.MS Why it pays you to buy Millinery HERE I High Class Materials, Top Notch Styles, Superb Workmanship, Wearable Trimmings, Exclusive Patterns, LOWEST PRICES! ( Bon Ton Millinery Georgia Pennington, Milliner 483 Bond Street, Astoria, Oregon In response to an Invitation from Manager Whyte of the local Chamber of Commerce, Tom Richardson of the Portland Commercial Club sent tm following reply yesterday. Manager Whyte, Astoria Chamber of Commerce, Astoria Oregon. "Securing Vice President Fairbanks Is a triumph. 0)ngiAtulaKkhs, Invitation accented. signed Tom Richardson. Manager Whyt has written Vice. President Fairbanks asking If he ob jects to speaking In the open air and whether or not he la to travel ln private car. A special committee will go to Seattle to escort the Vice Prel dent to our city and should he not fcave a private car one will be fur. nlshed by the local Chamber of Com merce. However It Is not likely that the latter move will be necessary, as It la not probable the Vice President would travel without the luxury and cmvenlnee of a car for himself and party. Literature boosting Astoria. In the near future, will be distributed from the passenger oces ail over the coun try, of the Southern and Union Pacific Systems. The matter was first tak en up with William MacMurray, Gen eral passenger agent of the 0. R. and X. and after proving to his satisfaction that the Astoria literature was as good aa any put out, he agreed to take I.OCO of the circulars and B.000 copies of Walter C. Smith's address. This great help was secured through) Manager Whytes efforts and Is one of his moat far reaching moves In the securing of a "Greater Astoria." The school children are rising nobly to the oc caslon and have .thoroughly grasped the Idea and spirit, which Manager Whyte endeavored to Instil Into their minds. The post cards are arriving at the Chamber of Commerce head quarters ln bunches of fifty, each card contains twenty names and this means that a thousand persons will be mailed the literature, the Chamber of Conv merce has for this purpose. As a re suit of this method of advertising, peo pie In Norway, Sweden Flnnland and other parts of Europe are learning of the advantages of Astoria. Why Have a torpid liver when Herblne, the only liver regulator will help you There ls no reason why you should suffer from Dyspepsia, Constipation, Chills and Fever or any other liver complaints, when Herbtne will cure you. F. C. Walte, Westville. Fla, writes: '1 was sick for a month with chills and fever, and after taking two bottles of Herblne am well and heal thy." Sold by Hart's Drug Store. Wanted To Buy Property. Direct from the owner. Please ad dress me in care of this office. NEW TO-DAY. All the new Spring Blocks in Knox hats have arrived at Herman Wise's. Burial services of Thos. Fannon will be held at St Mary'a church Wednes day at 10 a. m. Interment at Green wood. Members of Cushlng Post are requested to meet at headquarters at 9 o'clock sharp. B. F. Allen, comman. der. Spring models of "WISE" clothes for men in the various shadings are now In and those who desire "Wise" clo thing are Invited to Inspect them at Herman Wise's. To the Residents and Fishermen of Upper Astoria: Dr. Linton, formerly of Uppertown ls located at 186-11 st, with a fine line of drugs and sundries. Leave orders with A. Kraus at the Royal Bakery branch on Franklin avenue. Mr. Kraus has a full line of patent medicines and carries the cele brated Linton remedies prices and goods are correct, save money by go ing to Linton's; Open day and night. Notice. The members of Cushlng Relief Corps- No., 3 W, R. C. are requested to meet at Mrs. Cleveland's at 9 o'clock sharp, April 18, '07 to attend the fu neral of the late comrade Fannon. By order of the President. Mamie Clinton, Secretary, tnuotu a sjueo ot uauoisv Suituow flfllvered by carrier. The delayed Boys' Spring Suits Just came In at Herman Wise's. 'pal i 5frj I " 'J 'ill 'I lJil- 4 M 3 Summer Clothes Are Here. AB Wool Fabrics Cot in the Right Style. r Honestly Tailored and Made to Fit, i Those Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes Better See Them Now You'll Need Them Any Day Copyright 1907 by Hart Schaffner id Marx "Uncommon Clothes." Always Right Dell a Scully, Notary Public ti fcully's Cigar Store. Any aid bourl Ultra Stylish Lines. Charles V. Brown is showing the last and daintiest things In the way of Ladle' low shoes, the Garden. Tie, in Oxford style and the latest finish. They I ' Morning Atorian, 80 cents per roont'., aresjltra, and no more than that can be sail. Go after them while they last Nothing excels them In this shoe-market. A Guaranteed Presentment. The moving-picture presentment of the Burns-O'Brien ring fight at Los Angeles In November last, as put on at the Waldorf In this city last night and now occupying the boards there fall week, and which is heavily advertised In ths Issue, Is a guaranteed exhibit for exact and truthful detail in every particular of the full number of rounds. For your watch and clock repairing go to Frank X Donnerberg the reliable Jeweler, 110-U street Go to A. D. Craig tor your tent, awnings and all kinds of canvas work 12th and Exchange. tf . For Eleetrle Service Installation or repair work, go to X 8. Vernon, elec trician, No. 7 Exchange street, tel ephone. Main 1441. All manner of laotrlo and telephone work done at abort notloa, Take 'Em To Dell. Last spring Dell Scully cleaned over 2000 Panama hats foi th men of this city and still possesses the knack. Take your summer "straw" to hlra for re novation and save the purchase of new ones. He ls the only artist In town. Dr. Linton has arranged a great convenience ln keeping his drug store open nights It ls the only place In the city where suffering humanity pan get relief after business hours, he de serves your patronage 185-llstreet, in heart of the city. A Spring Millinery Sale! Our Dress and Street Hats, on Friday aid Saturday April 19th and 20th Will be sold at Lower Prices than Anywhere in the City Mrs. JVL Petersen i . llth & Commercial Sts. Star Theatre Bldg. BS1 Five Cents to 1310 When you feel like "sponging" a bit, drop into Frank Hart's drug store and buy a sponge. Tou can find Just what you want, from cents to 13 00 per sponge. If a man know' anything of his own anatomy he must be aware that his stomach la a magnificent organ and entitled to the utmost consideration; knowing that he will eat at the Palace when he can conserve Its safety and comfort, by eating only the best cooked, best serveT and most compen sating meal In the city of Astoria, day, ornlght, It If always the same, and the Palace' habit is' one that pays to acquire. Arthur Smith ls a mas ter of the-art of preparation and ser vice, of all things edible. It Cheers the Cook If you fit up your kitchen out of our , New Line of Granite and Enaraelware which we have just received, y Fresh Vegetables of all Kinds. ACME GROCERY 523 Commercial Street Phone Main ft31 7" v V