THE M011NING ASTOMAN, ASTOUJA, OREGON. THURSDAY, APRIL 18, WT. npntiPtifi Toilet Powder Is the Shining Hark of Success WwM Khlith every titiltMtor atina Mt. But Mennen't Ilirtml Talcum Tiilliit I'uwder roamiue in Imltsble diMtplts ot All false boost "m good M Mmitivii'a." Msnnea'sTollet Powrtw mads III fame by IU tufHvUirUy, It hl'l H fsmeby Mils same lulmltable qintllly, Thvr l nothing like Hnn ntiu'N. Thereoould noibe. tx!uiMiomeel know Iho aeon of Urn Mtmtieii powder aud tli0roMiii(wknuia(iuni. 1lirfre no "Imiuiiiiu" IimInxiu more limn ru-lm-llnllon, auperNHsl, spurious nail fruidttlpiit. UimU Ik proiiloin of Hit iww pnr fttod and dru. I vr IhiX uf Miun ) lan lb wrltl uiuiiar dMiviiutMl hi lti miwnmpil, a aiuma. '.s ... o(Hmi'i TmM I'oeSw. Ittsttslls ofBOt. minf 4iii i.niWUta Mu-''lk S Ikul Iialtf uu Muuwu'l tut tmf i t 'Slim . 1 liivl VtmhI MmmWi VloW Mll Mmuii TMI fwMft ln Hw7i.Tll7u'JjUtum. mil Stwi Mwmhxi VluWt.l. i IimiwiI will, u Cl..i uf in idorkr.l l'im tlHi ri fwlift luiMelt. 11 FtMlailltofBoi. OCRHARD MENNHN CHEMICAL CO.. Newark. N.J. (IuwhummI 4r U rood and lirtMl Ael, Jui), ll swum Mo, IM( Come See Our Enamelware ! To the housewife: If you wish anything in white-, , ' warc,'Enamelwire,both in gray and green, we can please you with our excellent line. Tinware in Japaned or plain is excellent ware, now on display see our window. Everything for the home at reasonable prices. The Foard & Stokes Hardware Co., Inc. Successor U faf it C. First National Bank of Astoria,Orc. ti, Ead KOTABLISIIHlflWHI. Capital $100,000 NEW P ICTION ! "Reganoo," by Atherton. "Mr.Jim andMrs. Jimmie," "Before Adam," by London. ,,Helma," by Eldredge. "Kate Meredith," Financier Wyne. "The Malefactor," by ODoenheim. " Later-da v Sweethearts," "The Wierd P.ic- turc.,, 'Fishing and Shooting," by G. Cleveland. "The Family," and Thomas w. Lawson's ureat "Friday the Thirteenth'1 All 3J125 per Copy E. A. HIGGINS CO., MUSIC HOOKS STATIONERY APPEARANCES Often a person is sized up by his appear ance; by the tone that surrounds him. And more often a business house is sized up by the stationary it uses. ,' A cheap letter head or a poor bill head gives a mighty poor first impression and makes business harder to transact. Good printing costs no more than poor printing.. The first im pression is half the battle in business. You wouldn't employ a "sloppy" sales man; why put up with "sloppy" station- ery, that gives a wrong impression of the importance of your business. Let us do ' your printing and help you to make that ten strike. The J . S. 0 elli n ge r Go . ASTORIA, OREGON CROMWELL'S' HORSES. An AMldtnt That 0fll th PreUoWf In Hydt Park. "Aa C'rowwull runo lu iowcr aud rauk til luvt uf Lorti Iwguo to b tuon coiiaiilcwoui,' ny wrlUir l Uluck wood'. "Vbu lit "atartwl from Lou ion fa IdiU to rifCDiKiiuir Iroluud b wtiut forth In that tnt aud iiulpBK U Uii lilt btttb hardly Uwu iwii, liliu lulf la a coauh wltU nix Kalluut Fluu ion Diana, raddlab grujr." la 1050, wtiuti the OpttulNb amhainaiiif took hi luaw of the lord protector, Crouiwoll ant blm "iiif own &mh of alx wblt boriM-" to convey blm to and from Whitehall. "Cortaln It la." dda tb narrator, '"'Hit none of the Kugllb kliiKi bad ver iy tucb." Tto prowtctor wa not ttiucU of a whin, however. Ia Ki&i the Count of Oldvubuvf Mut Cromwell a pretwut of lx bon, and tbe protuctora tnxmj to make trial of tboir QUullty led to bli well known advoutura In Hydt park. On Friday, Bopt Z, bt want with Sec retary Tburloe and Home of hit gentle ma to take air la tbe park, ordered tb all boMMrt to b baruiHMed to bit coach, put Tburloe InMde of It aud un dertook to drive blinwir. "lilt high noae," ld letter from the Imtcb ainbaaoador, "drove pretty bandoniely for eonie time, but at laat, provoking tboae bortue too tnucb with tbe whip, they grew unruly, whereby hie blgb neet woe flung out of the coach bos upon tbe grouud. Ille foot getting bold In the Ucktlng, be wae carried away i good while In that objure, but at laat be got hta foot clear and 0 came to eecape.' He waa presently brmtght home and let blood and aftei aome rent Uken to now well again. Tbe aecretary, being hurt on hit ankle wltb UmhIuv out 'of the coach, bath been forced to keep tits chnmhor hitherto and been unfit for any bueineea.- The royallat Scrogga. afterward chief Juetlce. writing of thJa Incident. boied that tbe next fall would be from a cart -hinting at tbe gallowa. Aa to Croin well'a lowi on the burning aueatlon of bore racing It la difficult to arrive at a ponltlve conclualon. Ilia couaianr aim waa to noaxem aa many good noma aa be could afford. Whether he entered hi borne for racea or bad tbe aatlafaetlon of owning a winner hlitory doe not Bay. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. Tua only thing aome people alwaya bare ready la an excuse, Almoat any one can be Induced to He if you auk enough queattona. The better you behave the better you get along. ita old. but Ifa true. A man nobody can quarrel with hn.. tbe life problem reaeonably well aolved. Lack of opiortunlty baa to eta ad a an excuite for a lot of general ahlftleee neaa. Th tpnuliU iviili auine neoule lie III tli fact that tbey conalder their fault their tnlarortunea. Are you among those who treat their new acquatnUncee better than tbey treat their old friend I If a man baa plenty of money to back up a lot of tool notion, people call blm eccentric, but If he only hai the notion be la a crank. Atcjuaon uiotw. Tamed the Box Offioa Man. A theater box office man whoee teats were all told daye ahead waa taming away disappointed pntrona more than gruffly when a man who had watched the proccu wltb glowing ire readied the window. "Selling any more teata thlt teaaonr he began. Tbe ticket teller answered with a stare. The ques tion, quietly but firmly repeated, finally received an affirmative answer. "Give me two." "Whenr growled tbe seller, recovering. "Any time," said the man. The seller was almost too crushed to ask "Wherer "Anywhere," replied the man. "How much?" whispered the tellor, his voice deserting him. "Any price," said the mau. The tickets wore transferred In an awed silence, and the line of purchaser tbnt bad overheard smiled benevolently at the noticeably tamed man In the cage. New York Post. . . -i Antiquity ef Proverbs. Proverbs existed long before books. In the enrlleNt times they served . as tbe rmwrltten Iiiubuhko of morality aud hnve.lHHu passed down through the genenitlous. In Africa there tire numerous quaint proverbs. Among them lire: "He who dives on dry bind will scarify his fuce." "Two people canuot sit down upmi tbe point of the same thorn at tho Bitme time." In the Transvaal the proverb, "Beware of a silent niau; he has a brass band In bis mouth," la often heard. Holmes on Shelley. Shelley vaporized every thins In his glowing crucible, but there was gold at the bottom of It. When 1 look at him spreading the starry wings of his fancy over his chaotic philosophy he seems like a seraph hovering over the un fathomable chasm, whose blackness 1 the abode of demons. "Autocrat of the Breakfast Table." No other remedy on earth la to good for children as ' HolllsterV Bocky Mountain Tea; makes them eat, sleep and grow, sngnt eyes, rosy cneens. 8G cents, Tea or Tablets. ' For sale by Frardt Hart. I A marvelous preparation oontalntng the constituent elements of life. Hoi- lister's Rocky Mountain Tea cures when all else has failed. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets', For sale "by Frank Speediest Relief Known to Sci ence for Coughs, Colds and Consumption. This home prescription ha been familiar to druggists for years. Its wonderful effectiveness on coughs, cohle and all affection of the bron chial tubes and pulmonary organs spread It fame to city to city with rapidly Increasing popularity. Inquiry Into the origin of this pre scription developed the tact that It emanated from a prominent Philadel phia physician who gained fame amongst his profession for the devel opment of truly soluble preparation from the actlv principle of the pine tree, which although known to contain wonderful curative power on the mu caui mmbran yet wo not generally Used by doctors on account of its In solubility, Thl new form of pine is known' to doctors and druggists as the famous "Home Prescription," which is here given to the public and Is as follows: Concentrated oil of pine, half ounce; pore whiskey, (spirits frumenll) eight ounces, glycerine 3 ounce. Mix and shake thoroughly and take a table spoonful every four -hours. This will frequently cure a cold inside ot twenty-four hours. These Ingredient can be secured at end good drug store, and can be easily mixed at home In a ten-ounce bottle. The concentrated oil of pine comes put up for dispensing in half-ounce vials securely sealed in a screw top package which retains all the original osone. It should be borne in mind, however, that there are patent medi cine put up by so celled chemical companies to imitate the wonderful pine oIL These can be avoided by male Ing sure to get the "Concentrated" oil of pine. It Is also salJ to be very ef fectlve In curing lumbago and uric acid rheumatism for thl purpose is Is taken raw, a few drops on sugar, night and morning. HOW TO AVOID APPENDICITIS. Most victims of appendicitis are those who are habitually constipated. Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup cures chronic constipation by stimulating the liver and bowels and restore the natural action ot the bowels. Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup does not nause ate or gripe and Is mild and pleasant to take. Refuse substitutes. T. F. Laurln.- Owl Drug Store. PUBLIC WARNING. W ahall not be responsible if any person takes any but the genuine Fo ley's Honey and Tar for cougbt and colds. Imitation are worthiest and may contain opiate. Thk genuine Foley's Honey and Tar In the yellow package contains no opiates and la safe and sure. T. F. Laurln. Mr. S. L. Bowen, of Wayne, W. Va, writes: "I waa a sufferer form kidney disease, to that at timet I could not get out of bed, and when I did, I could not stand atralght I took Folyt KIJ ney Cure. One dollar bottle and part of the second cured me entirely." Fo ley's Kidney "Cure workt wondert where others are total failures. T. F. Laurln. TRANSPORTATION. The KMUne Steamer Lurline Night Boat for Portland and Way Landings. PAS8ENGERS. FREIGHT. Leaves Astoria dally exospt Sunday at 7 p.m. Leaves Portland Dally, Exeept Sunday at 7 a. m. Qulok lervlet Excellent Meal Qeed Bertha. ' ' Landing Astoria Navel Wharf. ! Landing Portland Pent Taylor tt C. M. F0WLER. Agent. Phont Main 8761. It a PARKER, Proprietor. E. P. PARKER, Manager. PAFKER HOUSE r EUROPEAN PLAN. Flrtt Class In Every Rsepeat, Free Coach to the House. Bar and Billiard Boom. Oood Cheek Restaurant. A ateri a, Oregon i i t Oood Eampla Booms oa Ground floor for ComflMTcUl Mea. THE TRENTON t First-Class Liquon and Cigars H , ; 602 Commffriaf Street - Corner Commercial and 14th. Atoria, Oregon. X IMMMHIIIIIIIIHMHHIHlMriMMn 1MIII a W. G. LAWS & CO. HEATING AND PLUMBING ENGINEERS Plans And estimates furnished on application. All work done by First-Class Mechanics. Sheet-Iron, Copper and Tin Work done in a first class manner, as we do no other work in onr shop. Sherman Transler Co. HESRY 8HEEMAS, Manage! Hacks, Carriages Pagjsge Cheeked aad Trsnsterred Trucks art Furaifeaxw Wageaa Pianos UutskL Boxed and Shipped. 433 Commercial Street Main Phone 121 THE GEM C. F. WISE, Prop. Choice Winss, Liquor . Merchant Loach I rata aad dean 11:30 a. aa. to 1:30 f jm. Eot Laaca tt all Hoars si Carta ' Corner El treat k and Coauntrctal ASTOSIA 0XZG01I A SI TPo Be Happy J and Gay Mean not only good thing to est, but also the best ef thing te drink, I and the best ef all good drink Is Sond A Carlson i I Bye and Bourbon Whiskies, Choice 'Wines and Champagnes. I !! THE COMMERCIAL !! J 08 Commercial 8t SCO! BAY IRON & BRASS MB ASTORIA, OREGON IRON , AND BRASS FOUNDERS , UNO AND MAHINE EKCIXEEES V Up-to-Cate Saw Mill HaebinerylE Prompt attenuon'flven toBl. repair work 18th and Franklin Ave. TL Main 2451. STEEL a EWRT J ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS . In Easiness for. Business and Tour Satisfaction. , Ve make it i our aim to do first class work at iX 222 Twelfth Street. Next to the'Astoria Theatre. .1 , 1 Hart.