( UIUtHlt PUtt AtOOIATD PMti RIPOflT OOVIRt THK MOBNINQ FIBLD ON TrfS LOWI OOtUMIAil VOLUME LXIII, NO. 84. ASTORIA, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 1907. PRICE FIY& CENTS T OF RATES Asked By Pacific Coast Jobbers. EXHORBITANT-UNJUST Are the Present Freight Charges Form the Coast to Interior. FREIGHT IS SENT BY WATER Interstate Commans Commlselener Preuty Allowed Petition Filed With Catenae But Will Not G Into Gen oral Rat Ravltlan, PORTLAND, April ll.A natlon roiuliffi) today In tha Spokane terminal rata hearing before Inleretate Commla. lunar Prouty whan tha coast Jobbers aaked lav to Intervene. Tha petit Inn prnya Cor a radical readjustment of II rates ifrom coaat point to tha In terior and allege that tha preaent frallht charge ara exhorbltant anJ un juat. Commlaaloner Prouty aald ha feared tha petition would - Introduce a new Untie Into the hearing and ireferred not to go Into a general rata ravlaton tt thla time. At tha aama line ha al lowed tha petition to b filed with tha Uefendanta, the three transcontinental rallroada entering Spokane. Theee llnea now hav two foe to light Joining bnnda with them In opposing the Spokane terminal rate are the coaat Jobber. Should, how ever Spokane win the caw, then the former allies of the railroad will turn against them and fight for tho reduc tion eaatward a well a west. The potltlon I signed by Cot Love land, Prealdent of the Pacific Coaat Jobber and Manufacturer, and E. C. Olltner, acting tor the Portland Cham ber of Commerce. The testimony, today, conaltel of further evidence lo the coat of eon miction of railway and the testi mony of the Portlurid Jobber who d- nentnl business be done by the water route and that thl method of trans porting freight I Increasing. Among those witnesses wa W, A. Mean, who dot'lared thjs railroad itlaerlmlnatetl against Portland in the making of freight rate" to Interior point. Mean specified Spokane and Hot a Illus tration. The wllne declared that the formation of the Spokane ne whereby, the district within radtue of one hundred mile In each direction from Kkane, wa made a tributary to that city by tho adjustment of rato. The result was, he said the coast Jobbers were shut out of the territory, they had formerly been serv Ing. The coast Jobbers he said have complained about thl to the railroads but up to the preent time have ob tained no relief. POLICE CHIEF 8HOT. LA GRANDE, Ore., April 16. While attempting to arreat Fred K. Reyner, a gambler and gun fighter, Chief of Po lice, Waldren shot Reyner through the abdomen and was himself struck by four bullets from Reyner's gun. Rey ner will probably die while WalJren Is expected to recover, BASEBALL SCORES. LOS 'ANGELES, April 16. Los An geles 8 San Francisco . OAKLAND, Oakland 6 Portland 1. ADJUSTMEN AMIRIC o, 'NIR8 KUROKI I 11. -The Amrlcan mba A Luk K. Wright, gave 1' t, 4 today In honor of General K j? who with hi party will leave amestown, Va., tomorrow on th ane irteamahlp Akt Th affair wn brilliant success. TRAIN ROBBER ARRESTED. MARHIIFIELD, April If Joseph liuh was arrested at Myrtle Point, Oregon, today on the charge of having been connected with the robbery of the train on the MlMourl Pacific rail road, at Pittsburg, Kansas, on March 4th last when John Henry, a passenger was killed. CHICAOO POLICE CONTRIBUTED. CHICAGO, April, 1 .Chicago's po lice department contributed thousand of dollan In the Democratic campaign fund In the recent Mayoralty cam paign and has contributed In a tike manner to whichever parly has been tn power as long as the elder officer ran remember according to revelation mad today before the Civil Service rommlMlon by the police official. THIRTY EIOHT KILLED. MKX1CO C1TT, April H.-The latest reports from various points tn Sou thern Mexico give tl aa the number killed In the recent earthquake and 93 as the number Injured. When the eomplote reports are received It l ex pected that the disunities will be great iy augmented. ANNIVERSARY OP FRISCO QUAKE. BAN FRANCISCO, April H. Obser vance of the tint anniversary of,th earthquake and fire x which laid San Francisco In ruin on April It last year, began tonight with a charity fete at the Fnlrmount Hotel. Thurs day, the actual anniversary has been declareJ a, municipal holiday and on that evening there will be notable din ner given by the Merchant associa tion. DARING ROBBERY Bandits Secure $25,000 at St Paul. CLERK OPENS THE SAFE At Point Of Revolver R0bbr Ea CapeNorthern Paoifio Express Company The Loser Union Depot At 8t. Paul The 8on. Of Robbery. ST., PAUL, April 16. A bandit held up the Northern Pftclflo Express com pany's Union Depot office, tonight and compelled the clerk to open the safe and glvo him a package containing 125.000. At ten thirty tonight an ac complice of the robber called at the office and caused one of the clerk to tep outside. Fred Zerman, the clerk, oon -afterward found himself con fronted by a mailed robber who point ed a pistol at his head. Zerman obey ed and handed out the package of cur. rency which was to go to Duluth on the midnight train. After receiving the bulky envelope the robber backed out of the office, after first command ing Zerman to turn his face to the wall and remain In that position for ten minutes under pain of death. Both of the bandits escaped, MINE FIRE BEYOND CONTROL. DEADWOOD April. 16.-Flre In the Homestake Mine which has been rag ing two weeks la reported today to be quite beyond control. Rocks surround ing the flames are so hot that It Is most Impossible for men to get near enough to light the flame. HON GHAS. 17. FAIR BANKS COMING HEBE Vice President of the- United States Has Accepted Many Hearty Invitations. JULY DATE IS NOT YET FULLY DETERMINED Chamber of Commerce Responsible for the Honor Aided and Abetted By United States Senator C.W. Fulton and Hon. Her man Wise Mayor of Astoria-Wires His Acknowledgement HE WILL BE PRIVATE GUEST Intention Of Chamber Of Commerce To Ask The Attendance Of The Govern ors And Unltsd Ststss 8enetor OfThe Pscifio Northwest Stse On The Dy Of Th, Viae Pridnt' Coming Preparatiene Are 8oen To Be Afoot For An Elaborate And Important Event The Vlca Prealdent of the United State will visit Aatorla aometlm In July, the date to be fixed, when he will be given a banquet by the Chamber of Commerce. He will probably be here about the 15th, The Sunday newspapers told that Vice Prealdent Charlea W. Fairbanks would addre the International Chris tian Endeavor Convention In Seattle In July, probably between the 10th and 16th of that month. Mr. Whyte. the Manager of the Chamber of Commerce prepared a telegraphic Invitation to Mr. Fairbanks as follows, and an soon as he came down to his offlce on Mon day morning, sent It: "Hon. Charle W. Fairbanks, vice President United State, Washington, D. C. "AKtorla. Chamber of Commerce would like to give a banquet tn your honor when you come to Seattle to ad dre International Christian Endea vor Convention In July. Aatorla Is second largest and oldest city tn Ore gon. Will you wire acceptance of In vitation cordlallyVnd unanimously ex tended by our cltlsens and fix date as soon as possible. "James W. Welch, "President Chamber of Commerce." "Herman Wise, "Mayor of Astoria." Senator Fulton was out of the city or he would have been aMsed to sign the telegram also, but as soon as he returned to the city he sent a very cordial Invitation by telegram making nil the more emphatic the telegram Just previously sent by Mr. Whyte. Here Is a copy of the telegraphic re ply from Vice President Fairbanks' received by Manager Whyte and by Mayor Wise yesterday evening at 4:16 o'clock: "I gladly accept your In vitation to attend the banquot given by the Chamber of Commerce of Astoria In July. Will advise you early as possible as to date. " "Charles W, Fairbanks," - Mr. Fairbanks Is one of the three most prominently mentioned candi dates In the Republican party for the presidency of the United States to suc ceed President Roosevelt. He Is es pecially spoken of as the candidate of the conservative element. Against him, according to present Indications will be arrayed Senator Foraker of Ohio and Secretary of War Taft of Ohio, one of these Ohio men of course, is bound to defeat the other and the victor will then oppose Mr. Fairbanks. Mr. Fairbanks was born on a farm near Untonvllle Center, Union County Ohio, May 11, 188!, was educated In tho common schools of the neighbor hood and at the Ohio Wesleyan Unlver slty, Delaware, O., graduating from that institution In 1873 tn the classical course. He married Miss Cornelia Cole in 1874, was admitted to the bar by the Supreme Court of Ohio in 1874 and re OF HON. CHAS. W. FULTON moved to Indlanapoll In the same year, where he practiced hi profession until hts admission to the United Stat es Senate. He never held a public offlce prior to his election to the senator-ship In 1897. He was elected a trustee of the Ohio Wesleyan University In 1885, was chairman of the Indiana State Repub lican conventions In 1891 and In 1898. He was unanimously chosen nominee of the Republican caucus for United States senator Jn the Indiana legis lature In January 1893 and subsequen tly received the entire party vote tn the legislature, but was defeated by David Turpte, Democrat 'He was elected to the United States Senate, Jan. 20th, 1897, to succeed (Daniel W. Voortiees, Democrat He took hts seat March 4th, 1897 and was re-elected In 1903. He was appointed a member of tie United States and British Joint High Commission which met tn Quebec In 1898 for the adjust ment of Canadian questions, and was chairman of the United States High Commissioners. In 1896 he was a delegate-at-large to the National Republican Conven- 'n in 8t Louis and was temporary chairman of the convention. In 1900 he was a delcgate-at-large to the National Republican Convention In Philadelphia and as chairman of the committee on resoltulons. report ed the platform. In 1904 he was a delegate-at-large to the Republican National Convention In Chicago, 'and was chairman of the In dlana delegation. He was unanlmous1- ly nominated by the convention as vice president of the United States and elected on the ticket with Theodore Roosevelt, receiving 837 of the 476 el ectoral votes, to 139 for Henry Oassa- way Davis Democratic candidate of West Virginia. He resigned from the United States Senate from Indiana to take effect on March 4th, 1905, at noon, on which day and hour he took the oath as vice president of the United Statf While in this city the vice president will be the guest of Senator Fulton who Is a warm personal friend of Mr. Fairbanks'. Mr. Paul Wesslnger of Portland who la to build a new hotel on the corner of Commercial and Twelfth streets In this city has been asked by Manager Whyte If possible to have hts new hos telry ready for the banquet In honor of the distinguished guest and tt Is expected of htm that he will at least make a serious effort In that dtrec tton .although tt Is scarcely probable that he can complete the hotel or any part of It In three months' time. It Is the Idea of Manager Whyte to make the banquet an occasion of im portance tn as many ways as possible. In the first place tt must be remember ed that, Mr. Fairbanks Is the second cltlsen of the nation by virtue of his dignified office and that he may pre sently become the first cltlsen through the fortunes of the approaching na tional election. The banquet table should display all of the products peculiar to the ftate of Oregon, yet having a national reputation and fame. There are many of these and the best carrier In Astoria torla can furnish a long list. Nothing in the line of fish, game, fruit and meats' should be overlooked. The decoration should all be of Oregon flowers. Invitations will be extended to the governjors and eenatoHs ot Oregon, Washington, Idaho, California, Mon tana, Utah and North and South Da kota .and the men prominent in the business. Industrial commercial and professional life of Oregon and the en tire Northwest will be invited to make up the list of guests which It I ex pected will be as Illustrious as any ever gathered together in one place In the state of Oregon. It Is not yet ascertained whether or not Mrs. Fairbanks will accompany her husband, but if she does, there will be plenty for the ladies of Astoria to do to help make the occasion one of renown. The exact date of the coming of the vice president wilt be fixed aa soon as he has an opportunity to look over hi intlnerary. Senator Fulton's urgent Invitation In addition to that of the Chamber of Commerce which was al so signed by the mayor, doubtless had much to do with causing Mr. Fair banks to accept the Invitation, and It will be necessary now to perfect the best possible arrangements for the banquet If a pagoda has to built on top of Coxcomb Hill for the occasion. then, this task must be outlined and determined upon at once, other ideas for the location for the banquet are In order tn case the new hotel la not com. pleted by that time. The Chamber of Commerce will through proper com mittees take up the matter of working out the details at once. As the vice president will probably come in his private car. It will most likely be fitting that a special com mittee be appointed, among other de tails, to go to Seattle and accompany him to this city. THE DEFENSE RESTS Hermann Land Fraud Case Near ing an End. HIS REPUTATION IS GOOD Several Prominent Court Officiala Tea tify To That Effect Senator Mit ehell Received Two $1000 Bills From S. A. D. Puter. WASHINGTON. April 16. The de fense In the Hermann case rested this afternoon and the prosecution at once began the evidence in rebuttal. The sur-rebuttal testimony of the defense. it Is expected, will be brief, after which the arguments will be made and the case given to the Jury. That Her mann's reputation for honesty and In tegrity is good, was testified to by Justice McKenna of the United States Supreme Court, Justice Lowery of the United States Court of Claims, Justice Gould of' the Supreme Court ot Dis trict of Columbia and Chief Clerk Gil trey of the United States Senate. John S. Mosby produced two letters from the 'defendant commending him mostly for work done In running down the land frauds in Nebraska In 1903, when Col Mosby was special agent ot the land office. These were to show that all of Hermann's letters were not cop led In his letter books. Harry J. Brown, Washington correspondent of a Portland newspaper, lndentifled the dispatch he sent to his paper on July 23, 1902, telling of the creation ot the Blue Mountain Forrest Reserve. This Information he said he got from Her- CASS REFUSES TO TESTIFY Claims He Might Incrimi nate Himself. RUEF TRIAL ON TODAY Grand Jury Adjourned Until Sat urday Give Heney Time to Work Up Case. NO INDICTMENTS RETURNED Polic, Compelled To Drive Man And Woman Agitator With Placards Away From Grand Jury Chamber. Probing Next Week. SAN FRANCISCO, April 16. For a second time within a week. President Cass of the Home Telephone Company of Los Angeles and one of the five stockholders ot the Empire Construc tion Co today refused to be examined by the grand Jury as to his connection or knowledge at the alleged bribing, ot the San Francisco supervisors, to award the franchise to the Home Com pany ot this city. A few weeks ago Cass appeared before the Jury and al lowed himself to be Interrogated by Heney. Latter desiring to get certain facts If possible through the medium of a Los Angeles capitalist the Jury had him summoned a few days ago. In the meantime Cass and bis asroclates had employed George Knight, who ad vised Cass and the others to refuse to give further testimony on the ground that "they were Informed the grand Jury meant to indict" them anyhow, and to testify might render them lia ble to prosecution." Today, Heney called Knight up on the phone and told him that he (Knight) had been misinformed as to the Intention Of the Grand Jury to In dict his clients with or without cause and again "extended Cass the privi lege of going before the Grand Jury and "explaining certain suspicious circumstances. If he could do so, and desired to." Casa appeared today to day in the Grand Jury ante-room but when Invited to take the sctand refused on the ground that he might incrimi nate himself. 1 t" The Grand Jury adjourned, today, until Saturday without returning any Indictments, In order to give Heney, time to prepare the case against the United Railroads, whose alleged brib ing of supervisors and others Is to be probed next week. i An extraordinary incident, today was the appearance at Gough and Gea ry streets of a -man and an aged wo mn, the latter earring a huge placard rudely lettered with denuncltftlons of Rudolph Spreckels, Heney, Langdon and the Grand Jury. The man at tracted a large crowd In front of the Native Sons Hall and loudly haran gued them. The members ot the Grand Jury came to the windows of their chamber and listened with some show of amusement The Police fi nally drove the man and hta aged com panion away. Ruefa trial will be re sumed tomorrow. mann and it was printed two days be fore the alleged "Tip" to Mays was sent S. A. D. Puter today reiterated his statement that he got six or eight 31,000 bills from a Milwaukee bank. Two of these bills he said were the ones he gave to Senator Mitchell ' r' i. m ' -,.Vii - '.t-.r-'i-i-is- ..ctovv: wf. . , o .A v v-jif.;. I rj .