The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, April 13, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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Is the only can wherein gasoline may be
kept with any degree of safety.
No Drip, No Leak, will draw all the oil
out of the can.
Your money back if you are not satisfie d
' Sec display in show window. 1
Mr. Dly fUturn
Thiuna Dnttlxy went to Portland
Thuraday night lo meel Mr. taly
on her way hunt from Hwi Francisco.
Ftilwman MMtlng
i Thl vnlnir meeting of tn nn.
Hi. i.tUr lo be twIJ by running com-
iAtll "Iltl Cold mrH llOU.
Citlitnihlp Applitlon
lAr Alberlaon, a Norwegian tin no
lined lb County Clerk of lil Inten
tion of applying h circuit Court
un rSeplember I" for cllUnnahlp pupnrv
Still Thy Com
A native of r'lnlnnd, by the " uf
HUklita llitmilnon, yesterday made
foimul declaration Or hi Intent; f in
becomo un Amrrcan eltUen. before
County Clerk J. C. Clinton.
Letter From Jordan
A letter from Henry Jordan who re
renlly went lo Hltka liny ha been re
ceived by Edward Lewallyn. He men
tioned Hint Wlllliim Curile nnJ Thonm
llglty ra lHt.t ni Kelchlkun and
In the beet of cplrlie. The letter wa
piml.l at Poutrlai Island.
Mngc Frem 8lm
Rtnn nud reteineti. ti rncnfaf de
linquent from thl county, went for
ward to their destination, the Oregon
fltttto Inn Asylum; at Salem, on
lait evening' :10 pre, In custody
of Mor: Krat. Bell and Parke, of.
flclal attendant ont out after them.
Order In Probate
Juifee T.'i-haiU yesterday ntle
an order In the metier of the guardian
hip of Hannah and Lena IsVer. fix
ing May 131b, a tha day for hearing
the petition of Mra. Anna E. Schwar,
guardian, for permlsolnn to dl certain
realty belonging to the estate of nld
exit for the Astoria 0ent lfou
Fisher Hrother agreed lo connect the
gallery Malrwuy with five foot doore
opening on Twelfth trvt. Thle will
Place the hou In much better coiull
llon In ca of fire.
Polio Court
There wa no aesslon of the police
court yeeterdny owing to an abaome
of material, The one drunk who hud
bein nppreitemM by the oilk-crs full
ed l appear, forfeiting hl tS bull.
John Ulenn on the JOlh of March wak
given tlOO or 60 day dn a vagrancy
chnige the nteiice wua upem1-ij up
on the provision that he leave (own.
Yeeterdny he violated lh perol by re
turning to Astoria and will be made to
erv out the sentence.
Dlgte To La Grande
The Odd Fellow of Astoria have
named lhlr delegate lo the Grand
Lodge of thai famous order, which I
to meet at La Grande, Oregon, on the
3Ind of next nfrmth, and the following
named tentlpmen will represent till
lection of Ihe fraternity: Mestf-; T, I
Hall. Olnf Andiron, C. 8. Ounderon
and Jtunee W. Welch. Thl make the
twentieth time Mr. Welch ha repre
eented the Aetorla Odd Fellow In
Ornnd Lolge, with one exception The
Camp and Rebecca will meet In the
nme city on the 21t of May, one day
prior to the other aembly.
Off For Th Vll.y-
Mr. Allan n. Hutchln. wife of the
well known ratenmn tfir the A. & C. In
thl city and now caehler fr the Cor-
valll Eaatern railway at Albany
will leave on thlv morning' ex prone
to Join her hueband at that center of
the Willamette valley. She will be
accompanied by the Irrepreaalblo baby,
"Alvln," who will take excellent car
of her on the road and entertain all
who have th good fortune to bo hi
trnh'elUng Companion between thllaf
city and thai. Mr, and Mr. Hutch
In carry with them (he beat wle'nen; of
a hot of friend In Aatorla for uccon
find plenaure In their new home.
Alfred C. Green
At Ihe roll road ale of unclaimed
baggage J. V, Welch purchaeed a grip
and upon opening It discovered (hut It
hnd belonged to Alfred C. Greene for
merly "a corimrnl In F Company of the
Signal Corp which aw ervlce In the
Phllllplne. Together with hi da
f rg paper there were other of
- ytilu to hm.
Opr Home Exit
Teterday nfternoon the Fir and
Water Committee of the Common
Council held a consultation with Mea
tri: Flaher Brother, In regard to more
Ice Cream
of money saving opportun
ities should be of interest to
everyone. Here is our tale:
We buy for cash and avail
ourselves of every possible
discount; by purchasing at
closer figures than most
stores, we can arford to sell
our Groceries at lowerprices
Scholfield, Hattson $ Co.,
Yevlerday morning M'inuger J. H.
Whyte, of the Aatorla Chamber of
Commerce, with hi aUtant, V. E.
Bcllg, both under the chnperoniige of
Huperlnlendetit A. U Clark, of the city
grhoolK, ninde a general vlalt to the
Hlilvely, Adulr and Alderbrook achool.
with the view of IntereMIng the llltle
people of tho city, In ft comprehensive
campaign for building up the popula
tion and pretlge of the c'lty and coun
(y, In the mind of Kiuilern frlond and
relfttlvf. The purty w happily re
ceived by the younger at all point
and they gave dvoted attention to the
premle laid down by Mr. Whyte, and
gave every evidence of undortandlng,
and appreciating, the Iruat h ImponeJ
In them.
Mr. Whyte. In language, ad-'quate to
hi auditor, unfolded hi proportion
to hiive each child end In to hlw of
fice, upon pontnl card ready-prepared
for the ervlce. and distributed among
ih.-m ycaterday. the nme of twenty,
or more, friend oulelde the atate of
Oregon, to whom he might end 1e
lulled and KpeclnV Information about
AHtntla and Clntmip County, with a
view of enlisting tlielr Intercut and fi
iml eettlement here.
II aliso outlined to tha man another
proposition of having them each nd
ull write descriptive letter to people
abroad concerning Ibis city and coun
ty, and gave them the text of the sub
J.m t matter of uch letter, which are
to be published In the newspaper at
uch point a they shall be sent to.
the best letter o published, from an
Asjorta child, to earn for It writer, a
prlxe of $10.00 and th aecond best, a
prlxe of $5.00.
The children seemed to catch on to
the program with avidity and were
eager to proceed with It. Mr. Whyte
made It very plain to them all Just
how th acheme would work out to the
raising of Astoria censu' to A possible
30,000 by June, 1910, after which the
city would take care of Itself and force
the ratio upward and onward by due,
organic force; and that by the writ
ing of Ihe letter abroad, nearly two
million of people could be placed In
touch with the attraction and Indus
trial ccrtnntl.-a of th ecton.
The day wa really a genuine uc
cess and was well pcnt by all concern,
ed In this, tho first attempt to enlist
the rising generation In tho general
uplft of the community. Mr. Whyte
will pursue, the work on Monday next
by visiting the Olncy, McClur and
High schools, in this behalf.
For a
goto . '
Johnson Phonograph Go.
Parlara Seoond Floor ovr SoholfUld A Mattion Co,
First Methodist.
A number of gentlemen have asked
for more time to consider tho que
lions' with reference to wh more men
ate not exactly interested in Church
work. Other have asked mo to call
and talk the muttur over with them In
order to give more time for men to ans
wer the questions and for the prep
aration of the sermon I And it neces
nry to postpone the flr&t aermon In
the aerie until Sunday evening April
28. C. C. Rarlck, pastor.
Grace, Episcopal.
On Sunday April 14th; there will be
services at 10 a. in, and 7:30 p. m., at
Grace Church, and at 3:30 at Holy In
nocents. Tho Rev. H. D. Chamber,
Arch Deacon, of the Diocese, will offi
ciate at all service. '
First Presbyterian.
Morning worship, 11 o'clock, "The fi
nest of the fine Arts," Sunday school
at 12:15, T. P, S. C. E. at :30. Even
Ing worship 7:30, "Christianity and
Greater Astoria," or Serving th Com
munity." All are Invited. Wm. S. Gil
bert, pastor.
First Congregational,
Sorvlces will be hold morning and
evening at the usual time. Morning
service at 11 o'clock. Subject "Con
sequences of Strife In the Home." A
atudy of home life In Old Testament
times. " Evening sorvlce at 7:30, Sub
ject: "A matter which needs urgent at
tention from Man." Sunday school at
12:20, T. P. S. C. E. at 6:30, p. m. Mid
week meeting Wednesday at 7:30, p.
m. A cordial Invitation to attend all
the services of this church is extended
to all strangers, visitors and residents
In the city. C. E. Moorehouse, Ph. D.,'
pastor. ' e
Norwegian Danish M. E.
The Norwegian Dantsh Methodllat
400'. m :
. . Wi ,v.
W ' - v,
SpringPfiip- v
r,'' ' ' .. v. . s ." i
Made b, v; A If, fX -$kk
E A L If; "f 1 P' 'I 1
H;fll iW r
icw I i "."V x
Backed by
That's Good
for Anybody
Church, corner of 87 and Duane St.
Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Preach
Ingat 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. The Cho
rus will sing at the evening service.
Thursday night, short sermon and gen
eral prayer meeting. You are cordial
ly Invited to attend our services. Rev.
Ellas GJerding, pastor.
Firat Lutheran.
There will be a regular morning ser
vice at the First- Lutheran church at
10:45 'o'clock on Sunday; and evening
service at 7:30 as usual. Sunday
school at the German Lutheran church
at 2o'clock p. m. and service there at
3 o'clock p. m.
W. S. Gordon and wife to Asto
ria A. T. & T. Co. N. E. 1-4
Sea 80-6-8-W $ 100
John Prye and wife to the Asto
ria A. T, & T. Co., Water fron
tage In Sec. 23-8-10-W 600
G. B. Hegardt and wife to Asto
ria A. T. & T. Co. lots 4-5- Sec.
36-8-10- .... .. .. ..1 10
J, H. Hansell to Astoria A. T. &
T. Co., 40 acres Sec. 16-7-9-.. 6
Oxford Ties
For Women.
The demand for this style
of footwear promises to be
greater this season than ever
before. Either patent, kid
or tan are correct for leathers
The shoe that is bonght
from us is certain to be cor
rect in style. We have them
in all leathers, styles and.
Wherity, Ralston Company
Astoria's Best Shoe, Store