The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, April 13, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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txv.f.-f vtt 9 tW cebr
it jaw P!"!
T A. E" " .'J4 ten
virtu K. OtorT, tat
! 1 !k S lie a ac.
The Stylish
" Spring Hats
T5 tm.Br .('' 4 u fee
:.. jswiiii' frMSs Sfc :'t,
f J"
f - .
1 l
Are to be seen
And tsey arc Veri:
aV.e Crtativrs of tie
Pretty Hats tad Ikicxets viih all tic grace acd dash
that mr artists can jrat isto then are ready for
yo-a. Sose Tery stylish hxU froa Fashion's lead
ing crcitn are also Bete. Cose and brisg your
fries ds. All are welcome buyers or not.
Mrs. Gesrse Hzm$a
483 Bsstf Street
Kerne &tf ui W. S. PeHer E-
' tered Pert Testerdiy.
uark tacre Aay t 4y
ta . JUi ? of Astoria
Xnday wt3 m as taaaeca & ts:
is to efcaaaM t4sr tat f5 aad
gaey d It ar& f aaaa
kil 13 tefia l wur ft t stwUy,
iv c t J'r-rl 9
TW wttuotMiir JlsAii tttt .rv4 i
Sm tttm I-..: -iw, Js Sit-
t-4, tSt-t 3W 5 t wy t
TW i&e KJiatiia. Iwr Wf
for a Ftirtt, ar tS fcitr
Ortia-u laie4 fur r
Ugtt. ct tt. .S. 1T1 ftf ot Uxau.
Ber. 4 Dtrmvfca. Pactfir CW.
1T. UatH ta 1
wair. ta aajurifjr tM a tW -eel
of tW W5Suott Elw, nr tfc
'rat to t)M fauoJ trr ar '
TV mt.rttf.ur tvam wkM til tstet
ni tbev. carrM ar wsl ta lSft
rriiiir3ifc AfrO , wBl b riK a4
the i:fct rJ!Si!-4 a aj pfartte-
. CaftaiB Ttaaw, laK-r tW tif
rte( w-rk fer thU Otrkt was ' xa,
: ys4r( tenis lb a&J ' f,n-wr.f a8-rt tb Ufa of
'..) as ta su-.-a: tAMut Wuata lib!, Bwo, tal Vrmfk Paftflr
FOUR 616 OCEAM TRAMPS DUE rri! w fcu lac c M wn.
Norifc Stai- Jt'r B'J'T. 1-
Altai la fftm Sa fraatiat Vaa
kwrg Da I Tday Arfjrla AS Ex.
j Iwayactia Yaa
tart M n'!a Ct Kmmf.
If, aaa m!4 tb aans !ay.
t'lur R'Jtlw Bar, i. a r4 flr-laa
Sr. fosal out of poaHfc Aprt! I. wa
rj ;'! tb aair day.
TvjuJre f4y Entraar, fat 11
; B-f lwtlj End Buy, U a blatk -
To X'raoflafi ieaJip gl4ra.!- Jrt-J rolaain Ap.1I
CaAio Cbrttinii. In da tn twiay.' m t rf.Uc4 a oon a ira.ll-
ia to arrlre-ia ttl 'aartr toiay,
a&l via ftfrsbaUy loinj ot of Pw
iaa4 or a traaa-FmeiS vyac bet
wStbr It m t iti fTaa or lam
fcr, (UM b aawrtaifi4.
Qttstl iatk Koran waa Acf
bH la -i Lsr!ia ff tU Kam " frwra toni4 ! Kr. ;
vfci Atj; Cir5J Fwier wijo 0;ffr4 Co, ax PwtlaaJ. wir aba
w,t t w Tfear4y . wt" t'A-tZ mt for Hfng Koo.;
itg. mz4 rtfamt m uAn-t trals. Mr-1 '
Mras t aiya'l bia ataror Ut Tit uimr Kon City arrived lnj
etfltt Aavm Hit! it.mcjtvtt cat for STt yetr4ay nynlt direct from!
wrf D, . Frtrt4. H. O. Car, Mr. whr h CJ k-l nmr for
htA Mr. A. B. Mi3r, G. Tyw ao4 ' tJ relarn trip. ;
Z. H. Tease "'
TTie Erltlfh tanhip Klrkk. from
th Bay City, la do at thU port om-
Th felp Join CurrUr kaold
t' to A, A C dwk ylr4fty to Uk
on a lit of upp!fc and mafrrtaja
f'r t A. F, P. Co, and will g from
tbr to t!i oid Can Factory dx-:k for!
Vr final load ar.d tb popl that ar
north. Kh artd the Xorta Htar
lav oirt atout neat Tburaday.
t!m -toJay, and will go on to Portland.
Two Cod Exampl
Th t lding boa of ntr
ainnvr.t la tfcia city are undrfolnf
a thorough paintcf at tn hand of
. thlr rMpclv (rratrt, and the i-
am! it wH ortl th fo!loln by
a nw.W of other In the down-town
; iJW'rfct. Tfle home Kfttlerofnt In A-
torla U bright anJ brilliant with nw
' and bright painti, and th morun l"fl
bluing taction bom )nfrtfd th
Tit af at Jwy-iw j
- F&i fratcr ts ttia cfcjr. i
:s rat t- a wi 4 f tk!
Ftwti Mri'.JatTbe-J of tj !
'! kfc-a ntiai4ttfaai
.( arai.iwl iSirottftuwd j
Casm. Orcm Wuiaira. Mew-J
ta .rj Aiacka. la )-ai fcfcfc ka.
to ta rr4 taW:; M!
Ti rias-ar rrgrtsest tws -W Fla. j
wnpaaiaatlmea, wtt ;raftkmTy ti'
Jvatioal cta okt a&d miauue.
i tl lai:i teateh Rr&rd.j
aad t& pra of U iatt t. if p-!
Mbte. t 8d a taa hrrai of vaity !
ao4 amaltamatloa. wkka all
Itrt H autlntairly rtr 4 work
MA IB pieo3iJ &tlsy of tl ria
la Xtr.TVA.
TSln.y-two f ti tWhofs ar tntn.
wr of tfc grand kU of l ltaigbu
of Kra. wta av! lodg atab-
:t-l La lb Bttl li, utd tix t.
oota.Ny In Mkhaa. Moutafi. Wlo
mlag asd Colorado: a&4 th vtiur cm
r graod Wg r-jrrjsutl from
lb Kaira BrotitrfcowJ. wi?k arrra
' t.b patiSr Kop. !
T"' ana-fniirra hav corn br
to BKt aad confer with tb nnniah'
HrwbTrb ol of tie World, with a Ttw
yf rw.hi!ig a prwlica: for tb tuil and '
Onal ama!gama!i(n of tn tfcr orgaaui
ti(!?, and tii ewifererxe br la but
one of a ri that bu ben gol; on '
for a yar or more. pat
WbiJ the thr-e bx!U u for lh'
m principle and aim. Involving1
tat; general up-ilft of the Finn in
for a bog load
4 lumber for tie
! nandaome and mor attractive It will
appear to th summer tourikt.
Th gathorlng of th flirh-boat ' The fine oil tanker F.
Clothes Bought at Wise's Pressed Free by
a TAILOR whenever you say so
The tea tug Geo. W. Voburg Is due
fn p.,rt at any hoar, from Tillamook! hlh tho"1 nterulnment at
and will go north with the tearnr ; ''" ,a" evening a a com-
NorTn Wert on th flr available tide. M,S Th -IIn program
rendered laatnl until airat nine o'cUe k
S Porter ar- S th,; wa ,!urn ' !f'arwl n,) 'lancing! ery pjlnt ralel.
. j ; waa Indulged )n af'er which refresh
ment were aerved. The affair wa
complete ucce and attended by
about Z"J student, parent anl
friend. Ml Be! Reed rffndered
vw aolo lntead of a violin aolo, ac
wa announced.
A About
Novel This
Theme Team
"Be WISE and Whyte
and You'll be Ryte."
You Bet
Your Boots
The "Soots"
Mr. and Miss Souri, we are pre
pared to "SHOW YOU."
Behind each Article Sold in His Store
Carload Of 8pirita
The flrt carload of whiky to reach
Atorla arrive! yeterdny nmn
to the American Importing Company.
In all there were 70 bairel averaging
50 gallon to the barrel and were hip.
ped from the Brown, Foreman Diitll
lery of Louisville Kentucky.
Grand Opening.
Tola evening will wltneta the grand
opening of the Owl Concert Hall at
No. 2(3 Aator itreet, formerly the "La
Toca," and there will be everything
In the way df pleaant entertainment
offered by the management The
beat of mulc will be In evidence and
nothing will b left undone to make
the place and time agreeable to all who
xhall patronize the new departure.
I lndicpod.
Dr. Augut C. Kinney dcalretf it
itated that owing to 111 health he will
not be able to tudy new ca for
aometlm. Addre him at the Irving
Hotel for the present.
Th Result Of Superiority.
Our bread and cake are even bet
ter than Mother ued to make and
cot le than any Mother can afford
to try to equal. Our Butter Loaf and
Table Queen can't be beat Royal
May we ell you, a prlng hat one of
fashion and style, our workmcnshlp U,
the bet and price the lowest. Mr.
M. Petersen, Star Theatre Bld'g, llth
Commercial street.
The salve that acts like a poultice
I Pin Salve Carbollzed. No other
salve so good for cuts, burns, bolls and
chapped skin. Ask about It. Price
26ctr. Bold by Frank Hart' Drug
thU country, their ritual and Uwi
rjr more or Int widely, and It i an
or.f!ed thetr with ail toncrn 1
that a uniform -Mem of work anJI
form upon a common Ue, will ut-'
nr th convenience of the race lnter-;
fc'ted and not at ail impair the effl. '
catjr of toe original purpose, dear to1
them all. j
There will be three or four more day '
devou-d to (hi g-fod work, though, at
th present writing nothing definite!
nor conclulv had Wn attained lnj
liu- conference. ave that there ;
abolut!y no frctlon pending, but on
ly a careful and long-drawn rutiny
Into the plan suggested In till great
behalf, all of which takes time and
patience and a perfectly unanimous
understanding and agreement on ev-
The tank I no light
one and ha the merit of engaging th.
bet thought and sentiment of the mn
charged lth it.
It will be a feather in Atyrla cap
If th.-e g-j men shall find the solu
tion Ihey are Peking, n thfa city, and
their fellow-cltlzen will not fall to
give them the gratulatlon that shall he
their due upon that happy attainment.
The unification of these three grand
lodge will have direct and Important
bearing on the lives and lnterets of ov
er 8.000 Finns.
Copyright 1906 by Hart SchifTncr 6? Mart
Suits Pressed Free.
Something Different From the General Kan
''Uncommon Gothes
A Social danc will be given by th
Liberty Bell Social club Saturday
night April 11th at Logan Hall, all
are cordially Invited.
Dl! a Scully, Notary
VuIIy" Ciflsr Stor. Any
Public. i
old hour I
Art Cls Mting.
Mr. WooJ" art clae will meet
tolay at Mr. Oraharn' tudlo on Kx
change treet. All who anticipate
Joining are Invited to be present. The
claic In painting will b in the fore
noon, and thos In drawing during the
afternoon session.
Ultra Stylish Lin.
Charles V. Brown Is showing the
last and daintiest things In th way of
Ladle' low shoes, th Garden Tie, In
Oxford style and th latest finish. They
ar ultra, and no more than that can
be said. Go after them while they laat.
Nothing excels them In this shoe-market
Tak 'Em To D.ll.
Last spring Dell Scully cleaned over
2000 Panama hats for the men of this
city and still possesses the knack. Take
your summer "straws" to him for re
novation and save the purchase of
new ones. He Is the only artist In
Dr. Linton has arranged a great
convenience In keeping his drug store
open nights it Is the only place In the
city where suffering humanity can
get relief after business hours, he de
serves your patronage 185-llstreet, In
heart of the city.
A Plsasant Half-Hour.
A reporter for the Aktorlan spent a
pleasant half hour In the cosy parlors
maintained by the Johnson Phonograph
Company, on Twelfth street, between
Bond and Commercial, yesterday af
ternoon, and hird some of the richest
records In the city on tho Edison and
Victor machines'. There Is a veritable
wealth of pleasure and Information
anent these marvelous instruments and
the Johnson parlors seem to be a mine
of Just the Information needed by ev
eryone and buyers particularly.
Glorias Of Mont Blanc
There Is nothing, perhaps, In the
whole scheme of movlng-plcturedom
that strikes the beholder with the In
tern notion of realism, aa when the
stalwart grandeur of mighty mountain
ranges are thrown within his vision.
and he knows that they are only to b
seen by travelling thouands of mile
over land and water. Th machines
at the Waldorf concert hall are Illus
trating the vast sublimities of Mont
Blanc on their films this week, and
they are superb and Interesting to the
last degree. Next week, the screens
will show the sprightly details of the
O'Brien-Burns fltlc engagement, from
the hand-shake In the arena to the
throwing Bp of the sponge, and there
will be no single thing left out tlther.
For Elsetrio 8rv!e Installation or
repair work, go to J. 8. Vmon. elec
trician, No. ? Exchange trt,
fphon. Main tilt All manner of
electric and telephone work don at
boh notice.
For your watch and clock rspalrlng
go to Frank J. Donnerberg th rllabl
Jeweler, 110-11 street
Hotl. .Irving Newly. .furnUhed.
Steam heat. First class tab! board.
Rate reasonable.
Go to A. D. Craig for your tnt.
awnings and all kinds of ranvaa wirt.
12th and Exchange. tf
Five Cnt to 100 When you feci
Uk sponadnf" a bit, drop into Frank
Hart's drug stor and buy a spong.
Too can find Juat what jrou want, from
I cents to ttOO pr spong.
If a man knows' anything of his own
anatomy he mut be awar that bit
stomach la a magnificent organ and
entitled to the utmost consideration;
knowing that he will eat at the Palac
when he can conserve Its safety and
comfort, by eating only th bt
cooked, best served and most compen
sating meal In the city of Astoria,
day, orntght, It If alwaya the same,
and the Palac habit If on that pay
to acqulr. Arthur Smith hi a mu
ter of th art of preparation and er
vice, of all thing edible.
At the Acme Grocery
521 Commercial Street
We keep a full and complete line of fancy Groceries
Just received a large shipment of the Famous
Dependable Coffee.
Crespo Wheat Flakes
And Numerous Other Good Things
Phone Main 81