The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, April 12, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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    FRIDAY APRIL 12, 1007.
Is the only can wherein gasoline may be
kept with any degree of safety.
No Drip, No Leak, will draw all the oil
out of the can.
Your money back if you are not satisfie d
Sec display in show window.
Businaei Removal,
Mitrtliiicii A lluikit, having pur-
rlmr(J the buMnesa of A. Klljunvn
In lh Occident HUH hav retnoved
from their old tjuartort on Eleventh
H. f. Prael
4. F. Vrw, who rwoituy diapoa.a
lila Inlnrvula I I ih ClaUop Mill
Company, in K. J lirent, win nave
III omen III (tin J.oun llulldllig, and
devuio liU uiiir i lo ni nn?r
l.tlnl f t .'MM uff.tia.
Will Resume Old Place.
County Trimjmr W. A. Httrrman
who l"ok charge of the book of tin
Flaher ln'lij t;f ( t.injm hui
algimd from i'.Hoii and will re
imi lil I1 iVk with the Hliermun
Trnnfr Company, today.
Aatorian In Virginia
Tho many frienda of Mra, Dr. A. l
ltrown. (nea t'paher). formerly of this
cliy will l loiirhtnl to know that she
I lh mnthir f a brlithl baby boy
The little chap ar.lved Wednesday.
Pr. and Mr. Hrown rldo In W-h.
iiioiul Vlrglaia,
All Ar. Welcome.
Tho Keam ns" Cht.ptaln, !' M. KHef
een, hnn moved witi hla family Into
comfortable quartern,- at tho flonmitna'
Inntllute on K.xchange Htrwt. Ha will
be Klitil to sen hlv old aiillor frienda
ther. and Heatnen .i well aa flsher
itu'n. will find a w?r mwelrome both
by the Chaplain and hi fomlly.
Police Court
In police i-ouit yea orday the trial of
the eight peraona chuged Ith Immor.
allty, and whlrn has created ueh a
furor In the tenderp-in dlatrlct the, poet
few days, wa flnUffd. Two "f ihe
mal mcmh-rs of the party fulled to
appear and forfeited ball. The main
principal In the nffitlr w-aa oitrid out
of town.
H'Vered her mnctlon with thai houit
and htia Hti) Into aliiillur service with
thi; Aatorln 4k Columbia Itlver Rail
road C'onip-wy, at ll Twelfth irt
panauitgi-r office,
Grading Property
The Abatmcl, Tit r and Trut Com
pany recommenced ilia work of grad
Iiik thi-lr property at Jerome Avenue
and Fourteenth Htrei t. ' Tho work was
Hiuticil hi aummur Uie grading lit
lug done Willi it donkey engine, and
waa uncompleted buiibUNo of heavy
rains. Whi'lacrapeis: and tenuis ar
nmv being u-d
L. C. Burton in Astoria.
lA'puty1 I'fah' Ci inmUrtlimnr I..
Iiurton ,of the Htctt' "f WiIiIiikii.h,
t-l-d flvp net In the river 'rt'-r-
iltt y nfti-nio in, ihrt.e of them bliiR k 1 11
iiola, Mr, Iiurton fXpre"f l the opln
Ion that (h,-r- had b-i-n , lia IIIckuI
fllilni thla yinr tliim lit any f Imo
lni ha haa been c nin-cted with tho
Will Go Tp Rainiar
Itobrrt T'oni.-ioy the well known
doikman fo.- the K.-mrn t.'ompany, at
the l.urlliu' pl-r. ha ro'lKneJ hla place
In thnt at-rvce. an-l hn urrhal a
fine rlgiir bimlneaa at Hiilrilor. to which
lie will devte hlitiMf In the future
II U Atorln friend wlh him ' ahun
duiit aurceM. Me lenvea thla morn
titer for Ttalnir.
Painfully Injured.
Mr, K. F. Ulbks and baby were
painfully Injured ty belnr thrown
from a hugifv whll. driving Into Aato-
ila yeaterdny mor. lng, Tio honn-
ntla.hoil to !h vehi-lo bmame fright
ened near "he Yoni.aa Rlvor bridge.
and turned hort!y. Mm. Llbke when
thrown from tho btiKKy landed upon
her head and ruffo'i-d aevcral aovere
cftlp wound. The child waa bruld
and received numeruua minor Injurlua.
Mra. F. P. Kanda1'
Mm. V. I'. Kendall and family went
through on iho noon train yesterday,
on their wuv to th Crowm Neat, at
Cleveland Station. aalde. The party
wa Joined t the station by Mi. Ken
dall, and a week' ainy la planned.
On hor way back to I'ortland Mra.
Kendall will vlalt for a ahort time with
old frlenda In Ator'a,
(Mlxa Atrnttr Leahy, tho acenmpllHhed
atenographor, who bn been In the cm
ploy of tho Alaaka Flahormena' Pack
ing Company for a long time poit, haa
Two Inaan, Pat nta,' -
County Juitjre T.enchard, County
Clerk Clinton, and Pr. J. A. Fulton.
yeaterday mad,, due examlnantlon of
the menntal at.iiua of Johnn ftrlan, of
Ice Cream
of money saving opportun
ities should be of interest to
everyone. Here is our tale:
We buy for cash and avail
ourselves of every possible
discount; by purchasing at
closer figures than most
stores, we can afford to sell
our Groceries at lowerprices
Scholfield, Mattson Co.,
Olnny, and Olnf reloett of thla illy,
and founnd tln-tn With abort on the
morwul, ! a a. coiiiUi!iic-! limy
wero fornitrly t otm.iltiod to th In
aunu fiaylui'i til Hi'lwn, and will b
dlaiintrhed 'in aoon na tliaj" attuiidatita
can come f' r tl.etn
Visiting Prijnoi
lr, Holt WlPon, and Mr. Jack Her
tiard, wer :n t a? 'I'y y'terilay nnd
enjoyed a trip lo f wla & Clark with
Signing Up Th, Min
The Ala-ika Kl mermen' J'ai kllilf
Coiiipaily win eriKiKed yentorday, Mgn
lutf up flie eltflny flHlieimcn, 35 enn
neryineii, and the crewa of the John
Currier and the North Star,
outfit for NuMbana1', There will be
pre punitory to the departure, of the
nr. people n idet eriM'Kement with thl
eoiu-ei-n when 'ha lenHtratlon cloe.
It I the eXfiecU!lM of the maatm- of
the Khlp Jo'm Currier that h wllf t
away for th-, north annul tho ISth of
thla month.
Off For Tht Metropolio
With aevunl drny-loada of booka,
papera and addenda, beloiiKlng to hlK
big and boa-.' department, and aec-om-panli-d
by ajvernl o' hla ataff of cletka,
Auditor F, J. Kutinor, of the Aato
rln & Colunltlii Il'vnr Railroad Corn
pnu. left h't laat evening on the 6:10
exprc of I orlland where ho will Im
mediately take pom.on of tho com
puny'a new odlna l-i the Colon Iput,
and deapafci biixlmna, from today on.
A number of bin cliika will g '
I'oilliind by till rrurnlng'a train.
New Hornet In Attona
Chiiiloa Abenromtik', thu Well
known attorney, h:i commenced the
laying of th. fotindi.-lnna for hla hand
eomu. t3.O00. a ven room cottatte, Jut
euat of I,'. S. Senator C. W. Fulton'a
tine homo: and thla morning hld will
be opened ' r the conatructlon of tho
Hherman co'.tagt; and on Tueadajr next
the blda will bo opened covering the
bulldliiK of the ne v fire department
iuitrtera at Hevetiteenth and Commer
cial atreeta. Arch.tect Wlcka being
rcaponxible for the fine plana 'for all
theao iiructure.
Hospital Item.
J. C. Mer III of Oakland, waa re
celed at tho Hospital afflicted with
rheumtalc trout lea
C, M. Holland, throatened with
pneumonia i-arller In the week waa
able to leave yMt day.
Two fever p-itlenta AuguKt Heckala
and Kllaa Mokolo were received at St.
Mary's hoap'tal yoatorday.
Oeorgo Hdiifccn, div foreman of the
Clal sop Mills waa rerelvodi at the
hospital yea'crjay suffering with pleu-
rntle fever.
Among th( Estates.
The followln orders were filed In
tho probate co-irt yesterday. Judge
Trenchanl alpnlng the same. Mrs.
Anna E. Hchwai w-ik appointed guar
dian of thj person anil eMates of
Hannah nnd !t.a Nufer, under a bond
of t:oO. The bcarli of the final ae-
countM of lh., ailmln'-.t'iitors In the es-
tati-s of Clniies A , and Lena Camp
bell .deceaS'.'d, w-ere set for 2 o'clock
and S o'clock, i. m., on Tuesday, May
Hth. next. W. A. Harrison was ap
pointed as jimr-Maii of the person and
estato of C. W. Paulson, a minor,
with bonds fixed at the sum of $2,000.
For a
: goto- ;.
ohnson Phonograph Co,
Parlors Sooond Floor over Soholflold A Mattton Co.
Four Months Behind.
Word was recelvvd at tho Astoria
Savings Rank yes'irday, that the
doors nnd Tilings for tho bank',' "big
vaults In the new lulldlng at -Dunne
nnd Twelfth streets, which should
havo been de' verid here under the
original contrt'cit, on January) (25th,
last, will no be Kh'i Pd from the Cin
cinnati until the 2 3 I'd of the present
month, and will bo here by the 15th
of May, or piacti-nlly four months
behind time; nil of which works a
decided ha.dsh!p nnd disadvantage
on the bank people who are anxious to
get Into the new nnd beautiful bank
for tho new season.
4oo- m
leu fMi
nrinof :m0mm
oil TS 'wAlwftmfc'
Tailors m m .
and bp I rh
Backed by fel '
That's Good 1 v- 1
Enough - Cf I
r. m . f " J .e. aota Iisi2
lor Anybody 1 J -
Will Consult Ths Pioplo
Trusteo Taul Wosslnger, of the
Welnhurd Estate, al Portland, Is just
recuperating frcm , slight attack of
Illness, and jun as soon as he can,
will como to Astorln and look Into tho
detail of the big hotel project ho and
hla colleagues 1 avt Inaugurated. Mr,
Wesslnger desires tj consult the peo
plo here ln a large measure, as to the
stylo of tha building, the necesMiry
number of noies to be on the ground
floor, and such other appointments' as
will contribute to the comfort and
conenlence of the building as a quasi
public Institution; and when he has
ascertained those things will direct
his architect to proceed with the plans
In conformUy with what he shall as
certain on his rcoro.
Proceeds For Beretit Of De
Team In Going 1o Eugene.
Tho High School rtudents will give
an entertainment at Logan's Hall, this
evening at tight o'c'ock for the bene
fit of the debating team. A candy
booth will be In yveldence and refresh
ments will be served. The admission
will be 25 c-vits and the following pro
gram will bs rendertd.
Selection, A. II. S. Orchestra; Reci
tation, Emma Wooten; Piano Solo,
Han-let Wl; Vocal Solo, Mr. Zlegler;
Recitation, Warren Morse; Violin So
lo, Miss Bess Reed; Recitation, , Mrs.
Haddlx; Selection, A. H. S. Orchestra.
Election of Officers.
The Boarj ot Directors of the Sea
niens' Friend Socley will meet to
night April 12lh in the "Institute
building, on Exchange Street. Offi
cers will be elected for the ensuing
year and all Its members are urgent
ly requested to bo present.
Morning Astorlan, 60 cent month,
delivered j carrier.
Oxford Ties
For Women.
The demand for this style
of footwear promises to be
greater this season than ever
before. Either patent, kid
or tan are correct for leathers
. The shoe that is bought
from us is certain to be cor
rect in "style. We have them
in all leathers,, styles and
Wherity, Ralston Company
Astoria's Best Shoe Store