The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, April 12, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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FRIDAV APRIL 12. 1907.
Established ilTS-
Published Daily txcept Monday by
By nail, per 17-00
By carrier, per month .10
I, mail, per year, In advance.. 11.00
Kntared as tfOooA-eltum matter July
80, ISO., at the poataffloe at AJtorta, Ore
sudertfceael of Congress ol starch S,
Pr-OtWt for tea detlwraf.ot T Hon
Bw4Kauirattlr rsatOeoee or place of
lassliasni J7 be made or total oard or
Ihroaxfe Sstocfcoon. Any tmwuluttp to do-
ftvarr would btm
oOcaat pabllcaUoo.
iwtoliiMr roporwd to the
Ofllelal Hper of Clatsop eoantj and
the City ofAstorla.
Oregon, Washington and Idaho
The death of Hon. Reuben Patrick
Boise, at Sulem, on Wednesday last.
Is a distinct blow to the State of Or
egon and tha country. This man was
a pioneer, a patriot and a purist; a
rare combination that placed, and
held, him In the fore-front of popular
For more than a half a century
Judge Boise las been one of the stays
of the state, an example of the best
citizenship t? Justify the praise and
pride of his lellows. and the news of
his demise will strike all men who
knew him a.' a vital loss to the com
monwealth. Such men cannot be
spared If fate can be placated, because
of their extraordinary weight and val
ue In the making of history that shall
be appraised as grand by succeeding
For thirty-five year of his life In
Oregon, he was a conspicuous Jurist,
occupying the circuit and. supreme
benches wita unfailing ability and
wisdom; he was one of the three men
who frame 1 the Prst organls code
of Oregon, avd was a member of the
constitutional conversion that gave
the state he' place and prestige among
her sisters of the nation. All he has
done In public and private pursuits,
has been wel. done, and openly. No
shadow nor doubt hangs, unravelled
nor unsatisfied, over the record he
has made. Ke was strong and frank
and clean and had ro part nor parcel
with things nor men that were low,
ambiguous or dubious.
It is to his great candor and free
Horn that his peeis and colleagues
now revert when they express their
devoted estimate of the man, and this
privilege Is a cardinal point In the
making of Oregon tlstory, for there is
something especially wonderful in
writing a career that Is uterly free
from reproach and offers only thle
pure, and waolesome, for record.
There are hundreds of hands ready
and willing to make the Inscriptions
of honor and truth and wisdom, in
behalf of ft life just closed, and the
generations who shall read, and profit
by the story f Judge Boise's life, will
contribute but another pean to the
memory of one of Oregon's best, most
serviceable Rnd greatest men.
So far as it has gone the trial of
Blnger Hermann, at Washington, has
not contributed anytilng to the cred
it of the S-ate of Oregon, and the
trend of it bears little, In any promise
of amendmert. He has acted the
part of a cheap po'itlclan and spoils
man, and su(.-h a career can hold noth
ing of merl. He has been guilty of
the smallnes incident to the life of
the chronic office-holder, nnd if he
shall escape Oie larger and more crim
inal statub' cf a proven dwspoller, he
will have bi.-n divested of all munly
honor and take nothing by his vindi
cation .
Oregon has suffered desperately by
reason or t'le small anu t;uea.p men
she has rolvd in garments of honor
and trust, aid has learned the lesson
of putting bialns and backing behind
her best representative positions,
rather than randlng out posts of Im
portance lo the Indiscriminate ntvj
Irresponsible small fry of politics., as
payment for very questionable ser
vices. We dread 'he lss"e of the Henna u
trial for reasons fur too apparent to
need recital.
Senator Fo-nker. of Ohio, has jump
ed Into the -enter of the presidential
ring, strlppe! down to the pelt, and
Is doing a tew preliminary plgeou
wlngs and o'her stunts, to attract at
tention. Ho Is thera as the direct and
mortal opponent of 'Theodore Roose
velt. He Is the opposition leader In
the ranks of Republicanism in the
flitted States and has made his dec
laration In unequivocal terms and at
the top of his voice
To assume the place and purpose of
a champion against the Roosevelt
policies means a great deal In this
man's country today, and It Is pre
sumed that Mr. Foraker has weighed
the situation and gaugeJ its respon
sibilities. If he has not, then he. as
well as the nation, la to be treated to
an exposition at the polls In the fall
of 1908, that was never likened In all
American history.
Theodore Roosevelt may have his
faults and tbey may be many and
mad, but he has qualities and Ideas
and alms, and a program, that has
the utter endorsement of the common
alty of the nation. This Is the rock
upon which men like Foraker are go
ing to split, next year, and the dis
memberment of them Is to be some
thing to extinction.
The man who avows himself the
enemy and opponent to President
RoosevcUt, gives voice to principled
and to alignments that will not be
tolerated by the people. Roosevelt's
work and career marks him as the
friend of th mases, against the
spoliation of the people by the trusts
and combines of every sort and de
gree, and thj man or party that re
jects and denies the Roosevelt regi
men, does so at the behest of the 11
nanclal and corporate wreckers, and
will be so r;Tarded until the tast vote
Is cast in November 1908. Foraker
has shown h.s hand all too soon.
An Antarctic exp orer reports that
there is a vast flat glacier near the
south pole, ml he r'Poses to Journey
over It In relays of automobiles. The
balloonlsts trust be brisk or the may
be beaten to the pole that knocks the
A million-dollar dam is to be built
across the upper Connecticut River,
by which 6000 horse-power will be
furnished to the neighboring towns.
There are vant possibilities In the big
and little waterways.
Having burred out qncei, Mfrk
Twain will build h's new house at
Redding, Conn., of concrete and steel.
The fireproof Idea Is destined to grow
in a country where conflagrations cost
$200,000,000 a year.
Mile. Calv denies the report of her
Intended marriage by saying that she
comes to America as a singer and not
as a woman. The prima donna's "Car
men must have changed If It makes
the distinction.
Five of the candidates for Senator
Spooner's toga have pledged them
selves to vot with Senator La Fol
lette. It is evident that Wisconsin
will never be satisfied with less than
two of a kind.
A private Boston geological expedi
tion will 1om over the Aleutian is
lands, which extend from Alaska al
most to the shores of Asia. Uncle
Sam's real tstate has not yet been
half prospected.
Berlin is 'o have a world's fair in
1913 to celebrate the twenty-fifth an
niversary of the emperor's accession.
St. Louis has set the mark so high
that the German capital will do well
to get next.
Some of 'he Congressional visitors
just returned from Panama say the
excavation will be finished in five
years. Thoso who see what Is going
on at the Isthmus are the mont opti
mistic. An a congressman, Mr, Hearst oc
cupied his st two days in a session
of seventy-one days. Mr. Hearst's
Idea of offlci;.l duty Is a lively sense
of favors to come.
Being ashamed to make a further
advance In toe price of oil, the Stand
ard company has added a quarter of
a cent per i allon to the charge for
Mr. Itryc.n seems to have over
looked too ftot that the lmblt of vo
ting HKulnst him may be an fixed as
his own habit of trying to run again.
Jamestown Pike will be called the
Warpath. It Is to be a mile long, ami
the cost of Kitting thoroughly scalped
will be about $30.
The opera boufte ways of Hondu
ras are n boie. but much will be par
doned If It, maintains the quality of
Its bananas.
Tile king of Knglaiul holds the copy
right of one of the best sellers. He
has tile exclusive rlttht to Issue mari
ners' charts.
Warm weather came so quickly this
year that th.. sprlnc poets have only
had time to lemark: "This Is so sud
This Is not a good time to exploit
the Idea that rapid and continuous
travel will i educe personal avoirdu
pois. Why
Have a torpid liver when Herblne,
the only liver regulator will kelp you?
There Is no reason why you should
suffer from Dyspepsia, Constipation,
Chills and Fever or any other liver
complaints, when Herblne will cure
you. F. C Walte, Westvllle, Fla,,
writes: '1 was tick for a month with
chills and fever, and after taking two
bottles of Herblne am well and heal
thy." Bold by Hart's Drug Store.
Judges Plan To Start Bank Aoeount
For Parolled Prisoners.
CHICAGO, April 11. A savings
bank nnnex to the branch of the Mu
tual Court presided over by Judge Clo
land was announced yesterday by th
judge as au additional means of re
form held out to unfortunates who
come before him.
Arrangements have been completed
whereby any person paroled by the
court will have starttd for him a sav
ings account In a Chicago bank, with
a gift of $5 from the batik to start the
account. The gift carries with It the
condition that the ptrson to whom It
applies will not violate the parole and
will deposit tn h's own account at least
J2 each month. The amount deposi
ted may not be wltndrawn until the
end of the year.
The plan Is Intended to encourage
thrift and economy and to check the
neglect of families by the men usual
ly brought oefore the courts on the
charge of diunkenwss. It Is a de
velopment out of Judge Cleland's pre
sent plan of paroling the men to re
sponsible persons In the neighborhood.
Semi-monthly reports are made to the
The principal condition Imposed on
the paroled person in that he will stay
away from drink for the period of a
year and if not sunt to the Bridewell
In that time.
Cured of Rheumatism.
Mr. Wm. Henry of Chatanooga.
Tenn., had rheumatism In his left arm.
"The strength seemed to have gone
out of the muscles so that it Is useless
for work," he says. "I applied Cham
berlain's Pain Balm and wrapped the
arm In flannel at night, and to my re
lief I found that the pain gradually
left me and the strength returned. In
three weeks the rheumatism had dis
appeared and has not since returned.
If troubled with rheumatism try a few
applications of Pain Balm. Tou are
certain to be pleased with the relief
which it affords. For sale by Frank
Hart, and Leading Druggists.
Board Of Arbitration Gives Painters
Until Saturday To Return Work.
NE3W YORK, April 11,-An ultima
tum has been Issued by the general
arbitration board of the Building
Trades Employers and the unions to
the Brotherhood of Painters to the ef
fect that if by Saturday morning the
Brotherhood men are not back at work
the unions will be suspended from the
board. This will be equivalent to a
lockout. The palntprs have been on
a strike for theii new wage scale,
since April 4. The Brotherhood will
meet between now and Saturday to
consider the ultimatum. The action
to be taken will depend on the attitude
of the other building trades from which
the painters have asked pledges of
Yes, I Have Found it at Last.
Found what? Why that Chamber
Iain's Salve cures Eczema and all man
ner of Itching of the skin. I have been
a lcted for many years with a skin
disease. I had to get up three or four
times every night and wash with cold
water to allay the terrible Itching, but
since using this salve in December,
1905, the Itching has stopped and has
not troubled me. Elder John T. Ong
ley, Rootvllle, P. For sale by Frana
Hart and leading druggists.
Don't Put Off.
For to-morrow what you can do to
day. If you put oft buying a bottle of
Ballard's Snow Liniment, when that
pain comes you won't have any, buy a
bottle today. A positive cur for
Rheumatism, Hums, Cuts, Sprains,
Contracted Muscles, eto. T. 8. lira
ham, Prairie Grove, Ark., writes;
"I wish to thank you for th good
results I received from Snow Liniment
It positively cured me of Rheumatism
after others had failed." Sold by
Hart's Drug Store.
Children eat. sleep and grow after
taking Holllster's Rocky Mountain
Tea. Brings royi cheeks, laughing
eyes, good health and strength. A
tonic tor sickly children. 35 cents,
Tea or Tablets.
It's anrloua what some neonle believe
cnedieine will do. They seess to think
beeense I advertise
my preparations I
elalsa tbey will aura
earthing and every
lhio. Well, I don't.
The other dsy I
got letter from
wootsa who said
hsr husband had
years with paraly
sis. She had bought
seven bottles ol the
Cooper snediolne
and her husband
wss still la bed.
6K irf thai I in a scoundrel, a robber
and various other pleasant things.
INow the only tning I ciaira lor voopcr
New Discovery is that it will put tbs
stomach in working order. I know thai
ii this is done, rheumatism, constipation,
kidney and liver troubles, nervousness,
snd the general tired out, despondent feel
InS will disanoear in ninety-nine cases oul
of a hundred. 1 know Ibis medicine lo he
a fine tonic which used twice year will
throw off impurities end add flesh, streoftt
snd tone to the entire system. But il
:il ... .In .h lmnAaihl. Nrt medicine
V. Ill HUI W ' -
on earth will do more than help nature.
... . , ii !
l-ertmn diseases are neyona sn meuicioo,
alfhnnth Hod in his wisdom mar some
day give us Irsil humans a knowledge
ol how lo cure Ihem. At present I Know
f ' . KlAW ni.Kivn .n Ym mm hnr.
Vj.'V 'V I ..v" J w .
oughly efficient a medicine as wss ever on
the market, sod people who win taae u
for the common ills to which flesh is heir
will be more then satisfied.
Here is e letter Crom one who has triedt
"For e long lime 1 hsve suffered from
severe aeadnches, weskness, and pains in
my hack snd sides."
"Nothing I tried gsve me relief, and a
iriend advised me to try your medicine.
I improved Irom the first week. My beck
ache snd headache left me and I fell
myself growing stronger. My appetite
increased snd I lelt greatly improved in
every way. I am indeed thankful for the
benefit I have received." Miss J.-nnie
Isaacsoo, No. 18 ISth Avenue, Well,
Duluth, Minn.
Ws hsve sold snd srs selling great
Quantities of these famous medicines.
Charles Rogers
Qregon Jife
The Policy-HoliW'm' Company
Purely Oregon and Absolutely
Mutual to Policyholders
Built on a Common Sense
Keep the Money in Oregon
The very best Life Insurance
for an Oregonian
Perfection In Life Insurance.
A company conducted by men of high
repute, skilled in finance, having asso
ciated with them life Insurance under
writers who use safe methods anJ
plain Insurance contracts that have
been tried and stood the test of time,
with moderate expense of conducting
the business. Profits from all sources'
belong to the policyholders, and must
be distributed to them In dividends at
the end of each year.
Oregon Life is the only Pa
cific Coast Company which
includes all of the abovef
mentioned features.
Ii Cures Coughs, Colds, Croup, La Grippe, Asthma, Throat
J and Lung Troubles. Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption
T. F. Lauren, Owl Drug Store.
if y (
Trout Fishing !
The season is now "Full On" and we
are "Full OnVith all its requirements
A better line of Poles, Flies, Lines,
Baskets, never saw the light of day.
Poles from 10c to $ 10 each. All grades
of supplies.
See the Show Window
First National Bank of Astoria, Ore.
I. Q. A. BOWLBY, lTesldsnt 'RANK PATTON, Cashier.
X I PETERSON, Vice-President. J. W. OAHNKK, Assistant Ceshlsi.
Astoria Savings Bank
fjinii.1 Paid in I100J0U. surplus
. n.n.mi Rnklii Business. Interwl I'ald on Tlnu
in 8t-et.
Sherman Transter Co.
.lacks, Csrrisges Paggsge Checked and Trsnsiarred Trucks srd Furniture
Wagons Pianos Moved, Boxed sod Shipped.
433 Commercial Mreet
If you have a want that you wish to
advertise stsp to your nearest phone
and "Phone It" to The Astorian. No
nsed of wasting yeur time walking
blocks to do a thing that esn be dent
In your Immediate surroundings. Call
up Main 601, ask for the want ad ds
partmsnt which Is at your servlee.
pay or
iiiiter5s colic every
time there's another
house painted with
Psnon"!! Pun Proof Petals pwtaot. pre
sre ami hostility. Toyr niaita of beai
Jisnwnu Tand purwl oil. They .un
aud rain. hai and oolil l!oe as ! t "
"WM boo and eolf card ffre.l U
PToi!i Paist Ou. Uae Kiree. Mil usee.
Allen Wall Paper and Paint Co.
Sole Agents.
snd Ciidlvlden I'roHU IWM)
ni imm!U
Main Phone I2l
in the