The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, April 10, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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I l
i I
Flower Seeds !
Just received a shipmeut of Choice Sweet
Pea Seeds; all Varieties and Colors.
Selected Nasturtium Seeds !
5 Cents per package
We also have a large line of Garden aud Grass Seeds
H. A. Webster Who Sought Van
i Dusen's Office Is Out.
Disclaims Unwritten Law Then
Argues Nothing Else.
Flatly Aeeucea Hummil Of Committing
Perjury On Witness Stand Jury Or
dered Confined And Given Time To
Arrange Business Affairs.
Indominable Explorer To Try For Pole
Again This Summer.
WASHINGTON. April . Secretary
Metcalf. today granted the application
of Commander Teary, for a three years
leave of absemv the time to be spent
In Polar explorations.
The application of CommanJer Pea
ry for a leave of absence of three
yvars, uncovered the fact that Peary
proposes to make another attempt thl
summer to reach the North Pole. It
is expected the start will be made
sometime in June.
NEW TORK, April 9. Delphln M.
Delmas, leading counsel for Harry K.
Thaw will finish his address to the Ju
ry tn Thaw's defense today. It la ex
pected that he will conclude half the
of his address befor the court takes
Its luncheon recess. Then there will
remain nothing; more but District At
torney Jerome's address to the jury
ana Justice Fitierald's charge. The
case should surely go to the Jury by
Thursday, and the probability Is that
it wilt be submitted to them WeJnes-j
. day afternoon.
Mr. Delmas spoke for two hours and
a half yesterday, reviewing the evi
dence and putting upon It the de-
fence's construction. He had prac- j
tlcally finished with this portion of;
his address when court adjourned last,
night and today he will begin with
tig real argument So far he has not
mentioned the subject of Insanity, but
has devoted himself entirely to an at
tempt to show that the evidence
proves that Evelyn Nesblt Thaw told
the truth on the stand when she told
the story to Harry K. Thaw In Paris,
in 1903, and that the story was true.
He also took occasion to denounce
Evelyn's mother in the bitterest terms
as a woman who had lived on her
daughter's shame. He flatly accused
Abraham H. Hummel of committing
perjury on the witness stand and
waxed eloquent when detailing the de
barred attorney's record.
Today Mr. Delmas will get down to
the actual story of the shooting and
will argue that Thaw was insane at
the time of the shooting. Yesterday
calling her one of the bravest and
truest women the world had ever
seen, and flayed Stanford White mer
cilessly. He has made known his in-1
tention of not bringing into the case
the "Unwritten law," but his argu
ment so far has been almost altogeth
er along that line. When Mr. Delmas
finishes his argument today Court will
be adjourned until tomorrow morning
when Mr. Jerome will begin his sum
ming up. He expects to finish in
three or four hours and If he does it
is probable that Justice Fitzgerald will
charge the jury at once. The Jury
has been ordered confined until they
are discharged and It is' not probable j
that the judge will keep them con- '
fined longer than is necessary.
That every possible effort will be
made to secure a verdict goes without
saying. The case has' been the long-
est and most expensive murder trial
ever held in New York and Justice J
Fitzgerald will not allow the Jury wj
go until there is absolutely no chance
of agreement. Even if they do report
that they cannot agree, as those who
have been following the trial closely
confidently believe, it is probable that
Justice Fitzgerald will send them back
to the jury room and keep them there
until the last hope of an agreement Is
WASHINGTON, April 9. The
President has declined to grant an In
terview with Mrs. Ida von Claussen.
who has complained to the State De
partment that Charles H. Graves,
United States Minister to Sweden, re
fused to present her to King Oscar.
One of the worst features of kidney
trouble Is that It is an Insidious dis
ease and before the victim realises his
danger he may have a fatal malady.
Take Foley's Kidney Cure at the first
sign of trouble as it corrects Irregu
larities and prevents Brigbt's disease
an diabetes. T. F. Laurln, Owl Drug
MEXICO CrrY, April 9. A sup
posed accomplice of Jose Estrada, the
young Guatemalan, who last night
stabbed to death, General Manuel Ll
zandro Barillos, former president of
Guatemala, h:a been arrested. He
also gave his name as Estrada. The
assassin seems exultant over his deed.
No one is immune from kidney
trouble, so Just remember that Foley'
Kidney Cure will stop the irregulari
ties and cure any case of kidney and
bladder trouble that is not beyond the
reach of medicine. T. F. Laurln, Owl
Drug Store.
Board Of Fish Commissioners Uphold
Van Dusen And Appoint Frank C
Brown Of Ontario To Succeed Web
sterFish Warden's Report.
SALEM, Or.. April 9. Upon com
plaint of Master Fish Warden H. G.
Van Dusen, the State Hoard of Fish
Commlsstoutirs yesterday afternoon vo
ted to retire H. A. Webster, of Oregon
City, fro mthc orhYe of Deputy Fish
Warden and appointed In his place
mnk C. Brown, of Ontario, formerly
a resident of Oregon City. While this
change cannot be regarded a nn as
surance of the re-election of Mr. Van
Dusen to his present office. It may be
said to strengthen his chance of re
tention In the light of present chaotic
Mr. Van Dusen's principal complaint
against Webster was that he put in
the major portion of his time "knock
ing" and pa'd little attention to the
performance of his official duties," and
the board In making the change took
the view that. Inasmuch as the Fish
Warden Is heU responsible for the
proper observance of the law govern
ing the flsh Industry and protection of
the fish during the olosml season, strict
harmony should prevail between him
self and his deputies. It appears that
nothing but discord had cxlsled be
tween Messrs. Van Dusen and Webster
for several months past, and In retir
ing the deputy the board takes the
position of upholding the authority
and respect due the superior official.
For many months thcro have been
half-confirmed rumors that Mr. Van
Dusen would be retired from the office
of Master Fish Warden at the close of
his present term, but the longer the
election Is delayed the more remote
seems the possibility of any change.
Deputy Webster has been recognised
as Mr. Van Dusen's strongest oppo
nent for the job, and while his removal
from the deputyshlp does not neces
sarily destroy his chances to succeed
to the higher office, It relegates him
somewhat to the background. One of
Mr. Van Dusen's chief causes for cont
ent against Mr. Webster was the
chiirgo that he was putting In his
time lobbying for the Mustw Warden's
J.ib during the Legislature, where he
should have been attending to subordi
nate duttc a! his post.
If II should come to a vote uW a
successor to Mr. Van Dusen at present
even If Secretary of State tU'iioti
were here, It would be pietly certain
to result In n deadlock, and Mr. Van
thtsue would hold his Job Indefinitely.
Itcfore leaving for California, Secre
tar HciiMm said he had no choice
among the candidates. Slide Treasu
rer Steel Is pledged to support Rep
resentative J. V. Campbell, of Oregon
City, for the Job while Governor Cham
berlain will stand by his announced
policy of retaining incumbents where
ihe services have been satlMtu-tnr)
and would Vole for the retention of
Mr, Van Dusen.
The following Is a synopsis of the
Klsh Wurden'e report for March:
Tho following arrets and prosecu
lions were made by Water HnllKT
J. J. Hralm convicted and lined KO
and costs for having small sturgeon In
his possession. Charles Fnrrls. man
ager of the Wilson, case Lumber Com
pany fined tM and coin for allowing
saw dust to polule one of the trlhu
tarles ' of the Columbia. William
Tlchenor, manager of the Tlchenor
Lumber Company was given a like
fine for a similar offense. John Ingll-
Is manager for the Oregon Lumber
Company paid and costs for the
sawdust offense.
Two gasoline patrol boats were main
talned through aid given by the pack
ers of the lower river and found but
three violations of the spring-closed
season period. One set net In (he
slough above Svenson: One In Young's
river and another In the ClaU'kanle
A very Mattering report was made
from the following hatchery t.illoii:
M.Kenslo River, Salmon River. Wal
lowa River, Ontario,, Tilla
mook Sluslaw, Cnos Ray and the Co
qullle River Hatchery. Several mil
lion fry were liberated from these var
ious stations In K'kM and healthy con
dition. ,
An effort Is to be mail to hold a sup'
ply of Spring Chinook Salmon In the
Clackamas River below tho Casadero
Dam for spawning purposes. The
United States Bureau of Fisheries
have charge of this work but have ne
glected it for the past two years and
Master Warden Van Duen will under
take the work this year.
The Fish Warden also contracted for
a gasoline patrol boat to b built by
R. M. Leathers on the following di
mensions, length 82 feet, 8 foot beam
and a t foot depth. To be equipped
with a 15 horsepower, 3 cylinder Troy
er engine and a removeable house t
Our "Table Queen"
"Butter Loaf 99 Bread
Does not dry' out and get stale the
next day after it is cut.
Its great Success is due to its great merits
No Higher or Better Loaf in town for the Price
503 Duane Street.
275 W. Bond Street.
y 8 feet. Too contract calls for
sufficient ttlrchambers to kep "
from swamping. The patrol ! for
uses on tho Columbia and UlbutarM
and will cot IISIO.
The total receipts from flnoa and
penalties amounted to 1100,53.
The disbursements were a' follows,
I21HS.1I against Hatchery Fund Dis
trict No. 1: against Hatchery
Fund District No. J; and I9M.ST. Spec
lat Appropriation for the Salary ond
Kxpenses of Master Flh Warden.
Making a total of 34S.8S.
C.lebest.d by ProceMriont, Feasts
Two Harmless EsrthqusWss.
Rome, April .The anniversary of
ttie disastrous eruption of Mount Vc
slus last year was marked yesterday
by two harmless earihuuakes In Cal
abria and hug- religious ceremonies
In the tns around the volcano. The
famous stiilUn of tii Madonna, be
lieved by the people to have sweated
during the calami!)', was carried about
by the local clergy and authorities,
and was followed by thousands of
The processional feast at Nocernla
Inferiors, ended In a rl t. cUed. It
Is said, by excitement over a report
that another statue of the Madonna
was opening and shutting its eyes.
I'ollco hail to quoit the disturbance.
Ralph Hmlth. M P., has declined the
appointment to th governorship of
Yukon territory.
Whooping Cough.
I have used Chamberlain'! Cough
nmedy In my family In casea of
wkoopltjg cough, and want to tell you
mm is ne ! - - ,
used. W. r. Oaiton, Posco, Qa. Ttity
remedy is asf and sure. For sale IT
r i. r-t ...... T ...iin TiriiirwiaiB
Keep Your Feet
If people would keep their
feet dry half the doctors
woulcl have to go out
of business. Our
Dr. Reed's Cushion
are just the thing for keeping
your tcet dry.
They shed'the water almost
like a'duck's back.
We Guarantee Kach Pair.
Our Specialties Are
Loggers and long hand made
boots for Fishermen.
MS lend It, opposite Fisher Ires.
J U ;i -JlpL
- FOR -
Spring and Summer 1907
W ' W " f
- i i . j rt r; -
r ..n7Toiihi Tiiincn
Individual Styles
Richest Patterns
Original Designs
Correct Clothes for Men
lor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought j
Signature cf
Suits $15.00 to $30.00
$3.00 to $7i00
! Of the Better Kind For Young Men and Boys
$7.00 to $20.00
JUDD BROS., Props.