THE MORNING ASTOUIAN, ASTG1UA, OREGON. 5 Labor Counoll Mot Aatorla Central Labor Council met at their hull last evrTdng In reKular so, alo'n, Only btialnea of a routine na ture wan tiuiinctd. 'NEVER FAIL OIL CANS' Is the only can wherein gasoline may be kept with dny degree of safety. 'ARE THE BEST ON EARTH' No Drip, No Leak, will draw all the oil out of the can. Your money back if you arc not satisfied See djsplay in show window. ' t9 ROSS, HlGGINS & CO. Hoapltal Item M. C, H.ll'ind, aecllon foreman of the Chinook Lumber Company la in the hoapltal threatened with pneumonia. He U doing nicely and exp..(th to hi: out in a f.-w daya, Andy (Iravnlng, Kunday night while running for a tar near thn C'lalaop alore twlate. bl tinkle, tearing looni' the llgamenta. H waa taken to Ht. Mary'a Hoapltal yeMerduy afternoon. WEDNtSOAY, APRIL 10 1007. in us Q( he WaUr Rat Ptnaliy The penalty of 25 cniti will lit co. let ld from nil who do tint etllo their water rat today. M K A Hw Baby The home or Mr. and Mr, fharlc Mathaw 8M llotid trt wa lttl- iiod by the arrival of a baby boy on lomtny evening, tlliabthAndrton- 'The funeral of Kllmibulh Anderson who dM u 81. Mary" Honpltal Hun day evening will be held from J'ohl's Mortuary at p, m, today. Lumbar Contrast City Lumber itiii Hop Company hit Iwn awarded th contrast for supply trig the lUllilicr l bp UrJ III liUltitlliK the trrtlo at tha Columbia Itivor Jetty. Fdrtl Grand Jury i if iho Federal ilniinl Jury down In Portland Monday. Howell Lewia, uf Fern Hill: J. N. Otlffln and Frank Cook uf Anuria wr annum the mem ber. The Jury will inwl lit that city on April 17. Clerk Clinton yeaterday. The concern In rapltalUed Bt 16,000, dlyldod Into 50 har of thij par value itrh. The company will conduct a banking mul nea. A. A C. Appointment I) .N. Andcraon will aaumo the du ll.' of Chhf Clerk for th., Aatorla ami Columbia River railroad. In th pna aaugrr and freight deparnienia, In A torla on May . Mr, Andcraon U mi th prrwnl time, aaalatant chief t ! k In the general weatern freight oin. e at Tacoma for the Northern rnclflc Intention! Manifaat County Clerk Clinton yeatcrday made formal-entry of H10 aworn declaration of John Anderaon, a nntlvo of Fin land, who thua announce hia Inten tion to tuk on American ctlaenhlp In the coure of time. Portland Elk H rruty District Grand Exalted Ruler, C, hi. McDonriel, Jo Iay, Ilnry cirlf fin and aevernl other of the Portland Elk were In town lnt night to aaalat In the Installation of officer' In the Installation of officer In tho Atorla (Odgfl. Leave Thl Morning Charlea H. lluddlx depart thin morning on the ateamfthtp Roanoke, going via tho Santa Ke line out of Pan Franelaco, through Trxn", visit luir bin ili hum., at Waco, tho "Pap Hal Jerusalem." and going thence, to Chicago, Qlorie Of Mont Blano Thcr l nothing, perhnpa. In the whole chemo of movlng-pcturom that trlkca th(. beholder with the In lennw notion of milium, n when the utolwort grandeur of mighty mountain range are thrown within hln vlitlon. and h" knowa thut t i y ur only to In nrrn by travelling t Ik.u n l m of mlloa over land and water. The machine at tho Waldorf roncert halt nr llluit- (rating tile vaat ublnilllo of Mom Plane on their fllnm thin week, and thy are nuperb and lntretlng to the laM degre. Next week, thue acrc.,n will ahow the aprlgluly dutalla of the ft'ltrlen-Purlin Untie engagement, from the hund-ahnko. In the areim to the throwing up of th aponge, and there will be no alngl thing left out either. We're Not The It la with a great dcul of aatlafac tlon that an average Aatorlnn reada the cllmatologlcBl review of the win ter Jui pnaed, recently laaued from the Office of Dim-tor EJward A. Peal", wherln that expert ahowa that Aatorln haa had but a beggnrly 7P.6 Inehe of ruin thla eaion, to Pay City' aatound lug limit of f..'.5 liKlu-a. Thl la re frMhlng. both the rain and the dla-tliii-tlon; but we expect Bob Ifendrlcka will have a kick coming at too publi city given the Wldo divergencies ngnliiHt the Tillamook metropolis Put what all hand want to know, la, how Portland, with her abounding precipi tation, get off with a record of a pal try St. 9 Inche? Somttbody'a atock ho been watered In thla deal, auret. Will Go North Harry Rlun hna been engaged by the Alaaka Klaherinona' Packing Com pany to take their book-keeping dokk at tho Nuahagak ennnery olllce during tho coming aonnon, and he will K9 horth with their outfit on tha hlp John Currier next week. Newly Incorporated The Aatorla Truat Company, Incor porated by it S F. N., and M. 8, Mey er, filed It article with County 0 Ice Cream Sherbets Chicken Pi Dinner The Chicken Pie dinner given by the Kpworth league of tho M. K. Church under the management of Minn Klmorr will b Thuraday evening from 6-4H to H p. ni. at church parlor. Dinner 60 cent, Call For Warrants County Treasurer W. A, Sherman make' a cull today for alt warrant up to February Jat, ISO. Thl call aniounta tn our J.' which will be paid out. Clataop County la now on ly fourteen month behind with her warrant. Rtt In Th Far N01 Pl owing to the Inclemency of the ea on, and tho dllllculty of arranging dl ret and awlft tranaportatlon thence to thla city, tlm Clinton family ha de cided to have the remain of tho late on mid brother, Wflllum K. Clinton, who died at Valdeg on tho morning of Monday last. Interred there for the time, being, at b-axt, with a view to bringing them homo for final aepulture when It ahall be more expedient. High School Social The atudeuta of the High School are planning a aoelal to bo given Friday night, there will be a program, candy booth, good things- to eat and a gen eral good time Included. The proceed will defray the expense of coach ac companying the debating team wheo It roe to EuWie on tho J9ih. The member of the debating team were going over the point to be uacd, with Superintendent Clark In hi ottlce yc terdoy afternoon. Police Court A drunk and disorderly, whoa vl lon wa obacured fcy green and pink and blue reptlb'a wus given a ten day Indeterminate sentence by Judge An- deraon yeMerday. Leaving to Chief (luminal' discretion how long the man ahould be Invarcerated. F.lght reHldent of th AMor trot dlHtrlct charged with grow Immoral ity wero roleiiaed on ball and the caae continued until tills afternoon nt ! p. m. becauae of the absence of the Prosecut Ions main wltnea. Suloide, Or I linen Yeatordny morning early Dr. Pllking ton waa acnt for to attend a Chinaman In the barred district, who was alarm ingly 111, either from aulcidul Intent or blundering, a question that l ftlll moot ed with the doctor and the man' com patriot. Hi wa very low and In ex tniordlmiin pain, but rallied under Doctor Pllklngton's treatment and at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon was on the mend decidedly. He had par taken of xomo Japanese modlelno that no one knew tho constituent of and had evidently taken nn over-dose. A STORY of money saving opportun ities should be of interest to everyone. Here is our tale: We buy for cash and avail ourselves of every possible discount; by purchasing at closer figures than most stores, we can afford to sell our Groceries at lowerprices SchoMeld, Mattson Co., SUCCESSORS TO JOHNSON BROS. ! For a VICTOR OR AN EDISON - PHONOGRAPH 1 goto Johnson Phonograph Co, Parlor 6oond Floor ovr Suholfield a Mattion Co. In Probat, Court Judge Trenchard yesterday mado the following order In the probate depart ment of his court: In the matter of the estate of tho late Peter Nufer, setting aside tho recent order of tho court, approving tho sale of realty belonging to the estate, and sold by the admin istratrix to a potty who was not satis fied with tho equality of the title as It was rendered: and also fixing tha time for the review of tho final ac count of the administratrix for Thurs day, May 9, at 2 .p. 111. And In the matter of tho guardianship of the per son and estate of Fred C. Thomas, a minor, approving the sale reported by C. S. Drown, guardian, of certain realty. Pilot Commission In Sestion Tho Oregon State Board of rilot Commissioner met in regular month ly sosslon at tho olllce of Commissioner F. J. Taylor yesterday afternoon, at which time and plaoo there were pre sent, President Pondloton and Com missioners Sylvester Farrell and F. J. Taylor, with Secretary JBort. C. Ross In charge of tho records. The, com mission disposed of all Its current bills, and other routine matters, and Issued a river pilots branch to Julius Allyn, and thon adjourned. There will be but one more meeting of this commis sion In Oregon It the Port of Columbia law Is to be accepted as an equitable statute by the courts, a contingency 1 400 m I ffirZXl'' ill BIT y A I t' r- ,f i i l f W . . -t Spring Mill, V 4. 1 V'' I Soils mmm) Made by Vf b p A 1 ' w W ) lift L ra L Tailors m m Backed by p ' Mj wist, pu That's Good f ; , ) Enough " Mfl " " ... - I 'S: J e. oi airfw.Bfcil for Anybody MERMAN WISE BEHIND EACH ARTICLE SOLD IN HIS STORE not yet determined by any manner of means. Fishermen Will Moot A mass meeting of fishermen will be-held this evening at Flshermens' Union Hall, Secretary Ed. Rosenberg, of the United Fishermen will address the meeting. -1 Ultra Stylish Lino. Charles V. Brown Is showing the last and daintiest things In tha way of Ladles' low shoes, the Garden Tie, tn Oxford style and the latest finish. They are ultra, and no more than that can be said. Go after them while they last. Nothing excels them In this shoe-market. Spooial Sale. In order to make room for new goods which we expect In a few days! we have decided to give a discount of 25 per cent on all solid mahogany furniture, consisting of Dressers, Chlfflonlers, Cheval Mirrors, Napoleon Beds', Libra ry and Parlor Tables, also on all brass bedsteads, which we have In the follow Ing finishes, Polet, Satin and Burnish ed, this sale will continue for ten day only ending April 15th, Chas, Hellborn ft Co. Oxford Ties For Women. The demand for this style of footwear promises to be greater this season than' ever before. Either patent, kid or tan are correct for leathers The shoe that is bought ' from us is certain to be cor rect in style. We have them in all leathers, styles and widths. Wherity, Ralston Company! Astoria's Best Shoe Store