The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, April 10, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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The Stylish
Spring Hats
Are to be seen
And they are Verit
able Creations of the
Pretty Hats and Bonnets with all the grace and dash
that our artists can put into them are ready for
you. Some very stylish hats from Fashion's lead
ing centers are also here. Come and bring your
friends. All are welcome buyers or not.
Mrs, George Pennington,
483 Bon4 Street
f route to this port. The latter veM
: I expected In sometime today, and the
; movement of the low to the north will
'depend l)irmty upon the character of
the weather as It shall develop tn thi
next few day. It Ik a risky trip to
tko v:h n Hat-bottomed boat at this
w'it, and Involves some extraordi
nary precautions.
The steamship Roanoke l due at
the Cullender pier early this piornlnit
on her way to California. She will
sail from here at 8:30 o'clock, and so
fur as Is known Charlie Haddlx 1 the
only Astorlan billeted out on her, He
has it sl.lo bet upon hi not being eu
, sick nl has a c! of carefully Moo
ted preventatives on hand to help him
win out. but w have a menial photo
graph of his losing the bet and pretty
nearly everything else, over the aide,
before he Is out of sight of the lightship.
above the water, suspended from an
arm on a white (take.
La Du Light, page 34, No. lit (List
of Lights, Buoys, and Daymarks, Pa
clftc Coast, 1J07, page 63). Located on
the northerly edge of the channel of
the Columbia River. In JO feet of wa
ter, and about l. mile below La Du
The structure from which this light
was shown, heretofore reported car
ried away and the light extinguished,
I was rebuilt and the light reestablished
, April 3. '
The following affect the List of
Lights, Buoys, and Daymarks, Pacific
Aurelia Down And Out From Portland ! roavt 1S07
Stern-Wheeler Northwest Here,
Bound for British Columbia.
Costa Rica Du, to Leave Out On
Saturday Skogstad Here Ready To
Sail For Shanghai,
Notice To Mariners.
Trescott Landing Light, page 32, No.
118 (List of Lights, Buoys and Day
marks, Pacific Coast, 1907, page 62).
Located in 7 feet of water off the east
erly end of Tenasillihee Island, Col
umbia River.
April 1, 1907, this fixed white post
lantern light was permanently dis
continued. Washington.
Eureka Light, page 34, after No. 124
(List of Lights, Buors. and Daymarks,
Pacific Coast, 1907, page 63): Located
on the northwesterly corner of the
Eureka Cannery warehouse, and about
11-8 miles X. X E. 5-8 E from Coo
per Point Light, and on the northwes
terly side of the Columiba River.
April 1, 1907, a fixed white port
lantem light was established, 35 feet
coos Bay Entrance, pages 47 and
48. Coos Bay Outside Bar Whistling
Buoy, PS, with "K" In white, hereto
fore reported not sounding, was re
placed by a perfect buoy April 3.
Lone Tree Shoal Buoy, 1 1-3, a black
second-class spar, heretofore reported
adrift, was replaced April 4.
Puget Sound, page 83. Duvamlsh
Head Bell Buoy, red, reported adrift.
April 5, will be replaced as soon as
Captain Howe, marine surveyor for
the San Francisco board of underwrlt
ers, reached this city, yesterday morn
ing, to make a thorough examination
of the Northwe't, prior to her depar
ture for the sea, and that departure will
hinge somewhat on the nature of his
report to the home-ofBce.
The Northwest, will it is expected,
go around to British Columbia, on the
hawsers of the sea tug Geo. w. Vos
burg, now at Tillamook City, and en
Judges of SNAPPY
in GOOD headgear
are giving their ap
proval to JALOFFS
SEE the line and learn WHY.
The steamship Skogstad. lumber la
den to the tune of 300.000 feet of fine
Oregon .tuff, for Shanghai, came down
the river yesterday morning and la at
anchor In the lower harbor awaiting
the pleasure of the bar which Is buck
Ing a bit, at thing of her sUe and
depth. Fireman Hansen, whom she
left In this port as a hospital patient,
on her arrival, here, wsa sent on board
yesterday quite recovered from his ill
ness, but not In a condition to do any
work Tor sometime to come. He was
seriously threatened with appendicitis.
The stern-wheel steamer Northwest,
Captain CI. V, Adams, In commund ar.
rived here yesterday afternoon, from
roruuim ana Vancouver, en route to
Vancouver, B. C. where she will take
up a run on the Skeena river, Tor her
new owners, the Grand Trunk Railway
The steamship Costa Rica Is due
down and out from Portlan.i early on
Saturday morning next, for San Francisco,
The steamer Aurelia arrived down
from Portland yesterday morning and
went directly to sea and San Francis,
M. I. Phllbrick et ux. to Lottie
Daniels lot 2, block 1 Pine
Grove, $
Krue Catering Co. to Jessie E.
Mansfield, lots 21-30, block 5, 2
Add. Gearhart Park
Columbia Harbor Land Co.. to
Mary Smith, lot 4, block 92.
Warrenton Park
C. C. Woodruff and wife to H. E.
Noble, N. E, 1-4 Sec. 20-3-10-W
The First Annun Meeting of th
Seamen Institute was held at the In
stitute bulletin lust evening. Mirny
prominent people attended as did sev
eral ministers from the various chur
ches. The progress of the year and of the
years to come were the principal points
brought out In the meeting. The work
was; started twenty-two years ago
when Father McCormlck arrived In
Astoria and the succeeding years It has
gone on In but a dilatory fashion with
no effort to provide a shelter for the
futherlng of (he work.
A year ago the Reverend P. M. El
lefsen came to Astoria, from Portland,
and took up the work of securing a
home for the seamen and fishermen.
He successfully organised the socie
ty, secured a subscription of 11388 and
the gift of the present building on Ex
coango street It was the gift of Mrs.
Havel. The building had been for.
merly ued as a carpenter shop and i
great amount of remodeling was nee
essury to suit It to the needs of the In.
On the repairs and remodeling J 1545
mis neen expended and it will tnke
about 1600 more before It Is complet
ed. The Chapel room, the ladles re
ception room and the five rooms to
be used as the chspllns residence are
complete.!. The quarters Intended
for the men are up stairs, Including
nine bed rooms, bath and toilet, These
remain to be completed as does the
reflnl!ilng und painting of the outside
of the , building. The ground upon
which the building stands does not be
long to the society but Is leased.
The purpose of the Institute Is not
only to furnish a tmetlng plac for
the seamen and fishermen but to give
a homo to as many as desire It, n fur
as the capacity of the building will
perl tnt. i
The Reverend Ellefsen Is an ex-deep
water sailor and the men wishing to
secure accomodations will be, made to
feel at home.
Lieutenant A. J. Cooper, of Fort
Stevens Is back from his trip to Sou-
thern California.
J. B. Brix, W. F. McGregor and
Frank Patton leave this morning to
attend the loggers meeting In Portland.
F. Aj Grennan of Oystervllle Wash
ington was glancing over matters In
A. Stewart, of Portland, has business
interests here.
W. G. Hampton and wife of Port
land are visiting In this city.
C. E. Day, of Portland, la In the
. .. . . ... .
we snau not te responsible If liny
person takes any but the genuine Fo.
ley's Honey and Tar for coughs and
colds, imitations are worthless and
may contain opiates. The genuine
Foley's Honey and Tor In the yellow
packago contains no opiates and
safe and sure. T. F.,Laurln.
Mill Owner SeeU, To Banion
To Take Freight.
The long standing fight between the
Clatskanle & Nehalem Ft. II, or other
wise known as the Benson road mid
the mill owners has been brought to a
head by the filing of a proteit by Sam
uel Connell, of the Northwest Door Co,
of Portland, with the State Railroad
Connell owns a sawmill about four
miies irom laisnanie, and quite n
large tract of timber land In the vlcln
Ity. The finished output of this mill
furnishes the material for the North
J. Keneflck, of Portland Is soliciting! west Door Company but Connell says
Copyright 1906 by Hart Schaftncr (if Mart
Suits Pressed Free.
Something Different From the General Run
"Uncommon Gothcs."
Don't Put Off,
For to-morrow what you can do to
day. If you put off buying a bottle of
Ballard' Snow Liniment, when that
pain comes you won't have any, buy a
bottle today. A positive cure for
Rheumatism, Burns, Cuts, Sprains,
Contracted Muscles, etc. T. 8. Gra
ham, Prulrle Orovo, Ark., writes:
'I wish to thank you for the god
results I received from Snow Liniment.
It positively curod me of Rheumatism,
after others had failed." Sold by
Hart's Drug Store.
repair work, go to J. 8. Vernon, .lee
trlclan, No. 467 Exchange street. 1.1
phone, Main 3443. All manner of
lectrlo and telephone work dont at
short notice.
Thirty days' treatment for kidney
bladder troubles and rheumatism, for
31.00. Tour money refunded If not
satisfied. Plneulcs contain no loo-
hoi. Do not derange the stomach.
Easy to take. Sold by Frank Hart's
Drug Store.
New vStore.
ISO Eleventh St., Between Commercial and Bonrt
business In Astoria.
T. G. Robertson, of St. Paul, Is
visitor In Astoria,
William Potter of Portland, has an
eye open for business In the city.
Leading Lady Leaves-
Madge Carr Cooke, the celebrated
actress, who made such a hit as "Mrs.
Wlggs of the Cabtage Patch," has
severed her connection with that com
pany as leading laly and left San
Francisco for London. The Portland
papers are sore 'over the way the
theatre managers are handing It out
to the people there and in the North
west. They say the shows are cut tol .rhini,a f ih. n. .,..,
pieces when they leave the Bay City
and the prices are doubled and usef.'
the "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage
Patch" which Is billed there minus
the leading lady or practically what
has made the play .amouH, as a text
to show how the theatre goers ure be
ing imposed upon.
he has been unable to operate his mill
because the Benson road has refused
to haul the product from the mill to
Clatskanle where the A. & C. road
would pick up the haul and deliver to
the door factory.
Connell In his complaint states that
the road has continually refused to
move the lumber for 15 months, al
though the A. & C. road has promised
to furnish the cars. It Is understood
that the Benson road claims that It Is
a private concern, and does not have
to abide by the mandates of the Rail
road Commission as the regular com
mon carriers do, but Connell, on the
other hand. Insists that the tariff
A Social dance will be given by the
Liberty Bell Social club Saturday
night April '13th at Logan's Hull, all
ure cordially Invited,
For your watch anj clock repairing
go to Frank J. Donnerberg the reliable
Jeweler, yo-11 street.
Hotel. .Irvina Newly, .furnlslind.
Steam heat. First class table board.
Kate reasonable.
Oo to A. D. Craig for your ten",
awnings and all kinds of canvas wirit
12th and Exchange. tt
Five Cents te 1100 When you feel
like "sponging" a bit, drop into Frank
Harfe drug store and buy a pong.
Tou can find Just what you want, from
t cents to IS.00 per sponge.
DslI R Scully. KoUry Publlo. at
Scully's Cigar Store. Any old hour I
with the Southern Pacific, tho O. R.
& N. and the Northern Pacific, and that
It Is therefore to be classed as a com
mon carrier, and under tho Jurldle
tlon of the State Commission.
Th0 outcome of this matter Is large.
ly awaited by a number of mill owners
who have built mills along this road
and are In the same shape as Connell
May we sell you, a spring bat one of
fashion and style, our workmenshlp is
the best and prices the lowest, Mrs.
M. Petersen, Star Theatre Bld'f, lltn
& Commercial street.
For Elsotrlo Strvfes Installation or
If a man knows anything of his own
anatomy he must be aware that hit
stomach is a magnificent organ and
entitled to the utmost consideration;
knowing that he will eat at the Palaoo
when he can conserve Its safety and
comfort, by eating only the best
cooked, best served and most compen
sating meal In the city of Astoria,
day, ornlght, it I always the same,
and the Palace habit Is one that pays
to acquire. Arthur Smith Is a mas
ter of the art of preparation and ser
vice, of all things edible. N
is hereby given to all parties hoIJ-
Most victims of appendicitis 'are
Ing Clatsop county warrants endorsed I th0He who are habitually constipated.
prior to February 1st 1906, to present r'" t6,, Fru't B ,ea
I chronic constipation by stimulating
same lor payment to county Treasu- the liver and bowels and rASforac h
rer's office. Interest ceases after this natural action of the bowels. Orlno
date. WM. A. SHERMAN. Laxative Fruit Syrup docs not nause-
Treasurer Clatsop County, Ore. Dated ate ' gHpe and U mlId an! Peasant
a atn-in r.. a o ,a t0 take- Refue substitutes. T. F.
Astoria, Ore,, April 10, 1907. Laurin, 0wl Drug Store.
At the Acme Grocery
521 Commercial Street
We keep a full and complete line of fancy Groceries
Just received 'a large shipment of the Famous
' Dependable Coffee. '
Crespo Wheat Flakes
And Numerous Other Good Things
Phone Main 81