The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, April 10, 1907, Image 1

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1 1
Tip to Mays Introduced in
Hermann Testifies That Mays
Had no Interest In For
est Reserve.
llntiH utllf-h t,a rttfllim.1 In. wMIm f
stand at Ilia recant hearln' j
commission In Now Tork s ing
rnforred to wa that-; iV tlgs-
ilon of tha Union Tack. 0 , Harrlman
waa aked how much of th Houthern
I'acino stock, ha ownad, Individually,
and how muc h ha paid for II, On the
advice of lha counsel h rofud la
anwr. Another question which he
refused t answer and on which the
commission wishes light, Is whether,
lha director of tha Union I'acino, wara
Interested In lha sate of certain share
of tha Naw York Central at lha time
they were sold to tha Union Pacific.
Prominent Local Man Attend Orand
Rally In Portland La at Night
PORTLAND, April ,The Forrea.
tors of America hold a frand rally
hare tonlfht at tha Forresters Hall.
One of lha principal evenla of tha ev
ening waa tha addreaa of Grand Chief
Hangar Delglty, of Aatorla. A bl(
parade waa held and a reception and
banquet waa hold at the Forresters
Hall. At Arlon Hall ha order want
through the rltuallatlc work an In-
It luted larfa clae.
TMiified That Non. Of Hia Family
Acquired Publio Land During Hia
Administration Later Admitted That
Hia Son Made Homaataad Entry.
WASHINGTON. April . Wngr
Hermann who haa been tetlfylng In
hi. own behalf for lha past five daya
waa put under cross examination lata
After testifying that hone of bis fain
lly had acquired, public landa, during
Ma admlntetratlon, Herman quaiina.i
hi. a:atemanl. later, by staling that
hia arm. Schiller, had made, a home
stead entry, to which the Htla haa
not yet been acquired, that Schiller
had purchased three such entries be
n, ih. rlnlmiinta received a patent
at a con of $3,000. .Hermann admit
ted that he had acquired 30.000 acra
n.,hiirt limil. Iii Oregon, while he
waa receiver of the public moneys, at
Thl. ti maintained Waa not the
cause of hia lalng that position.
District Attorney linker next pro-
dueed a telegram from Hormann to F
P Mav. aent July 28. 1902. three days
before the proclamation creulUiK the
Blue Mountain Forest Reserve wua la-
TI,U tinker contended WHS a
PUCMi .. ' - -----
"Tip" from Hermann to May", that the
latter might take the necessary "tope
to make entries In the state school
landa for which he waa negotiating, In
thla reserve.
On direct examination Hormann tea
titled ho never had any bualnoaa' deal
Iiikh with Maya; never written him
nor had Intorvlewa with him; that
Mnv. had no Interest In the Bluo
Mountain Resorve, that Hermann knew
of, and that ho wlahod the Jury and
I court to understand thlar atutcment to
I be a strong aa the English language
i could muko It.
1 Hekor read thla Btatement from re
i cord and naked defondunt If when he
made It he did not think all trace of
thla telegram ha been destroyed In
the destruction of hia hooka. Her-
f mnnn would not admit thla. He mild
I he now remembered the telegram and
had probably aent It In nnawer to a
iuory by Maya, or bocauao Hermann
knew Maya' to bo a leading public
Stum, In Oregon and almply wlBhed hi
Informed of the action taken.
i Baker placed In evidence a regulu
,tlon of tha land olllce, forbidding the
giving of evidence, In advance and an
other forbidding and officer or employe
of the government, acquiring public
landa, waa placed In evidence by Ba
iTr'r'gr,iiiii ibi
lUttLM m
, 1111 CASE
Seems to Bc-Dclay Pro
ceediogs. '
Ruef Counsel Repeatedly Warned
and Told His conduct was
General Elaetrle Company Reeeivee
Million Dollar Ordar From Japan.,
NEW YORK. April . Announce.
ment la made today that the OJI Pa
Per Co., of Toklo, haa placed a mil
lion dollar order for electrical equip
ment with the Oeneral Electrle Com
pany, to be completed and ahlpped to
Japan within al monthe, Tha mach
inery ordered, bealdea the
motor equipment for the paper ma
king machinery, a water power elec
tric Plant which will bo erected 15
mllea fro mthe mllla proper.
Woman Miataking Death Notice
Paper for Har Own, Drepa Dead.
CHICAOO, April . A dlapatch to
the Tribune from Evanaton, III., aaya:
Proatrated .by reading an account pub
lished In a newspaper of her auppoaed
death, Mr a. Lou Ida Duley agej 49,
expired lat night.
Through en error the death of a
woman of the aame name waa report
ed aa having occurred In Mrs. Du
ley'a houae, and aa ahe read the story
she fell from her chair to the floor. A
physician was called, but waa unable
to learaj the reason for Mrs. Dulcy's
death. '
She became rational later and after
talking a few minutes, began to cry:
"I am dead; I am dead; I saw It In
the paper," and died In hysterica."
Um Every One Of Its
Challenges Five
Mora Probation Jurora Ara To Ba
Oafsnaa Will
Tan Pramptory
declared to hia lawyers that he felt
tha case waa one.
In view of tha District Attorneys re
marks, before the lunacy commission
that Thaw la today boplessly Insane,
much . Interest attaches Itaf to tha
line of argument, he will pursue In ask
Ing for tha man's conviction.
Pleads Written and
written Law.
Daughter is Refused Admittance
By Mother.
Married Againat Parents AVishee la Re
fused Entranoe To Dying Father
Fearing He Will Die Before Mother
Forgivaa Girl Invokes Aid Of Law,
talesmen were examined today In the
Ruef trial. Two of them withstood
the qualification teat and were paea
cd Into the box as probation Jurora.
They ara Jamea Otis, commission mer
chant and 8lmm Varnnagcn, produc
dealer. The other two were excused
for bias.
Aa a result of today' proceedings,
the number of Jurora who have quail-
fled, but who are yet subject to per
emptory challenge, waa Increased to
aeven, and Ave more talesmen remain
to be examined before the present
panel Is cxhauatcd.
A statement waa made by the de-
fenae recently that It will exercise all
of Its ten peremptory challcngea Is ta
ken to mean that none of these seven
vmiiermen will be permitted to try
the case. The feature of today's pro
caedlnars waa a heated encounter be
tween Special Proaecutor Johnson and
Henry Ach, of the counael, for the de
fendant, and repeated warnings to Ach
by Judge Dunne, that his conduct was
most reprehensible.."
Efforts Being Made to Develop Possi;
bilities and Boost San Antonio.
CHICAGO. April 9.-The co-opera.
Hon of all the civic clubs of Chicago,
particularly the commercial aasocla-
tlona la asked by the International
Club of San Antonio, Tex., In the up
building of trade between Mexico and
the United States, c! W. Lunsford.
special commissioner of the San An
tonio organization arrived In Chicago
and will remain here aeveral wecka
presenting to the representatives of
the cities big clubs and the Immense
commerce and the peculiar advantage
of San Antonio aa a "Substation."
After accomplishing hia mission In
Chicago, Mr. Lunsford will visit New
York, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore
and Washington in the Interest of the
The Name He Gave to Thaws In
sanity Which Experts Failed
to Classify.
Will Appear Before The United Statee
Circuit Court la Dsolalon.
WASHINGTON, April . Aocordlng
to the decision of the Interstate Com
merce Commlsalon, today, E. H. Har
riman will be made to appear In the
.United States Circuit Court In New
York, In answer to the proceedings to
compel him to answer certain quea-
CHICAOO. April 9. At the end of a
2,000 mile Journey, Mrs, Helen Brown
Ing of tho Slate of Washington, has
been denied audience with he dying
father to whose side she sought to
hasten when sho learned that hl
death was imminent.
Between them atandg the woman
mother, Mill bitter bocuuso of tho
daughter's marriage many years ago
agaliiHt parental objection. Resolute
ly she refuaes her daughtor even ad
mlttance to tho house.
The dying Vmn la' William Sago of
Wttukegon. Stricken with paralyse
as the result of a runaway accident
nt a funeral -a year ago, In the last
week ho has grown rapidly wor.
One of tho family wrote Mrs. Brown
Ing that to oe har father allvo she
would have to hasten.
Reaching her former home In Wau
kegon yesterday ahe waa met at tho
door by her mother. With tears
streaming, she Implored admittance,
but the mother was obdurate and she
waa turned away with bitter re
proaches. Mrs. Browning Is now at a hotel
at Waukegon. In agony lest her fath
er die before her mother relents, ahe
consulted an attorney In the afternoon
In the hope that sne might through
legal proceedings reach his side and
obtain from him the forgiveness
which her mother withholds. -
Effort' to Exterminati
its Being Made.
At Oakland, Portland 0, San Fran
clsoo 2, ( At Los AJigolea, Los An
gelei 4, Oakland 2.
Manager Of Barber Lumbar Company
Jailetl For Contempt Of Court.
BOISE, April 9. L. G. Chapman,
manager of the Barber Lumber Com
puny Is' In Jail tonight, committed fot
contempt, by United States Dlatrlct
Juvlgo Ueutty. Tha application will
bo madu at once to Circuit Judge Gil
bcrt, at Portland, for a writ of habeas
I'oriiiiR. or some weeks the Grand
Jury hag been Investigating the man
ner In which tho Barber Company ob
tnlnvd Ita tltlo to a. large omount of
timber hind of tho Boise River.
Chapman, was summoned by aub
poena, duces tecum, and should have
brought books and other records of
tho company. On his demurring, he
was ordered by tho Court Saturday
last, to bring all of the records touch
Ing upon tho acnujsltlon of titles to
the land. Yesterday he appeared be
fore the Jury with such records. DIs
ousslon arose-whether the Jury ahould
be permitted to examine the entire
contents of the books and papers' or
only such features as were pointed out
bv Chaoman.
. - - i
On application of District Attorney
Bulck, Judge Beatty broadened the or
der, requiring Chapman bring all of
the records of tho company and order.
Ing htm to permit the Grand Jury to
examine them fully. On advtce of
attorneya Chapman today formally re
He waa then committed to the cus
tody of Marchal Rounds, with lnstruc
tlons to lock him up. A little later
the Judge, authorised the Marshal to
give htm the freedom of the Jail.
A Thorough American In Protecting
Hia Wife From A Violator Of
The Highest Of Human Laws De
nounces Whit, In Better Terme.
Lieutenant MoCabe To Rid, Arabian
Stallion From Portland To N. Y. -
Lieut. McCabe ,of the ISxth Caval
ry, itatloned at Fort Riley, has receiv
ed notice from Washington, that he
had been selected a make the ride
from Portland, Oregon, to New York
on an Arabian stallion. The purpose
of the long ride Is to test thla breed of
horses andtto determine Ita value as
a cavalry horse. McCabe expects to
be ordered to Portland within the next
two weeks. He will be accompanied
by an orderly and will travel with full
field equipment The distance by rail
from Portland to New York, U 2181
mllea. The route McCabe will follow
will be longer than that
NEW YORK, April 9. Prealdent
Roosevelt la the sole beneficiary un
der the will of Lulu B. Grover of this
city, which was filed yesterday. Pres
ident Roosevelt will accept the estate
and turn It over to some New York
Congressman Pray Leads Effort To
End Career Of Hone Thieves And
Train Robbers In the Little Rooky
BUTTE. Mont, April 9. A Havre
special to the Miner says: Congress
man elect Charles N. Pray, of Monta
na. Inst night led a surrounding mob
In a search which Intends to bring to
Justice all the surviving members of
the "Kid" Curry gang of horse thieves
an dtraln robbers. The Little Rock
ies, a Chouteau bunch of mountains
detached from the main range and
surrounded by. plulns on either side
Is to be surrounded by state and Uni
ted States officers. Officers who went
out of Havre tonight with Pray an
nounced simply as their purpose the
possible recovery of the body of A. G.
Gill, who disappeared mysteriously
from his ranch at the foot of the Little
Rockies nt the beginning of the win
ter. Gill was declared on Informer
by the Curry gang, and was shot at
several times by assassins on his way
over the mountains and roods. About
November 15 Gill left his ranch and
has never been seen since.
The man hunting party la to be
guided by Charles Crawford of this
city who for six years was under
sheriff of Chouteau County, Pray
was State Senator of that county and
has long been noted as a vigorous
prosecutor of range . thieves.
BERLIN, April 9.-Flve American
ttvaswry supervisors who were ap
pointed to superintend the observance
of custom ijules regarding exports
from Europe to the United States are
conferring here as to the best way of
dealing with the various manufactu
ring interests In different European
countries. The conference will last
for several days.
In an eloquent appeal, both to the
written and unwritten law, Dolphin
M. Delmas, this afternoon commended
Harry Thaw's fate to the Jury. The
California attorney, concluded his five
taourg summing up speech declaring,
that his client waa Justified In killing
Stanford White.
Tomorrow morning, Jerome will
make hia appeal in behalf of the prose
cution, Justice Fitzgerald, will probab
ly chrage the Jury immediately, and
by tomorrow evening at the latest the
iamoua case wiu pass 10 me ueuuera
tlons of twelve men ,who have so care
fully attended Us uncertain course for
weeks past Jerome expects to speak
for three or four hours. Justice Flts-
gerald would not say today whether
he will or will not charge the Jury di
rectly after the District Atorneys re
marks but the general Impression is
he will do so.
With the exception of the moments
when he was reading from the testi
mony Delmas, speech today, was one
of sustained oratorlal eltort He threw
about the form of Harry Thaw a cloak
of chivalrous knighthood.
"Why" he thundered, "Should we
who admire the chivalry of the knights
of the middle ages, who went about re
dressing wrongs and rescuing maid'
ens in distress, wltn-nold our sym
pathy from this brave man." Bitterly
the attorney assailed Stanford White
He declared that White sought to
play with Evelyn Nosbltt, so long as
her beauty lasted, and then would have
thrown her away "Like a dirty rag, to
float down lifea sewers to a
grave in the potters field.
Delmas discussed but briefly the tes.
tlmony of the expert witnesses', declar
ing, whatever weight might be attach
ed to their utterances It was on the
side of the defendant.
He declared the burden of proof as
to Thaw's sanity at the time of the
homicide rested with the prosecution,
which had failed to make out .Its case.
In discussing Thaw's mental state
Delmas came at last to "Unwritten
law." He declared the experts had
been at a loss to classify the form of
Insanity from which Thaw suffered.
"I will suggest a name for It" he de
dared. "I would call it 'Dementia
Americana.' It Is a species of Insan
ity which has been recognized- In ev
ery state of this union. It Is that spe
cies of insanity, which makes every
American believe his home, hia wife,
his daughters, are sacred and that
whosoever stains the virtues of his
threshold, violates the highest of hu
man laws."
Twice during his closing periods
Delmas was interrupted, by Assistant
Dlstriot Attorney Garvan, who sugges
ted the argument waa taking too wide
a scope, and Justice Fitzgerald, called
Delmas attention to the fact. Thaw
seemed to be In the best of spirits and
NEW YORK, April 9. Over five In
ches of snow fell here today. The
snow waa followed by heavy ralnc.
The weather Is the most remarkable
for April, In history of the weather
bureau. , . ,
Final Trial of Iroquois Theater
Former Building Commissioner George
William, Last One Of Eight Persona
To Be Tried 96 People Lost Their
CHICAGO, April ' 9. For the last
time In a case that will be called for
trial today the defense will ask of the
law whether the defendant at the bar
Is responsible or the Irquoia Theatre
horror of three years ago and Us 596
deaths. In Judge Kavanaugh'a court
George Williams, building contractor
under Mayor Harrison will be ar
raigned on the charge of malfeasance
In office.
Unusuvl Interest attaches' to the
case from the fact that It Is destined
to bring either the final curtain in
the legal drama or the first real hear
ing of charges on there merits. Judge
Kavanaugh long ago upheld the va
lidity of the ordinance found faulty on
March 19 W1 Judge KimbBugh of
Danville in freeing manager Will J.
Davis on the charge of manslaughter.
On account of this difference of
opinion It Is considered a fair pre
sumption that the merits of this case,
if It is pressed, will be passed upon
fully with the probability of their final
disposition by the Supreme Court.
Of the' eight persona held accounta
ble for the Iroquois catastrophe by the
coroner's Jury. Williams alone re
mains before the bar. of Justice.
With him in the indictment for mal
feasance was named Edward Laugh-
lln, building Inspector, who. approved
the Irqulola ITheatre with ita Jfault
equipment of fire fighting apparatus.
But Laughlln died last year before
preliminary hearings of the Davis In
dictment. The maximum punishment that can
be meted out to Williams If he should
be found guilty of neglect of duty Is
a fine of 11,000.