7 TUK80AY, APRIL 9, 1907. THE MORNING ASTOltlAN, ASTOMA, OREGON. The Unitotl States Government Report SHOWS Royal BalringPovder of maximum strongth, puro and hoalthful BOYAl MKIN SOWDM CO.. MW VOa. o city crearrmry, T l-2e; ators, o 0 21c; buttor fat, Ma, Kicgs Oregon ranch, 19o it down. Poultry 014 roostum. It 10c; hen, 14 0 14 l-2c; fryori, 1 lTo; broil- Date flolden, 0 Jb, boxes, 7c; lib. packages, o; Fard, IS lb. boxes, $1.40 box. nice Imperial Japan, No. 1, IS.tSc; Southern Japan, ( 1-4 6 l-2c; bro er, 22 9 25c; dreMl stock, 1 9 1 I t kn, 4 l-2c; head, (ancy, -4c; choice c; hlghflr than iivs: aun, jb v " turkeys, 11 O 14o; JrosMd, 14 0 lGc; (, live, I ft c; dreiwad, 10 Hoi )lKon, 11 9 100; squabs, U 9 $3 dot. Cheeas Tounf Amnrlca, 1 0 1 1-2 o; Oron full croam (lata, 15 l-l 9 lc. Honey Dark, 10 1-2 9 He; amber, 12 9 llo; fancy whits, 14 9 15c PORTLAND MARKETS IMKl IllllllflllUlia 111 IIIU I U III1MH Markets. CmplU Market Rtpertt Corraetsd Kaoh Day. Olvlng (ha WhoksaU ,f Prlaaa CommodHlaa, Farm Pro duM and Vagttablaa. Thera wan IIUU varinly of gwn vutse table kepi n tho strwt tM mornln. 7cKlba, naparagUK and aj.lnath being the principal thing. Spinach from - Walla Wnllii apprd for the Ami lima In om ds and was acltlng at I .(0 a, box. Aapnragua wa quotad at i 11 o, and aupply w much butter than f expected on account of tha great scar city In California, WHOLESALE PRICES. Tha following are quotatlona ruling I In Portland aa reported by Jobbra In . tha wloua line: Grain, Flour, Feed 1 , Wheat-Club, Tl O Tc; Valley. 70 I O Tl e; bluoatem. 74 O 7o; red, 71e. I Flour Hard wheat patent, H 15, ! straight, $1.10; graham, $1.71 0 $4.25; i rye, $5; whole wheat flour, $4.00 O If- ! M; Valley Hour. $1.15 0 $176; Dakota, $5 40 C 5 60; Eaatern Bye. $5.40; Pills Tury $ 20; Corrallla, $1.65. Oata White. Ill; gray, $2160. Corn Whole, $15; cracked. $26 Pr ton. Barley-rtrewlng, $21 9 $!$! 'd $11 O Hi rolled, $21.60 0 14.60. Bye $1.45 9 160 per owt Hay Valley, timothy, $15 9 1: Buetarn Oregon, $15 16; Clover, $7 a 7.60: cheat. $7 9 7.50; alfalfa. $11.. grain, hay, $7 fl ; vetch. $7.50 9 SO; $1. chop $15: Buckwheat $S per ton. Mlltatuffa Middling", $25; bran. $17; short, $11.50. Cereal fooda Rolled oata, cream, 10 -lb. sacks, $7; lower grade, $5.50 6. SO: oatmeal, teel cut, 45-lb. aacki, tl hbl: t lb. sack. $4.25 per bale; oat. ' meal, (ground,) 45-lb. aacka, $7.50 per bbl.; t-lb. sack. $4 per bale; apllt peal $4.26 per 100-lb. aacka; 15-lb. boxea, $1.25; pearl barley, $4 per 100 Iba.S IS- lb. boxea, $1.25 per box; paatry flour, 10 lb. aacka, $2.10 per bbL Oratn baga Foreign and domeatlo, f 1-4 cents, Frulta. Tropical frulttf-Bananaa, Be per nound: plnnpplee, $4.60 6.50 per down: lemons, $1.60 4.00 box; or ange, $1.25 $100; grape fruit, $4.60 crate; llmea, 75c $1.25 per 100; tan gerine; $175 Pr box. Domestic frulta Apple, common, $So 1100; fancy, $160 160 box; cranberrle. $10 11 bbl. Vegetable. Potatoea-$1. 1.60 per ewt Cabbage, lb. 2 1-2 1c; Cauliflower. $1.60 per crate; paraley, 15o Per dot hot houe lettuce, $2 per box; head. 40c do; wlnach, 1 Be lb.; artl choke,, 76c $100 per doien; peas, 12 l-2c lb.; celery. $1.78 $4.00 per crate; okra. $1.75; sprouts, c lb.; to matoe. Mexican, $3 25 $2.76; aepar agu. 12 l-2c lb.; rhubarb, 7o lb.; cu cumbers, $2 anJ $2.60 doaon. Onions 75c 00c. Turnips Per eack. $1 $1 .26; car- rota, $1 and $125; beets, $1.16 $1.60; horMradlh, 7 1-1 6o lb. Freeh Meat and Flh. tv.K triMtft Veal, medium. 76 to 100 lb.. 1 I l-2c; 100 to 150 lb. 7 l-2c to lei 150 to 200 Iba., l-lo; 200 The. anJ over, S 1-1 o; pork, 1M c; heavtes, 7 1c; beef, bulls, 1 ll-2c: cowa, S o: ateors, 6 to; mntfnn. medium alae. 1 10c; large 7 6c. Flh halibut, $l-2ei black cod, 8c; black baa, per lb., 18c; striped baa. 13c; herring, 5c: flounder, 6c; catfish, 12c; ahrlmp, lOo: perch. 6c; aturgeon 12 l-2c: aea trout, 18e; allveralJe, froxen, 1c; Meelhead", 11c; torn cod t' mli. r,r: Chinook inlmon. 12 1-2 c. Oysters Shoalwnter bay. per raI Ion, $2.25; per sack. $4.60; Toke Point 11.60 per 100; Olymplna, 120 lb., $0; Olympian, per gallon, $2.25. Clams Hardshell, per box, $2.40; ra- xor clnmK, $3 per box, Hops, Wool, Hide, Ete. Hop Choice, 1 He; prime, t 8 l-2o per lb- Wool Valley, 21 22c; Eaatern Oregon, 18 1$ l-2c; as to shrinkage. Feathers-Oeeo, white, 15 40c; geese, gray or mixed, 25 10c; duck, white, 15 20c; duck, mixed, 11 160. Mohair Choice, 28 2c. Caacart aagrada, (Chlttlm bark) 1 1-1 ( 1-2 ct. per lb. neeawax Oood, clean and pure, 22 25o per lb. Tallow Prime, 1 1-1 4 l-2c; No. 2 and grease, 1 Ic per lb. Oregon grape root Per 100 lb., 1 4c. HIJea Dry No. 1. 1 lb, and up. per lb., 17 lie; kip, No. 1, 17 20c; according to also. Dry salted bull and tar. one-third lea than dry flint; low grades 2-12 le per Ib.Ieaa; alted steer, 60 lb, snd up. 10 11c; under 60 lbs., steer- and cow, 1 10 c; stags and bull. 7c; klp. 15 to $0 lb.. 10c per lb.; calf, 10 to 14 lbs. lie; calf, undor 10 lb., 11 12c; green. un ttlloJ. 10 per lb. le; heepVln, shearling. No. 1, IS 25c; hort wool, No. 1. 40 0c each; medium wool No. 1, $1 1.60 each; murrain pelt, 10 to 20 per cent lose; horse hldea, alted, $1.50 to 2. according to else; dry, according to aUe, $1 $1.26; colt. 25 50o each; Angora, wooled, 10c $1.60; goat, common, 15 25o each. Produce. Butter Country creamery, S5 S6 TIDE TABLE, APRIL High Water. Date. Monday Tuesday Wednesday .. .. Thursday Friday Saturday SUNDAY Monday Tuesday Tuaaday Thursday , Friday .. Saturday . SUNDAY . Monday .. Tuesday .. Wednesday Thursday . Friday .. , Saturday . SUNDAY , Monday .. Tuesday .. Wednesday Thursday , Friday .. Saturday . SUNDAY , Monday ., , Tuesday . . 2 8 4 6 61 7 I .... .... 9 ...11 2 ....1$ ...14 ....15 ....16 . ..17 ...18 ....19 ....10 ...21 ....22 ....23 . ..24 ...25 ....26 ...27 ...28 29 80 A. M. P. M. h.m. ft I h.m. ft. 1:27 1:07 8:51 4:43 1.1 8.0 1.6 6:4S 8.1 7:00 8:i0 1:14 10:871 10:871 0:04 0:38 1:10 1:41 1:12 1:44 1:11 1:62 4:8s1 6:24 6:82 7:47 8:67 8:59 110:64 11:45 0 1:14 1:58) 7. 7 T.I 8.1 8.1 1.6 8.7 8 8.8 8.7 8.S 1.2 7.8 7.6 7.1 7.0 6.8 7.0 7.8 7.7 8.1 9.4 8.6 .6) 8:08 4:02 6:08 1:18 7:42 8:59! 10:00 110:47 11:28 11:28 11:17 11:57 1:87 1:16 1:66 8:86 4:20 6:08 6:08 Till 1:16 9:12 9. 69 10:42 11:22 11:69 12:83 1:22 2:12 8:08 7.9 7.5 8.1 8.B 9.0 8.8 8:8 8.0 7.6 Low Water. 7iRlL7i9d7. Date. Monday . . Tuesday .. Wednt'Sdny Thursday .. Friday . . Saturday . . SUNDAY .. Monday . . Tuesday . . Wednesday Thursday ., Friday Saturday .. SUNDAY ., Monday . . Tuesday . . Wednesday Thursday . Friday . . Saturday .. SUNDAY ;, Monday . . Tuesday .. Wednesday Thursday . , Friday . . . Saturday .. SUNDAY . Monday .. Tuesday . ALM.jlP;M.. h.m. J ft. I h.m. ft. .... 1 8767 -0.1 9:05 1.7 .... 8 9:47 -0.1 9.48 2:8 . ,. 3 10:43 -0.0 10:40 2.9 , ... 4 11:46 0.2 11:45 8.4 S 12:58 0.4 . .. 6 1:07 8.7 2:13 0.4 , ... 7 1:86 8.6 3:23 0.8 .... 8 8:62 8.0 4.23 0.2 ... 9 4:63 2.8 6:15 0.1 . ..10 6:421 1.6 5:58 0.6 . ...11 6:231 1.0 6:36 0.7 12 7:03 0.7 7:11 1.0 . , .18 7:4 0.4 7:47 1.6 . ...14 8:18 0.8 8:20 8.0 ....16 8:65 0.4 8:50 2.4 ....16 9:80 0.5 9:20 2.8 . ..17 10:07 0.7 9:54 8.2 . ..18 10:48 0.9 10:40 8.6 ....19111:33 1.1 11:37 4.0 , ...201 12:28 1:2 . ...21 0:62 4.0 1:28 1.8 ....22 2:12 3.8 2:28 1.4 ....23 3:22 8.2 3:26 1.8 ....24 4:13 2.5 4:18 1.2 , ...25 4:58 1.7 6:04 1.1 26 5:43 0.8 6.48 1.2 ,. ..27 6:28 0.1 6:38 1.8 . ...28 7:12 -0.6 7:18 1.8 ....29 7:58 -0.8 8:01 8.0 ....80 8:46-1.0 8:47 2.4 6c. lrd Kettle-rendorod, tierces, 13c; Tub, 12 8-4c; 60s 12 l-4c; 20s 12 l-2c; log 13 l-4o; Standard pure, tierces, lc to compound, tierces, 1 l-2c; leaf, llo. DrleJ Fruits Apples, evaporated. 10c per lb.; sundrled, socks or boxes, none; apricot 20c; poaches 13 l-2c; pears, 11 l-2c; prunes, Italian, 4 6- l-2c; French, 4 6c; Figs, California, blacks, 6 t-4c; California whites, gc; Smyrna, 20c; plums, pitted, 6c; Figs White, lb., 6 7c; black, t 7c; Provisions Hams, large 18o; small, 16 l-2c; picnic, 12c; boiled hams, 25c boiled picnic, 20c; breakfast bacon. fmcy, 21 l-2c; English, 17c; dry salted short clears, 12c; backs, 12c RATES EXPIRE ON THE 30TH OF APRIL Qreoarlea, Provision, Ete. Buirar.wck busts D. Q. $4.92 1-2 Golden C, $4.12 1-2; extra C, $4.41- 1-1; .powdered. $5.02 1-1; cube, 15.17 1-1; beet, $4.71 1-1; fruit sugar, $4. 92 1-1; boxo. 50 cts. cwt advance over saik baala (lea l-4c If paid for In fif teen days). nan Small white, 1 i-4o; largo whlto. 1 1-lc; pink, Ic; bayou, 4 1-lc; Lima, S l-2c; Mexican reds, 4 l-4o. Coffee Mocha, 14 llo; Java, fan- cy, 26 Z8c; Java, gooa, zv w Java, ordinary, 17 20o; Costa Blca. fancy, 18 20c; Costa, Blca. good, 12 18c; Arbucklo, 16 63 cwt.; Lion, IB- 7-8c por lb.; Columbia coffee, 14 l-4c; Salvador, 13 l-2c; Nuts Walnut, No. 1, soft shell, 17 18c; No. 1 hard shell, 15 leo.; al monds. 19 Si 20c: Albert 16c; Braslls'. 20c; pecans, 23c; hickory, 8c; Vlr Klnlii nennuts, 8 l-2c; Jumbo Virgin- In peanut, 10c; Japanese peanuts, 6- l-2c; Chestnut. Italian, 20c; Italian :0o; cocounuts, dozen, 85 90c; pine- nuts, 17 l-2c. Italstlna Looso Muscatels, 3 crown 2-crown,8 l-2c; BlcacheJ seed- loss Sultanas, 10 13 l-2c; unbleach t-A si.oilliss Sultanas. 8 l-2c; London layers, 8-crovn, whole boxes of 201b. $2.25; 2-crown, 12.10. 9c DUTY OF EVERY PACIFIC COAST ER TO URGE THE COMING OF KIN AND FRIENDS DURING THE NEXT THREE WEEKS. (Special Correspondence. PORTLAND, Ore., April 8, Every resident of Ongon should at once muke It his or her personal duty to write a letter to some acquaintance relative, or friend ,or better tlll to some old home paper, advising that the colonists rate will expire April 30ih; there Is no time to lose. These are one-way rate and good to almost any nolnt In Oregon, for $25.00-to polnta East of I'matlllo. Houlton and St Helens have project ed a Joint organisation for aevelop ment purposes and are determined to greatly Improve their community and Invite new settlers'. The Gresham Commercial and Devel opment League Is the latest member to gain admission Into the Oregon De velopment League. Hon. Peter Loggle, President of the North Bend Chamber of Commerce. has Just returned from a complete tour o tho United States having visited hundreds of different cities, and spend lng a large amount of time at the na tional capltol In behalf of tha develop. ment of Oregon. Mr. Loggle reports tremendous Interest In this State and predicts great advancement In ever1 portion of the State, In which Coos Hay will be one of the very pronounc ed lenders. The Executive Committee of the Port land Commercial club held a meeting Inst Thursday, nt which It was deter mined to Increase the fund available for advertising Oregon, and conduct an especially active campaign. TRANSPORTATION. The K"Line The Price of Health. "The price of health In a malarious f'lstncl Is lust 25 cents; the cost of a box of Dr. Kings New Life Pill writes Ella Slavnn Of N.,lan I. Alii New Life Pills cleanse gently and lm- rnrt new life ond visor to the system 25c. Satisfaction guaranteed at Chas Rogers, Druggist. Astoria & Columbia R. River R. Co Effective Sunday, September 0. 100 Paelfle Time. 7m. "'ftoTiA 21. H.1M 8.8.V B'BO Ml 8.SIV 9.2ft .tn n.m ft.W e.w mi ll.'Jtt 8.M (1.89 11.40 ll'BO 12.0J 12-16 12.80 Din 7.00 8.10 8.21) (.011 10.36 in., in 8'UO 9.10 0'3 10.0S 11-86 una Ill.M Lv. PORTLAND QOHI.K RAINIER OLATHKANIB Ar ASTORIA Lv. Lv.ABTORU Ar. Ar. WARKKNTON Lv Lv.WARRKNTON Ar. Ar. FT, HTKVKNH Lv. Lv rrrBTKVKNB r Ar. WARRENTON Lv. Lv.WARRKNTON Ar, AI.BKA81D8 LV. Ar. Iiv. Ill 11.5ft 110.4ft 10. SO .4ft 8.20; 8.1ft 7.M 1.W 7.41 T.M 1X1 (.60 D. Ill 9.MI 8.40 8.2ft 7.40 6.10 6.20 6.0ft (.00 p.m I la, in 4.80 10.4S 10. WM 10.16 1014 10.06 10.0ft 0.80 Steamer - Lurline Night Boater Portland and Way Landings. PA38ENGER3. FREIGHT. Leave Astoria dally exoept 8unday st 7 p. m. Leaves Portland Daily Except 8unday t 7 a. m. Qulok 8ervloe Excellent Meals Good Berths. Landlna Aetorla Flavel Wharf. Landing Portland Foot Taylor 8t CM. FOWLER, Agent. Phono Main 2761. LOGGERS MEETING. At Portland The Yellow Fir Loggers Will Endeavor To Keep Price Up. At a meeting of the logging com panies making a specialty of deliver ing yellow flr, to be held In Portland tomorrow an effort will be made to offset the recent cut In prices and the efforts to put the prices still lower. A short time ago the mill owners cut the price on first class logs from $18 to $12 and It Is said, are trying to make a further decrease In price. Tho log men say that the market value. of rough mercantile lumber should al so bo the market value, or cost price to the mlllowners, of the first quality of yellow fir logs. They assert that this arrangomont would still mean am ple returns on the higher grades of lumber. The loggers main Idea Is to prevent a further curtailing of prices by reaching an agreement among themselves for the prevention of an accumulation of a surplus. They will do everything In their power to hold the market at Its present stage. Dainn Buiinesi Aaiin. "When mv friends thoutrht I was about to take leave of this world, on account of Indigestion, nervousness and general debility, writes A. A. Chlsholm, Treadwell, N. V., "and when It looked as If there was no hope left, I was persuaded to try Electrio Bitters, and I rejoice to say that they are cu rl no- me. I nm now rioln? business agnUi a of old, nnd a mstlll gaming dany." Best tonic medicine on earth. , Guaranteed by Chas. Rogers, Drug gist. 60 C What the Triangle A Has Done The "Triangle A" has increased the dealer's' trade by enabling him to give hi3 patrons the greatest cigar values on earth. The '"Triangle A" has increased the value of the smoker's cigar money by giving him the highest possible quality in every grade of "Tri angle A" cigars. Everybody concerned reaps the benefit of the "Triangle A" idea the dealer and you. BOTH. The dealer secures your eonfdence and that's how he keeps your business. Whenever and wherever you buy, whatever you pay for your cigars, you are entitled to the best it is possible to produce for the price. The "Triangle A" on. the box is the only assurance you have that you are getting this 100 of quality. Don't Trust to Luck! See that the cigar box is stamped with the "Triangle A" merit mark every time youH get a smoke worth double what you got before the introduction of "Triangle A" methods. Look for the mark that insures quality. The New CREMO is the most satisfactory kind of proof but you are safe in buying any brand bearing the "A" (Triangle A) on , the box. Every box is extra-wrapped in glassine paper, sealed at each end with the "Triangle A" in red, to maintain perfect smoking condition and cleanliness until the box i3 opened. JV Merit A Mark AiJiX-iIvlVu.1 uuiu Manufacturer V c The Kind You Hare Always Bought, and vrhich has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and Has peenionue imuci ma i";-S2S?--f sonal supervision since its infancy. TASww Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations nd" Jnst-as-goodare but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children-Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare. gori. Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fevcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The ChUdren's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAY! Sears the Signature of J The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THI OIHT.OH eOMKNir, TT Mt STRUT. KtVO T. ASTORIA IRON WORKS JOHN FOX, Pres. F L BISHOP. Secretary INelson Troytr, Vice-Pres. and Snpt Astoria savings bank. Trea Designers and Manufacturers oi THE LATEST IMPROVED t ' j "i Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers Complete Cannery Outrib Furnished. CORRESPONDENCB'SOilCITEOJll . Foot of Fourth Btreat 12.90 p.m In.m m la.ni- lo-m