TUESDAY, APRIL , 1007, 6 THE MORNING ASTOIUAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. 233 A N INSCRIPTION ON A FAN Original. My friend Charnley keeps lu a glass case set up ou brackets air.tlnst a wall In Ms smoking room' at home a paper and bamboo fan. There la nothing about It to Indicate that it Is of espec'al nlue. Indeed. 10 or 13 cents would be I Rood price for It. It la spread out to show some Chines characters daubed across Its face. It occurred ,to me that this 'uscriptioD might have something to do with the care taken In the fan's preservation, and on evening after dinner while In the room where It was 1 asked Charnley If It were not so. "I should think ao." he said, knocking the asbes off his cigar. "It's alt In the Inscription." "Well, oat with If I knew by his expression there was a story coming. "You remember some years ago," he began, "I was obliged to go to China on business. I needed only to visit Pe king. Nankin and a few other poluts. In going from Nankin to Khaifeng I net with an adventure. I was on horseback and well armed. Hearing a commotion on the road before me, I spurred on and found a mandarin be ing robbed by a couple of bandits, who were trying to kill him before taking sis money. His position was very slain to me, and, dashing among them, 1 fired at both of the assailants In rapid succession, purposely missing them, since I didn't care to kill any one and probably be delayed by doing so. The robbers ran away, and the mandarin's servants slnnk back to him. lie was the most grateful man you ever saw. II nee we couldn't speak the same lan guage, be could only thank me with his eyes, which told InVTeellngs plain enough. lie picked up that fan, which luring the melee had fallen In the road, shook the dust off It and, taking a writing stick, wrote that Inscription across Its face, handing the fan to me. "I supposed that be had written his thanks. "Glad to have your autograph,' I said, though I knew he didn't under stand me, and we went on together In silence till we reached the next Til lage, where we parted with many fare wells which neither understood. Then I went on alone. "I beard a great deal about the rising wrath In China against the 'foreign devils,' but didn't suspect It was a premonition of the celebrated Boxer movement then about to break out Reaching a mission station In a small town, I concluded to remain with the family of Mr. Flsk, Its manager, for a few days. On the afternoon of my arrival his daughter Evelyn, a girl of twenty, ssw me using the fan. She could read the inscription, of course, and said to me: " Take care of that fan. Don't .lose it as you value your life.' "I asked her why, but at the moment he was called away, and I did not see her for some time. I don't remem ber whether wben I did see her I bad forgotten the matter or bad no op portunity to ask again. At any rate. It ttl 1F1NS Itched Constantly Scratched Until Blood Flowed -Suffered 10 Years Doctors and Medicines Were Fruitless Tries Cuticura and Is Completely Cured BY THREE BOXES OF CUTICURA OINTMENT "When I was about nine pars old small wres apunil "ti i-iien of my kmer limhs. I wrnteluil th m with a lirns nn and (.hurtle nfti-rwurds lioth uf thuM' Imilii U'cainc t-'i sun1 tliut I i-ntilil wiinvly walk. Wtii'ii 1 had lufii stifli'Mim for almiit it inntfi the H.in-si ln-jiii to hi'fil, ln.it mnall scaly eruptions apix-antl where tin- had been. Kroin that time onwtinl I win tmtllllfil ,y MUl'h severe itching that, tii.l:! 1 liccuiiiD Aocus'onusl to it, I would m ratch the iits until the blood lieunn to (low. This would stop the itching for a few days; Imt scaly plan would upiM'.ir Sfrniii and the itching would iicctnuiiy them. After I HiiflV'red alioiit ten years 1 made a renewed effort to effect a cure. Tiie eruption by this time had appeared en every part of my Uxly except my iav and hands. The Uvi dnetur in my native county advised me to u, aiwnio in small doses and a salve. I then used to tathe the so-s in a mixture which favp almost intolerable pain. In addi tion I used other ri modies.sueli as iodine, sulphur, aim- calve. ..'s Snlvo, umtment, and in fact I was cn- tinually giving some remedy a fair trial, nevw using lta than one or two boxes or bottk... All thL was fruitless. Finally my hair began to fall out and I was rapidly becoming bald. I used 'g , bat it did no good. A few months after, having used almost everything else, I thought I would try Cuticura Ointment, having previously used Cuticura Soap and being please! with it. After using three boiea I was completely eurtxl, end my hair was restored, after fourteen rears of suffering aiul anvxsnditureof at least 150 to too in vainly endeavoring to find a cure. 1 shall be glad to writ to any one who may tie interested in mr cure. B. Hiram Mattinglv, Vcr nillion, S. Dak., Aug. is, i;oo." ftil thmuVHrt 111 wvrid. Fwtrr Drue lrm. VWB. Pros H'-t. Mm rilM Vim. Boot! eoutdu ud Uood. cm ' was very soon after that we heard i shrieks tin tho street. Kverr one pre ! ent ttiriHHl white, knowing that n tuoh was murdering tho Christian converts. , The noise came rapidly our way, and Mr. Flsk. his family and servants (gathered !n the living room In con sternation. I got out nil my weapons, but Mr. Flsk shook his head. Never i tholes I thought that I might as well .iu ,l.,rn.itni- mr iMiinf rvmen. iwn' daily as It would tn plonsnntor than dying without action, j "Nearer came the yells and shrieks ! Mil suddenly we saw through the win jdow a gang of cutthroats coming, doubtless, to the station. At that mo. ment Evelyu, who had been out, rush- ed In looking like a gliost. "The fan! Tho fan! she cried. Where is ttf "What fanf " The one you had yesterday.' "I remembered that It was In my room and from Evelyn's eagerness about It knew that It must be of Impor tance, so I ran there, smit-hed tt from a table and ran back agitlu Into the living room. Evelyn pushed me to ths door, crying: "Open tt! Hold It upr "1 dd as she directed Just In time to face the ugliest gang of fanatics I iver saw or expect to see. Their lead er, aa Immense ninn, was about to lash In, with ap ax raised above his heart, when he caught sight of the let ters on the fan. He stopped, lowertug ala ax, while those behind him seemed to be paralysed by the Inscription. Ihea the leader, calling for a writing tick, wrote something over our door, and the mob rushed ou, yells and ihrloks following In Its wake. They bad no sooner started away than, the strain ou Evelyn having been relaxed, she fainted, and I caught her .n my arms. Ikying her on a coucb. I went out to look at what the Chinaman lad written on the door. The charac ters were the same as those ou the fan. When Evelyn revived she told me their meaning. 'Respect this man and those with him. The signature was that of a manda ln. Chang Ijuik. very influential with the Chinese people, sinit he had been wposed to foreigners. "We remained safe under the protec tion of the fan till we could get away. Mr. Flsk brought bis family back to imerica, and I came with them," "Knowing," I sai l, "that .Mrs. Charu ey's first name Is Evelyn, I take It that the fan covers a romance as well as laving saved your lives?" "In that you are right, but If It hadn't Men for ths fan ws should not bar Irvd for the romance.' ELLSWORTH EMERSON. LAUNDRY LINES. Stocking and socks should be turned wrougsldtt out before they are put Into the tub. Do not waste time and strength Iron ing knit underwear. If folded down smoothly wben taken from the line, these garments will need no Ironing. An ordinary telegraph wire makes a better Una to bang clothes on to dry than the hempen one generally used. The wire does not sag, rot or break. It Is easily taade clesn. Soap should never be used when washing silk stockings. Add four ts blespoonfula of bran to a quart of wa ter used for this purpose, rinse In sev eral clear waters, pressing the water out, and dry In the sun. In sorting clothes to send to the laun dry look carefully over each article, taking care to remove every pin, which may seriously Injure the laundress, and seeing tbat no studs, shields or cuff buttons are left In the blouses and shirts. To Make Veil Rolls. Veil rolls for keeping the veils In good comlitloii are made of mailing tubes one Inch lu diameter and seven teen inches long. Cover these with wudillng, sprinkled plentifully with sachet, powder between It Cut the wadding Just wide enough to cover by overciiHtlhg. Take live-eighths of a yard of tfve Inch ribbon, cover the roll with this and draw the ends of the rililxm dose to tho ends of tint roll and sew tlKhtly. Fringe the ends of the ribbon. Take one and a half yards of one Inch ribbon to trim the roll, Sew a piece the length of the roll over the seam, f.c tenlng It only at the ends. Cut the remaining ribbon In half mid tie closelv n round each cud to the tube In n pret'v bow. Mnndmg Cracked Oitlioi. If Ihe.jisb U only cracked, it may be pre-'rcl from I'.iIHiil; to pieces by painting the cr.K li on the underside with wb;li paint. Cut :i piece of lapii the leng'h of the crack, cover one aide wllh paint mid lay It over the fra lure. Press the tape down till peri'eelly smooth. Sor the dish aside fur t'vo or three weeks, wl the crack will be perfectly firm. Ts Make a Man Selfish. There Is uu better way to uiiike a selfish, spoiled husband out of a per fectly good man than by nlways helnrj tiiiscllish and doing a thousand and one things for him that he has always been accustomed to do for himself. It Is a rctiigiiircd truth tbat we all care more for the person who is dependent upon us than for the one we depend upon. Anon. fnlumbus imd Just landed. Meet ing n great Indian Chief with a pack age under his nrm. he asked him what It was. "Groat Medicine, Hoi lister's Rocky Motintntn Tea" said the Injun. Price 3 cents, Tea or Tablets. MAKE THE FEET FLAT. A Chiropodist 8aye Injury Is Often Dons by Low Heels. This talk about high heels breaking the arch of the foot la all nonsense," said a chiropodist who made a special ty of the "broken arch" difficulty. "It Is tho spring hool and very low heel that cause the trouble. Mothers should never be guilty of putting spring heel shoes on their children, for It means a flat and ugly foot lu later years. Just as soon as a child can toddle around It should le provided with a soft, pliable shoo which has the tiniest bit of a heel. This tends to throw the weight of the btxly forward on tho ba'l of tho foot, where It Is most easily supported, ami relieves the strain ou the arch. "You have often noon small children who have Just learned to walk run over the heels of their shoes, haven't you? It Is uot because they are un steady on their feet, which Is the popu lar opinion, but because their weight Is resting on the arch or where the bone of the lower leg meets the bono of the foot The flat foot may begin at this very time, so great rare should be tak en aa to jtiSt what shoes the little tod dlera wear. In some of the European countries little ones wear one-quarter Inch heels on their shoes, but Auicrlcau mothers seem to think that spring heels are smarter and wore healthful. "For sdnlts the moderately high Cuban heel Is Uie most comfortable and sensible for ordinary wear. The flat heels and the common sense beet should both be tabooed. Even the French beel la not particularly Injuri ous If It la only worn occasionally and when the woman will not walk much, but cf course It Is ridiculous for a walking boot Hut, whatever you do, avoid the low heel." New York Press. ARTISTIC PILLOW. A Stylish, Uulckly Worked and Easily Washed Cover. A channing pillow may bo made of the hsavy fish net that can le bought In the upholstery department of most la-ge department stores. Cut front paper a pattern of conven tionalised four leu veI clover about six inches across. Put this on the urt and trace around the edge with a soft lead pencil. IHagonnlly back of It set another cloirr blossom of which part of two ptals Is hidden. It two flowers so grouped at eipial Internals over the si'j face of the net. Outline the design in duchess lace braid and till In each petal with a darning stitch In pink rope silk. Ce a darker pluk for the under flower. Run the l'-ce around the centers. Ex tending sUiut an Inch on the ouvildv of each group of flowers daru In sn Ir regular background of a still diirker shade of pink. For this the stitches should go directly across the meeh of the net, not np and down. Made op over a nlle green taffeta pil low, this makes a stylish and quickly worked cover, which has the added advantage that it may be easily wish-ed.-Pblla("elpbIa Press. PLEASANT HOUR OK ENTERTAINMENT VAUDEVILLE AT IKE LOUVRE And Vaudeville that really Amuses and Interests you. Weekly Changes of Pro gram and Kach Change an Improvement SPECIALTIES THIS WEEK SKJN.V KOItl'KTM Magnificent Contralto Hlngcr in all the Current (leuis of Hong mid Real istic Hwewlish Charac ter Act m:na o.mi:i:n Turkish l'anccr klvini: rom:sT High Soprano Singer MAIIli; W ANIMtl'TII Flulo Soliht. Mistress of nil Lady Mel odists ADNII88ION FREE LINDBECK & WIRKKALA Props. n & 416 BOND ST. i. 'i ASTORIA, OKEGO Carries the rinest Line of 1 Wines, Liquors 'j I and Cigars i CALL AND SEE US I in CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. HE1P WANTED. WANTKlv-TWO llOUU IU8 TO work In Printing offle. Apply to Astorltm. WANTKIV-SALKSMKN. MANY MARK f 100 to 180 per month. Soma even more, Stock clesn j grown on Reser vation, fr how old orchards. Ouh a.lvsnced weekly. Cliolce of territory, Aildresg Washington Nursery Company, Toppenlih, Washington." W tf tilltL WANTF.lvru OKNKUAI. housework, at S4 ilarrlson avenue. MALE AND FEMALE tlKLP Ft'KN" Uhed lu and out of the city. Chut ter's Employitumt Office, U Commer cial Street. MK.V. ATTENTION WK HAVE A new article that men will find bene ficial to their comfort and pleasure Cannot state description here. Bend 10 for same. Are you wise? Thou sands of men are using thla article. Money refunded If you say w after purchasing this patented specialty. American Specialty Co., Hoi 175, Al legheny, Fa. AGENTS, ATTENTION DON'T rAT cash! Credit given! Fronts unlimited selling our recently patented article. Any man, married or single between IS and 0 years of age will buy It. Cannot give full description here. Bend 10c for same. Are you wUe? Only very few agents are handling this ar tide so far. If you cannot make at Icait dally selling this specialty, quit soiling goods. Our novelty Is pro tected by United States' TaUnts. Cost to Agent $ per 100 .sells for !5o each. We give you ten days time to pay for your good. American Specialty Com. pany. Vox 175. Allegheny, Fa. ItOYS WANTF.O-TWO GOOD Ac tive, wide awake boj can find stea- Jy employment by spplylng at the As torlan office. MALE HELP WANTED MKN AND women to barn watchmaking, en graving, Jeweler work, optics; ay terms; positions guaranteed; money made learning. Watchmaking-Engraving School. 1421 Fourth avenue. Beat tie. H ros tnrr Full RENT tlooM HofSE Con ner 15th an-l F"ranklln, liuiutre of It. H. Zapf 6:30 Commercial street. STEAM HEATED, WEIX LKJUTED office In 'the Odd Fellows' building for rent. Inquire of John Hahn. FOR RENT FURNISRED I ROOM house suitable for two families, elec tric light, phone and bath. 17111 8t. FOR RENT-FOUR UNFURNISHED front rooms a good place for light house keeping 688 Commercial Street over the Wonder. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. CAM, AT ONCE FOR YOUR ALAS- ka mattresses Hindu to order. 504 Horn!. PROPOSALS. QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, FORT HI evens, Ore., April 2, 1907. tjealed proposals, In trlplleut, will lu received at this olllce until 2 o'clock p. m. May 1, 1907, nn'I (hen puMlcly opened, for drainage and grading at Ft. Htnvens', Ore. Plans can he si-en niiil specifica tions olilulii"d nl the office of the Quar termaster, Fort Htisvens, Ore. The t'nllcd Hl.it' S reserves the rlhl to re ject or incept any or all lilds or any put thereof. Envelope, conlalnlriK proposiilii nlioiild lie einl'irsed "I'ropo sals1 for l)ialiiii(? & li-ndlng" mid ad dreSHed Conslriictlng Qnarterimisier, Ft. Stevens Oregon, IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United HtateH for the District of Or. egon In tlio mailer of tho estnto of Chas. H. Cooper, bankrupt: The un dersigned will recelvn scaled bids at his onVo No. 7 First Street, Portland, Oregon, for tho stock of merchandise, consisting of dry goods, notions, clo thing and furnishing goods amounting to 1355.01 together with the office and store fixtures' of $!i32.15 portnlnlng to this estate up to 12 o'clock Noon of Thursday, April 11, 1907. Terms cnah, subject to confirmation by tho Court and a certified chock for ten per runt of the amount, offered must accompany each bid. An Inventory of tho property may be seen at my office and tho stock may be Inspected at Asthrla, Oregon. All proposals must be plainly marked, "Rid for C. H. Cooper stock and fix tures." R. L. SARIN. Trustee, SEALED PROPOSAL WILL HE received at the office of the Light House Inspector, Portland, Oregon, un til 12 o'clock a. m. April 20 HI07, and 1 H"HS I "S ' I 'U. ' '-.'' " ' titen opcne.l ,fur furnishing and deliv ering: fuel and provisions for veol and slntlon lu the Thirteenth Uht House IMstiict for the tl'cal year end. In June Jit, IKON, In accordance with Kpeeltliiitliilis, coie ut ttlllcll. with lil t nk proposals itnd other Information, may bo itnd upon application to t'em nuimler l. J. Werlleh. V, H. N., Inspef tor, FOR 8ALI. FIHST CLASH LAUNCH; WILT for Passengers, frelshl and towing, learning 1350.00 pr month; g,lod con dltUm Fnlon engine nearly tie wally changed to carry flh. for shout half of nctual value, Inquire Walter Howard Frael Klgnsr Transfer Co. city, e TAILORS. HOMO INDUHTttT THAT HELPS K, Martinson the merchant tailor HJ-ltth street. WSCtLlAHIOtHL NitTIl'K TO FIHHKKMEN A NO d.sil..rs In flsh-Thls Is to Inform you that all llcmsss pertaining to the Itlshlna Industry Issued prior to March Slst., exilr.-d Murci SI. INT; and to nh for Haltnon. or dual In ttmon or othrr ana, Iron. rth without license I committing a nildmesnor tht will be punih.d In the Court" It. O. Vandu sen, Master Fish Warden. NICK PAPAZOERIt. THE GREEK DIVER. , has Just rwelved a nw diving ma chine from ths old country. Dlvee from !i to 30 fathoms In shallow water stays down half s day st a time. Leave orders at 417 llond Ht. Msrket, or D. Flno, Clifton. CLEANINQ AND REPAIRING. FRErWNO AND CLEANINO.-LA dies' work a spodaliy, up to date, tailor. Andrew filpola 431 Commercial street. TRANSFER COMPANIES. PHILLIPS TRANtiFER COMPANY Express and baggage, also Job work stand Millars cigar store cor., tth and Itond phone 1731 Main. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR RALE 150 ACRES TIM HER land, J mile from Knsppa; cheap for quick sale, F, Rig 7l Astoria. .. .... USJ.I.J..J--iui. 1 - ' " ' mwmmmm B0ARDIN0. TBI HYDE. Rooms with or without board t ratee ressonsblei good aaeom modsUon for transleste. Hta and OomrnereW. i i, .... u. ii ...-wwKagWB' H0USI MOVXSS. FREDKKCKSON' BR08.-W otaks a eontraetors. ge"ml JohMagj prompt at- tentloa te all orders. Corner Tsth ad Duans. LAnHDBlES.. BUTTON FOLK AT TBI BACK. Your sxperiance with It has ao doubt lead to much vsiatlon, possibly pro fsnlty. Ilroke your fingernail trying to pry It up from ths neckband, eat You wont have that that eiperieac U you send your shirts to uj we save you tlila trouble, and danger of tearing ths idilrL Try us end see, TROY LAUNDRY, Tenth ind Data Sts. Phone last DISTILLERS L0U8IVILLE, KENTUCKY Old Forester Whiskey llih in (Juality ami Price Tucker Whiskey lint Value on the Coast Major Paul Whiskey Noted for its Fine Flavor l)I.STHIIUTO!2l ASTORIA, OREGON MEN ANOWOMEB, Dm Dlf SI Air nnalarttl i)l.rlima.liiaininllBt, IrrllKtlima or ukrilom of mil on ul aitnibMMt, rntMI. r-alMtaa. t.i .. I... I . ... ..... riun inttTin.wni-niuii, . ut iHllniaulli, Hill 1 g- M Udaftiil II I f mi i . Ufl.mr.. ;mmu,o: '- nuts Drtieettts. I'. . i, 2 I er Hiil In Utn wrtipk i i4tjJ i" "Sr". pr-Mlil, tt - " lUMiU MSI IM IWUMSk PROFESSIONAL CARD. OITIOPATHIITl. DL RR0DA C HICK! 08T&OPATU Office Manseh Hid, Phone BlaH Mil 171 Commerolal It, Astoria, Ore. ATTOKNIYI AT LAW. JOHN C. McCUE. j Attornky.at-Law. Deputy District Attornby Page Udjr. Room 37. HOWARD M. INOWNIU, Atterneyat-Law. Olflee with Mr. 4, A. lakln, at Ne. 4tf Cemmeretal it, Asterla. DENTISTS. Dr. VAUGHAN, DusTirr I ... tl.. II ll.. r i u,u wuiKiiug, Aiuiiii, vrviron. Dr. W. 0. LOGAN DRNTJH'l Oummeioal B Hhsnahan, Build I see BUSINESS DIRECTORY HOTELS. HOTEL PORTLAND f mi i...t i j rineM neex in ine nerviwes , PONTLANO, OKI. j THE OREGON ;M0S.To Cmmerrlal Htreel, between i Kieveiith sml Tsellth. i AHIOUIA, OBKOON MILS. M. NOLAN, I'ropHetrees. ltooms Single ami Hulles. Terms, Day, Week or Monlb. HteeiH Heat, lath and telephone. Telephone tied ttOS. jj.u JXI..U4I JiaWMssMnasiaanKt RESTAURANTS, Tokio Restaurant 531 Bond Street Opposite Ross, Iliggins & Co First-Class Meals. tOUCC Willi fie 0l taKC 1UC tfl 'jReplar Meals l5c,up First Class Meal 15c Coffee with Pie, Cake or Dough nuts 10 cents. U. S. RESTAURANT 434 Bond Street. Telephone Ids I Main. 31 Bond Street. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT THE ASTORIA RESTAURANT MANO UlNrt.I'rop. The Finest 25c meal served In Aitorla, Yonr Patronage Solscieed. Courteous Tresttueut to All. OAVK IS NKASoN ASTORIA. : OKEGOS. JAPANESE 600D& INEXPENSIVE JAPANESE FIXINGS, MADE OF IAJI BOO, LIGHT, STRONG, IAND MADE, TABLES, STANDS, CBAllfl. WHAT-NOT." "OKCASES.IHELV. INO, ETC. Yokohama Bazaar 2s Commercial fit. Aitarla. WINES, UQU0BS AND QOAlS. THE SAVOY Popular Coaasrt EalL Good ssuslo. All an valaoms. d1 Mr Semtli and Aitor, Eagle Concert Hall 320 Astor 6t. Tht lasdlni amusemsnt souse. Agenoy for Edison Phooogrspnl Gold Moulded Raoords. P. A. PETERSON, Prof, i