The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, April 09, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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Mor Caah To Trury
Mlmrirr M. It. I'omeroy yeterday
made another turn-over to County
Treuaurer W, A. Hhcrmaii, of 137,000,
which brings the receipts from the
ahrlevallty up to a sum exceeding 1110,
MOO so far.
400 m
Is the only can wherein gasoline may be
kept with any degree of safety.
No Drip, No Leak, will draw all the oil
out of the can.
Your money back if you arc not satisfie d
See display iu show window.
High Purpo In Viw
Messrs,' fnldu In-rdlnea Laikon nnd
Julius Not limn, hearty young native"
of old Norway, yesterday made their
separate declaration of Intention to
become cltlKen of tile t'nlted Htiltes
In due course of time, and went on
rerord In that behalf.
1E1 TILES Of 1
Elisabeth Andrn
KIUaMU Anderson died at ( M
ry'a hospital of paralyst on Bunday
WUr Rat Pnlty
Tha 35 cents penalty on th water
iTa'aa will tt collected after Wdn-
J? April .
City Trenurr Dealey la reported
having Improve) greatly and will pro
bacy bo at lilii dk today,
Mi MeDonough
Mr. nnd Mm. Jame M'Ionugh of
Hear CHIT arii tt proud parent of a
nw daughter, burn Haturday,
Johnnl Qilmor Dd
Ji'iile (Minor, of Altoiti, Washing
Ion aged IS year anil i month, died
Hnii'Liy f consumption. Ho wax
half brother of 811a I'er.
John Paul Jr
The funeral of John I'nul jr. Was
hell at 4: SO yesterday Afternoon from
Ollbaugh'i Mortuary Chapel and the
body Marled for Wexford Michigan
on the night train.
Polio Court
One lone drunk faced Judge Ander
on yesterday and was fined 12 or 1
day In Jail. Hull from gambler was
forfeited to (ho nmount of 1340, of
thla $175 was from tho Chlneao gam
bler of tho city.
Luthran Centrne
Th throe day meeting of the Ore
gon and Columbia River Ultrlct Con
ference of (ho Norwegian Lutheran
Synod church of America, which be
gin thU afternoon will lie held nt the
Lutheran Synod church on S9th Bt.
Taking In Th Columbia
Hugh Mcijirln. a well known bank
er of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, a
brother of Dr. MeUirln, of Rainier,
arrived In thla city on flunday, and
went over to the Klovlnhauson plant
at Altoona, to visit friend.
Military Pay Day
Tho boya at the post nt Fort Pte
vena, Columbia nnd Canity will glad
ly greet the paymaster of tho corpa to
day, and some of the officer will bp
quit a glad to aee him. Ilia visit
not Include tho Quartermasters'
jeiVrtmcnt at the front.
O . a. II.. T..LLI
The Aatorla Seamen Friend. Society
will open their new quarter on Ex
change atreet tonight at 8 o'clock.
Scholfield, Mattson $ Co.,
For a
Johnson Phonograph Co.
Parlor 8oond Fleer ovr SoholfUld A Mattion Ce,
Thla will be a popular meeting Mem
ber and frlenda art cordially Invited
to attend. Report from the build
ing commute and other will be read
ulno apnechei by minister nnd leading
cttlxen' of AMorla.
School Report
Th Hchool report for the month end
ing April I was given out by Huperln
tendon! (.'lark yesterday, Tho per
centiigo of dully atleniliune waa 0H.5
per cent with a tardy lUt of but 14
out of an enrollment of boya 60(1 nnd
girl. 664, Tho Taylor Hchool hold
tho recorii having an attendant per
rentage of 93.4 and 00 In punet unlit y
Room 2 and 4 are th buiuier room
having 99 4 ier rent In atu-ndnriri
and MO wr cent In punctuality.
Lanj Transaction
A. C. Anderaun, John M.ittls"n and
A. M. Smith have purchased from the
heir of tho II. F. U Logan Kslat
158 acre of land Including tho Klk
Creek Hotel property. 4,0i)0 so ru
tnor him It I the turn auld to have
changed hand on the transaction al
though a merely nominal consideration
l mentioned In the ijeed filed yester
day. ....
F. It. Drown, formerly with tho Itel
vedero of Tort land Oregon ha pur
chased the two year ub leae on
the Elk Crek Hotel property, nnd
ho will act a th proprietor tho coming
season nnd the succeeding on. Rolls
Wood the former lease !aa accepted
the poaltlon of anwyer with tho A-
torla Paper Box Company
To Foreign 8hor
Tho fnmoua old bowling allies of tae
Irving Club, which have been taken up.
In preparation of the move about to
be made by the Club to It new quar
(era In the Hnvlnga Dank Pudding,
have been purchattod hy Chnrle H.
Callcnded. and one half of the alllo"
well be ent to Knappton and tnatnll
ed there, while the other section will
be aent to Mr. Menerve, at Gray' Hlv
r, to be et up there and uaed na nn-
other feature of enjoyment In that
lively center.
of money saving opportun
ities should be of interest to
everyone. Here is our tale:
We buy for cash and avail
ourselves of every possible
discount; by purchasing at
closer figures than most
stores, we can afford to dell
our Groceries at lowerprices
Ice Cream
Eighty-On Dd Filed
Yesterday' Indexing at the county
clerk' offlee show1 that elg.ity-one
deed wer filed, as from Chief of Po
lice Oammul to the City of Astoria, be
Ing binds bought In by tho city at
sale for diillniUent asxesMnerit on
Improved properties of the city, In the
course of sleet work and other line
of public Improvement.
Cannot B Vrifid
There U a persistent rumor on the
streetM of Astoria that the great house
of Meier & Frank, of Portland, Is to
open a big branch establishment in
the quartera aoon to be vacated by
Mayor Wise, on Commercial atreet,
There was no way to confirm or dis
prove the atory yesterday .and It may
be taken for what It la worth until
the parties In Intorost are heard from.
Getting In Radint (
Tlaj Astoria Hardware (innpuny. late
ly Incorporated In thin city. Is busy
theso d-iy' stocking up at their new
store at No, 113 Twelfth KUcet, with
a line and varied line of up-to-date
lutrdwure and farm utensils, nnd will
throw the doora of the new house open
to the public on the morning of the
15th of the present month, next Mon
day. Off For 8lm
Yesterday evening'' exireM out of
lilts cliy carried away Captain C. (M.
Forest, his wife and son, Sheriff M.
It, I'omeroy, Bpeclal Deputy Sheriff
A. E. Petersen, and Hon. Martin Foard,
all bound for the capital, where Cap
tain Forest will be turned over to th
warden of the atate's prison, under
the nentence of Saturday last. Hl
wife and son wll continue their Jour
noy to the old home at Oakland, Cat
Ifornla. ,
Lionid And Wedded
County Clerk J. C. Clinton yesterday
Istued a marrlago license In favor of
Mis I.oruii L. Simmons and Mr. Hen
ry J. Hogell, the former of thl city,
and the latter of Pacific county, Wash
ington. Later In the day the young
pcoplo Invoked the patoral aurlvlces
of llev. O. K. Rydnulst of the First
Lutheran church, who made thorn one,
nt tho home of the groom' parents
near the City Het,rvolr, the scene of
the wedding of tho groom's sister last
Pai Th Word, Everybody
In Just three weeks time tho low
rates' from tho East and Middle Vet
will expire, and It behooves everybody
to apprise their friend back there of
the value of making use of them with
out delay. It might be an excellent
thing for the clergy of tho city to make
this fact known o their several con
gregatlon from tho pulpits of the city,
as the teacher are doing from the
school rostrums' of the city. No
chance must be lost to mnko Imme
dlato use of tho cheap fares to this
const and especially to Clatsop county.
Hi Luok W, With Him
A man fiy the name of H. Johnson
came very near passing In his chocks
cla the Columbia rlvor routo on Sun
day night last. Ho got desperately
full of corn-julco and ventured too far
out on the piling directly hack of the
Chinook saloon on Bond street, and
slipped off Into tho dark and grlzxly
river. His voice wns s'tlll In good re
pair, nnd the yells ho emitted brought
Billy Ford to his rescue, and he was
promptly roped, and dragged ln-shore
under the piling until he was directly
undor the beershoot of the Chinook,
through . which he was drawn up to
safety and another hot drink, after he
had partaken of which, he was dumped
Into a wheelbarrow and piloted up to
the cooler. Judge Anderson soaked
him again yesterday afternoon.
Th Columbia Sheriff.
Sheriff J. M. White, ft Columbia
county, came down from Rainier on
Sunday and spent the day as a wel
come guest of Sheriff and Mrs. M. R.
Pomeroy. In conversation with a re
porter of this paper the up-river sher
iff declared that the people of Colum
bia county were almost a unit In their
fixed opposition to the terms and pro
visions of the Port of Columbia bill,
and that they would send up an ad
verse expression on It whenever It be-
I U U W MM r IK'X , ViV V , i'
UUI lllg k
uifs m f J
Made by Vr'-'V' Mr (
vi M a Mint III, v
Tailors I 111
Backed by , :
'-hi I '
wise. ! I p
That's Good ' fjtf J YjL 1
I 1
ocni nit) siutvb j
came tlma to utter it. Personally,
Sheriff White Is diametrically opposed
to tho measure and declares It but an
other manifestation of the hoggish
spirit of Portland enforced through the
overwhelming numerical strength of
tho metropolis In all matters that reach
an eloctornl status In the state.
Happy Sunday Record
On Sunday afternoon last at the
hour of 8:30 o'clock there occurred at
tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Jens Jackson'
No. 1771 Irving Avenue, the happy
wedding of Miss Krlstlne Aspenses and
Mr. Ole Stone, both of this city, Rev.
Ellas' Gerdlng, yastor of the Norwegian-Danish
church. At the conclu
sion of the ceremony, the guests sat
down to a charming repast and made
merry during the evening hours. The
list of guests was very large and the
young people were overwhelmed with
congratulations and best wishes.
She' A Good 'Un
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Goodln, of this city there appeared on
Sunday last, a new and handsome lit
tle daughter. iThis accounts for the
presence of the big contractor over
here yesterday, from his Oak Point
I CI. .JM X 1 1. 1 , . , I n 1 1 nnHn0nJ I
Oxford Ties
For Women.
Wherity, Ralston Company
Astoria's Best Shoe Store
The demand for this style
of footwear promises to be
greater this season than ever
before. Either patent, kid
or tan are correct for leathers
The shoe that is bought
from us is certain to be cor
rect in style. We have them
in all leathers, styles and
widths. .