TUESDAY, APRIL 0, 1007. THE MOltNING ASTOIIIAN, -'ASTORIA, OREGON. 3 The Guaranteed Purity of Men nen's Derated talcum Toilet Powder WWO-?" VnAtt lh saw port drn tw tin M nil en Cnm ltif jtiiaranliwa avary Ihii o flaanan's Tollat Pewaar aiiiilM lit tin, lr.it., ami am h bo I Imam ilia lavernmaat Mrtil oumhar IMI, suaran. la.ltis UiairttnnM'iTallel Mowdaru inula and old In tuiifurniHy alib Ilia inrni. of tit saw law. Poahllaa thara will allll tie arTarnd auliatl. Itllaaaiid linlUtlnnadaarrlbad balnil " loud aa tUnuan's." Ilul no ona naad lit UaiaWwl bf Itila Aim t iru.a fur eountarialllng t ..Inutile srtlila. Aftrona who haa uaad Mannan'a knowa Uiat II la alHHiluialy InliiilUlila, 1'Uirs la puUilug Ilka II: suibttisJiiBlaaguatl, To prolix! puriiltitaara lo til BlntnaL Man aan'a I'uwil.r la now put op In llia"bo tbal lot," alms iiirn cannot l rnil'l with an Inferior anlallttita, lixlat on bavin Manoaa's anil only Maanan't aa tha on If Ofolacllon afalnal lultav hub. aau uuaiiiawaa. ess FaaalmUaof Boi. liar a oa triad Mwn'a Vlolat Rorttad Talfom Tollal Powdarl Illaa partial lit tlolal p.rflima will And Hassan's Vloljt Talcum Ira Irani lib tb odor ol fraab pluckad 1'arsia I"U, For aala awjr" wbsisfurlftcu, J nU, poatpald, oo rao.li of vtut. saaatalrss. or.BHAKD MENNEN CHEMICAL CO., Nfwarfc, N.J. raulmllaof Dot OttoUadttbdarlfoodandOrwAeiBMlO.iVWl atrial Mo.lMi DROWNED AT FAVEL ON SUNDAY Come See Our. Enamelware ! To the housewife: If you wish anything in white ware, Enamelware, both in gray and green, we can please you with our excellent line. Tinware in Japaned or plain is excellent ware now ondisplay -see our window. Everything for the home at reasonable prices. The Foard & Stokes Hardware Co., Inc. Successor U Tmi ftokw C. WARRENTON CORRESPONDENT OP THE ASTORIAN SENDS UP AN INTERESTING LETTER FROM THE WEST SIDE CITY. Why Tfava tnrnlrl llvar whan Herblna. tha onlv llvav raarulator will helD you? Thar It no reason why you should suffer from Dyspepsia, constipation, fhilla mnA Vavar o anv ftlhap llvr complaints, whn Herblno wilt cure you. F. C. Wall", WestVllia, jrja., rliav! "I wu ali-k tar a. month with chilli and fever, and after taking two bottles or Harbin am well ana Heal thy," Bold by Hart's Drug Store. WALLPAPER POISONING. i IMMM MM II MM BIO REDUCTIONS ON Wall Paper 30PER CENT OFF I On account of .the large new spring stock co mingand t u nmVe room in our store we offer 30 p:r cet off for the uext few days. Buy your wall paper now while it is cheap. Eastern Painting & Decorating Company.! X Commercial Street, near Eighth. U MMM Warrenton, Monduy, April t, M07. On Sunday everting Jual after tb Portland train left Warrenton, about i:J0 p. m. Nation Horton In company with James W. Hackman started from her Intending to walk to Hammond, whn tlaa two men reached Plavfcl dock, Horton who had been longshore Ing there expressed hi desire to get one of the hooka ho hud been uelng saying he wanted to sharpen It before commencing work again, He left Hackman and went over to the car where the hook lay. While he waa gone Hackman atood walling for him after ten or fifteen mlnutet bad elapa- eJ Hackman began to wonder what Horton waa doing and began to make Mh way towards the part of thodock wnr ne preumeo tiuri'm. " Junly hli attention waa attracked by i faint ahout for hlp and he ran over to the spot from whence the sounJ came, arriving there Jut In time to ee Horton'a hands dluippear under tha water. Hackman was unable to render the drowning man altanc so he has tened down to Hammond and explain eJ tha circumstance to a Mr. Andfer son. the life saving crew were then no ttn.nl, by Hits lime It had become too dark to endeavor to find the body that evening, so It was arranged to drag for the corps next morning. About 8.30 a. m. Monday the Life (2i.i,ir tr..w h.o-nn t'nplr Httemnt to . ..I. . - - ' retrain the boJy from the wuter, Hack- man went with them and Indicated the it where he saw Horton sink. All attempt to recover the body proved futile, Horton came here from Mlcnourl about a year and a half ago, his family following him here some twelve months later. He leaves a young widow nnd 2 lit tle children to mourn, his lo It I understand he Joined the Maccabees 2 months ago-not long enough to entitle his family to death beiiefus-he had mado no other provision for them. I! To Be Happy and Gay Means net enly good things to eat, but also the bast of things te drink, X and tha bast of all good drinks Is Sund A Carlson's j Rye and Bourbon Whiskies, Cholce'WInes and Champagnes. THE COMMERCIAL aa r i at. ov wommaroiai a. It B. PARKER, Proprietor. B. P. PARKER, Manager. PARKER HOUSE EUROPEAN PLAN. First Class In Evsry Ratpaot Free Coach to tha. House. Bar and Billiard Room. Good Check Restaurant Astoria, Oregsr. ; ... " .. I M i ..... t tl'r :t-,t-M 1T.'H'.'l"' I, ".. i 1 l Jr III BitiiUtfe'6:.y.J-..'il sva-kJku.A-iwa... ,af. V-'awil Qood Sample Roohu on Ground Floor for Conuntrolal Un. THE GEM C. F. WISE, Prop. f Choice Wines, Uquori Merdunti Lnnck ttm and Cigars iisjo a, m. to isjo p m Hot LtwcJi at (tfl Hours MCen-bj Corner El event h and Commercial AST0KU 0RKG0R H I t ; i THE TRENTON First-Class Liquors and Cigars, 602 Gmimercial Street. Corner Cwnmercial and 14th. Astoria, Oregon, Indiana Woman Dies After Clesning Wsllpspsr Off Her Home." CIUCAOO. 'April SjA dispatch to the Tribune from Evansvlll, Ind., says: Mrs. Zacharlah Watson, the third wife of a farmer In Posey Co. Ind., died a fw days ago and yesterday It was dtacavered that her death was due to the wall paper on the walls and celling of the parlor that she cleaned ten days before being taken 111. Physlclans.be were unable to ascertain the cause un. til the wallpaper was examined and founJ to be Impregnated with virulent poison. Watson's first two wives died In the same way, their deaths occur ring one and two years ago. Don't Put Off. For to-morrow what you can do to day. If you put off buying a bottle of Ballard's Snow Liniment, wnen that pain comes you won't have any. buy a bottle today. A po'ltrve cure for Rheumatism, Burns, Cuts, gprains, Contracted Muscles, eta T. 8. Gra ham, Prairie Grove, Ark., writes: "I wish to thank you for tne goo J rantta I racaived from Snow Liniment It positively cured me of Rheumatism after others had fanea." soia Dy Hart's Drug Store. aaaaasaaainaaaBawaiiaaaaaaaaaaaajaa Children eat sleep and grow after inking Holllstcrs Rocky Mountain Tea. Iirlnga rosy cheeks, laughing eyes, good health and strength. A tonic for sickly children. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Mr H T. no wen. of Wayne. W. Va.. writas: "1 wu a sufferer form kidney disease, so that at times I could not get out of bed, and when I did, Icouia not stand straight I took Foly"s Kid ney Cure. One dollar bottle and part ot the second cured me entirely." Fo lov'n Kldnev Cure works wonders where others are total failures. T. F. Laurln, There are a few persons living here who doubt that this city Is known any farther Inland than Astoria, In order to prove their error In this respect the following Incident Is related: Some time ago a letter was mailed In Europa addressed to a gentleman In the U. S, A., tho writing waa almost Ineligible and practically tho name of Warrenton and tho letters U. S. A. were about all that an everage person could distinguish, our Post master was puxxled as to whom tho let for should bo offered and we are told sho ued considerable valuable time endeavoring to decipher the addressa's name Just at the moment stie had de cided to forward thai letter to the D. L. O. a graphophone commenced play ing that familiar song "Carry mo back to old Vlrglnny." and as If by magic tho worthy lady recognized that the letter was Intended for Warrenton Virginia to which town sho duly dis patched It. Now. seeing this letter crossed the entire continent we feel Justified In nRMimlng that Wnrrenton. Oregon was bettor known to tho mall clerk's than waa It's namosnko In tho other state. Investors take notlce-thero are a lurgo number of married men working In tho mills here who ara anxious to fm. tho accomodation of their families and suitable employ houses aro as scarce ns Icebergs around the equator. Now Is tho time to build and War renton la the place to build In. Another first class dance Is an nounced to bo held In Warren's Hall next Saturday evening. Oregon Life Tha Policy-HoWera Company Purolw nrennn and Absolutely HIVII IWJJ" wa...-. Mutual to Policyholders Built on a Common Sense Foundation Keep the Money in Oregon The very best Life Insurance for an Uregoman Bittsn By A Spidsr. hlood nolsonlnar caused by ni.ia Mta .Toh.i "nsshlnaton. of Bosquevllle, Texas, would have lost his leg, which became a mass ot run nimr anraa. tinA he not been Dersua- ded to try Bucklen's Arnica Salve, He writes; "The first application relieved, four hoicaa healed all the sores." Heala every sore. 25c, at Chas Rog er, Druggist CANADIAN PACIFIC "EMPRESS" Line of the) Atlantlo Nothing better afloat than our new vnraa tmprs. "F.mnress of Brit ain" and "Empress of Ireland' iTicoa tona. Quebec to Liverooo In six days; less than four days at sea, Superior accommodations available. Comfort, elegance and safety. Send for illustred booklet a nit aniline list. James Fl. alyaon, Agant Astoria Or lothcs Bought at Wise's Pressed Free by; a TAILOR whenever you say so A About Novel This Theme Team "Be WISE and Whyte and You'll be Ryte." You Bet Your Boots WISE Has The .-.'Soots" Mr. and Miss Souri, we are pre pared to 'SHOW YOU." HERMAN WISE Behind each Article Sold in His Store Perfection in Life Insurance. A company conducted by men of high repute, skilled In finance, having asso ciated with them life Insurance under writers who use safe methods and plain Insurance contracts that have been tried and stood the test of time. with moderate expense of conducting the business. Profits from all sources belong to the policyholders, and must be distributed to them In dividends at the end of each year. STEEL & EWART ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS In Business for Business and Your Satisfaction. Ve make Jitjour aim to do first class work at reasonable prices. 222 Twelftn Street. Next to theAstoria Theatre. tiiiti9999 V M Oregon Life is the only Pa- - a - 4 a cihc Uoast company wnicn includes all of the above! mentioned features. Portland, Oregon At Columbia Mills, Knappton. Wages $2.25 per day Board, $15 per month. MEDICAL. Unprecedented Succeaa of 1. 1 GEE ft'O THE GKSAT CHUTES! D0CT0B V Who It knowi throuflVout the United .fesilfklA'hU wonderful cures. ilnira used. Hs ITUartB- teet to our) catarrh, asthma, lung and throat trouble, rheumatism, nervousness, stomach, Uver. and kidney, female com- glslnts and all chrome diseases. UCCESSrrjL HOME TSIATMXKT. t -.11 writ for inntffll blank and circular, inclosing 4 cants in stamps. THE C GEE W0 KEDICIXS CO 162) Krst Si. Corner Morrison, PORTLAND, OREOOX. Pleas mention tha Astorian 112 Trout ; Eisliin; ! The season is now "Full On" and we are "Full On'Vith all its requirements A better line of Poles, Flies, Lines, Baskets, never saw the light of day. Poles from 10c to $10 each. All grades of supplies. See the Show Window B. A. HIGGIINS CO., MUSIC BOOKS STATIONERY H4M H I HKtMl 1 1 i