The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, April 09, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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Establish 1I7J.
Pabltahed Daily Ixovp Mooo.y by
By stall, pr year
By carrier, par moeta.
. .SO
B, anil per yMr, is adTaae. . 11.00
tntsrvd u tMnd-eUua auttMr Jol
. UCSC at UK puaUiffio at Astoria. Or-
joa, most um aei w Lucira- ami .,
KtrOKbn for tk Astt-anafjrf Ta
raataroaujrUMUiar nmamn or paw si
li i J sap aa aa ajr oar ar
aoucfi tackCM- 7 Irmratarnj
(iwrMMMUi balm r,1llif iaru4 the
Official jsper of Clatsop coast? oa
Um City of Astoria,
Oregon, Washington, Ida,
Ink hi quota of ahem and punish
inrnt Hh hl superior fellow-thieve.
It develop, (hut tlil nty little
err-alur h kwn tv rt of llir graft
Inn gang and (I nl th U'vt of "'I I1"
ferine ! It hot Iw'flest and his own
wretched aumttMttltin, Ho dealt with
thu rabble and fuel their f'ea uf priv
ilege ami collected the pittances with
hie own We hau l. Ho did net stand, off, In the sun- Ity of his raulted
office. tnl reelv the ntufT through
the ordinary ciitmiel. if thievery
but went down Into lh rul and
sllme-wavs and collected II for him
self end dealt with the maojuea and
prmtltute ami rvert ami rrawlliig
thing uf the city ot flrt haul.
Thank 0J for a Henry! The whol
roast I profoundly In 'I'M to this
fearlcae And Inscrutable man wfce
very name hat become a terror In lb;
walk of municipal Uf out irr. anil
the leasona he la blistering lota Vm
communal aoula of th PriS; w2
laat for many a yr j ccce. si-si
and aharaeful a they are to tik ira
ai well af to the usrleaa
Use A
Wick Blue flame 02 Cook-Stove
All-Astoria want to remember li'
J. H. Wfcyte la a stranger la tot itMm
ac yet; that b aeed ail lie thir
help and vti'm be cats (t a:
toe threahctld of hla writ t'ft tfc
Chambtr et Cwtrjiwwc; tit every
abrewd and wh'lome thirst that can
be pe4 op to him la that mwh
more actual efjttlfrment for him; and
the plare 'f every active, tioifui.
belpfal clt!tfn, l at Mr. Kbyte'
huldr. If we to It that he 1
la quick with all our pep!.
ear ambltlona, drir- and needs, he
will be able to program hla work to
meet the enda of popular achievement
much aooner and mure thoroughly
than If we let him labortounly pick
out the ementlala and teat the efficacy
of unadvised work.
fiuKKt'ttlon anJ information and en
doraement, do not mean fetation,
either. We have et 'nlm up In our
place to Jo, and go after, thing, but
the nerving" forte that all m-n llk 1
the ever-preaent touch of commending
and bolaterlng hands.
And again, we ttiunt not hamper him
with any lnl)itanne, or preferences,
nor pet Idea and wihemea. He must
have perfect freedom of action and the
right to elect the time and acope of
that action, In order that hla Ju'Ik
ment may not n defeated nor har
aimed. We munt "how him that we
truat him, are ready at all time to
aid him, and that we rely upon him,
He will bring reaultx and do It all In
good time.
When the plutocratic force that engl
neer the financial and Industrial com
bine of the country, decided to or
ganlase agalntit Theodore Rooaevelt on
a political ban I a and put up one of
their own arch-repreaentatlve for the
Wnlte Houae In 1908, they counted
without their hot, and the scheme Is
already torn to ahreda.
The people are in the Haddle In thla
country yet and the money program la
not quite all-powerful. The money-
tnaater are warranted In their belief
that ready coin can company almost
everything; they have had experience
of the moat convincing aort on thl
head and 'Jo but lack the wladom to
realize that It doe not accomplish
The American mind haa an ugly
habit of reverting to old atandarda of
relief agalnKt the wide toleration given
to the dcvll-may-care pollclea In vogue
today, and when It Invokes the olJ
criterion of public and private honeaty
and calln for a showing on thut ouhIs,
no power on earth, not even money,
can awing the popular conscience from
Its God of the hour. Hoottivelt typi
fies the highest and best of tho one
time stnndurds and the people are go
ing to cling to him until the bent and
last expression tn 'mid, and applied.
They will not even tolerate a substi
tute for him.!
Despite the bluster and protests of
cheap little mayor of Kan Francisco,
Eugene Schmltz Is contentedly stuck
In the foul, disgraceful, pestiferous
men being unearthed there, and will
The merctuata 4 T x vre -wailing
the fa-:t tit -Jfce rar. W3
street aqUMle !u t-irt t t3zes
the parae-r.r.fsr
there aiiJ thry a- t?.j jttSae &w,
on th wietw .r.e t.;j;y m tSs
hands ui lis vwk," Bnr" Ht
rtmaa 1 rt?iSte f.r tij fai
stale of affairs 5a 2a.t as? and
h oairtt t sua f'A. H feoBl4
6tiT-o a ;- sa '.Js .hr Vu
coajae t -C3 ttorr depleted poek
vim. Zt tiy win go without the
atrtr &f lif and. suftVr tremen
i-iJy. tVtr nrts and game and
Uraih ir. Ma-n will be curtalltd
W a iia!- and far a time, that w
crycTln.- them of the sheer folly of
tsiarir.g in them at all; and In sue
cirlaon might come an amend
ivn! that would bring the social man
taucs back to the old-time sensible an'
graceful lines of life from which Am
erfcan society has long since departed
after the strange gods of 'bridge an
other mad Indulgences that are ma
king It utterly contemptible.
If Wall street shall do this for the
people of culture and wealth and
brains. It will do more good than
has ever been rightfully credited with,
and restore some of the genuine honor
and charming qualities that one con
tlbuted to It fame at home and
Because it's clejx
Because it's ecco?o
icaL Because it stves
Because it grnes best
Because its Sane Jl
caa be rtfIatedix
Because it w22 set mrheat your fcitthen.
Because it is better t2ua the coal cr wood store.
Because it is the pirjtcud oil store.
Ftr ether reasons see store at jour dealer's,
cr write cux nearest agency.
Made la three sizes and fulljr warranted.
first National Bank of Astoria, Ore.
I.ST.HI.IM1i:i 18NO.
Capital $100,000
( i ,J rttalatatlBipeT
If the Roosevelt Liar can form
friendly alliance with the baseball
rooters', the Lambs Club and a few
otlier undenominational bodies, the:
will hold the balance of power and
even the policies of the Presidents may
be In their keeping.
Soon or late everybody gets even
General Manager dowry of the West
ern Union says the widows and or
phans who owe the company put u
the rates because trjey must have the
money. Pity the poor rich who have
to pay!
To understand the discussion cor
reetly, let it be explained whether It is
proposer! the United States should
prevent war In Central America, or
stop most Central American "wars."
The Salvation Army talks of ex
tending its' Buiclde Prevention Bu
reau. A branch at Albany for tne ben
efit of the legislators seems indeed
to be needed. N. T. Commercial.
It's a question sometimes between
the short, ugly word and the big stick
The long lost John Doe made a lot
of money, too, In the poolrooms.
The really bafflllng riddle of human
nature la whether she Is thinking the
most about, what she herself wear or
what the other woman wears'.
Think of the strategy of the women
taking aJvantuge of dissensions among
the men to demand Justice and equal
rights. We are lost!
"James J. Hill retired" doesn't mean
that he has gone way back anywhere
to sit down. It implies that Mr. Hill
a sett In' another hen.
There Is some complaint among tem
perance people about the great in
crease of consumption of alcohol 1y
automobiles. '
It has cost us two and a half mil
lion dollars to pacify Cuba, and wo
haven't 'Jono much more than forbid
It haa now become one Of the f unda-
amental principles of American gov-
J JUUJJip fx it bright a4
aa j ugni. mm am nawioM
aa4 abaohstt mwt. lauli'H
tea lata Impewd boracr. Mad of braa Utrtrobtst
a& BMsmouy uckaM. as araaatat u aaj recta,
wfctticr Horary, dining -room, parlor or bedrooajL Irary
laicp warraBtad. Writ u stamt gtocy tfwlat
JHB OMlaT'l.
., MTUT, lYidaat. rRANK PATTOK, Oublar.
A t rirTrRAX. VW rraL J. W. OARNER, AmIUbI Caaklar.
Astoria Savings Bank
Otftfaal ram la UMjm, awiMM aa Codlttded iToflt fatt.
Ttisai m a Oaaaral aaktag ttaaaa. latanal rt4 on Ttma UiimmIu
ne)U 1 UK sniAn rAitafMpaiMi s sum . & . . b . . .
luun aau unau i uynuuitr Lain n an ribdiip ri . irrn
lto-Ci Daw Mill atacDlBaryrat rroopl aHrs!tBflvts Ui. rvpatrwork
11th and Franklin Ava. Tel. Main MSt.
ernment that Taft follow, the flag.
smoke hi cleared away, those who
" j sun-lvt may hoi to have karned
Still, what the community is really t something about the true value of a
eager for Is a chance to site up the J'fiersoman dinner.
styles In baseball uniforms.
Why doesn't the Western Union em
ploy the orphan boy owner of t;iv
company as messengers?
Sherman Transter Co.
BESBY 811 EKM AN. Manage
ilarks, C rriagaa IVora g CWktd aad Tratrr4 Truck ard Furnltur
afa Itaao Morad, Bond aad Palpped.
It wa omnl-Bue in the Chicago
mayorallty election. Municipal own
ership is Dunne for.
There'll soon be enough for a RootJ
velt Llur" baseball team. Only molly,
coddles eligible.
Joined the Roosevelt Liars' yet?
No one I Immune from kidney
trouble, to Just remember that Foley's
Kidney Cure will top the lrrrgularl-
ties and cure any case of kidney and
bladder trouble that is not beyond the
reach of medicine. T. F. Laurln, Owl
Drug Store.
Take me buck to old Wisconsin.
Where the sugar beet and tobacco
Where the farmers are healthy, happy
anJ bright
They all take Rocky Mountain Tea
at night.
Long UlanoVs Leave. Church
Conqutr Fort Fir.
Tnty-svn War Vsil Hav Bun
Ordered from British Firm. . .
RIO JANEIRO, April I. Under the
modified contracts of the Government
three Itrltish shlp of U.O00 tone each
be built by the Armstrongs, and three
cruisers, three topedo boat ana
unmber of other vessels for the navy
will be constutted by another Brit
ish firm. The programme calls for
twenty-seven vessels.
NF.W YORK,April 8. The villages
of Hprlngs and Amagansett, L. I., was
threatened yesterday by a forest fire
which burned over 1000 .ace of what
If said to be valuable timber lands.
The loax, which Is estimated In the
thousands Is divided among '-about 60
land owners. The belli, In the school
houses were rung, calling out the
townspeople .'tnd In the Presbyterian
church In Amaganxett the congrega
tion was dismissed and sent to tight
(Ire. The villages were saved by back
burning a strip live miles long.
Because it', for On Thing Only, and
Astoria Pcopl Appraciat Thi.
Nothing can be good for everything
Doing one thing well, brings success,
Doan's Kidney Pills do one thing
They cure sick kidneys'.
They cure backache, every kidney III.
Mrs. A. Canavan, of 230 Lincoln
Street, Portland, Ore., says: "I was
led to recommend Doan's Kidney Pills
three years ago, from the great relief
Most victims of appendicitis are
those who are habitually constipated.
Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup cures'
chronic constipation by stimulating
the liver and bowels and restores' the
natural action of the bowel. Orlno
Laxative Fruit Syrup doe not nause-
ate or gripe and Is mild and pleasant
to take. Refuse substitute. T. F.
Laurln, Owl Drug Store.
Many people who talk tome say: "J
feel half tick allthe time. I dont jusl
know what'a tin.
matter with mc."
This is treneral
debility It' very
common. PeopU
who get in thin
shape have my
sympathy. They
arn't atck enough
for bed o they
dratr around and
their famille
pet exasperated
with them.
There are two
cause for thi
433 Commercial 5treef
Main Phone 121
I had found In a ca of kidney com
plaint which had annoyed rn for a
long time. I tried othrr remedies "pre
viously, but D'Sin's Kidney Pill
were the only remedy that helped ma.
My trouble had lated for about three
years, during which time I suffered
from irregula action of the kidney
and backache. At time I wa in (Uch
misery with the aching and weakness
that I could not read In any portion.
I suffered from heaJache and dlttl
nes, and could hardly attend to the
implct of household duties. Poan'
Kidney Pill freed m from this mis
erable existence, and I have never lost
an opportunity to recommend the rem
edy, !
In fact, I gave a public U-sttmonlal
In 1903, which I am glad to repeat
and confirm."
Plenty more proof like thl from A-,
torla people. Cull at Chas .Roger
drug store and ask what customers
report. I
For sale by all dealer. Price f0
cent. Foster, MUburn & Co.. Iluffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
States. i
Remember the name-Doan's nd
take no other.
Sa. I
AiWiiiFdrffy. tints) flavor.
Omftil $firfrh. IVaiorvaik frkn
.1. A. (ilUt AKill.W CO.,
Undertaker unit Knilmltiicr.
Kxperlonr-eil l.utly Assistant
Wlit'll Deslreil.
On of the worst feature of kidney
trouble I that It I an Insidious dis
ease and before the victim realizes his tfca l
V'feWN vaL
dnna-er he may have a fatal malady.
Take Foley's Kidney Cure at the first C'nllsi Promptly Attended Iay
sign of trouble a It corrects Irregu- or Night.
larltles and prevents Bright' disease lattiii Hdir. 12th iul liiin. sit-.
an dkibote. T. F. Laurln, Owl Drug tu'rmrii itn. i-iv 9
Plmne Sliiln 21 1
a. IIC DaDS,
If Thomas Jefferson had known what
fame the year were to bring to him
as an exponent of the simple life, it Is
probable that he would have left for
guidance of, Kutute generations the
expresalon of opinion as to the true
value of a simple dinner. As It is
ne nas lert to his declpels simply a
bone of contention for every annual
recurrence of his birthday, In New
Tork this year they may sit down to
any one of three feasts spread In hon
or of the event. Each at a different
price and each guaranteed to serve
he only unadulterated brand of Jeffer-
Bonlanlam. It seems to have been
nanlinously agreed, however, that a
dofeated candidate for high office In
the place of honor Is an Indispensable
adjunct to the real thing. At the Na
tional Democratic Club's ten-doliar-a
plate dinner on the evening of April
13, Alton B. Parker, Is to be tho prin
cipal guest, William J. Bryan will as
bravely assail his digestion with the
Oree-djollar fcaivt of the . Brooklyn
Democratic Club on the 18th, while Mr.
Hearst( willing to steer a non-com-mltal
course between, will niion.i ,
five-dollar dinner of his own Independ- , We he j?vorable report, of the.e
nr.. T0.,. ixrw ... ' medicine, every day. A.kna
B..v. mo aiiur-uiiuior about them.
condition ; bad habit, and a weak
stomach. By bad habits I mean eating1
irregularly and too fast and not chew
ing the food thoroughly. The atom
ach give, out and los. of appetite,
billiousne.s, constipation, and general
debility result. First get the stomach
in shape and then be more careful in
the future, and the worn out, despond
ent, half sick feeling will be a thing
of the past.
Two bottle, of Cooper New Di
covery will put the stomach in shape.
Common sense will do the rest. There
are fifty thousand people in thia
country who know thi. to be true be
cause they've tried it.
Here', a letter from one of them:
"I wa all run down from overwork,
lost ambition and energy and could
not sleep. It' wa difficult for me to
attend to my war!: owhig to that tired
out feeliwr. I secured two bottle, of
the New Discovery medicine and de
termined to try It. The reult de
lighted me for renewed atrength and
vigor and energy came with the first
few dose. It' eflect wa. different
from anything I had ever taken, I
finished the two bottle, now and feet
well and strong again. " E. McDade,
839,Dix Ave., Detroit, Mich.
I MM, im .'Vi'a,.-t ...e..M,..a.. M
Is Approaching L
You can't get honest painting
done for less money than the
cost of labor and materials.
We don't do cheap work.
We give you 100 cents for
every dollar you pay.
Allen Wall Paper and Paint Co. Astoria, Oregon
W. G. LAWS a CO.
Plans and estimates furnished on application.
All work done by First-Class Mechanics.
Sheet-Iron, Copper and Tin Work done in a first
class manner, as we do no other work in our shop.