SUNDAY, APRIL 7, 1007. THE MORNING ASTOHIAN, AST01UA, OREGON. ir NEVER FAIL OIL CANS' Is the only can wherein gasoline may be kept with any degree of safety. 'ARE THE BEST ON EARTH' No Drip, No Leak, will draw all the oil out of the can. Your money back if you are not satisfied See display in show window. j ROSS, HIGGINS & CO. i TILES OF III Sundry LImm Oily Auditor Anderson rport the Hunday licence collection for this qunr tor ' amounting to 1911. l0, Licensed T Wt4 County Clerk J, C. Clinton yesterday lud tht nil Important document that rimurea the haiilnea of Mr. John Hlnr k nd Ml" Mnrgarete HJlkrn. both ., . ' CI itotn V country. ley Improving City Trenauror Healey U reported a doing nicely but eilll too weak from the o of blood to bp on duty. It I expected that It will be vernl day before he will be nble to return to hU irk. mi mjauMm. ,iti u 11 ju.j ' Another Native Daughter The home of Mr, and Mr. Andrew It. ImlKliy waa gladdened ycMerday niornliiK by the arrival of n hotirly, hnndMim little girl baby. The moth er and little one Are doing finely and "Dal" la eln on the mend with amnio hope for hla early recovery, ill hut didn't fit him at all, yeetorday. Chief Engineer Rober ta accepting the relgnatlon of Chief Engineer Rober the department took occasion to compliment hla faithful and fnlnt service, Captain HlHhop V, 8, A. Acting QuarternmMer at Fort Htevetia ha been Instructed to make a temporary appointment until the De partment ran nil the position prrma nt'iitly. At The June Term John II Kvrnlaivl, a native of 8we dsn, filed notice of hie In'entlon to ap ply for hU final ndmllon to American clttaenahlp, with County Clerk Clin ton, yesterday .and he will appear be for the circuit rvtri at In Juno term for the privilege. "One Day Of Truth." On Hunday evening April 7, will he preented to the public a play written by K. A, Jurva. titled "Only One Day of Truth," The production will be giv en at the ftuoml Hall. The proceed If which will b given for the brnflt of the Aetnrln Katlonul Association Hall. Police Court John Taolo, a bewhlekered Ruxelnn wa fined HO or five daya for creating rnughhmie In a saloon, !tli ruiy weapon, a badly notrhed axe, wa de clared confiscated. Olaf Pelentan, a. chronic drunk, waa fined f and let off with eevere lecture by Judge, Anderaon. John F, Paul The arrangement for the burial of John V. Taut were completed eterdny. The funeral will be held under the aus plcea of the I. O, O. F. at 4 o'clock Mn' day afternoon from Oltbough'a Mort uary Chapel on Dunne etreet. The re main will be shipped back to the for mer home at Wexford, Michigan. Art Renovating H.'lioinld & MaiHon, the Twelfth street TOr are renovating Ihclr en lire etabllhment with new wall-po-per and bright paint and will soon ittlMi-n to the limit. The Jnlin.on Phonograph Parlor above them are contributing to the general Improve ment and doing similar work In thrflr roey habltal. On Tuesday Next Word wa received here yesterday from DUtrlct Deputy Orand Exalted Ruler C, K. McDonnell, at Portland. Mylng that he will be her on Tuesday next to direct the Intiutllatlon of the officer -elect of the local lodge It. P. 0. K., which Item of new moan that the boy will have the time of their Uvea. a well, na that the beautiful work will lie accompllhed In all lt entirety. Howard C. Claim The body of Howard C. Olelm the teward on the Lurllno who waa found dead In bed at the Cnffntnn House. Friday morning waa shipped to Port land lnt evening by Coroner Pohl, at the requcat of nl relative. They will take charge of It there and complete the funeral arrangement. Yiokean noma ummiv Kimi-ifr Merman fAHirniM va.-. Jy after seeing A. Leherman put wrn. in ioe i"unury aopnriineni 01 . . . .1 J , l. .... l. ... l - r . (Hmieu in ilia iinruwura uuniuevn, ah Lean dlacovered while at Salem that D. J. Ford recently sent up waa serv lng hla third term In the penitentiary. Knighta of Pythiat "The Fourth TMatrlci Convention of the Orand Domain of Oregon. Knight of Pythlaa waa held at Soaalde yeter- dy. The welcoming addreaa wa made by W. K. Lewis of the Necanl cum lodge under whoo auspices' the convention wag held. Rpona' waa made by Mayor Wlae of Aiorla. During the afternoon the following apeakera were heard. W. L. Strange. "Our lUtunllMlo Work;" and Edwin Roa. "neneflt of the Iiodge to It Memberahlp." At the evening session, the team contest waa the feature, member of the four lodge In the dls trlct competed. At the cloe of t;ie evening aeaalnn a banquet waa served There were quite a number of deb. goto prient from the Ranler, Avon and St. Helen' lodge. Ice Cream NA8EL TO BE IMPROVED. Sherbets T J .1 . K k a Ida faW Don't Miss The excellent values in Groceries to be had at this store. High quality and moderate prices are close companions here and no prudent buyer can afford to overlook us when purchasing. Scholileld, Mattson & Co., SUCCESSORS TO JOHNSON BROS. WeyerhauMr Timber Syneleat Will tha Work. Two reprecnliitlve of thti Weyer brtuawr Timber Hyndlcuta were cxiec ted to arrive In thl city lnt night from Tucoma, mid from hero they will go to the NM Hiver In Pacific! coun ty, Wnh where they will atari the preliminary work of Improving tha atrenm for logging purpnw they hav ing recently heel) Kninliid the boom ing prlvllegea. The work will conHt of a big dam liealde aevernl lKer one und all the hiihk", etc., will bo re moved making It li model atreain for 1kkIik. Tito cont will b npprolx iiiulely r,0,000,on. Armatrong & U'onard, who have a large body of timber on the Naael and tire now con ducting cxtcnxlvc logging operation there, are here to meet them and will go with them over their largo body of timber on the Nuael and are now con ducting exleitalve logging operation there, and own a one-fourth Inter oM In the booming privilege with the VVeyerhttUra, are here to meet there and will nccimtpuny litem over them. No, 1. On Tht Spot The Tongue Point Uumberlng Com pany yeaterday received via the A, & C. line, the dm of Its logging railway engine, No, 1, from Lima, Ohio. It la a ('Umax pattern and broad gauge, and will be ued on the company'' new line now under construction by Contractor Ooodln at Onk Point. ..It will be tran. ferred to It Inltlul point of departure at thi. point, In the rourae of a few day. Ordtra In Probate- Judge 'Trencbard yesterday algned the following order In he probate court of ClatKOji county: Approving the fourth Demi-annual account of the admlulHtrator of the cutato of the late Andrew J, Johnon; approving the nci onj annual account of the executor and executrix of the eatate of J. W. Buprenant: the f!rt aeml-annunl ac count of J. W. Rubbldge a executor of the etnto of Mr. Julia Babbldge, de- ceaaed: approving the firt aml-an- nual account of the administrator of the eatate of the Into L. K. G. Smith; and fixing Thursday, May lih, for heurlng the final account of the ad ministrator of tho oatato of Thomaa Eccb, deceaaeJ, Will Stay Ather Marlua Ltttre, who for the past for ty day haa been held at the Clatsop county Jail a one of the leading wit nesses In the trial of Captain Forest, wa liberated yesterday, and Immedi ately sent a money order for $40 to tils mother out. of hla warrant covering his wittiest! fees and will now stay whore devoting his near future to the erec tion of th new county court house for Clatsop, and singing his way Into the hearts of this people. It Is said he ha a magnificent baritone voice and ues It skillfully. First mate Petersen of the Annie Laraeit, left lart evening for Portland wher he will spend some time with hia kinsmen, after hla long lcge In tho same behalf. Buncoed Th Publio A number of theatre goers called at the Astorlnn office Inst evening and reg iHtcred a kick over the way they wore buncoed at the Astoria theatre last ev ening by a company atylelng Itself tho Swedh'n Dramatic Company, who were billed to play there. When the cur tain raised they found that the show was given In the Swedish language, not a word of English being spoken, and a large part of the audience left. after first trying to Interview the box office with the hope of getting their money back but there was nothing do- lng ns tho ofllce was closed and they vere loud In denouncing the way It was handed to them. No mention was made In the advertisements that It would bo given In the Swedish lan guage and It waa an Imposition on the people that no manager should have al lowed. For a VICTOR OR AN EDISON PHONOGRAPH goto . ohnson Phonograph Co, Parlore Saoond Floor ever 8oholfield A Matt ton Co. ,, Special Sale. In order to make room for new goods which we expect In a few days we have decided to give a discount of 5 per cent on all solid mahogany furniture, consisting of Dressers, Chlfflonlors', Chevnl Mirrors, Napoleon Beds, Libra ry and Parlor Tables, also on all brass bedsteads, which we have In the follow lng finishes, Polot, Satin and Burnish ed, this sale will continue for ten daya only ending April 16th, Chas. Hollborn & Co. 400 m i'WvJ Wv y', I .Jvv v '''SL'f i! I t f, H'r ' - i nrinor rw w-' X Yw. if-; Zssf I ft. W&A iu 1 uni r x i mif-Tf-"1 ftv,.i I " . ! . , US J 1 1 I V. T'f I I ill S uiiiii u -r. i I t , i i m 'i:i I ... . I ,- t I ', and h:J I CVi Backed by .-Hj 0 WISE ill I 111 That's Good , I t 5 ) Enough pt'd, j LjrfX " ' - . , f I , r t " J""""" for Anybody M V e ,-- HERMAN WISE BEHIND EACH ARTICLE SOM) IN HIS STORE NEW TO-DAY. National Bioyolea On Sale At Ork-wlta'a. Dell R Scully, Notary Public, at ''cully's Ci(?ar Store. Any, old hour! Ladiea'l May we sell you, a spring hat one of fashion and style, our workmenshlp Is the best and prices the lowest, Mrs. M. Petersen, Star Theatre Bld'g, 11th & Commercial street. For Eleotrio 8ervloe Installation or repair work, go to J. S. Vernon, elec trician, No, 467 Exchange atreot, tel phone, Main 2443. All manner of eleotrio and telephone work don at abort notice. For your watch and clock repairing go to Frank J. Donnerberg the reliable Jeweler, 110-11 street. Hotel. Irving Newly, .furnished. Steam heat. First class table board. Rates reasonable. Singer Sewing Machine Co. Just received a new stock of Singer and Wheeler & Wilson machines, all the latest styles. Repairing and cleaning ot all makes of machines a specialty, come and give us a trial, 172-10th St Go to A. D. Craig for your tent, awnings and all kinds of canvas wor.'t 12th and Exchange. tt If a man knows anything of his own anatomy he must be aware that his stomach is a magnificent organ and entitled to the utmose consideration; knowing that he will eat at the Palace where he can conserve Its safety and comfort, by eating only the best cook ed, best served and most compensa ting meal in the olty of Astoria, Day, or night, tt Is always the same; and the Palace habit Is one that pays to ac quire. Arthur Smith la a master of the art of preparation and service, of all things edible. Oxford Ties For Women. The demand for this style of footwear promises to be greater this season than ever before. Either patent, kid or tan are correct for leathers The shoe that is bought from us is certain to be cor rect in style. We have them in all leathers, styles and widths. Wherity; Ralston Company Astoria's Best Shoe Store 14 it