The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, April 07, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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SUNDAY, APRIL 7, 1007.
All Item of ocla or pronl natur. will pleas b nt to Ml AUrt,
1(4 ftuan tr.t, Phon Rti Ml. No communication will b. relv4 UUr
than 10 o'clock Saturday morning. cept lit cmi of an v.nt occurring It
ter than that tlm.
nation and daffodil. At card th.
j.rls. winner were Caytaln Howe,
Mr. Tuttlu and Mm. Moras.
D. M. C. 0. Club
Another week has passdwlth lit- ( nr being Mrs. Coolldg.
In iwmirrlnir In rltinL social water. Kvane.
calm, for Lo. thrs. many day.
Th Owl', dsno. was th only event
of formal magnitude. The member of
ttil popular club stmt out a goodly
and Mr.
Th younger dancing et gav. an
other dance. Iat Wednesday night,
rmmtwr of Invitation. nd th. party J which wa the .oelal guccatt that I.
- a v.r,mnn. Thii usual. Tho girl In dainty light co-
old hall, the soene of many a round f. ,lum. wrt very pretty.. There i were
...... ...,. .i ..4 Mrio.iiv'a quite a large number of pctator.
. - ... . ... .. . ...... Orchestra muste was furnished. Th
nana Jurmsnea in. niuio. buh-. , ,.,
Iiuronnsos were; . u. i
City of lh fairer ws detracted ome
Gray, blutrlng akle greeted lh. M- obrl,
worhltpf In th many ehurcb. on
Ranter morning. There was an ar
ray of lllllr and palm, In rtlstlo ma
Mr. Jhn Oratk. Mr. EIIworth and
Party Dane.
A small Informal dune wa given
' mm .... ...., ... M. Vlnln. T nn
... n n.inj ..! nnnillM lnuruy ,"i mi. ..vw
.v -hih .a hMn blad of roriland. Mr. Lundblad who
.nkiCiiu ..I,.-.,! th. ,.ion.,la popularly known among quit
But elaborat raiment wa eon.plelou. ' ! of Mn.i l Atorla. I. vl.ltlng
by lis abssnc his uncle, Mr. D. H. Wlltett, for a short
... t, v.. nhM. i.,k tm. Th dunce ws given at the
and evening at th I'resbytarlan "'' ' Mr. Wllleit.
church. Mla Hobson's voire 1 mor. ""
tnful than ever In both rana and Rbcea Whlel Prty,
sympathy althougtt It ha rteJ from! The Rbcca' WhUl party Friday durln her alment of the Pt nlht waa one of the most enjoyable
nvral month. While vMtlng Mia affair of the week. A large numW of
Marlnrle HaUted. In Alhambra. Call-. Invited guea wer preaent. Frogre
fornla thl charming vncallet wa op-'lv whl.t wa played at which Mlw
rano at one of the Pawden churcbe. , """l Uum won the ladle' prl and
Ml.. lTh.nn haa MeHiled tn live In ' faptnln Jpnnlon. the gentlemen'. Af-
Portlanfl the comlnt eaon and con-1 r ,hr WM dancing until a
in. ,. .t .1,1.. wiih Mr rna-'lale Tmur. MiK Kircnorr at me png
i Dike and Ire cream were erved. The
Mm IlnhMti W. fnr a few ' rnlortalnment committee were Mr
day. about the tlm that til. ltr. . 'h"rle ,IJI m4 tho u", Thyr
Mm. Halderman. nd her Wrt.anfl , Knudaen and Hertha Krlebohn.
returned, with the flenator parly, j "
from Wa.hlnglon, Mr. Hotwmn nt Surprlee.
la.t yar In Indnn. which hue evtrten-, Mr.. A. F. nber. allied by Mr,
tly already become "dear old I.unnon.P- W. Hnrmnn. of Portland wo wa
town" a be think, there I no place hr guext for a f day laat week. g
Ilk It and expect to return thre a mirprl.e party to Mr. Rober la1
anon. If rumor prove true In thl In- j Monday evening. The Paatlm Club
tanre. Aetorla may lay claim to hon- nnd other were pre.ent. The club
era In the per.on of another of her j prewnted Mr. and Mr. Rober with a
on. on the board. Although .till un- j hand.omt 1lver fork a ft farewell
conflrmed. It ha been whl.rred that g. Pie winner, at Euchre were
Mr. Tlobon I. etudvln for the t.e.lMr. Fl.her and Mr. Howe. Mr.
To hi. friend. peclally the ftlumnl j Harmon I now at her cottng In Sea-
member, of hi. claw thl will be no; view enteriaining mend irom
umrl.n. Other members of the A. H. . M
P, alumni who have gnlne.1 fame be.
for the footlights are Terry McKean
who 1 now travellni In stork nd
i whone hlMronlo nbllltlee are too well
known In hi own tbwn to call for oth
er mention. Harry Wheele whom
Hard!. Surprise
Mr.. Taylor Hardl. was surprised
Tuosduy evening by twenty friends.
The event wa In th. nature of a house
warming. Mr. and Mrs. Hardle hav
Mrs. Juke Utxlng.r entertained the
I), m. C. D. club this week very charmingly.
Thursday Club.
Mr. Louise Carruther entertained
th. Thursday club, thl week.
"he glrliTTUihabache club will meet
at lh. horn, of Mrs. Aubrey Garner
next week. Club.
Mr. E. W. Tallcnt wa hoatess for
the Pioneer' club. Th. prlw winner
at card wer Mr.. O. C. Fulton and
Mr. Tallant.
Mr. Ferd Fl.her entertained ft few
friend Friday afternoon. .
Mr. George Morton entertained
few trlend at her home In Eat A-
torla, on Tueday afternoon.
Mr. P. 3. Brlx and Mr. Brlx pent
F.eter week with Mr. Albert Brlx,
In Portland.
Mr. Donnerberg ha returned from
a few day with her aunt in
Lieutenant W. P. Btromberg, of tho
Perry, (In Heattle now) wa a guest In
Astoria for ft few day last week.
Ml Ann, Campbell wa In Port
land to hear Nordlca, Mis. Campbell
has Just taken the organ at the Pres
byterlan church.
Mrs. E. Mer-e, of Portland wa the
guest of Mr. E. Z. Ferguson, over Sun
Mr. Albert Dunbar wa. In Portland
this week.
Mis Margaret Hlggln will leave, a
week from MonJsy. for California to
spend sever! months vlltlng part of
tho time with her lt.r, Mis Winifred
who Is a student at Stanford Univer
sity. The Ladles Aid Society, of th. Me
thodist church will meet with Mrs.
Butts, on Toung river, next
Mis Hntol Robb I down for a few
day. vacation, from chool In Portland.
me A.torlan off on a Jaunt found Ing recently moved Into their new nome
playing character part, with gronl sue J In East Astoria. Flv. hundred was
ee.s In California, nnd Ralph Worsley ; played and a general very enjoyable
whom It wa. reported ha. done .ome time spent b those present.
dramatic work In Sun Frnnri.m.
Work of Rs'oonstruetion to Begin im-j
msdiately., Lstt.t Applianots.
CHICAGO, April . The effectual
work of reconstructing th Chicago
Street Railway line probably wilt be
gin on Monday. Drawing anJ plan
for th. flrst workr that of replacing
all track hav. been completed by
fore of men working under Iilonj Ar
nold, th. city" chief engineer and all
that remain 1. th. acceptance of th.
ordinance by th. railway officials.
President Mitten I now In New
York arranging for future contract.
H will return to Chicago tomorrow
and It by expected ha will hav. the i
autholty to accept the traction ordi
nance on behalf of til company. Toe,
city still will hav. thirty day. to con- j
smcr in. ordinances (more bcccmu" ;
them, but it 1 generally understood
that this right will b. waived and or
ders Immediately given for carrying
on the work begun.
The new rail are to be of tie
heavy flat type which will give th.
maximum of speed with th. mini
mum of power.
Th. Profits of Barnum and Bail.y's
' Circus Hav. Flln Off. .
NEW YORK, April '. The receipt
of the Barnum lc Bailey Clrcu accord
ing to a circular Issued to the .hare
holder show a falling off In the last
few year, while the expenses have
correspondingly Increased. The gross
receipt for 190S and 1906 for Instance
were about the same, but owing to the
btg Increase In expenses the profit last
year wa. only about 190,000 compared
with about $164,000 In 1905. The di
rectors say, however that th. present
year's business promise, to be mor.
All week the days hve been "dark
and dreary." The rain fell and was
"never weary" and for this reason ma
ny events' which should otherwise have
wrought a bright contra.t following
F.aater, were po.tponed.
Fsrguson Surprise
The Sunday school class of Mrs. J.
E. Ferguson surprised their teacher
Friday evening. The class which num
hers twelve members, presented them-
jselve In a body at the homo of Mr
Many were drawn to Portlnnd to . FVrauson on Ken.lnaton avenue. The
hear Nordlca In opera with her re- evening was plessnntly spent In games
nouned company of Italians. Among and music and readings. The Ml.e
Mr. M. Brook. Is taking th. waters
at Collins Springs. During Mrs.
Brook's absence there will be no mus
ic at the Catholic church.
On account of the slckne and Jeath
of Father Pellman, the church has
po.tponed all entertaining.
Miss Winifred Van Dusen ha re
turned to school In Portland,
Dr. Ball and Mrs. Ball entertained
Wednesday evening tn honor of Dr.
Broadwater and Mr. Broadwater. At
cards the prise winner was Mr. Howes.
there were Mr. and Mrs, O, C. Fulton,
Mr. Houston attended the opera and
met her daughter In Portland on the
way home from the Anna Wright Sem
inary for the Eastor vacation. Mrs.
Lognn was one of another opera party
nnd met the Foard sinters, also from
the Seminary for the holidays.
Easter Party.
Mrs. E, M. Baker gave an Earner
party In yellow and white. Tuesday In
honor of Mrs Broadwater and Mrs. Rs
ber who are going awoy. The parlor
Anna, Laren and Rose Au.mundsen en
tertained with piano music. Miss Jen
nle Jcffers who Is a pupil of Mhs. Chas.
Hnddlx. gave a reading and Mrs. Fer
guson gave a very chnrmlng reading.
Tho.o present were: The Misses. Vera
Onodell. Annie Lnrsen, Rose Ausmund
son, Rnchaet. and Ruth Sloop. Ruth
Weeohc, Jennie Jefferg. Viola Mnpes,
Aim-Hit Cuffcln. .Allen. Locke, Arllne
Gnlther nnd Grace Rnrlck.
Pa.tim. Club.
The Pastime club was entortnlned
. .. ... . . n-.. ....!.. ,,!.,, t.v Mm Tut 11,'
were arranged artistically in nmiiui ."" n
nnd narcissus with foliage. Six-hand- and Mrs. F. Fisher at tbe nome or airs,
ed euchre vn played, the prise win-1 Fisher. Decorations wero In pink car.
In this nineteenth century to keep
up with the march of progress every
power of woman 1 strained to it
utmost, and the tax upon her physi
cal system Is far greater than ever.
In tho (rood old-fashioned days of
our grandmothers few drug were
uaed In medlolue. They relied upon
root and herb to cure weaknesses
and disease, and their knowledge of
root and herb was far' , greater
than that of women today. ,
It wa in this study of root and
herb that Lydift B. Plnkham, of
Lynn, Mas., discovered and gave
to the women of the world a remedy
more potent and efficacious than
any combination oi drugs.
Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
Is an honest, tried and true remedy of unquestionable th.rapeutlo value.
Thlmediolne made from native root and herb oontaln uo narcotic
or other harmful drug and today hold the record for th. largest number
of actual eur. of f.mal. duwase of any medicine th world ha ever
known, and thouwnd of voluntary testimonial are on file in the
laboratory at Lynn, Mass., which testify to 1U wonderful va ue.
Mr. 01 B. Ffnk, of Carnegie, Pa., writer-Dear Mr. Plnkham:- "I
wlh every suffering woman would take Lydla B. Pinkham'a yKtl;
Compound and write to you for advice. It ha done me a world of good,
and what It ha coorapllshed for me I know It will do for other.
When women are troubled with Irrogularitle. Displacements, Ulcer
ation, Inflammation, Backache, Nervou Prostration, they should re
member there i one tried and true remedy, Lydla B. Plnkham a Vege
table Compound. ; .
Mrs. Plnkhatn's Standing Invitation to Women
' Women iuffering from any form of female weaknea are Invited to
write Mr. Plnkham, at Lynn, Mas. Out of her vast volume of ei
perience he probably has the very knowledge that will help your case.
Mr. and Mr. William Danch cele
brated th. 25th anniversary of their
marriage at their homo on Eighteenth
street. Monday evening. A large num
ber of friends were present
Miss Anita Trenchnrd is In the city
vl.ltlng her parents.
Mis. Alma Lnwwm entertained the
members of the Dorcas Society on
Thursday evening at her horn In Alder.
brook. (During the evening the party
were entertained by tho rendition of
musical, and literary number. A very
enjoyable time was spent by about
fifty members of the society.
A number of friends of Miss Gall
Roberts were dellghfully entertained,
on Tuesday In honor of the sixteenth
birthday of Miss Gnll. The afternoon
was s'pent In gnmcs dainty refresh
ments being: served. Decorations were
In white and yellow.
Mrs. C. G. Palmberg who has spent
the past winter In southern California,
returned Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Cyrus Hcrrlman entertained
the Friday Afternoon Club on board
the Pilot schooner, San Jose, at Young's
Mr. Langoe, formely agent for the
Allen-Gilbert music house of Portland
and well and favorably known In As
torla, Is here with his bride, nee Miss
Olmstedt, of Portland. The young cou
pi. were married In Portland, on Frl
Miss Bonnie Wllde pent last Sun
day In Portland.
Miss Kathorlne Lighter spent last
Sunday In the city with her mother,
Mrs. Grant,
A rectttal which marked the close of
the term for Mis' Tawney's musical
kindergarten, was given Thursday at
ternoon. The parents of the child-
ren were In attendance nnd the peH
Now Is the time to get the
rheumatic poisons and foul acid
from th. blood and system, states
an eminent authority, who say
that Rheumatism and Kidney
trouble are caused by the blood,
which often becomes sour from
excessive acids, and also tells
tells what to do to make It pure
and healthy.
Get from any good prescription
Extract Dandelion, one ounce
Compound Kargon, three ounce
pound Syrup SarsapaxSla. Mix
by shaking In a bottle and take a
tosifrgonful after meals and at
Just try this simple blood clean
-er and tonic at the flrst sign of
Rheumatism, or If your back
aches or you feet that the Kidneys
are not acting right. Any one
can easily prepart this mixture at
Clothes Bought at Wise's Pressed Free tiyi
a TAILOR whenever you say so
A About
Novel This
Theme Team
"Be WISE and Whyte
and You'll be Ryte."
You Bet
Your Boots
The "Soots"
Mr. and Miss Souri, we are pre"
pared to "SHOW YOU."
Behind each Article Sold in His Store
NEW YORK, April . Having rest
ed two week after their return from
Memphis, Dr. Emmanuel Lasker, and
Frank J. Marshall, will resume . play
1 on their match for the world' chess
championship today. Th. present
' score reads: Dr. Laskar, 7; Marshall,
0; drawn 7. To. champion needs on.
more game to win the match which
j will be concluded In New York.
Don't Put Off.
For to-morrow what yoa can do to
day. If you put off buying a bottle of
Ballard' Snow Liniment, when that
pain come you won't have any, buy a
bottle today. A positive cure for
Rheumatism, Burn, Cuts, Sprains,
Contracted Muscles, etc. T. S. Gra
ham, Prairie Grove, Art, writes:
T wish to thank you for the good
result I received from Snow Liniment
It positively cured me of Rheumatism
after others had failed." Sold by
Bart's Drug Store.
Have a torpid liver when Herbine,
the only liver regulator will help you?
Ther. 1 no reason why you should
suffer from Dyspepsia, Constipation,
Chill and Fever or any other liver
complaint, when Herbln. will cure
you. F. C. Walte, Westvllle, Fla.,
writes: "I was sick for a month with
chill and fever, and after taking two
bottle of Herbine am well and heal
thy." Sold by Hart's Drug Store.
The Clover Club met at the home of
Mrs. J. Wyard on Seventh street
Lucile's Latter,
April , 1907
Dear Harriet,:
In preamble let me tell you that the
Innermost recesses of my artistic soul
wore thrilled twth ecstasy over what I
saw this week. Never mind If the
skies do rain "nigger babies." The
stork brings very few of them. Hie
out in your very oldest rain suit.
Madame Jaloff told me she sold a
suit and several waists before they
were unpacked. They are the most
delicious of things. On evening blouse
Is Ivory satin while the Insertions and
heavy lace was perfectly 'dead. There
was a black one of taffeta which took
my eye. The yoke was filled with
French knots and the applique Inser
tions was elegant. Dainty and servi
For exquisite china, Miss Crang is
certainly the artiste collector. Mln
tons, I found there Is a darling set, and
Coalport, in the Indian Tree pattern.
Tou can take a hint. And now for the
rest well, I should hate to burden you
with all that I am going to deliver In
the weeks coming. For your dear little
head would go daffy with all the vls-
lonh of such lovely heart longings. So
this much, until next time. Tours,
Our "Table Queen
And-. . ,
"Butter Loaf' Bread
Does not dry out and get stale the
next day after it is cut.
Its great Success is due to its great merits
No Bigger or Better Loaf in town for the Price
505 Duan'e Street. ;
275 W. Bond Street.
s ' 1 r-
The season is now "Full On" and we
are "Full On'Vith all its requirements
A better line of Poles, Flies, Lines,
Baskets, never saw the light of day.
Poles from 10c to $10 each. All grades
of supplies.
See the Show Window
... i .
'Cures Coughs, Colds, Crdup, La Grippe," Asthma, Throat to,h.
I and Lung Troubles. Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption yellow packaos
T. F. Lauren. Owl Drug Store.
formance was very ore'Jltable.