OCTtltt UfJLISHI PUU AMOOIATIO PAIIv HI POUT OOVI) THC MORNIjVQ PIILD ON TH LOWIft OOLUMIAi! f"' VOLUME LXIII, NO. 76. ASTORIA, OREGON, SUNDAY, APRIL 7, 1907. FOURTEEN PAGES. PRICE FIVE CENTS IS Will Resume Thaw Tria Tomorrw. " - a .. . NO MORE IN IERRUPTIONS The Defense May Examine a Few Witnesses Jerome Will Have None. JEROME'S PECULIAR POSITION Compelled Now To Pi-omouU Thaw Whom H BtlltvM InMnt And En. deavor To Have Th Jury Find Him Guilty Of Dllbrt Murder. NEW YORK, April 4,-Now that District Attorney Jinnn h decided that b will not apply to the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court for a writ of prohibition, relative to tha re port of the commission In lunacy, ai to Harry K. ThftWe aanlty. It I almost certain the trial of thin remarkable eaae will duly proceed to It end. There will be no more Interruption, It la aald, and by Monday morning when the proceeding are roauroed for the lt and decisive week both sides will have prepared themselves fully for the final effort. It la understood that torn rather perfunctory proce dure will take place before th aum mint up begin, but If thla be eo, It ta unlikely It will Hike much time. It la mid tbat Couael for the Jsfenm may call one and pcrhap two or thre wit nesses to the eland on Monday morn Inf. Who these wttnesKoe will be, could not be learned. But It U aupposed that Dr. Allan McLane Hamilton will be one, but If thla presumption ahould be accurate It i not anticipated Hint he will be questioned to any great length. The other wltne will be minor onea and what they are culled upon to do will be almply to correct certain discrepancies In the teMlmo mon of prevlou""wltnee. A soon M the lat one of them has left the wltnesit chair, Dolphin M. Dolmatf. will announre: "The defense reals," and the lost phase of the trial will bo entered upon. Mr. Jerome havln gunnounced that ho will call no more witnesses at all. It I' almost certain, howover, that to Justify hi poHltlon, Mr. Jerome will make ft brief but probabljr character istic protest against the confirmation of the report of the lunacy commis sion. He will do this with but faint hope of aucceM, howover, for It ts be lieved to Ihi a foregone conclusion that Justice Fltsgorald will announce on Monday that he confirms the com mission' report. Bo fur ns In known, no prosecuting 'officer In this jurisdiction has ever found hlmsulf In the curious position that District Attorney Jorome occu pies, Despite hla own deep rooted be lief that Thaw la Irresponsible and a paranoiac, Mr. Jerome will 'be com pelled to Impress upon the Jury thnt It la It duty to find the young man guilty of deliberate murder. Since he ha aald that he will strive to convict Thaw, the District Attorney will be (forced to Ignore all that he said In court anJ out of It a to the prisoner's mental breakdown and to argue almply that he went up to Stanford White, on the Madison Square Roof Garden, that traglo June night, and shot Kim to death, through motive of revenge and Jealousy. , Hla speech can not be other than an absorbing one. Mr. Je rome had assistants and clerks pack the record of the trial, the exhibits and the affllJavlt into three valise yesterday, and then had them sent to hla' Rutgers Street flat. There be tween now and Monday he will pre pare his summing up. DELIAS PREPARED A to th dofnie, Dolphin M. Del- m a ha finished hla speech. Ha ha had abundunttlm for hla work because Mr, Hartrldge haa done all the work connected with the relative of the 'J fence toward the lunacy commission. All of Thaw's lawyer look forward to next week with tha utmost confi dence, they any. Mr. Evelyn Nblt Thaw since th month or weary waiting Involved In Mr, Jerome's threat to aek the Appellate Division, haa vanished, 1 cheerful again, is I th prisoner. Sh visit Thaw In the Tomb daily and apends a long tlm there a she can. It I slated, that they expect to take no more than an hour to complete their case. If hla 1 tru there la no reaaon why th c ahould not go to the Jury by Thursday, Som week ago. It was agreed between th attorney that each should have a full day to um up. Dolma then stated that he would not require, more than on day for hi argument. It I now aald he may requir two day. If thl be the ea he will probably begin Monday and finish Tuesday, Jerome say he 111 not require more than One day, and Justice Fltsgerald's charge to the Jury ahould not require mor than three or four hours, therefor It Is very probable that th case will be In the Jury's hands, Thursday. Delmaa will plead for an absolute acquittal, on the ground that Thaw' mind waa unbal anced at th time he committed the crime, and In view of the fact that he haa since recovered hla mental balance h. ahonld be allowed to go free. Jerome on th other hand will argue that Thaw waa aan within th mean- ng of the law when he shot White, that the crime was planned and premedita ted and that he ahould suffer the ex treme penalty of th law. Hudson River Boat Destroyed By Fire. CAPTAINS PRESENCE OF MIND Prevanti Panle Among Passenger And Lands All 8afly On Dook Crew Lot Moit Of Their Belonging 65 Passenger and 48 of Crew Aboard. NEW TORK, April . Seven pa engora and a score of the crew of the teamboat City of Troy, which waa burned In the Hudson River, at Dobb'a Fery, arrived In the city early today, The passengers looked little the worse for their experience, but It waa1 differ ent with most of the crew . They were asleep In their bunks when the fire waa discovered, and as the quarters were close to where the re atartel they had no time to get together their belonging. Several of tho negro steward when they got to New York had on, only, an under shirt, overalls shoes and a blanket. All agreed! that Captain RruiKor, skipper of the City of Troy, had noted wisely In the crlMs, nnd waa the bra. vest man on the bont and It was1 not until tho last person waa landed thnt he made his way through the smoke to the pier at Dobba Fery. "I was In the engine room watching the machinery," aald Carl Carlson, when the fire was' discovered, I Im mediately ran on deck and made my way to the bridge, where I Informed Captain Brudcr what waa the matter. I never saw a cooler man on the Hud son Elver than tho skipper. He did not lose his head for a single second He called hla officers to him and then ordered every man to the place as signed to him In the fire drill. "Then he made hla way to the salon whore the passenger were and tried to get thorn to lanJ. He said that we were In danger but that the greatest danger of all was a panic. Then' the skipper rutfied back to the bridge and guided the boat to the pier, B. F. Keller, of Troy, N. Y., a pass enger, confirms Carlson's story, "It was aa cool a piece of work as I have ever Keen done under such con ditions," said he. "Meet me at the police station and I'll send you home,', the skipper said as he hurried out of the talon." There were (5 passenger' and a crew of 40 men on board the City of Troy and every one acoordln gto the officers of the boat, escaped In safety. GRAFT AND PERJURY Indictments Against San Franciso Boodlers. GRAND JURY FINDINGS Inquiry Into Public Reception Tendered Schmitz on His Return Home. PERJURY ADDED TO GRAFT Th Investigation By Th Grand Jury Into Th Affair Of Th Proeding Board Of Suparviaor Will Last For Sevtral Oaya, SAN FRANCISCO, Atirll . Contri butions to thev municipal campaign fund of 1905 were Investigated by a Grand Jury today. Among th wit neea called waa secretary Louts Levy of the Board of Public Works. Levy waa questioned to determine th source of the fund, used to defray the x penses of the public reception given to Mayor Schmlts In December lf0, up on hla return from Europe. Levy t. titled that $4500 waa raised for that purpose anmong the Municipal em ployes "Each one contributing about !5." - He said money waa collected by tax collector Oeorge Berger, John Mc Glynn and supervisor John J. Furey. under the direction of the Metropolitan League, and the Sohmlts political or gnnlxatlon: that It was turned over to himself and that he In turn, gave It to Presdent Duffey of the Board of Pub ic Work and that Duffey disbursed the money, "Is It not a fact" naked Heney, "that those municipal employers you spoke of contributed to the fund because they feared If they refused they would lose their Jobr "rill "Well" replied Levy, 'They were all human, you know." SAN FRANCISCO, April 6. Th Orand Jury will resume Its sittings this afternoon, when It will continue Ita Inquiry Into maters connected with the conduct of the Pacific States and Home Telephone companies. It I said that at least two more sessions will be required to complete the Investi gation of these companies. According to the prosecution, a number of In dictments will be returned this after noon or on Monday, five of which will be against five different officials of the Home and three of the Pacific States Telephone Companies. Some of the pending Indictment, It Is believed, will be of men, against whom, true bills have been already returned. It Is also said that a majority of the In dictments will not be on charges of bribery, but will allege that perjury has been committed In connection with testimony given before the grand jury. It Is expected that Fairfax H. Whe tan, one of the leaders of the fusion movement In the munlclpaal campaign of 1905, will give evidence at the ses sion today, on the question of contri butions to the campaign funds bear ing on the political activity o the Home Company. Fred A. Hllbert, a liquor dealer and traveling companion Schmlts will also apper today before the grand Jury. "Owing to hla Inti mate knowledge of administration af fairs It is believed his testimony will be of much value. In regard to the In vestigation by the grand jury Into the proceedings of the board of supervis ors which preceded the present board In office, calculated to lay bare all transactions that are not barred by the statute of limitations, It la noV an nounced that the Inquiry will not take place several day. 1 ENGINEERING 80CIETIES. NE WYORK, April 8. The dedica tion of the building In this city which la now the common home of three Na tional Engineering societies, and for erection, of which, Mr, Andrew Carne gie gave 11,600,000 will be held her On Tuesday and Wednesday, April It and - i In the exerclaea of th first day, Chari; 7, Bctt, chairman ef th eon. fereno and building committee, E. O. Elliott, president of the United En- glneeting Society, a corporation form ed to manage the building, Mr. Carne gl and PrAldent HadJey of Yale TJnl veralty are expected to participate. Charles Wallace Hufit will preside. Prayer will b offered by the Venerable Edward Everett Hale of Boston, and letter from the President of the tnl ted State and the Governor General of Canada will be read, Wednesday's program Include ad dresses by the prealdent of the found ed societies and the presentation of the John Frits Gold Medal to Dr Alex ander Graham Bell and of It own medal for distinguished cervices to Ralph W. Pope, Dr, F. R. Hutton, and Dr. R. W. Raymond. POPE VISITS AMERICA. With Aid of a Biosoqp. Hi Wiah la to S Nw World. ROME, April . The pope, his sis tera. Cardinal Merry del VaL and sev eral other prelatea attended an enter talnment recently given by Engineer Vannuccl, an employee of the Vatic in, who ahowed views of the chief clt lea of the United State, by meana of a bioscope. The picture were mainly of New York and Wash ng ton. He ex planed each picture briefly. The Poep thanked the engineer warmly and sad that he had almost real zed hit; wish to vIt the new world. TRAIN WRECKERS Do Their Dasterdiy Work In Ohio. BOLTS-FISH PLANTS .REMOVED Paatengr Shaken Up No Fatiliti Engineer Jumped And la Injured Reward For Psrpatrator Of Out rageOn, of A Sri of Attempte. PITTSBURG, April 6. The fast ex press between here and Cleveland on the Pennsylvania waa wrecked tonight at Hudson Ohio. The train was east- bound and no one waa Injured except the engineer who jumped. According to the Pennsylvania officials, train wreckers are responsible for the acci dent. The officials say the wreck oc curred, under circumstances, similar to those attending the other accidents In this vicinity recently. Rewards for the capture of the wreckers, are re newed here tonight. A reward of 2500 la offered for Information lead ing to the Identity of the wreckers and (5,000 If the Information Is furnished within 48 hours. The engine, when It left tha" tracks plunged with great force. Into the embankment. 1 The rullman's and day coaches remained on the track, butthe Jar was so terri fic that all of tire passengers suffered more or less from the shock. Follow ing the accident the passengers and crew of the train examined the track and !found the bolts and fish-plates had been removed. The track ends were bent almost a foot, fortunately toward the hillside. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. SAN FRANCISCO, April 6. Nearly eight thousand people attended the op ening game of the Pacific Coast League today, and saw the home team shut out by Portland by a cor of six to nothing. The contest was a listless exhibition and entirely devoid of fea tures. AT LOS ANGELES. LOS ANGELES, April (.Oakland won the opening game of the season from Los Angeles b a score of 4 to A crowd of 15,000 asse.uOled to wit ness th game, TRACK MEET. BERKELEY, Apll . Tha Olympic club won the track meet with Cali fornia today, score (4 to S9, CAMPAIGN PLOTTERS Have Caused Great Amoan of Comment. SECRETARY L0EB TALKS For the president But Is Very Non Committal on Details of the Affair. OREGON SENATOR INVOLVED Senator Bourn 8aid To Have Been Th Hoat At Dinner Where Th AI Ugd Conspiracy Waa Formulated President Ha Letters Of Comment WASHINGTON, April . President Roosevelt la receiving many letters re garding the combination, which It Is asserted ha been forced to defeat at the coming presidential campaign, the policies of Roosevelt Information as to the identity of the writer and the precise nature of their communica tions Is withheld, but those who are close to the President say the dis closures have stirred up considerable feeling. The location and date of the dinner and personnel of the party at tending It for which the plot Is said to have been elaborated, will remain a secret so far as any Information at the White House is vouchsafed. "You gentlemen, are all wrong as to the details of the dinner" Is all that Loeb, would tell the newspapermen to day, except to indicate that the affair was Informal and that the disclosures come out In an Informal manner. Senator Bourne, of Oregon, It has been commonly reported, was host at the dinner, while the guests Included, among others. Senator Hansborough, and Delegate Andrews of New Mexico. Comment was made upon the fact, that all three of these men were at the White House today and talked to the President. None of the callers would make any statment on the subject nor would any of them admit that his call had anything to do with the matter. Senator Penrose, whose name has been frequently connected with the alleged plot, has not communicated with the White House, since the story became public, according to Secretary Loeb. When the report that Senator enrose was going to the White House, was called to Loeb's attention the latter said: "I have made no statement about him and the Senator has nothing to deny to me." CARDINAL MERRY DEL VAL. To Resign Because of Publication of Political Paper. LONDON, April . A Rome dls patch to a news agency here states that there is every probability that Cardinal Merry del Val will resign his post as a papal secretary of state as a result of the publication of the seised Montaigne leters. He will not Jo thte' however, until this sensation caused by their publication has abated. COVINGTON TRIAL. . Witness Tattify to Having Reivd Offer of Boodl. CHICAGO. April t.A dispatch to the Record-Herald from LI tie Rock, Ark., says: The state rested last night In the perjury trial of Senator A. W. Coving ton, and the defense will have Its first Inning today. It Is understood the state haa In reserve lta most Impor tant witnesses, among whom Is W. W. Kay, a St. Louis detect Lve who was employed by Governor .Folk, while circuit attorney In prosecuting the St Louis boodle cases, Reuben R. Adams, ex-Senator from Grant County, admitted yesterday that Covington offered 100 to vote against the Brook BUI for th annexation of Argents, to Little Rock, Adams also testified that he knew of the money being put up on the beer inspection bilL In every matter to which Adams referred, the price offered was $100. Senator Thomas W, Hardsvy, of Cam den, nnd 0w9 R- Munn, architect of the stale capital building also on th stand. Both denied knowledge of be ng UWd to influence the passage of th 1109 Capitol appropriation Bill two years ago. r 1 : POPE LEO XIII. ROME, April . The ' announce ment has been made that It ha bees decided by the Italian and Vatican authorities that the transportation Of the body of Pop Leo XIII to th bas ilica of St John Lateran will take place In the month of May. . The fu neral procession will start at I o'clock in the morning and will be public, all the high ecclesiasts and Catholic so cieties taking part. Italian troops will line the route to tender military hon ors to the dead pope. The use of Ital ian soldiers with th consent of the Vatican authorities Is regarded as Im portant by the press1 and In political circles. It Is stated that while It 1 not an explicit recognition of th stat us quo, It constitutes an acceptance of the present political situation In Italy by the Vatican . AUTO TOUR. PARIS, April . Van Marcke has just finished a remarkable automobile tour. Starting out on February 4, for a tour of France, he travelled for SS days, covering 9417 kilometers; The autqtnoblle club will tender him at banquet. WALL STREET SLUMP Means Loss of ($50,000,000 to Gotham Merchants. VERTICAL TRAVEL FACTS Wall 8trt Slump Cause Cut In Fifth Avenu Living Expense Stranger Crowd Nw York for Holiday High Price for Eaater Commodities, NEW YORK. April 6. It takes the merchants along Fifth avenue, the shopping district patronized exclusive ly by the rich, to tell just who have been hit by untoward events in Wall street Next to Christmas, Easter Is the best harvest season for dealers In the accessories to extravagant living. These keepers of fashionable shdpp say that the break in the market which occurred In the middle of March and the further wholly unex pected slump of last week, have cost them $50,000,000 of spring trade, through the enforced economies ot their wealthy patrons. Twenty per cent of this loss of trade has fallen upon the Jewelers; who have been the heaviest sufferers, but a shortage In sales of $8,000,000 has left the deal ers In paintings and art objects little better off. Florists have suffered a loss of $500,000 In their sales of flow ers and automobile agents a like amount1. Private building plans to the extent of $10,000,000, so the arch itects say, are held In abeyance, while summer yachting plans and personal expenditures of various sorts account for another $20,000. When thieves fall out honest men come by their own, however, and the same thing might now be said Of Wall street speculators' and the poor man; for while the wealthy speculator 1 forced to practice economy, the man of mod est savings is Investing in securities at rock bottom prices. The deposi tors n avtngs banks' In this city. In the past four weeks, have withdrawn $75,000,000 ot the $1,000, 000,000 which they have accumulated in those Institutions and converted It into stocks, bonds, mortgages, and other gilt-edged Investments at bar gain prices. It would seem that ajl roads lead to New York In the Easter holiday season. No fewer than 100,000 stran gers from all parts ot the continent visited the metropolis this year, to participate In the week of festivity (Continued on Pg 8.) i. . V (