THE MORNING ASTOIUAN, ASTOIUA, OREGON. SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1907. BAR, BAY AND RIVER Steamship Fuku Maru Down from Portland. QUITO .SURVEYED IN CHINA Santa Ana Among Th Bar Bound Hero Alliance Held Up Ship Fen nia Rtady For Pugat Sound Colum bia Off For San Francisco Today. Tb steamer Santa Ana, lumber ladn for Saa Francisco arrived down from from Portland yesterday morning and swung by the city tike a race-horse bound for tbe bar and the open sea. She found the bar In a non-receptive shape and came back to an anchorage to await her turn at the big barrier, This Is said to be the last run the"San ta Ana will make to this port this sea son In the lumber trade, as she goes north to do transportation work In Alaska for her owners who are heavily interested in mining ventures there. The Lurline was late getting down from Portland last night owing to the prevalent bad weather of the past two days, and did not leave up until nearly midnight. When she cannot come through, nothing else Is likely to show up here from the Columbia river points. Ed. Donnelly, the newspaperman's friend, who has been doing look-out duty on the flagship for the past three weeks, is back on the Astoria dock again and along with his major duties Is taking Items that are always worth having. Captain Max Skibbe, of the Calen der Vavlgatlon Company, is a belated passenger on the steamer Alliance which has been bar-bound here since WedneSJay last. He goes to Coos county to contract for the immediate construction of several big barges for the use of his company, being unable to get them at the Astoria yards which are chock-a-block with orders on con tracted time and cannot undertake the work. "She steamship Quito, Captain Shot tem, for Shanghai, with a big general cargo will leave out at the first mo ment the bar is approachable, she be- The "teamshlp Fuku Maru, Captain Kagnwaka, arrived down from Port land yesterday, afternoon, and llos in the city channel, bar bound. She w ill leave out on the first available water, for Nagasaki, with an Immense cargo of general merchandise. The Russian ship Fennla came down the river early yesterday morning on the hawsers of the Harvest Queen, and as soon as the weather permtts.she will go to Puget Sound on the lines of the bar tug Tatoosh, where she will finish loading for Kurope. The North Head reports were prae' tlcally blank yesterday as to ships and steamers off the coast The storms that have prevailed hereabout for the past 48 hours have had a tendency to hang up commerce on both aides of the bar. THE FOREST TRIAL All of Yesterday Devoted to This Grave Matter. V The steamship Columbia will depart for San Francisco this morning from the O. R. &. N. pier at 6 o'clock sharp. She la loaded all over, and ha; a big list of passengers, The schooner Cascades arrived In from S. F. yesterday in the afternoon, and after a stop at the Callender docks went on to the metropolis, for another load of lumber. The steame Alliance, with her big crowd of passengers. Is still in port here, awaiting the pleasure of the Col umbia bar which has Its back up just at present. Another Demonstrate The Interest In the Waldorf moving picture films Is unabated because the management Insists on putting the best and most graphic pictures ob tainable on the market, and in proof of this; the line now running Is among the very finest yet produced there. It tells the story of a counterfeiter from beginning to end, and gives In detail the manipulation of the coin, the de tections the warning, the escape, the capture, the auto-race, and the terri fic finale of self-imposed death of the coiner, rather than fact the penalties of the law. The action and figures of the swift Jrama are intensely real lstlc to the very point of speech ,the only quality lacking in the pre'enta tion. TALE TOLD BY THE ACCUSED List Of Witntsxs For Defense Cap tain Foreat Deoiarea All Intsnt of Shooting, Let Alone Killing Argu ments of Counsel Verdiot Today. Don't Put Off. For to-morrow what you can do to day. If you put off buying a bottle of Ballard's Snow Liniment, when that pain comes you won't have any, buy a bottle today. A positive cure for Rheumatism, ' Burns, Cuts, Sprains, Contracted Muscles, etc. T. S. Gra- lng in good shape after her contact wltn ham. Prairie Grove, Ark., writes: the Martin's Island sands, and having been duly surveyed by Captain Ves sey, and will be re-surveyed at her port of destination. "I wish to thank you for the good results I received from Snow Liniment It positively cured me of Rheumatism after others had failed,' Sold by Hart's Drug Store. Why Astoria, Is on the move. CT3 UilflJUJ inn am J, arriman. E, H erman Wee Astoria's Greatest Clothier. Atl of yesterday was' devoted to the testimony and pleas In the case of the State against Captain C. M. Forest charged with the killing of Oeorge Fish er. The Interest In the caw is unaba ted and despite the warning of Judge McBrlde as to the unfitness of the old court-room for great crowds, there was no diminution In attendance yesterday, nor Inst evening. The case for the state, as far aa tes timony went, wua closed shortly after the court convened yesterday morning, Paul Pengrat and Charles Cooper be ing the only two examined In addition to the eight that were on the stand Thursday. The defense Introduced the testimony of the following witnesses yesterday forenoon, M. D. Johnson, R. R. Dyer, John Petersen, Martin Foard. Capt. D. J. McYlcar, L. Mansur, G. C. Fulton. P. A. Berglund. and the aged defendant himself, that of the first eight named being almost wholly as to the excellent character, and long record of useful and quiet service rendered by the old ship-master on this coast, his own testimony being the most directly concerned with the unhappy Incident of last December. Captain Forest's story as told on the stand, was, in sub. stance, as follows: He told of Usher's Joining the Annie Larson Bt San Francisco: he had never known or sailed with him before that voyage; shortly after arriving In this port and docking. Fisher went to the Captain and asked for 5 for the pur pose of buying some oil-skins: the captain borrowed $20 at the office of t, Astoria Box Company, which was load Ing the vessel, and gave $10 of it to Fisher, he alo gave him an order on Foard 4 Stokes for the things he need ed; the man worked steadily enough for a couple of days after that, hut on Thursday the first mate advised the master of Fisher's alleged sickness captain went to hunt him to ascertain what was the matter; found him sit ting In the fore hutch, complaining of rheumatism, and wanting his discharge he was told the Captain could not pay him off and was given a note to Dr. Tuttle for treatment, enclosed in which was a hospital blank; later In the same day the captain was walking about town nd was roughly accosted and abused by Fisher on the street, and avoided him by going Into the office of me Dflr pilots on Twelfth street; early In the afternoon the captain gave Fish er a second note to Dr. Tuttle asking him to "examine this bum"; went on deck about 2 o'clock and Fisher again accosted him and called him out of his name; the man had been drinking deep ly and was very Insulting; the captain thought he was going to strike him and threw up his hand to avoid an expected blow, and had a lighted cigar In his hand, which struck and Burned Fisher on the Hp; Fisher Instantly struck the Captain In the face near the left eye and dazed him considerably; the cap tain turned and went below to his cab, In, got his revolver, went back on deck and struck it through the rigging with the Idea of frightening Fltrtier; the ham mer caught In the rigging and wag di cnargeci, tne shot striking Fisher; the man fell to the dock on which he was standing, and the captain returned to his cabin where he fainted from the shock of the accident and the know ledge it forced qjion him; he had not shot to kill the man and did not know the gun was' loaded; the whole trans action occupying but the space of a moment. The balance of Captain Forest's tes timony dealth with the removal of the Injured man to the hospital; the arri val of the officers; his arrest, and all the well known detail that followed the shooting. His tale was' told In quiet, forceful terms and carried conviction and a sence of sympathy to every listener in the room. The revolver was a gift from a former member of the crew of the Larsen and the captain did not know anything of its condition and had never even examined it closely. (The plea at bar were then made for the state and for the defense and were able and clear statements in the varying interests presented, U. S. Sen ator C. V. Fulton muklng the most Im passioned and extended speech of the day, At 5 o'clock the court took a reees until the hour of T Inst evening when the closing argument for the suite was made by District Attorney G. F, Hedges and the case was sent to the Jury under specific Instruction from Judge Miltrlde, It was thought at that hour that the Jury would bo able to render Its verdict before bed time, but this wis made apparent as impossible Inter In the night snd It Is likely the final decision will not reach his.' honor until tho court convenes at 9:30 o'clock this morning. The civil docket received brief recog. nltlon at the hands of Judge Mcllrlde yesterday when he made an order en to il n if a do fun It in the divorce case of Dal soy M. Phillips versus Janiea H Phillips, and handing down a decree of divorce a prayed for. COUNTY ICOURT ENDS ITS SESSION PROVIDES FOR NECESSARY IM PROVEMENT OF ELK CREEK ROAD MAKES PASSING ALLU SION TO PORT OF COL., LAW. V The county court yesterday morning at 9: JO o'clock and wound out Its dock et of public affairs, In tile following manner: The road petitions heretofore filed by Otto Johnnsen t. a!., and U My lion beck et. nl were rend and referred to Attorney J. A. Eakln to prepare the necessary orders' conforming with that made yesterday by the court that said roud be opened. In the mutter of the Improvement of Road No. TT bids were ordered cal led for. by tho Court, und the requisite notices were ordered sent to tho super visor of Road District No. g for the porting. In the matter of the road from the Power housv to the Traveler's Rest, the county surveyor was directed to examine the various routes, and file a report theron by the 7th of the present month. In the matter of tho temporary Im provement of the Elk Creek road, tho district attorney was requested to pre pare a contract with A. W. Duncan for tho doing of wild work upon that se tln of the road beginning nt a point near the Russian cabin, to connect at White's Bottoms, for the sum of $. MO name to be graded 2 feet In width on top, with proper ditches and cul verts and to be covered with Inches of rock to make It available for driving, the work to be finished by August. 1st, and providing Tor nn upproved bond in tho sum of $300. In the mutter of the Port of Columbia law, the court made and entered the following order: "It appearing to the court that some of our citizens are of the opinion that the court Is not proceeding with the test of the Port of Columbia law, the court desire to Mate that the attor neys heretofore appointed to examine and report to the court have so failed to do so, but state to the court that It! Is only on account of other business preventing. The court Is fully alive to the matter, is ready at any time to intervene and will take proper steps to protect Clatsop county." The court then adjourned until 9:30 o'clock a. m. on Wednesday, April 17th. i ,, i if' Sjmii y 4 tar Kr$Jwmm' k J m Copyright 1907 by Hart SchafFner fcr Marx DISTINCTION Is apparent in our spring lines of clothes. Designed by art, tailored with skill and finished with taste. Sole Agent "Uncommon Clothes." Girl wanted to work In pointing office. Apply at Astorlan office. Good, Better and Best. You always get the best at our store. Just received a large shipment of Bahing' Powder Fancy Spices Acme Grocery Co, Phone Main 681 521 Commercial St. 7 Time is the Essence of all Trimmed Millinery CJr ' The great problem in the Mil linery store is to show the new ideas of both the foreign and home artists first. When suc cessful models are beginning to be generally copied, we discard them and introduce something new. It's a race against time andj only a . store especially organized for such service can ever hope to accomplish it. Our Millin ery Store has proven its value to you by the very work we speak cf and more new ideas find their first introduction here than any otherstore in this city can boast of And with all we charge but moderately -never more than other stores nine times out of ten, much less. For a stylish Mushroom or a Beautiful Evening Hat go to the Leading Millinery. MRS. GECRGIE PENNINGTON, 483 Bond Street i