3 SATURDAY, APRIL 0, 1907. THE MORNING ASTOMAN, ASTOttJA, OREGON. riennen's Toilet Powder Is the Shining Hark of Success Mrjmn wliloh evnry Imitator aim t. But Msnrirm's aljESV B"rsfd Tali'iim Tollnt Puwilrr riuoslns In- lUllinuio UIINV UI Ml llv vvmmim mm wu M Mniien's.H Msntion's Tollnt lWlor msd U fsms by II lumiurUy, It holds lu fsuiv by till ni uliiilUhlquultty,TbwvliiMlilngllkMefr nnu's. Titer aouhl ncilbt). IwcmiiM'iiiMinucI known Iho mxrvl of llio Mimtign powder Mid Mi promwm! uf m anufaflture. Tliwufi ire no "imimtlou" bM boon mora Hun smiciuvIiii. 111 Ion, siipflrlli'lal, spurious mid f raiMlultmt, Ulr Ui pmvMan oflli nw ptir fnoii tnd druic l avary Ixii uf Mmnon' Inure Ui wri nunilwr itmiKHiiiMt liy Mi yinrmnnunt, nru Vm nf purity nnd of (imUi'IIiiii to tout) purchiw ml ur ur Mxnncn i "iim rur. , - m- .y WM f 9n sag IVilinl! ofBoi. r01IIBllOf llOl Tl ait alwoltlla f wliMllutl Ui all wwr of Mrnwn'l Ilia rnnaanf Jim ! wiiatl iHi-r.imaiii -" in. iiiihoh M.iUMitnw ,uur ewii itrouwiion , . . . . ..... .... Ma J.) mad Mwibmi'i VlM liiralt talrnm Tolirt fMril.rf l1l MiUal In Wow iwirama lll fll MaiiltMi VluM Tall inn riaaiant Willi Ilia Miit ul ftaaii Him I'aima .lel.l. li ' tirwlw tut cta. by CMll,HiMid.wnmalturlit tMinsi fra, GERHARD MF.NNHN CHUMICAL CO.. Newark, N.J. Uuaranlaad uular Ik fond ami l)nw AM.Juiwau. imt Hanai Mil. IM STEEL . EWART ELECTRICAL ' CONTRACTORS In Business for. Business and YonrSatisfactlon. i We make Jit our aim to do firstj (class work at reasonable prices. 222 Twelfth Street. Next to theJAstoria Theatre. H II IMIIIH unit BIG REDUCTIONS ON Wall Paper ! 30 PER CENT OFF ! On account of Jthe large new spring stock comingand ! to make room in our store we off er 80 per cet off for the next few days. Buy your wall paper now while it is cheap. Eastern Painting & Decorating Company.; Commerelal Street, near Eighth. I I HI BEAT THEIR CAPTORS, Curious Contest That Occurred on a British Frigate. ALL NIGHT BATTLE OF SONQ. Era en len wanted At Columbia Mills, Knappton. Wages $2.25 per day Board, $15 per month. ASTORIA IRON WORKS JOHNiFOX, Pres." INolson Trotr, Viee-Pres. and 8npt. , Y L BISHOP. Secretary ASTORIA HAVINGS BANK. Treat Designers and Manufacturers of :the latest improved . ; Canning Machinery,. Marine Engines and Boilers, Complete Cannery Outfits FurnlshtJ. $ ONOBNCe SOLICITED. Foot of Fourth tr if B. Q. A. BOWLBY, Prwldtnt. 0. L PETER80N, Vloi-Frwldimt. rRANK PATTON. 0ihler. J. W. GARNER, AuliUnt Cnhli Astoria Savings Bank Capital PW In 1100,090. SurplM and Ondltlded FioBti W,000, TraniaoU a Qnral Banblm BatloM. Interwt Paid on Tlm MikmIU Tnth 8tt. A8TOKIA, ORtQOr PUBLIC WARNING. We ihall not be reitponalble If any perion takes any but the genuine Fo ley! Honey and Tar for cougha anJ ooldi. Imitation are worthiest and may aontaln oplatw. Thfe. genuine Foloy'i Honey and Tar In the yellow package contatni no opiate and li ea(e and lure. T. F. Laurln, THIS MAY INTEREST YOU No one la Immune from kidney trouble, ao Just remember that Foley's Kidney Cure will atop the Irregularl tie, and cure any case of kldnoy and bladder trouble that la not beyond the renoh of medlolne. T. F. Laurln, Owl Drug Store. PROVE IT ANYTIME The Crew of an American Privateer, Prliontrt on Board the Lesnder, Out ng the Engllih TareAn Odd In eidtnt of the War of 1812. A curloua doflauce of captors by tlmlr prUoucrs was that of the crew of the American privateer Prince de Ni'tirhuti'l when confined on board the British frlgnte I-raudor. Toward the clone at the war of 1812 the frigate bad captured the privateer easily enough aud, taking her crew on board, gave them qunrtors In the cable tier, making them stay la Uiose confined quarters among the spare cable from i o'clock every afternoon until 8 o'clock the neit morning. To while awsy the long hours of their confine mi-tit In the dark and dismal bole the captives one night begau to sing In chorus rousing songs which told of American naval victories. Hie captain of the Leandcr sent word thst such concerts were not at nil to bis taste and must be stopped This set the Yankees to singing louder than ever. Then the captain picked out tlx of the best singers In his crew and, Joining a doecn more to them for the chorus, stationed them at the hatchway and ordered them to sing the Yankees down. The British choir started In with a song descriptive of the capture of the Chesapeake by the Shannon. The Americans waited lu silence until the British song of victory was ended and then burst forth with that grand old sea song. "The Constitution and the fitittrrlere' telllbg how The Drat brosdslda w poured carried her ml run nt by the board. Whirl, mud this lofty frlU took bandoni-d. oh I Our second (old so wall that br for and mluen fell. And we doud the royal eiulfn nat and handy, oh I They fairly made the timbers of his majesty's frlBte ring as with ouc mighty about they eudod with the Hue, "The Yankee boys for fighting w the dandy, oh!" To this the British slugers retorted with a song composed In honor of the taking of the Wasp by the Polctlers, and In return the Americans gave tbem Balutirldge's Tld Re-I," which tells bow the Java was taken and has such pleasing little verses as: For now. my hssrts. we've played our Darta: Proud John onoe mors we've humbled. oht It may b said a bull he mad On Yankee when n sihjiidim. obi And If Im coma to run hfe umi WCII give proud John a Mtur, oni And so the battle of boa went on un til the British, running ttt of ballads celebrating their vlctorle over Ameri cans, began to sing "Tb Battle of the Nile," "Britannia Rulef the Waves," etc. At this the Yank cnea out, Not fair," and claimed the victory, aa their songs of victory 4er the Eng lish had not begun to be etshausted. Thereupon the Hrltlss nd of song withdrew, acknowledgtilK their defeat. while the Americans continued tbetr saengerf est with such rotRing ballads as The Yankee Man-of-Wsf aud "When the Yankee Thunders RoS.' It was now past mlduujit, not I soul aboard the frigate had fd a wink of sleep because of the tfusteroua con cert, and too British captain determin ed to try another mode t overcoming the Americans. He ordsved a file of marines, with loaded mwkets, to the hatchway and shouted Town to the singing sailors that If ttfty did not stop their racket the manji would fire down Into them. 1 "Fire away, m heaJtoes!" shouted back the elated America as they bur rowed beneath the cabuH "You may kill us, but you'll tpoll ytVir best bower cable In the doing of it." The captain hod sertony Intended to shoot down among his Msoners. He thought better of It nnAJ withdrew the murines, whose depnrtu4 wns the sig nal for more cheers fu the stars and stripes and the tearing i tit of another ballad abusive of the l'.-'tilsli. All that night they Rt.1V. and surely old ocean never before cf tiluee saw the spectacle of n British Mete plunging through the nves, tnu- iul trim and still In his majesty's .rvlce, while from her deptlw surge out over (lie dark sea choruses wl!o dclled the British power nnd.sauV.4 British de feats. 1 That enptalu vas n .ty good sort of fellow. Ills unino v. ti Sir fleorge Collier, and he deserve, to be remem bered. As thJiM went . K those days, If bo hud had his prla.s lers soundly flogged the nt.xl inoruiii,-. ne would not have been thought to fcre exercised undue severity. Most obtains would have dono nt h'Hst thai, ven If they had not ordt.ro.1 the twines to Are Into the cable tlor. A U was. Sir George transt'efred the c.ptive Amer icans to the frst hom-tirard bound British man-of-war he m and declnr ed that, whllo be admin-' their spirit, as guests he considered tiem a trlflo noisy. Irvtm; King In Ne" York Tress. By the Evidence of the Astoria People. The dally evidence citizens right here at home supply Is proof sufficient to sstlsfy the greatest skeptic. No better proof can be had. Here Is a case. Read It: mmm n.u. f .Ki. m. . ..-.. ri---i mi.. ..vivii iAwi., vi oa a.wi nirnwi. Astoria, Ore., says: "Doan's Ointment proved Its' beating qualities several years ago when I used It and told in a published statement the great relief and cur I obtained from It. I used It for a breaking out around my mouth and lips which had troubled me for a number of years, despite all I could do to get rid of It. My lips would crack and become sore when cold weather set In, and this lasted until It got warm again. I was finally Induced to try Doan's Ointment, procuring It at Charles Roger's drug store. In a short time aft-!r beginning to apply It I was cured of the annoyance, and nave been entirely free from It since." For sale by all Dealers. Price 50 cents'. Foster Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, Bole Agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's-and take no other. Brat and Bronx of th Hindoo. The brass and bronze trade is kept alive by tho religious customs of the Hindoos, who are not allowed to use wooden aud earthenware vessels free ly, aud brass and bronze are to tbem aa Important as glass and china to the westerner. Almost all Hindoo uten sils are of brans, copper or bronze, nnd It is the custom to present the female portion of a Hindoo family with a val uable batterle de cuisine, made either of brass or copper, aud a still existing Hindoo ceremony It that of carrying the uteuKll In a procession at the wedding. The result of this custom Is thst almost all the platters, trays, bowls, nutcruckers aud all brass and copiier utensils sre most beautifully ornamented, and there are lovely com bination of brass aud copper and sil ver and copiier. All Hindoo women used to have lovely brass caskets cov ered with ornamentations called chel lams, manufactured In Malabar, In which they kept their Jewels, but these are fast being replaced by the vulgar English japanned dispatch box. English Sunday Laws. The moat absurd of British hsn Is undoubtedly that forbidding a nan pursuing his trado on Suuday. Apart from the moral aspect of the case, tills law li constantly broken, and the cases being reported form an excellent adver tisement for th lwbreas:er.-Londoa Telegraph.. Dsn, fndd. Curate I bear your husband bat signed the pledge. Has be kept It to the letter? Parishioner it wasn't a letter, sir: It were a card. Curate I mean hat be kept his pledge Inviolate! Parlshioner-Xo, sir; I've kept It In lavender In a drawer. Curate Pm afraid you don't understand me. What mean is bat he broken me pieage since ue took It? Parishioner Be hasn't touched It sir. I've kept It wrapped up In paper, and It's at good aa new. Then the curate gave It up aa bope- less. Loudon Express. Why Thy Crld. "I say. mamma," said little Flossie, "why did Mrs. Brown cry at the wed- dlug today f "Oh, because her dear daughter was getting married and leaving her." "And why did Mrs. Jones cryr' "Oh. because her dear son baa left bar." "I see. And why did Mrs. Smith aud Mrs. Simpson cry?" "Oh. because they have ever so many daughters to get married and no sign of any of them going off."-Peareou'B Weekly. It's virtues have been established for many years, and tnousanas oi peopie have been made happy by taking Hol llster's Rocky Mountain Tea. S5 cents. Tea of Tablet's. Frank Hart's. Before Taking Beechsm's Pills, tbe man or womsn who is disturbed by la digest ion, slaggsh bowels, bli loosness, sick besdscbe, bsd blood, d izzi ness, or loss of sleep is in a bad way. These condition should be remedied. After s few dcte of After Taking Beechsm's Pills a nun or womsn feels like a new person. They quickly dispel acute at tacks of indigestion, cct nstnr ally on the bowels, regulate the bile, stimulate the kidneys, re lieve headache end bring re freshing sleep. there Is a quick improvement la the general health. Slight ail ments may develop into more serious affairs, unless promptly token in hind. Use Beechsm's Pills when you feel out of con dition and yon will have no cause to complain that You Feel Worn and Old old KTwh la Sea) are a natural laxative, a fine tonic, a blood purifier. Their beneficial effects are thorough and lasting. Being purely veg etable their use occasions no reaction. Their message is health; their use blessing. Taken when there Is need their mission is to stake i You Feel Fresh id Young lOe, mad tie. Come See Our Enamelware ! To the housewife: If you wish anything in white ware, Enamelware, both in gray and green, we can please you with our excellent line. Tinware in Japaned or plain is excellent ware now on display see our window. Everything for the home at reasonable prices. The Foard & Stokes Hardware Co., Inc. Successors t Foard 4 Stakes Oa. Trout Fishing ! The season is now "Full On" and we are "Full (With all its requirements A better line of Poles, Flies, Lines, Baskets, never saw the light of day. Poles from 10c to $10 each. All grades of supplies. See the Show Window B. A. HIGGINS CO., MUSIC BOOKS STATIONERY ,. M M 1 1 It II 1 1 1 H t MW 1 THE TRENTON j First-Class Liquors and Cigars 602 Commercial Street. X Corner Commercial and 14th. Astoria, Oregon. J n 1 1 ii n 1 1 1 1 it ii Mr. S. I Bowcn, of Wayne, W. Va., writes: "I was a sufferer form kidney disease, so that at times I could not get out of bed, and when I did, I could not stand straight. I took Foly's K1J ney Cure. One dollnr bottle and part of the second cured me entirely." Fo ley's Kidney Cure works wonders where others are total failures. T. F. Laurln. Gently moves the bowels and at the the some time slops the cough. Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup. Contains Hon ey and Tar. No opiates. Best for Courts, colds, croup, and whooping cough. Satisfaction guaranteed. Children like it. Mothers Indorse It Sold by Frank Hart's Drug Store. The Price of Health. "The price of health In a malarious district U lust 25 cents: the cost of a box of Dr. King's New Life PlUs." writes Ella Slayton, of N"lan I. Ark. New Life Pills cleanse gently and Im part new life and vigor to the system. 25c Satisfaction guaranteed at Chas. Rogers, Druggist. First National Bank of .Astoria, Ore. ESTABLISHED 1886. Capital $100,000 H. R PARKER, Proprietor. E. P. PARKER, Manager. PARKER HOUSE EUROPEAN PLAN. First Class In Every Rpet Free Coach to tbe House. Bar and Billiard Room. Good Cbeek Reatauraat i . . ' 'v' S ' l ' i , v A 1 Attorla, Oregon Good. Sample Booms on Ground Floor fr (Xnaaetxtal Ken." Bitten By A 8plder. Through blood poisoning caused by a spider bite, Joha Washington, of Bosquevll'e, Texas, would have lost bis" leg, which became a mass of run ning sores, had he not been persus ded to try Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. He writes: "The first application relieved, and four boxes healed all the sores." Heals every sore. 25o. at Chas Rog ers; Druggist, Sherman Transier Co. HENRY 8HEEMAN, Manager Hacks, &rtig Bcg Checked end Triis!errd Truck ard Furniture ' WsgoesAPianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped. " ' 433 Commercial Street Main Fhonelttl