The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, April 06, 1907, Image 1

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4 '
Twenty Dead and Fifty Arc
Reports Obtained With Great Dif
ficulty Owing to' Confusion
and Damage
An Estimation Of Damage Or Lou Of
Ufa Has Not At Vat Baan Estimated
Owing To Confusion And Laok Of
NE WOIILRANH. April B.-l'robnbly
fifteen Uvea war lost today by the
tornado which awepi across portion
Of the thro Oulf States, It I traceable
distance of 300 mllee. Tha tornado
moved from west to io1. striking the
southern extremity of loulslnna ami
MbwUslppl and penetrating Alabama
abort distance. In xrtlons of lha
town devastated the damage , will
amount to a helm million. Jorkson La.,
Ituyou 8am La.. Carson Ml., and
Sclma Ala., wore all vulnerable Pt.
At Alexandria, whore (he t"rnndo
apparently started the town wa badly
tomnged, twenty home being demol.
Ished and a hundred buildings' were
aorlously wrecked.
Several peraona were killed, many
Injured and a hundred factories, stores
and dwolllngs totally wrecked or par
tlnlly damaged by tornado Hint pos
ted over Alexandria, after midnight
Tha revlaed lint of dead made at
noon followa:
Omer Bock, whltu carpenter. Mat
thew Dunn, white, carpenter. Ora Dud
ley and Lydla Harding-, both colored.
Seventeen Injurod are now In the
fl"SIHUI. AIIHI1IM UIO III'". ..v.,"..-.
' . . . w r-. Ill -.. V.
nun are: urn u. r, wouvnuuu uuu
un; Mra, Omer Bock, Mr'. Frank Mer
tint, Mra. Matthew Dun nnd three ne
gro men.
The city power plant, the Alexan
dria lie & Cold Storage plant, und
many mills and factories wore wrecked
or partially wrecked.
The tornado damaged an area ex
tending from three mllea above luls
city to Tine Woods, sovei ul mlloK below
here on the Red River. Report from
the Murrouudlng country toll of pro
perty damage and loan of llfo.. The llt
of dead Ib growing and a great many
are Injured. All thu buildings In the
path of the tornado were destroyed
and thohe upon the outskirts wore
badly damaged, Tho wind was accom
panied by a heavy fall of rain and hall.
A numebr of passonger coaches In
tho yards of the Iron Mountain Rail
road were swept oft the track and
heavy piece of wreckage wore blown
entirely through aomo of tha cochoa.
At Jackson, the State Asylum for
Insane waa damaged to the extent o'f
$200,000 and three Inmates were killed.
Reports from tha outlying sections may
reveal a heavier Ipsa of life and pro
perty. The death list has reached twenty
and the Injured number fifty In Louisi
ana, alone according to reports' receiv
ed late tonight
Frisnds Of Moyar And Haywood Organ
ise And Protest Agalnat Allusion,
NEW YORK, April 6. The Execu
tive committee of the Organization
known as the Moyer-llaywood, protest
conference, announced tonight that It
had mill to President Roosevelt a let
ter protesting agalnat the President's
reference to Mayer and Hay woo J In
the hitter addrvsael to Representative
Bhonnon and recently mode public In
connection with the Harrlman letter
Million Dollar Bonded Indebtedness
Canoslled Dtolare Loyalty to U. 0.
HALT LAKE CITT. April 8.-The
features of the seventy eighth annual,
gutters! conference of the Church of Je
ms Chrlat, Latter Day Saint, which
began here today at the tabernacle
were addreaaes by President Joseph F.
Smith, In which he made the announce
ment that tha church had completely
paid up Ita one million dollars bonded
Indebtedness, and the reading and
adoption of a lengthy address- te the
world setting forth the principles of
the United States and declaring the
Mormonlum, proclaiming loyalty to
church had kept the pledge given when
Statehood for Utah, was made pol
mle, on condition that polygamy be
abandoned. Apostle Reed Bmoot was
among dignatarlea present.
The Herd President Roosevelt Wanted
To Keep In The United States.
DENVER. April !. Howard Eaton,
of Wolf Montana, the famous guide and
personal friend of President Roosevelt,
announced here, todny that he had re
ceived Information of a herd of bl
twecn 300 and 00 bison, owned by
Michael pablow and not at the Flat
head rervatjun, 86 miles west of Mis
soula were about to pass Into the po
sesslon of the Canadian Government.
The heriTcomprlses one half of all the
bison surviving In thl country. Ea
ton had an option on the herd at $300
a head and presented It to the United
Hlalcs Government. The President
was desirous of preserving the herd for
the United State.
The Salem Banker Has Failed
Tilmsn Ford Exeoulor Of Estate Of
William Casper Largest Claimant
Has $350,000 Coming 333 Oothsr Un
ssoured Creditors,
LOS A NO ELKS, April, 6. One of
the ' largest petitions In bankruptcy
was filed at Los Angeles today, by A.
T. Gilbert, a real estuto dealer of South
Fnsldona formerly owner of the Gil
bert Hank, In Salem Oregon. Gilbert's
bank lit Salem failed about five years
ugo and the majority of $443,229, In
claims Van acknowledged In the petit
ion filed today are a result of that
failure. Many of those claims how
ever are classed as "Unfounded claims,"
The largest, single, claimant Is Tllmon
Ford, Executor for the estate of Wil
liam Cospor of Salom, Oregon, whose
claim Is given at $350,000. There nre
334 unsecured creditors', nearly all of
Salem. The assets consist of clothing
worth $50.
Endowa Carnegie Institute With $6,
000,000 Creates Fund For Employes
PITTSBURO, April B.W. N. Frew,
President of the Board of Trustees of
the Carnegie Institute made public a
letter today, received from Andrew Car
has made an enormous endowment
of $0,000,000 to the. Institute In
addition to the $4,000,000 given by Car
negie sometime ago. Carnegie also es
tablishes' a pension fund for the relief
of those connected with the Institute.
He Died Tbis Morning at
Reports Yesterday from St Mayr5
Hospital Said He Could Not
Live the Night Through.
..Catholio and Protestant alike will
mourn th death of Father Dsilmsn.
He wss the Heed of this Parish for
thlrey five yeare.. .A man widely known
all ever the Paoifio Coast and the Uni
ted States. He Has been III since In
Deeember and has gradually failed un
til the end this morning. The funeral ar
rangemento are being completed and he
will be buried Monday.
Of Not Practicing What He Preaches
On the Square Deal Proposition, ,
DENVER, April 5. A special to the
Nowa from ItolKe, Ida,, contains a
statement from William O. Haywood,
secretary of the Western Federation of
Minora, now In prison there, In con
nection with the assassination of Ex
Governor Steunenberg, commenting
upon certain references to him by
President Roosevelt In letters to Rep
rerfentatlve Shermtin Jt)f New Tork,
given publicity recently through the
Roosevelt-Harrlman episode. The
statement reads:
"I d0 not desire to make an extend
ed statement with regard to Roose
velt's reference to mo In his letter to
Congressman Sherman.
"The President's letter says I am
an "Undesirable cltlsen," the Inference
being that I should be put out of the
way. His Influence Is all powerful,
and his statement, coming ok It does,
on the eve of my trial for my life,
will work me Irreparable Injury and
do more to prevent a fair trial than
anything else that has been said and
done In the past. President Roosevelt
Is the lending exponent of of the doc
trine, of 'Fair play' and a 'Square deal'
but his reference to me In the letter
to Sherman demonstrates; thut he does
not practice what he preaches,"
Used Foreign Post Cards To Elude
' Sleuths.
TOLEDO, O., April 6. How A. K.
Detwellor eluded the San Francisco de
tectlves and thereby gained time to
reach a hiding place, la' told here to
day. The correctness of the Informa
tion la vouched for by ono who Is In
close touch with Detweller and who
knows of the plan.
Foreign postcards, It Is slated, were
employed by Detweller to accomplish
the deception while he waa touring Eu
rope. Secret Service men were keeping
tab on his movements, presumably
through the cards and expected to ar
these cards from 10 to 12 days later
than the date of his visit These cards
were held and mailed upon the days
designated by the dates. Through this
plan Detweller was' from 10 to 12 days
ahead of the officers, who believed they
were keeping track of him. Ha landed
In this country a week before he was
expected and was able to reach a hid
ing place before the officers knew whe
ther he was In Europe or America,
The Secret Service men meantime an
nounced that he wag In Egypt At the
time this announcement was made, De.
tweller wait In Battle Creek, Mich.
It Is believed here that Detweller
during his trip abroad was not Ignor
ant of whut waa going on In San Fran
cisco and shrewdly conceived the post
card Idea as a means of deceiving the
Interstate Commerce Commission Laoks
Authority To Make Rules.
WASHINGTON, April 5. That the
Interstate Commerce Commission Is
without authority to prescribe rules
and regulations for reciprocal demur
rage between the shippers anJ carriers
of Interstate right In the gist'of the
opinion, rendered today by Commis
sioner Clarke. The decision based on
the complaint of James' B. Mason
against the Chicago Rock Island and
Pacific railroad comapny. Mason ask
ed for the appointment of receivers of
Interstate freight for all of the Inter
state roads who should deduct from
the freight charges a reasonable sum
per day as demurrage In all cases of
delay In shipment. 1
LONDON. April 6 It Is reported
here that the larg!?tbatlehlp In the
world, displacement 21,000 tons to cost
about $11,250,000 will be built In Eng
land for the Japanese government
On Protection for the Working
Austral Club of Chicago Discuss. In
surance For The Laboring Man Who
Riske Life And Limb While Pursue
ing Daily Occupation.
CHICAGO, April 5. Protection of
the working man, the laborer In the
factory and foundry which risk life
and Hmb In his dally vocation waa the
theme which Inspired s-peakers at the
7th dinner of the Austral Club of Chi
cago last night.
The meeting waa attended by 200.
In the gathering were many prominent
men, presidents of railroads and other
corporations that employ thousands of
Governor Deneen, Professor Herman
Schumacher of the University of Bonn
end E. S. Bent, secretary of the Mu
tual Employers Association were the
principal speakers.
The topic, "Industrial Insurance,"
waa declared opportune because of the
Increasing sentiment among employ
es and employers from some rational
and Jusrt plan that will smooth over
present unsatisfactory conditions. Gov
ernor Deneen said that the recommen
dations of the Illinois committee had
been embodied In a bill which among
other thlngsPprovldes for the payment
by the employer of 50 percent of the
Insurance premiums'.
Professor Schumacher detailed sta
tistics relative to Industrial Insurance
In Germany. Ho said the syste mwas
25 years old and that Emperor William
had Issued the Initial message promul
gating the theory that all workingmen
has specific claim to protection and that
It was a duty of the state to undertake
the establishment of insurance.
He declared that the rate for accident
Insurance under the government law
wati one third the rate of the private
The expenws Incident to accident
Insurance are borne entirely by the
employers he said; Insurance against
sickness Is sustained, two thirds by the
employers and one third by the em
ployes and for disability and old age
the country carries the whole burden.
The German professor declared that
the system In Germany had tended to
decrease accidents, render conditions
safe and sanitary and prolong the life
of the German,
The London Daily Mirorr
Makes Assertion.
Grand Duke Michael to Act as
Regent 'til Czarevitcn Be
comes of Age.
Rumored That Grand Duke Miohael Is
To Wed Princess Victoria' Of 8chles-wig-Holstein
Russian Ambasaador's
Discredit The Mirror's Statement
LONDON, April 5. The Dally Mir
ror claims to be In a position to an
nounce upon the "Highest authority"
that the emperor of all Russia's
purposes, Is to abdicate within a month
and that Grand Duke Michael will be
appointed regent during the Infancy
of the Cxarevltch. For the past three
or four weeks, the paper says, events
In this direction have been proceeding
with) lightning like raplditg, In St
Petersburg but the secret has been well
kept "Lately" says the paper, "The
Emperors mnd hy given way even
more completely and he has ohown
himself Incapable of performing the
smallest duties of his rank."
The Lower House Parliament is to
be abolished and there will be formed
a military dictatorship, with the object
of stamping out revolution and putting
an end to anarchy in Russia.
The paper declares further, that a
marriage has been arranged between
Grand Duke Michael and Princess Vic
toria, of Schleswlg-Holsteln and that
the visit to London of the Dowager
Empress of Russia Is chiefly for the
purpose of negotiating this marriage.
Count Benckendorff, Russian ambas
sador and Baron Sternberg, Russian
consul general, here, discredit the Mir
ror's story.
Trainmen Brotherhood To Go After In
crease From. Eastern Systems.
CHICAGO, April 5. "The next big
movement for higher wages on the
part of the railroad brotherhoods will
be directed against the eastern rail
road systems and the leaders of the
150,000 employes are preparing to take
action. Actual demands will probably
not be made until the latter part of
this year but will Include every class
of labor with the possible exception of
switchmen, who obtained an increase
In pay last fall. Probably the general
wage advance of ten percent will be
The Pennsylvania, Philadelphia and
Reading on'd one or two other systems
have anticipated the movement, and al
ready giving the ten percent increase
to all employes.
Statistics Collected By Immigration
Service Show Perjury By Orientals.
SAN1 FRANCISCO, April 5. Statls
tics supplied by the Immigration Board
of this port, show, according to the
claims of all of the Chinese, who swore
they were native born, every Chinese
woman in this country must have been
the mother of 38 children. This inter
esting condition was made known when
the figures! collected from various
points in the country were tabulated.
Strikebreakers Put To Woi-k And Mili
tia Waiting To Be Called Out
LORAIN E, April 6. Quiet prevail!
tonight In the yards of the American
Shipbuilding Co. One company of
militia Is under orders at their armory
and three companies of Cleveland
troops are ready to come here If seri
ous disturbances ahoulJ occur. A
large number of strikebreakers were
taken Into the yards this evening, the
strikers offering no violence. The com
pany claims to have 400 strike-breakers
inside of their yards.
NEW TORK, April 8. Sofa cush
ions, 16 Inches square sold for $170
each at the first session of the Stan
ford White sale yeterday and this was
a fair Index of one of the most remar
kable auctions In recent years. A lim
ited assemblage cf wealthy folk was
admitted to the sale. Only the smaller
articles were sold, tamps, ornaments;
and mirrors, yesterday, the total sum
realised being $20,525.50. Tomorrow
the furniture, the Are place and the
structural parts of the House will be
offered and on Thursday, Friday and
Saturday of next week White's paint
ings will be put under the hammer.
He Will Not Appeal Supreme
Jerome Wants A Quick End To Thaw
Proceeding And At Best Hopes For
A Disagreement of Jury Delmas
Ready To Sum Up.
NE WTORK, April 5. The Thaw
trial will proceed, Monday morning,
when Delmas leading the counsel for
the defense, will begin the summing-up
address to the Jury. Jerome decided
today not to apply to the Appellate
Division of the Supreme Court for a
writ of prohibition or mandamus to
halt the trial He reached this decision
It was said after a consultation with
eminent counsel. Jerome may argue
brelfly, Monday morning, against con
firmation of the report of the lunacy
commission but he is aware, that Jus
tice Fitzgerald's disposition is 'to con
firm the report which was unanimous.
It is said Jerome will not call any fur
ther witnesses but will press the trial
forward to an early verdict or what
may be regarded as more likely, a dis
agreement of the Jury.
Chicago Tragedy Caused by Separation
Man and Wife.
Chicago, April 5.--Adam C. Rheln,
aged 60, today, armed himself with
three revolvers went to the home of
his wife's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wll- '
Ham Rommell, and fatally shot both of
them then killed himself. - It was re
ported, to Rheln, that his wife, who had
left him, had commenced divorce pro
ceedings and he decided to kill the
wife. She saw him coming and ran
eut the back door and escaped.
NE WTORK. April 5. The German
Consul General, Carl Buens gave a re
ception last night at the Deutcher Club
to six German delegates who are at
tending the inauguration of the Car
negie Institute at Pittsburg.
Among the speakers were Consul
Buens who toasted the Emperor and
Former German Minister of Commerce
von Moeller, who spoke on the commer
cial Interests of Germany and the Uni
ted States and emphasized the neces
sity for a commercial understanding
between the two countries as) only be
ing in their own interest