The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, April 04, 1907, Image 1

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His Version of the Present
Wanted National Campaign Com
mittee to Assist Chairman
President Slid None Of Corporation
That Contributed To Tho Campaign
Fund Of 1904 Had Coma To Him For
Favor Directly Or Indirectly.
. WASHINGTON, April , PresMent
Roosevelt (llwuct with numlir of
hi caller today, various fixture of
the controversy with Harriman, grow
Ing out of the publication of the let-ti-r
between them. !( deslrrd not
to b quotd however. Tn hi frlnnd
the President made It plain thnt hi
vendon of the Harrlmtin vlutt priced
Ing tho election of 1904, wn that Har
riman wanted altanc from the Na
tional Republican Committee tn help
Chairman O.Iell In the Now York
State campaign, toward whose rxpen
t he (Harriman) ha. I raised 1100,000
The President promised to p"mmiinl
cate with Cortelyou and Ml, to see
what could bo dons. He did. In thl
ee, ho declared, Jut what he hJ
don In oilier Instance where ho had
bwn appealed to, to hnlp In otitic ram
palgn. To om of hi visitor the
President referred to a statement
made .public lnt nlitht by Judge Par
kr-r In Albany N. Y. In which he ald
It ha never Wn denied that $150,000
wm turned over by tho Equitable, Mu
tual and New York Life Insurance
Companion; to Cortelyou ,hy the com
mittee, and that Congress haa refused
to mnko any Investigation Into the cor
porate contribution of 1904, or to pass
a Inw prohibiting; such contributions'
In the future.
On thlamibjrct the Freshen referred
to n statement which he anld In part
"That rontrlbutlon have been made
to the Republican Committee, n con
tribution have been made to tile pern
ocrotle Committee I not tho question
nt Issun.Pnrker' assertion Is' In effect,
that such rontrlbutlon huve been made
for Improper motive, cither In con
sequence of threat or In conse
quence of Improper promise, direct
or Indirect on the part of the recipient
"Hut there I not one particle of
truth In the statement," Neither
Parka nor hi supporter, the Presi
dent declared, have been able to tra
verse or question the statements made
In that answer. Tho President said
that to hi own knowledge about a
. -dosen contribution wore offerod by
corporation and had been declined by
Chairman Cortelyou, but that other
had been accepted. Tho contribution
by the American Tobaeeo Co., he ald
had boon roturned.
A prominent man had made a eon-
, trlbutlon of $20,000 to the Republican
campaign fund. Subsequently thl
man had made known hla desire for an
appointment In the diplomatic service,
In event that the President was elected'
Aa coon aa hi motives were understood
the National Committee returned hi
contribution. The President asserted
, to his callers' that none of the corpora
tions, contributing to the campaign
fund In 1904 had come to htm for fa
vors, either directly or indirectly, Jn
L 1111 UUlMldULlUll LI1H riDBlUUHL lr I Ml I MU
to the Legislation enacted regarding
corporation, during tho last two years,
a. disproving any Imputation, that
Immunity would be shown them for
their contribution.
AdvooaUd by Governor Broward of
Florida In Speech to Legislature,
TALAIIA8HKE, Fl., April l.-Oov
rnor Hroward In hla speech submit
ted to the Lrgtlnture yetorday, say
the relntlun between the two raee
are becoming more acute. The white
people hava lo tolerance and eym
path for the negroes than ever, ho
says, and the negroes have lev friend
ship for the whlltea.
"I recommend," any the Governor
moesage, "a resolution memorallxliig
Congress to purchase territory, elthor
domestic or foreign, to provide mean
to purchase the property of the negro
at reasonable rate and to transport
tho ncgrot to tho territory purchased
by the United States, tho Ulnted
8tnta to form a government thereon
for the negro race;- to prevent Inva
sion and to prevent white people from
living among them In the territory and
to prevent nerua from urigrWililg
buck to the United States."
Ooien of Copper Nails Driven Into
Body By Explosion.
NEW YORK. April 4. By the ex
plosion of an Infernal machine believ
ed by the Mice to have been sent him
by a rival for the affections of a wom
an, fwnlel Miller, wa terribly Injured
tonight. If he recovers ho will be to
tally blind and a cripple for life. John
Haitian Is under arrest,, charged with
attempting homicide. Tho machine
wa sent to Miller by express' from
North Adams, Mass. He took It to
his room and a few minutes later there
was an explosion, which practically
wrecked th house. The box contain
lug the exploitive was filled with cop
pur nails and dosena of these were
blown Into his body.
Three More are Selected Tern,
A. K. Detweiler Found In Bsttls Creek
Mich, But Eiespe In Auto To Can
Bda Ruef Jury Are Slowly Inereat
ing in Number,
SAN FRANCISCO. April 3. Tlicrc.e
of the first 12 talesmen, who will sit In
the Jury box, auhject to peremptory
challenge,, .were passed by tho prose-
cutlon and defense or a result of the
second day' proceedings In the trial
of Abo Ruef, for extortion, They are
J. II. Dumbrell,; a retain merchant
William I), Knight, cashier for a furn
iture firm; and Julius Meyer, a tobac
conist, retired. J. H. Brndstreet, hav
ing been pnssed by bot hsldes yesterday
four talesmen, have now been tempo
rnrlly selected. When thl number has
been Increased to 12 they will be sub
Ject to peremptory challenge the de
fense having the right to excuse ten
Jurors peremptorily and the prosecu
tion five. In all, seven panelmen were
examined today, four being challenged
for cause and excused.
Detweiler of Toledo, Indicted or bri
bery at San Francisco was located In
a private house hore this afternoon but
escaped arrest by leaving the house by
a rear door and was whirled away In
an auto, five minutes before tho de
tectives .called at the house to effect
hla1 arrest, It Is thought that Detwal
lers destination was Belle Isle, 12 miles
north of here, where he could catch a
Grand Trunk train for Canada.
Completes Examination of
Commission at the End of Final
Examination Shook Hands
With Prisoner.
Thaw Sent Note To Delmss To B
Ready To Continue Trial Before Jury
Today His Counsel Share His En
thusiasm. NEW YORK, April J.-Harry K.
Thaw's Insanity and hi Inability to
consult with his counsel at the pres
ent time will. It Is expected, be finally
d.'clJed today by tho lunacy commis
sion which has been Investigating the
question. Much wilt depend upon an
other private examination of Thaw
which, the Commleslon has decided
Thaw's examination today will be
the final and cruleal test of his mental
capacity. It will follow a brief hear
ing at which one alienist and possibly
two will be examined. Not even
Thaw's- counsel or the District Attor
ne will be admitted to the private room
With the official stonotrrapher the
commission will retire to a room tn
the upper part of the general courts
building and put the defendant
through what testa the please.
Dr. Putxel will examine him as he
would a private patient, and questions
may be asked as to the continuance of
the delusions from which Thaw I salj
to have suffered last last Summer.
"It Is the plan to conclude the hear
ing with Thaw's examination and un
less something unexpected Intervenes
the commission will then go Into exec
utive session to consider their report
to Justice FlUgorald. This reort will
probably be made early Thursday tie
fore the Thaw trial Is re-convened In
order that the trial may proceed
should the decision bo favoruble to
tho defendant
NEW YORK. April 8. Tomorrow
bring another critical stage In the
case of Hurry Thaw, who will either
4e officiary prfoclii)lm.l Insane and
ordered until to Mntteawan, or whose
trial will be resumed by Justice Fltx
gerald. The Commission completed Its
work tonight, and will be ready to re
port to Justice Fitzgerald tomorrow:
Thaw underwent a private, mental
and physical examination lasting for
more than two hour today.
In this last crucial test he was entire
ly nlone before the Commission, 'even
the District Attorney and the members
of his' counsel being barred, When the
three members of the Commission had
completed their final examination, they
shook hands with Thaw in the most
cordial manner. He went back to his
cell In the Tombs with a light heart
and declared to his counsel that fie
felt that the Commission would declare
him sane tomorrow. His attorneys
shared their clients optimistic view.
Jerome would not commit himself In
anyway. Thaw' counsel declared they
were ready to proceed with the ease
tomorrow and believed that Delma
might begin his summing up address
before noon, In that event they said,
Jerome would address the Jury on Fri
day, and the verdict might be expec
ted before the week end. There Is
little or no likelihood that the report of
the Commission will vr be made pub
lic. If Its decision favors Thaw Justice
Fltsgerald will merely order tho trial
to proceed, without any reference to
the Interruption, which began two
weeks ago. Should the decision be
sgaliiMt Thaw, Judge FltzgeralJ would
have to quote briefly from the formal
finding of the Commission, In hi order
committing tho young man to an asy.
lum. If he Is committed Thaw will
hav to remain In the asylum until he
t declared sane by tho Superintendent
of that Institution. Then, he would be
brought back here and tried again.
Attorney Delmas wo not present
but at the end of the Inquiry Thaw
sent him a note by a special messen
ger, telling him, to be ready to proceed
with his summing up argument, tomor.
Explosion of Cseolin Cause Fire and
Endanger Lives of Workman.
NEW YORK. April 1 Several ex
plosions, presumably of gasoline used
for lighting purposes, set fire at S
o'clock this morning to the woodwork
and scaffolding covering the hole In
the ground on Church, Fulton, Day
and Cortelant Street, where the Mc
Adoo Tunnel Company Is excavating
for the foundations of a huge build
ing and for the connecting, of Its tun
nel which runs under the North river.
The blase Is a serious one and most
of the Umbering and scaffolding Is
likely to be destroyed.
Work has been going on night and
day and several hundred men were at
work when the explosions occurred.
At S: 20 A. M., the police said all the
men had escaped, though several were
Injured and rendered unconscious.
They were brought to the surface by
fellow workmen.
BUTTE. Apr. S Joseph Corby, Re
publican candidal fnr Mayor, Is ejec
ted over Jerry Mahoney, Dem., by a
plurality estimated at about SO0. Al
exander L. McOowan, Dem., la elected
Police Judge and P. R. Goodwin, Dem..
Incumbent of the city treasurer's office,
is re-elected. Tlfe Democrats carried
four of the eight councllmen, Republi
can three, and Socialists one. There
were no well defined Issues;
VICTORIA. B. C, April S.-J. N.
Mara, President of the Board of Trade,
returneJ from the Orient yesterday,
and says that English residents of
Shanghai are fearing a revolution In
which the colony shall be wiped out.
Probably Be Settled to
By The Representative Of The Men
Commission To Deliver Decision
To The Manager Today Settle
Now Hoped For,
CHICAGO, April, 3. A settlement of
the controversy" between the Western
railroads and their conductors and
trainmen seems nearer tonight than at
any time since the Commissioners
Knapp and Nelll Interested In behalf
of peace. After the delivering of the
ultimate of the general managers to
represntatlves of men this afternoon, a
long conference was held and the final
result wag that the labor leaders came
to an agreement which they requested
the government officials to deliver to
the managers tomorrow. While It Is
not known officially what the exact
nature or what the basis of settlement
agreed upon, Is It is stated by a man In
authority that prospect for peaceable
settlement ot the difficulty were bright
Own Counsel Practically
Admits Allegation
Plaintiffs Suit Not Aimed at Chris
tian Science or at
Mrs. Eddy.
Sh Desiroa More Time For Spiritual
Thought and Higher Criticism There
fore Appointed A Board Of Trus
tee To Manage Her Property.
CONCORD, April 3. The counsel
for plaintiffs In the Eddy case today
said It appeared to them, Mr. Streeter,
personal counsel for Mrs. Eddy and
those who have charge of her case,
have after matured deliberations ar
rived at the same conclusion as to the
Incapacity of Mrs. Eddy to manage her
business affairs, that her son, so re
ported, when he eaw her in January.
ThU enlr, foy declared, is not "di
rected at Mrs. Eddy or at Christian
Science. The position of the petition
ers' from the beginning has been that
because her Incapacity t manage her
business affairs, reformation as to the
management, control and accounting
thereof was necessary for her protec
tion. Now that the Imperative need of
this reform Is conceded, counsel said
the remaining question would seem
to be whether the Interests of Mrs.
Eddy will be cared for and protected
by a receiver appointed by the court
or by the trustees appointed by and
acting praotlcally as a continuation
of the old regime.
CONCORD. April 3. MrsMary Ba
ker G. Eddy Issued a note tonight
bearing on her appointment of the
trustees to handle her estate as the
announcement tn the motion filed In
Merrimack county Supreme Court yes'
terday, In action brought to compel
for an accounting of her property. The
note, which was sent out from "Pleas
ant View" bearing the signature of
Mrs. Eddy follows:
"I am pleased to say the following
members' constitute the board of trus
tees who own my property:
"1. Henry M. Baker, who won a suit
at law In Washington, D. C. for which
tt is alleged he was .paid highest fees
ever before received by a native of
New Hampshire.
"2. Archibald McLellan, editor in
chief of Christian Science Pero'JIcals,
circulating the five grand divisions of
our globe; also In Canada, Australia
"3. Joslah E. Fernald, Justice of
Peace and President of the National
State Capital Bank. Concord N. H.
"To my aforesaid trustees I have
committed the hard earnings of my
pen, fruit of my honest toll, labor that
It known by Its' fruits benefitting the
human race, and I have so done that
I may have more peace and time for
spiritual thought and higher criticisms,
(signed) "MART BAKER G. EDDT,
Pleasant View, Concord, N. H., April
8, 1907. x
BOSTON, April 3. Two communica
tions from, Mrs. Mary Baker G. Eddy,
were read tonight at a meeting of the
First Church, of Christian Science,
Mother Church of the Denomination.
The first communication read to the
audience was addressed to the Mother
Church. In the letter Mrs. Eddy says.
"My Beloved Children: Tour lova
and fidelity cheer my advancing years.
As Christian Scientist you understand
scripture "Fret not thyself because of
evil doers, "Also you spiritually and
scientifically understand God Is divine
love, omnipotent, omnipresent, Infinite,
hence, It Is enough for you and I to
know our redeemer Uveth and inter
ceded for os.
"At this period my demonstration of
Christian. Science cannot be fully un
derstood, theorltlcally, therefore it is
best explained by Itv fruits and by the
life of our Lord as depicted In the
atonement and Eucharist, in Science
and Health with a key to the scrip
tures. (Signed) "MART BAKER O. BDDy
First reader, W, D. McCrocken, then
announced that he had received a let
ter from Mrs. Eddy, written In her
own handwriting. McCrocken said the
letter Indicated that Mrs. Eddy I In
possession of "Her, usual mental and
physical vigor." The latter follower
"Beloved Student: A wise man haa
said, "When I wa a child I spake as a
child. I understood as a child; I though '
as a child; but when I became a man;
I put away childish things.' That this
passage of scripture and Its conclud
ing declaration may be applied to old
age, la solace.
"Perhaps you already know that I
have heretofore, personally attended
to my secular affairs, to my Income, de
posits1, Investments, expenditures and
to my employes but Increasing demands
upon my time and labor and my yearn
Ing; for more peace, In my advancing;
years, have caused me to select a board .
of trustees to take charge of my pro
perty, namely, Henry M. Baker. Archi
bald McLellan and Joseph E. Fernald.
"As you are first reader of my church
in Boston, of about 40,000 members, I
Inform you of this aforesaid transac
tion. "Lovingly yours In Christ, Mary
Baker G. Eddy."
Critisizes the Recent "Harriman
Of People And Bondholders And Stock,
holders Alike Stop Rebating and
The Watering Of Stocks A Public
Service Law.
ALBANY, N. T. April 3. Joseph H.
Choate was the most conspicuous of
the coporation representatives, who ar
gued in favor of the so called "Govern
or's' Public Utility Bill" tonight, be
fore the Senate Judiciary committee.
Speaking for the stockholders and
bondholders of . railroads he said the
timidity of Investors' has been increas
ed by the apprehension and danger
threatened through hostile legislation."
He said there ought to be a public ser
vice law that would protect the Inter
ests of the people and bondholders and
stockholders! that make rebating Im
posible that it should make impos
sible "Any more watering of stocks and
any more of the conditions that have
existed In the recent "Harriman Hero
ics", as I may call It."
Tweny Italians Burned To Death In
Lodging House.
SAN FRANCISCO, April 4. Twenty
Italians were burned to death and a
score or more seriously Injured by the
conflagration ot an ; Italian Lodging
house at the corner ot 12 street and
Connecticut avenue shortly after twelve
o'clock this morning. So quick wag the
work of the flames' that the building
was entirely consummed before the In-
mates could be rescued.
The number of injured at the Hos
pital Is twenty. The Queen City soap ,
works is reported also to be burning.