THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 1007, WE CARRY THE CHOICEST OF m wjm GREEN AND BLACK UPTONS TETLEYS GATTS CEYLON SCHIILINGSEng. BreaKfast, Japan, Oolong Sole Agents for Bakers Barringtcm Hall Steel Cut Coffee. A. V. ALLEN, tTtTTttTT TtTtTTTt???'?? TTTtTTtti CHAPLAJN JOYCE. Of Texas Legislature Atkt Pertinent Questions in Hi Morning Prayer. ACSTIX, Texas, April I. Chaplain Joyce, of the House of Representatives yesterday morning in his regular morn ing prayer at the opening of the ses sion said: "Hundreds of men in the state are today cursing the laws recently enact ed. Why do they not come and curs the lawmakers. Hundreds of thous ands are blessing those laws; why not bless the men that passed them. The recent enactment of certain re form legislation haa caused the mem bers of the Legtslatur to be the sub ject of much criticism, which H Is said prompted the chaplain's remarks. DROUGHT BROKEN. Great Lois to Crops in Spain, Farmers Now Rejoicing. MADRID, April a. The long drought which has caused so much loss, In damage to the wheat and corn crops, was broken yesterday by a torrential rain which fell throughout Spain and all the farmers are rejoicing. GOVERNMENT ARBITRATION. Keep YourlFeet Dry. If people would keep their feet dry half the doctors would have to go out of business. Our Dr. Reed's Cushion Shoes are iust the thing for keeping your feet dry. They shed the water almost like a'duck's back. We Guarantee Each Pair. Our Specialties Are Loggers and long hand made boots for Fishermen. S. A. G1MRE 543 Bend 8U opposite Fisher Bros. Time Comma When Controversies of Men And Employers Is Submitted. WASHINGTON, April:. Federal authorities express the opinion that the time is coming when the railroads and their employes will submit all controversies relative to wages, hours of service and conditions of employ nvtit to government boards rather than undergo the distressing experi ences that usually follow strikes and partian tie-ups. Congress has provi ded the machinery whereby mediation and arbitration shall be applied to la bor disputes In the railroad world. This machinery is found In the "mediation and arbitration" act of 1S98. which for a long time was not Invoked owing to the distrust of railway employers and railway employes. A fair test of the efficacy of the law Is now being made In the difference between the Southern Pacific Railroad company and Us employes growing out of the strike of the latter because of dissatisfaction over wages and other matters. Both sides to the controver sy having signified a willingness to submit their troubles to a board of arbitration, steps were taken by the Chairman of the Interstate Commerce Commission and the Commissioner of Labor to bring them together. The in dications are that an award will be made satisfactory alike to the rail rod and Its employees. The mediation and arbitration act of 1898 applies to common carriers, their officers, agents and employees. It provides that whenever a contro versy Shall arise between a carrier and Its employees, "seriously Interrupting or threatening to Interrupt the busi ness of the said carrier," the Chair man of the Inter-State Commission and the Commissioner shall, upon the request of either party, use their best efforts by "conciliation and mediation" to amicably settle the differences be tween emDlovers and employees. If mediation falls then the law offers the alternative of arbitration. Mediation was tried In the case of the Couthern Pacific, without results. Arbitration was then proposed, and if was aJop ted. Chairman Martin A. Knapp, of the Interstate Commerce Comml1on Is of the opinion that before long arbi tratlon will become fashionable In the transportation world. '1 regard this law as well eoncelved and sound in principle," he said. "It goes about as far as useful legislation of this kind "The Maker's Pride" There is no secret about our bread making. The splendid results we achieve are brought about simply by using the best material we can buy and exercis ing the utmost care at every step of the process of making and baking. Try a loaf of our celebrated "TableQueen Bread" 505 Duane Street. 275 W. Bond Street. 444H to. Pi 1 TV1 Jus M nr ADR IN N EW'TO 18i. jmwiHi ii i ii " " ir" mi mil mil rr - ttt" nTf "TT t - 1 nTinrrnwrniwiiir -.ZZmsmmmt:, Correct Clothes for Men The Brownsville Woolen Mill Store f Ifiw'tAOTfvn'n a (o MAKERS. U Clothes of Character, Individuality and Distinctiveness, the . Correct Wearing Apparel for Men. 1 fl Iff Preis Made Clothes Up to the minute in styles, right from New York. Richest, Nobbiest and most up-to-date line of boys' and young men's clothing, made in New York. Made In Oregon The Famous Oregon Buckskin, guar anteed all wool, second to none in wear and durability. A large shipment of New Spring Hats received to-day by express from New f York. You should see them. i The Brownsville Woolen Mill Store "Clothes of The Better Kind." v could go. We hear more or less about compulsory arbltrtion. That, to my mind, la a contradiction of terms. The tribunal to which a party to a contro versy can be brought against his will Is not In any true sense arbitration, because the very Idea of arbitration Is a voluntary submission b both sides. The practical difficulty In the way of voluntary arbitration must come, in the nature of the case, In the selection of the third arbitrator (Continued from page 1) will have to be committed to an usy lum. Probably the first stop which Mr. Jerome will take this morning will be to call Dr. Alien McLane Hainlltion ' o the stand to risk him about Thaw's Under the law actual condition of mind. This Is like- of 1898 the two parties each selects i ly to bring the hearing to lt cruloul Its representative on the board, and the j There is some conjecture as .nPnm.nt .hrnimh the Chairman of ! to Mr. Jerome's motive In having Mrs. the Interstate Commerce Commit 1 Evelyn Thaw subpoenaed for appear- and the Commissioner of Labor names , ance at the sesions. sne was mucn ,h fhif v,.h niru m a difference perturbed over this movement. Bhe selects as a matter of course, one In j was afraid that she would have to tes- sympathy with his cause. The method ' tlfy against her nustmn.i. Mr, jemme of selecting the third arbitrator pro- j would not explain why she was sum- vided In this act is about as good as moned but too probability is tnnt ne any that could be devsed." CHASE JOINS HIGHLANDERS. Salary Question Settled to the Satis faction of Managers. NB;W YORK, April 2. Word has been received in this city that Hal Chase, the noted first baseman of the New York American Baseball club will Join the team In o. few days. Chase, who lives In San Jose, Cal., has hitherto refrained from reporting to Manager Griffiths because of sala ry disagreement. It Is believed the matter will be amicably settled. WHITE ART TREA8URES. To Be Sold This Week.. New York Art Museum to Make Purchases. NEW YORK, April 2. Eight hun dred persons including artists, con nlseurs and, dealers visited the Stan ford White house and viewed the art objects which are to be sold at auc tion on Thursday, Friday and , Sat urja of this week. Admission was by ticket. Another public exhibition will gven today. Sir Caspar Purdon Clark, director the Metropolitan museum of art be of will only be asked a few technical questions. It was announced today after a ses sion which lasted from 10:30 this morn ing until 8:30 this evening that the Thaw lunacy commission will con clude its labors tomorrow and report conclusions to Judge Fitzgerald be fore the hour set for the Thaw Jury to report in court Thursday morning. There will be a brief session tomorrow to hear the testimony of alienists of fered by Jerome, then will follow pri vate mental and physical examination of defendant. Only members of the commission and the officials stenographer will be present at Thaw's ordeal, attorneys for the defense and the District At torney being barrcJ. Announcement was made that the Committee desired to renew Its private examination of Thaw came at the end of the day as many witnesses and it was In the na ture of a surprise. The decision was probably due to the conflicting char acter of the testimony heard today. It was but another battle of the alienists. Those engaged by the District Attor ney declared Thaw absolutely incap able of understanding his condition, cf realizing the nature of the charge against him or of rationally conferring with his counsel; while those, engaged 'by defense declared Thaw throughout the trial had acted rationally, and' had HI would be an Interested bidder at the Judges of SNAPPY I EXCLUSIVE styles I in GOOD headgear are giving their ap proval to JALOFFS millinery. SEE the line and learn WHY. do vlHltn lit InSDectlon. Is Interest Indicated that the museum Nationally advised his counsel no nmy understood nd appreciated everything connected with his trial. : V JALOF F ' S New vStore. 1U( Eleventh St., Between Onuiioniul nn( Itond MILLINERY Suits, Cloalfs, Shirts, JWaists, HtCe, I It is getting so any coljege president who is dead broke can get a dollar by showing ton more. Uornlne; Aatorlan. 10 cent a month. Delivered by tarrier, ' sale. 3e