The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, April 03, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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$prang Blossoms
to adorn the Fastidious.
Its all goodness in Sinclair's
Praised wherever used.
terse mini i
Promotion Commits Motto. Tho
Committee of Promotion of tho Atrta
Chambor of Commerce hld a Ml(m
yoatorday at th nfflio of Commit!..-
man F. U Pr)tor. at which th w
manager of th Chamber, Mr. J. H.
Whyta waa prooent, anil th work of
tho future, a It lav In tho hand of
. . . ..... ... ........ it., .ail uM.lM
dlaru4 to tho MMUfartKm of all
prosont. Among otbrr thing acpom.
plthd for tho good of tho Chamber,
wa tho of an .xocutlve
committee of threo rhon from th
nine mmtwra commuting (ho Promo,
lion, Cnmmlitoo to take ov.r tho ac
tual bulni of tho big committee and
dlipoM of (, Chairman 0. W. Han
born. ant Committeeman O. P. Ful
ton and F. 1 Parker being named In
tMa behalf, Tho meeting waa produc
ts of much Rood to alt proaont, and
loft a Joflnlio undemanding of th
IIrm of operation to bo pursued by Mr.
Wbyte and hla confrere of tho hour.
MD-Lootlno, John Robinson, of
Pklpannn. and hta n Qulnry. woro
arrested and brought to tho city yes
terday, by Deputy Sheriff Archie Mc
l4n charged wUh larrenry from th
dtp Pot or Irodalo, ai ah lla upon
tho Claiaop aand Tho prosecution
of a aoarrh warrant sworn out hero on
Monday by President tlarrlaon of th.
pacific Iron Worka, th conoorn that
owns tho ahlp. rvled a big tot of
ropoa, tfaatn. block and othor un
dry oar belonging to tho Irodalo at
varloua and sundry . places about tho
old Oray plaeo, now orcuptod by tho
Rnhlnann'a a a homo, and thla waa
brought to tho city and will bo umkI
today aa toatlmony In tho examination
that la to bo held ai tho office of Ju
tlca P. J. Ooodman. Tho defendants
aro now In all awaiting examination
In th promlaa.
FUh Figure For 8aon-Lnt year
tho Columbia River Fishermen' Pro
toctlvo Union fixed the price of sal
mon at 6 cent per pound for all flh
under 23 pound weight, and 6 centt
for fih over lht limit; and for the
coming aeaaon It hai eatnbllahed a
rata of 5 1-1 and 7 1-J centa respec
tively, putting the weight limit at 15
pound. Thla meana an advanro of
1-1 cent on hut year'a first money
value, and It remain to bo aeon whe
ther the packer will go them any bet-
it they did Inst aeaaon when they
tho price to I and 7 cents' and
tho Wright limit to IS pound
Albert Brunatrom waa appointed by
tho Union aa light keeper at Band
Ialand thla year.
enlng lnt Mr. and Mr'. Wllllnm l)nch
of thla city reached the twentieth
milestone of thulr marital llfo path,
and a number of Jolly friend and
neighbor bethought theimtelve of
making tome anrt of a feature of the
.lay. Without aaylng a word to the
bnnefli'liirUt they awarmed In on them
at tho pleasant home at 173 1-2 Klght.
eenth otreet during tho evening, and
brought with them gift and memento
and other good thing that went a
long way toward making one of the
plenwintest evening on record. The
affair will b long remembered by all
who had tho good fortune to panic!
pato, and the bride and groom of the
hour will not soon forget the happy
mnnlfiatatlona made In their behalf.
Beginning to Loom. The hiiiidmtte
and modern front being put In big
tor-room "n to bo occupied by
Herman Wine, on door west of hi
preaent Commercial street mtnhllNh
mont, I fntt taking ahape, the wood
work having been completed an indent -
ly to admit the aettlng up of tho nine
fine plate of glat that adorn tho
front. They aro without framea of
wood and havo tho new angle Joint
at th outer corner that make them
wi much more attractlv. Tho enttr
rehabilitation of tho hugo atoro will
bo don on the tamo acalo of up-to-date-neaa,
and now promlaea to bo
one. If not the handomet. of th fine
part oftho city.
..Aotor At High SchoolMr. Chalrea
Hanford tho eminent actor entertain
ed the atudenta of tho High School ye
terduy morning wtt'a quite a lengthy
tnlk, taking In tnewor ki of (thnke
pr, their relation to literature and
to the drama. Ho alo treated with
iho actor relation in rrnrd to lltern
turo. After the main part of hi talk
ho rendered aevernl recitation with
pleaalng effect and waa heartily en
cored by tho atudenta by way of op-
preclntlon. " Mr, Hanford appeared be.
fore tho atudenta upon tho requeat of
Superintendent of School Clark.
Happy Anniversary On Monday ov-
Fathor Dielman tow Archblhop
Chrlaty and Father aallagher of Port
lund arrived on tho noon ' train yes
terday and departed lnat evening.
They were In tho city to vlalt Father
IHclmnn aa ho waa very low.
AnKmIh k in the nih of all live men
Ihi-au dy: they cannot get around
hi'r, noiMchow, ii nil It I a good thing
for them utul fur thu city, Tho In teal
liimportiuit Inqulror and of thi en
terprlallng ort I J, Mndxtrom, of
Aberdeen, the well known hlp-bulfIW,
wfto not only own a plant of fine en
paclty thtre, but I deeply lnterotd In
th HendUen Hhlp Ilulldlng Company,
of Eureka, California, tho concern be
lug among th leading firm In t hi
lino on the Paclilc coat.
Mr, I.lnil'troin hna addreaaed i
letter to tho Aatorla Chamber of Com
mere iiftklng a number of pertinent
queattnn anent tho eatabllahment of a
big ahlp-yard hero, and lay epoclHl
tr( upon tho necessity of having a
alto clone to aomo well equipped w-
nilll; the whole tone of tho letter In
illcntlng the probability of hi coming
here for thl purpoMt If thing can be
made agreeable for all concerned.
The committee on promotion ha been
placed In charge of the mHter and
will glean fact Incident to the Inquiry
and "end them to Mr. Llndatrom, to.
gether with auch other Inducement a
may bo within their purview.
It la to be hoped uen an lndu"try
can be brought hero, alnco It would bo
Inirical adjunct to a live ea port and
mean much for the whole neighbor
hood quite aaldo from tho money val
ue It would et up. There t a vaat
quantity of all manner of ahlp timber
about here, from knee to belaying
pin, and there are plenty of tlto If
they are but put In lino for hi choice
and purchaae at reasonable figure.
Tho promotion committee will prob
ably be glad to hoar from anyone who
can put It next to feasible proposition
along thl line and It la certainly the
duty of all who havo tpoclflc know
ledge of thl nature to offer It at once,
ao aa to expedite one of the boat thing
that haa presented Itself herein many
a day.
National Bioyoioa 0 Sale At Ork.
DaU E Scutly, Notary 'Public ai
Scully Cigar Stora. Any old hour I
Qo to A. D. Craig for your tent,
twnlngi and all klnda of canvaa wir
13th and Exchange. tt
Hotel. .Irving Newly, .furnished.
Steam heat. First claa table board.
Rate reasonable.
For Fine Watoh and clock repairing
go to Frank J. Donnorberg, th re
liable jewolor, 1U Uth St.
' er;" 2
Don't Miss
The excellent values in
Groceries to be had at this
store. High quality and
moderate prices are close
companions here and no
prudent buyer can afford
to overlook us when purchasing.
Scholfield, Hattson Co.,
Five Cant to l&OO When you feel
Ilka "aponglng" a bit, drop into Frank
Hart' drug (tor and buy a apongo.
Tou can find Juat what you want, from
R cent to 13.00 per apongo.
For Eleotrie Service Installation or
repair work, go to J. 8. Vernon, elec
trlclan. No. 467 Exchange atreet, tot
phone. Main 3t3. All manner of
eleotrie and telephone work dona at
attest notice.
For a
l":"r"-:- goto ; V."
JqhnsonPhonograph Co.
Parlar Soeond Floor over SoholfUld o Matt ion Co,
8lngr 8owing Maohina Co. Just
received a new stock of Singer and
Wheeler A Wilson machine, all the
lateat atyles. Repairing and cleaning
of all makes of machine a specialty,
oome and give ua a trial 173-lOta St
Do you feel sleepy ana not a bit
dka working In th afternoon T Per
hapa It'a because of the kind of lunch
you're eating too heavy and too hard
to dlgeat Why not try the Palace
restaurant on Commercial street,
wher all th baking Is done In those
famous slow-process ovens, whloh turn
out light, appetising wholesome
thlngsT Toa'll savs money, too. tf
Gentle and Eft'eotive.
A well known Manitoba editor
writes: "As an Inside worker I And
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets Invaluable for the touches of
bllllousnesa natural to sedentary life,
their action being gentle and effective,
clearing the digestive tract and the
head." Price, 25cents. Sample' free,
at Frank Hart's and loading druggists.
Whooping Cough,
I have used Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy In my family In cases of
whooping cough, and want to tell1 you
that It Is the best medicine I have ever
used. W. F. Qaton, Posco, Go. This
reiiiouy ib auto hiiu sure, rur itue djt,
Frank Hart and Leading Druggists,
rs "i J
ATS. P , '" ...- i 1
J . . . i , Vj
thingfn a fiat
of out make is the word Knox
fa the late!, but it's a most impor
ant thing; to look for. Its import
ance, however, is not entirely
due to Vt2e" io when you
buy a
you secure a hat of thefinest
materials and of unequalled wear
ing quality to say nothing of &
style which is World-Standard.
In other words, you have paid for
what the label represents five
dollars' worth of hat
In pearl plaids.
In tan checks,
In dark and
In light shades,
All new suits
Made for WISE.
Knox, $5.00
Beacon, $3.00
Derbys, ,
but all made by Knox
H. Is W.I I Suited J, C. Moore, of
Ottawa, Lasalle county, Illinois, is In
the city, the guest of his nephews, the
Measra: Judd, proprietors of the
Brownsville store. He thinks Astoria
Is all right and Oregon, too, and says
he la aorry he did not come out here
years sgo. It la' his first trip Into the
extreme west and ha la wonderfully
pleased with things and people. It Is
hoped he will cultivate the Impression
until ho has to come here In sheer self
defense. He has' the signs of the man
who Is wanted here as a citlsen and
Astoria Is Just In shape to warrant
hi coming and as many more as he
can Induce to follow him.
..From Old Skamokawa Editor Wil
liams, o ft'ne Skamokawa Eagle, waa a
business visitor In the city yesterday.
He says things are humming up
around the Waklakum capital, and
among the latest evidences of pros
perity thereabout, gave out the fact
that Bell & Stillman, of Portland, are
about to open up a big tract of timber
lying about three miles back of Ska
mokawa, which Involves the building
of that many miles of logging railway,
all of which work has been commenced
and will be rushed to completion.
Quiet On The River The water
bailiffs of the States of Washington
and Oregon have had but little to do
In the way of apprehending contraband
fishermen during the present closed
season, S00 fathoms ot glllnet being
the only plunder that fell Into their
hands so far, and the owner of that
Is already spotted and will be made to
answer for It.
where he ha not been for the past
27 years. He expects to be gone until
the middle of September next.
Police Court There was only one
case called for trial yesterday in Po
lice Court, that of A. I Johnson charg
ed with being a vagrant Sentence
was withheld on condition that he leave
town, which was agreeable to the gen
tleman on the prisoners bench.
Trtsturer III City Treasurer
Thomas Dealey suffered a severe at
tack ot the nosebleed sometime In the
night Monday. He was on duty again
yesterday and while weakened to a
considerable extent there were no oth
er 111 effects.
Sister To Laavo SisteT Roselind of
St Mary's Hospital leaves soon for
Oakland where she enters the St Pro
vidence hospital of that city. It is un
derstood that Sister Francises Is to
take Sister Roselind's place hero.
Operation On Eya Alexander Fra
ser of OIney waa received at St Mary's
yesterday for an operation of tho eye.
He Is becoming blind in the right eya
the cause of which he was unable to
state. "
Bond Called City Treasurer Daly
has issued a call for all the bonds en
dorsed prior to Ma 1, 1906. This rep
resents the paying of some J23.000 or
Gently moves the bowels and at tho
the same time stops the cough. Bee's
Laxative Cough Syrup. Contains Hon
ey and Tar. No opiates. Best for
Coughs, colds, croup, and whooping
cough. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Children like It Mothers Indorse It
Sold by Frank Hart's Drug Store.
Thirty days' treatment for kidney
bladder troubles and rheumatism, for
$1.00. Tour money refunded if not
satisfied. Ptneules contain no alco
hol. Do not derange the stomach.
Easy to take. Sold by .Frank Hart's
Drug Store.
Among th. Estates. An order was
made yesterday by Judge Trenchard,
sitting for probate matters, appointing
Eva J. Denver, as guardian of tho per
son and estate of Robert J. Denver, a
minor. He als'o made an order appro
ving tho second annual reports of the
executors of the estate of the late
Michael Nowlen, and direct inn g the
property belonging to the estate.
Off For England J. H. Mansell left
this city last night on the 6:10 for
Portland and the East, and will con
tinue his trip across the Atlantic to
his old home In London, England,
Oxford Ties
For Women.
The demand for this style
of footwear promises to be
greater this season than ever
before. Either patent, kid
or tan are correct for leathers
The shoe that is bought
from us is certain to be cor
rect in style. We have them
in all leather., styles and
Wherity, Ralston Q Company!
Tha Loading She Deal.r.
4 Z