The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, April 03, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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Steamship Quito Hard Aground
Near Deer Island.
Marconi Clears for Callao, Peru, with
LumberPulitzer Goat Back to hr
Station Barktntin, Labania Leaves
for San Padre,
The steamship Quito, deeply loaded
with a general cargo, for the Orient,
left Portland early on Monday morn
In last, for sea, with Captain Harry
Emken, of the Columbia River Pilots,
on her bridge. At a point about 2,000
feet above the Deer Island dyke she
went aground on the Oregon bank, and
is there yet hard and fast It is re
ported here that Captain Emkln re
ports that she went ashore In a dense
tog, but river men declare she Is near
ly a quarter a mile out of her course,
and that her steering gear must have
broken down, or she would not te
there. She lies athwart the stream.
nd It is almoost certain she will have
to be lightened, or else she will have
to be dug out with a 'Jredger. She
went on the bank on a 9 foot tide and
has settled with her bows well up In
tbe air,
and aoiid"dhTirhape. SlielaTtwk
Ing on coal for the Alaskan voyg she
nil) make for the Alaska Fishermen'
Packing Company,
The French bark Jacques. Captain
Michel, arrived down yesterday after
noon, en route to Europe, and went to
the lower harbor. The Harvest Queen
brought her down, and on the way
back, will shift the schooner Irene
from Ooble to St. Helen'.
Toe Kamm flagship; I.urline arrive,!
her usual schedule time, having over
come the time losses Incident to the
series of minor accidents that had be
fallen her since Saturday last. She Is
all right again and went last night to
big business.
The .schooner Marconi cleared from
this port yesterday, with 894.000 feet of
fine Washington pine, loaJed at the
Knappton mills, for Callao, Peru, and
will ret away on the first available
towllne over the bar.
The bar schooner Joseph Pulittvf
went out to her station yesterday, her
factious cook having re-confdered
his refusal to go to sea on her.
The steamer Tiverton left the Tongue
Point mills dock yesterday at noon for
San Francisco, lumber laden, and
crossed out at 4:40 o'clock.
Vice-President-Mr. Vm. Rosa, See
rvlary Mrs. 8, K. Dtobel Organist
Miss Nellie Kusey Oregon State Field
Worker Rev. O. A. rhlppa, Portland,
International Field Worker Rev. W.
O, Merrill, Tacoma Wash,
The afternoon session ws devoted
largely to the business of the conven
tion, roll call of the the Sunday; schools
of the county, registration and other
affairs of Importance.
The evening session was well nt
temled and thoroughly enjoyed, and It
Is the desire of the officers and mem
bers of the convention that "whoso
ever will, nmy come." It Is not an ex
clusive affair In an sense and every.
one with any Interest In the work Is
most thoroughly welcome.
me program for the evening was
carried out to the letter except that in
the enforced absence of Rev. W. 8.1
Short, his assignment was taken by
Rev. W. 8. Gilbert. The whole ache-
Held a Short Regular .Meeting
Petition In Boots Prom Woman's Club
Calls Attention to the Unsanitary
and Other Conditions Prevailing At
That Tempi of Learning.
At the meeting of the Board of Ed
The barkentlne Lahanla got enough
men to man her spars and sails yes
terday and put to sea, lumber laden
for San Pedro.
The steamship Geo. W. Elder Is due
down from Portland this morning en
route to Eureka, San Francisco and
Port Los Angeles. She will take from
here among her passengers. Rev. W.
Seymour Short, rector of Grace Church
who goes south to rest, and he will
probably make his habitat somewhere
around Los Angeles or Pasadena, or
perhaps at Santa Catallna Island, and
will remain there for several weeks or I
until he shall have mastered the throat-
trouble that urges his departure. His
many friends here trust he will find
the relief he Is going for and that ne
will enjoy the outing.
The ship John Currier, as she lies
at the coal dock, looks like a veritable
mountain of spars and gear. She Is
ver lofty and is as light as she ever
gets, and stretches from the east line
of Eighth street until her flying-Jib-boom
hangs over the Flavel pier and a
man could drop from It on to tat
'decks of the steamer Patrol. She is
a fine old ship and is built as they
used to build them 25 years ago, big
The third annual convention of the
Clatsop County Sunday pchool As
sociation assembled at the First Con
gregational church In this city yester
da afternoon at 2 o'clock with a large
attendance of delegates and friends of
the movement In evidence. Among the
distinguished people, from abroad yes
terday were: Rev. C. A. Phlpps of
Portland and Rev. W. C. Merritt, of
Tacoma and the local clergy were rep
resented by Rev. C. C. Rarick, Rev. W.
S. Gilbert and Rev. G. E. Moorehouse,
Rev. T. P. Howard and Rev. G. E. Ryd
qulst All of the following named
county officers were present:
President Mrs. J. E. Ferguson,
Why Astoria,
Is on the move.
li n
flmmnnn A
(HI Ul
arriman. E, H,
erman Wise,
, 7
Astoria's Greatest Clothier.
duie of work was thoroughly enjoyed I "cation last evening the following
and accomplished much good In the members were present J. A. Eakln, O. II
.. A .M.l.lua Ik. I . - . a. . . . .. I tr.vl .... V , ..,... -..a . I H
v, (iivunuiH ma, bjmiii ui me con-1 "" v. wcicn any Bupermien-
vention to the task and pleasure out-1 dent of Schools and District Clark, A.
lined for It today a Indicated below: I L Clark. In the absence of Chalrmnn
MORNING. . Hlgglns Mr. Holme acted for him.
9:S0 Praise Service, Rev. T. P. How-I Before the routine buatnesa was t
ard, 9:50 Music In the Sunday School. I ken up, a committee from the Woman's
Rev. C. A. Phlpps; 10: JO "Who Should I club, consisting of Mrs. c. A. Gearhart,
Attend Sunday School," Mrs. A. D. M. J. E, Ferguson and Mrs. O. B. Es-
Garner; 10:50 Discussion; 11:00 Round tes were allowed to enter a verba! pro
TabJe Conference, the Superintendent, test against the conditions prevailing
Rev. W. C. Merritt: 11: SO Social Hour. I at the Olney school building. In dls
AFTERNOON. t I cussing the matter before the Board.
2:00 Song and Praise Service, Rev. I the ladies declared the conditions to
O. E. Rydqulst; 1:10 Business, reports! be unhealthy and the surroundings un
from committees, etc. S:40 Address lit for children to be In. That the
"The Boy Problem," Rev. C. A. Phlpps; building Is Improperly heated has bad
Solo Mrs. s. K. Dlebel. 3:15 The Work ventilation and exceedingly poor light-
of the Primary and Junior Depart- Ing facilltlss. That the building Is
ments; (1) "The Cradle Roll" Miss damp, the sanitary conditions not of
Floretta Elmore. (2) "The Beginners" I the best and the noise from a neigh
Albert Carlson (3) "The Primary I boring machine shop renders close ap
Class" Miss Alema Nyland. (4) "The plication and study out of the question.
Juniors" Mrs. W. S. Gilbert. The committee spoke very feelingly
EVENING, and flecllned to allow their dilldren
7:30 Praise Service, Rev. C. C. Rar- to attend that school when the time
Ick; 7:50 Address, "A Call o Service" came and asserted they knew of others
Rev. C A. Phlpps, 8:20 Anthem, Meth- who had taken the same stand In the
odlst Choir; 8:30 Address "Organised matter. All thin the Members of the
to Win." Rev.W. C. Merritt Adjourn-1 Board present agreed with nd while
nothing could be done to alleviate the
sltuMlon at the present time, steps
might be taken to adjust matters by
the beginning of another school year.
The Olney building It seems was never
Intended for school purposes but was
constructed to meet the needs of the
Mr. and Mrs. McEIroy of Warrenton
are stopping In the cltv.
Miss Mamie Lewi, of Sook.n. Is """. The asseruon was
visiting In Astoria I mH'Je some ot me cniiaren are con
Walter H. Ramond. special agent of ,rnrtm atim r UenHng the
School Clerk Clark was Instructed to
the Liverpool and London and Globe
Insurance Companies is down from
Portland looking after the Interest, of to Por,lRn, t0 M whAt fiuM M
done In the matter of securing free
telephone for fne Superintendents of
fice. He was also Instructed to send
Mils for tuition to all pupils living out
side of the district and who are sub
ject This Is nn effort to force the
people from out the district to come
In. The outsiders pay but a single
mill while the residents are compelled
to pay eight mills. Bills to th amount
m a ,a . , ,, , I of $497.10 were approved as was the
T. A. Holden, of Gray's River was In
1 I .nil I I...,! . . ..I 1 I . u I
Miy run, iiii-iuuiUK icttciirra, juimur"
and superintendents salaries, the
his firm here In Astoria.
O. I. Peterson Is up the river look
ing after business interests.
John M. Levey of Seattle has bust-
ness In town.
N. P. Sorenson was In the city yes
terday, from Portland on business.
A. C. Miller, of Seattle, also found
things to Interest him In Astoria yes
It;, i
LwlL Mffl Ml
1 Rllii
Copyright 1907 by Hart Schtffncr U Mint
I apparent in onr spring lines of clothei.
Designed by art, tailored with skill and I
finished with taste. 1
Sole Agent "Uncommon Clothes." I
nr 1 j : p
the city yesterday on business bent.
K. P. Sorenson came down from Port
land on a business engagement yesterday.
J. C. Noyes, of Portland, was In the
city yesterday on a business errand.
He represents the Willamette Box ft
Lumber Company, of Linton. ,
J. B. Orundstat, of Skamokawa, was
here yesterday on matters of business.
E. P. Mcllroy, of the Old Oregon
Mills, came up from Warrenton, on a
business trip yesterday.
R. H. Kaltz, of Portland, Is In As
toria, for a few days.
E, H. Tuomy, of Detroit, Michigan, Is
In the city on a business trip.
Mr. and Mrs. James Edwards of
Washington D. C. are spending a few
days In the city.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Kend ricks came
down from Portland on the evening
train last night,
Charles E. Runyon, of Portland, Is
In the city seeing the sights.
G. W, Renolds, of Portland, is regis
tered at the Merwyn.
J. D. Healey of Grays River, arrived
at the Occident last evening.
F. M. Folsom, of Seattle, Is In As
toria attending to business Interests.
J. 05. Holy, of Portland, Is doing the
town with an eye for business.
J. E. Mayer, of Portland, is vlsltlni?
Walter Seaborg of Ilwaco Ig In the
city today.
Christina E. Walker et ux to J.
W. McHollnnd.ct nl lot 15
block 7, Grimes Grove $290
amount of which was $2,564. The tea
chers will receive their money Friday.
Owlriir to Chalrmnn Hlttains and F. J. -olum,)ltt nior Land Co., to
Tftlor being absent the meeting was Eleanor A. Wharton, lots 1, 2,
but a short one. It Is likely that a ln l"ot'K . warrenton Turk.. 550
special meeting will be called In the a L Jpffy and wife to Clurk
near future to consider Important mat- Stratton, lot 13, block 3, Inglo-
ters that were not taken uo at last noI'k 10"
night's session. iversun reierson et ux to M,
Mitchell, lots 7, 8, Sub. W. 1-2
block 66, Port of Upper As
toria 400
Statistics Conesrning the Populsting of Ru"sH et ux to A. W.
the Wot in 1906.
CHICAGO. April 2. Railroads west
of Chicago received during 1906, a to.
tal of $1260,677 for the transportation
of Immigrants, the largest sum dls.
trlbuted In the history of the Western
Immigration Bureau reports last year's
business have been sent by the var.
ous bureaus by E. E. McLeod. chair
man of the Western Passenger Asso- . Tje that ftct llke a poultice
..... i. ... ,oft- .v.J" Balv Carbonised. No other
V1" "VV l"D salve so good for cuts, burns, bolls and
greatest number of Immigrants In any chapped skin. Ask about It. Price
Smith, lots 7, 8, 9, 10, In block
23 and all of blocks 25, 26, 27,
28, except lots 11 and 12, In 28. . 1
Max Stral and wife to Goldstone
Bros., lots 1. 2, 3, block 17,
Case's Astoria , . . . ' , 273
J. N. Griffin and wife to G. W.
Utislnger, lot 10, block 10, Oat-
sop Grove
oe year came to this country, the num
ber being 1, 185, 268, and that the bu
reau headquarters In New Tork tick'
eted the greatest number In Its hls-
tor, 94,507.
Sold by Frank Hart's Drug
Pound Ntt A Seiners Union Hold an
Important Sttslon.
The Pound-Net A Helners Union
met at the council chamber In the city
hall for the purpose of selecting and
electing Its officers for the ensuing
year, and In this behalf the following
gentlemen were duly named.
President, J. R. Hurke, of Cathlomet.
Secretary, William Dixon, of Chi
nook. Treasurer, George Kaboth, of Astoria.
The meeting was fully attended and
there was generous and general dis
cussion of mator of vital Interest to
the union, and among other things
lisposed of, was the appointment of a
special committee to Investigate the
hatchery systom of the state, and re
port fully to the union In due course.
Adjournment was then token sub
ject to call of the president.
Tho safo, certain, reliable little pills
that do not gripe or sicken are Dade's"
Little Liver Pills. Best for sick head,
aches, bllllousness and laay livers
Sold by Hart's Drug Store.
A Woman Tells How to Relieve Rheu
mstio Pains.
I have been a great sufferer frqm the
dreadful disease, rheumatism, for a
Piles are dangerous but do not sub- number of years. I have tried many
mit to an operation until you have medicines but never got much relief
first tried Man Znn the great Pile 'ro"i any of them until two years ago,
Remedy. It is put up In collapsible when I bought a bottle of Chamber
tubes with nozzle that allows it. to be Iain's Pain Balm. I found relief bn
applled exactly where It Is needed. If 'ore I had used all of one bottle, but
you have Itching, bleeding or protrud- kpPt on applying it and soon felt
Ing piles and Man Zan does not re- Me a different woman. Through my
lleve, money refunded Soothes and ftdvlce many of my friends have tried
cools. Relieves at once. Sold by It and can tell you how wonderfully It
Frank Hart's Drug Store. I has worked. Mrs Sarah A, Colo, 140
S. New St., Dover, Del, Chamberlain's
ney Burei paln Balm Is a liniment. The relief
I WANT A DOZEN PAIR OF PIG- trom pain which It affords is alone
eons at the 12th street market, come wortn many tlme the cot,t- 11 makes
Good, Better and Best.
You always get the best
at pur store.
Just received a large shipment of
Balling' Powder a Fancy Spices
Acme Grocery Co,
Phone Main 681 521 Commercial St.
a running. J. J. Carlln. JT'J
4n cum an jvuuiiiv; uiuKBimn,