The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, April 02, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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TUESDAY, ' APRIL. 8, 1907.
SCHILLINGS En. Bre&Kfast Japan, Oolong.
Sole Agents for Bakers Barrington Hall
Steel Cut Coffee.
Zion Has Until May the First
to Act
On Anniversary of Hit Ejection By
Dowi. Prwtnt Uadar Voliva Threa
tens Drattic Action Unlets People
Rally To His Support
CHICAGO, April 1. Wilbur Glenn
Voliva Issued aii ultimatum in Zion
City yesterday. Unless the people
subject to Mm by May 1, ie wllltake
radical 'action, he saiA Voliva denoun
everyone who has opposed him. He
took as the occasion for his ultimatum
the anniversary of his ejection v of
John Alexander powie from the
church, Jhavtng- expelled the late lead
er one year ago yesterday.
"I say to you officers and people,
that one month more I will give you.
On, May 1, if you lo not make a radi
cal move, I shall make one, and put a
stop to this crltlcls mof me."
He then recited his own doeJa,
claiming he bad made Zion what it
was He said he would make the
community the wonder of the age, and
set it strongly on its: feet financially.
Of the 1500 persons present 1200 said
they would follow him.
Returns Point To A Republican Vie-,
tory In Michigan Metropolis.
DETROIT, Mich.. Apr, L The Re
publican state ticket received a major
ity, of about 75,000 in today's election
according to the returns available at
ten thirty tonight.
Sea Rising In The Cuban Capital En
dangering The Inhabitants.
HAVANA, April 1. That portion of
the city along the waterfront Is, inun
dated. High waves are dashing over
the seawall outside of the harbor and
man streets are flooded. The famous
Prado is a sheet of water almost as
far as Central Park. The police are
rescuing the people from buildings In
boats. At V'edado the water is report
ed as endangering lives.
Minnesota Legislative Committee Turn
Railroads Down.
ST. PAl'L Aprli. I. Offer of a com
promise by the railroads on the pend
ing rate legislation was submitted t
the legUIative committee tonight and
was quickly refused. The committee
'quickly ureed to recommend an en
actment of a two cent a mile pas
lenger rate law and no compromise
on freight rate reduction ordered last
December by the State raidroud and
warehouse commission.
The ofTer of the railroads consisted
of a two and a half cent passenger
raie, with mileage books on practically
no more advantageous terms than they
are at present Issued; a reduction in
the freight rate on lumber amounting
to SO percent of Commissioners1 Sche
dule: reduction of 50 percent of State
schedule on coal and 10 to 11 percent
on grain,
i i
Four Men Drowned During Ttriffie
Storm, Trying to Launch Beat.
LONDON April 1. A thrilling en
counter in a storm at sea. in which
four men lost their lives and the- Ital
ian steamship Industrla fared badly,
is related by two members of the crew
who have arrived at Plymouth. The
vessel was bound from London to Fu
enos Ayres when overtaken by a ter
rifle gale. Toe pumps became choked,
the masts loosened and the decks torn
and twisted. Boats were launched.
One of them was dashed against the
steamship's side rendering four boats
u&eless and occupants unconscious.
The men went overboard and were
Oil Tank Ordinance Passed Over
Mayor's Veto.
King Edward's Visit To Spain Will Be
' Postponed Until Autumn.
MADRID. April 1. The condition of
Queen Victoria, who Is expecting con
finement, precludes her participation In
any public functions. It is announced
that the visit to Madrid of King Ed
ward and Queen AlexanJrla will be
-postponed until autumn.
Keep Your Feet
If people would keep their
feet dry half the doctors
would have to go out
of business. Our
Dr. Reed's Cushion
are just the thing for keeping
your feet dry.
They shedlthe water almost
like ajduck's back.
We Guarantee Each Pair.
Our Specialties Are
Loggersnd long hand made
boots for fishermen.
, MS Bond 8t opposite Fisher Bros.
A Number of Cardinals To Be Created
This Month.
ROME, April 1. The disappoint
ment of a large number of Americans
over the fact that there Is not an Amerl
can among the prelates who are to be
created cardinals at Consistory April
IS, has been brought to the attention
of the Pope, who has said In this con
nectlon: "Let them have patience, they
will be sastisfied later, the number
red hats Is limited, while the candldat
are many."
Harvey W. Salmon, Found Guilty of
Grand Larceny.
WARSAW, Mo, April 1. Major Har
vey W. Salmon, one of the owners of
the Salmon and Salmon Bank which
failed at Clinton, June 21, '1905 with
liabilities amounting to $1,000,000 was
found guilty by the Jury tonight on a
charge of grand larceny, on the all.
gatlon that he received deposits when
he knew his bank was In a falling con
dition. Punishment was fixed at thre
Vears In the penitentiary. Salmon was
formerly very prominent In politics.
One Killed " On Injured In Shoot
ing 8crape,
CHICO, Calif., April 1. As the result
of a dispute In one of the camps' of
the Valley Counties Power Co., several
miles from this city today, James Bar
ry wan killed and John Trainer sever.
ly Injured. The hhootlng was done by
Charles Alien, who Is now under ar
rest. .-. v ' " ' J 1
Councilman S. O. Bsllan.) Granted A
Five Months Leave of Absence Re
ports Of Oifferent City Officials Sub
mitted Strtst Improvements,
The most Important action taken by
the Astoria common council, last ev
ening, was the passing of the Oil Tank
ordinance over the Mayor' veto. All
members but Kaboth voting Aye.
This Is the ordinance requiring the
oil companies to build a retaining wall
around the tanks, containing over &,
000 gallons. .
A petition was received from Martin
M. Kranseovlch, for a liquor license.
It was refered to the Health and Po
lice committee1.
S, Schmidt Company petitioned for
a permit to erect a !,000 gat,, oil fuel
tank in tront of their property. It was
refered to the Fire and Water commit
tv with power to act.
D. Campbell asked to be permitted
to redeem lot 8, bloik IS, McClure's
Astoria, for the amount the lot was
old to tiie city and that he be exempt
from paying the city 10 per cent pen!
ally and Interest. The lot wa sold to
pay for street Improvements!. Rofer
ed to committee on Ways and Mentis
and the city Attorney.
Interested property owners on Irv
ing avenue request the Water com
missioners to unite with them In a
petition for the privilege of themselves
to Improve Irving avenue between 15th
and ISth streets. Turned over to street
Annie M- Powell wants to exchange
lots , 10, 20, :i. 22. of block C section
N. Clatsop rometary for lots 41, 42.
4J, 49. 48, 47. block 49 In the same
cemetary. Refered to Committee on
Public Proerty and City Attorney
Councilman L. O. Holland was grained
leave of absence from April 15, to
September 11
Charles Wesrhe. A. Seafeldt and A.
a Kenney were granted retail liquor
licences. The Ordinance to prohibit
stray animals running at large and for
the Impounding of same was given
second reading. Bill to raise the
ary of Superintendent of Street to
J9T. per month and that of the Engl
neer of the Fire steamers' to ISO a,
month was passed b a six to three
vote. The bill to raise the employees
of the Street Department to 12.75 per
day, was also passed. '
The Hpalth and ' Police Committee,
together with the City Physician were
Instructed to Investigate the sanitary
conditions of the West End on the
motion of councilman tenerk. A pro
test against the 14th street sewer was
placed on file.
Councilman Hansen advocated the
passing of a plumbing ordinance and
the appointment of n plumbing Inspec-j
tor. Councilman Robinson thought the
prisoners taken In by the the police, the
vagrants and drunks ought to pay for
their keep by working on the street
or on a rock pile. Nothing was done
with either of these suggestions.
4 Judge Anderson reported to the coun
oil that overpayments In the Street
Improvement Assessment had been
made in some Instances. Somo In over
payments and some have paid twice.
He recomends that the following per
sons be reimbursed for the amounts
over paid.
Theresa O'Brien (estate of) Receipt
No. 1615 account of Franklin avenue.
West line of Adair's to 38th street.
Prin. $31.90 Int. $6.0$.
Mathlas Lynl, Receipt No. 1635 Ala
meda avenue col, to Ilwaco $2.00
Maud 8. Patton, 14th street. Frnnk
lin avenue to Grand aveune receipt No.
1651, $1.00. American Finnish Work
men Association receipt No., 1089 Tay
lor avenue Bond to Hall streets. Prin,
$39.00 Int. $4.S0.
The reports of City Auditor Ander.
son and City Treasurer Daly for the
first quarter of 1907 were accepted.
Treasurer's Report
The treasurer's report 'allows the
reoieptsjand disbursements to jiave
been as follows: oasn on nana at
commencements of quarter, $14,
550.29; receipts, $26,227.46; disburse
ments, $17,671.44; cash on hand at end
of quarter, $23,106.31, To offset the
cash on hand the treasurer has called
warrants , amounting to $8,766.66
which have not been presented for pay
ment and today he issued another call
for warrants amounting to $16,868.61,
vSjirm Blossoms
to adorn the Fastidious.
i .MY- 1
V r & y J I
of our make Is the word Knox
b the label, but it's a most Impof
ant thing to look (or. Iti Import
nee, however, 1 not ntirelf
due to "prestige," lor wbeo you
you secure a hat of the finest
materials and of unequalled wear
ing qualityto nay nothing of a
style which U World-Standard.
In other words, you have paid for
what the label reprccnti five
dollars" worth of hat.
In pearl plaids.
In tan checks;
In dark and
In light shades,
All new suits
Made for WISE.
Knox. $5.00
Beacon, $3.00.
Panamas. k
but all made by Kno
making a total of $25,635.27 in war
rants that have been called. The re
ceipts were from the following sources:
Fines and forfeitures, $3,803.25;
sundry licenses, $2,521 ; retail liquor
licenses, $5,600; wholesale liquor
licenses, $100; rent of steam roller,
$28.75; sundries, $7.64; from county
treasurer, $2,087.90; railway right of
way, $200; interest, $202.68; street
improvements! $11,676.34. The dis
bursements were payments' on the var
ious funds as follows: General, $1,
777.11; warrant interest, $239.24;
street repairs, $1,209.72; street im
provement, $10,748.15; bond interest,
$3,609.22. '
Auditor's Report
The auditor's report shows the city's
liabilities and resources to be as fol
Municipal warrants, I 63,967.95
Street repair warrants, 150.41
Street warrants, 15,495.52
City hull warrants, 626.60
Municipal bonds, '. 189,050.00
Street bonds, 6,253.32
Total, . $274,443.80
Taxes due, ' $11,151.42
Assessents duo, ' ' ? 25,213,19
Cash on hand, 23,106.31
Total, $59,470.92
This shows the excess of liabilities
to be $21,972.88 but in computing the
resources no accounts made of the
taxes on the 1906 roll or the collections
that have been made on it.
One of the worst feature of kidney
trouble is that It Is an Insidious dls
casii and before the victim his
danger he may have a fatnl malady.
Take Foley's Kidney Cure at the first
sign of trouble as it corrects Irregu
larltleK and prevents Bright' disease
an diabetes. T. F. Laurin, Owl Drug
tot Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
I Judges of SNAPPY
j EXCLUSIVE styles
j in GOOD headgear
I are giving their ap
proval to JALOFF'S
SEE the line and learn WHY.
New $tore.
Hit) Eleventh St., Between Commercial niul ltonrt
Mirts, -
Boars the
Signatnro of
Another C!tiznnesMr, John Keil
lor prnscntPd her , husband, ,' wlth, a
bouncing nine pound girl baby early
this morning at two thirty. Both mo
ther and child ar doing well.
Mornlnb Aatorlan, 10 etnta a month,
Dtllmut by tarrUr.