The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, April 02, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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    K8DAY, APRIL 2, 1007.
Its all goodness in Sinclair's
Praised wherever used.
mi m i 11
Monti BloyolH On Bat At Ork-
Will, . l"
M a BwUf, JfoUry rubllo, i
Boullri Cljtr Btor. An ski kourl
Olio A. D, Craig for your tnt,
wn and alt kind of canvaa wM
liltttnd Exchange. It
fi Flit. Waten and clock recalling
to klrrank J. Donnrbrg. tha r
llablt wlr, 111 nth BL
FoKnt A 1 room houaa with mod
arn Mb, rant 120.00 tnqutra at Setao.
flaU 4 Mattann Co.
Nat'syatam, rUipt, of Rchoola
Clark nstalled a newjyt for keep,
ing Ik District record. Tha work
of puling and entering tha account
la not: being Jon.
Flvi CM ta WOWhn you ftat
Ilk Iponging" a bit. drop into Frank
Harttflrug ator anJ bay pong.
Too t Bnd Juat what you want, from
I eryo 1109 par aponta.
ForELctrlo Barvloa Installation or
repaliwork, go to J. 8. Varnon. alc
trtciat Mo. T Exchang street, tl
aphotvitUIn SMI. All mannar of
leeirt jind telephone work dona at
abort eUoa.
line Sawing Maohlna C Ju
receivd!, nw stock of Singer and
WhaeleJ 4k Wllaon machines, all the
I. Repairing and olaantng
k of machinal a apeclalty,
glva ua a trial, m-10ti Bt.
lalaat fir
of alt
com as
Polio. Sourt Grind John Olenn wm
Ivan anuaiwndrd aantanr In Police
Court ihterday of 1100 and 60 day,
with ilJprovlhlon that he leave town
at om ii.l forget lo return. Thia
he mu q ferverently ex pre' a do
Ire todk
In Prebata in tno manor oi
tha m4 of the !' Hurvoy II, Thoinp
ami, Julio Trenchard yesterday mad
an orde upprovlng und confining the
final aniunt of Ma M. I'otter, tha ex
ecrutrlx'nnd ho wa dlehurgcd from
further) uty and responsibility there
in. "
Do yti fl eleepy and not a bit
Ilka writing In tha afternoon T Per
bap 111 bocauaa of tha kind of lunch
you're tlng too heavy and too hard
dlg4 Why not try tha Palaca
MUurt on Commercial atraat,
waar all tb baking la don In thoae
famoua low-proce oven, which turn
out llfht, appetising wholesome
tblnga? J Tom'H aav money, too. t(
Holda tha Raoord Knrmur Thkk, the
Well known agriculturist of Clatsop
Plain, ha captured tha record for
owning the bt thro oowa In the
fount, a milker and producer of
their kind. During tha pan year ti
ll ua netted .eight calve from tha trio.
two pair of twine, a trio and a fine
little single snap; pretty good rat urn
for a little hard, that.
Carpantara Naw teakThe carpen
ter' I'nlon, of thla city, aometlma ago
fiapj upon thfl new teal of fJ.UO p-r
day, and fixpd yterdy a the tliru
for Ita application her. The nevt rale
went Into effort without viry . niurh
eotmnent In the city, aa mom of ta
i riHit.T hav hrvn roninMtidlng ttifit
flatiro for aonu'tlm pt, and only a
few were effectrd by It, and tlu-y not
A Near-Suioida --Nell Tbompaon, an
Inmate of "The Crib'' Hunday nlKhl
whil in an Intoxicated coudltluu oc
rldntally took an, overdo of mor
phine. A liberal uae of tha atomach
pump at the h'pltnl made It poet!ie
for her to levethe InMttutlon tojay.
Thla la the eighth lime ln her 11
denra In A'torU tnat ahe haa by
eldent or dealgn mn m danger or
Inaliig her Ufa In thla way.
Ta Tha Teaurjr Sheriff M. B. Pom
eroy, up to the eloa of hualnea y
terday had mule four dlailnrt turn
overa to th county troaaury alnca the
collwtlnn of taaea hegon, aggregating
aomethlng over J 1 50.000, and will make
another aa aoon aa he ran enloh up
with bla book. The time for th pay.
ment of the flrat half of the tuxe ex
pired lst iA-ening at t o'eloek and the
payment that go o?w to October will
draw the ueual 13 per centum.
Circuit Court In Order Tomorrow,
at 1:30 o'clock the Hon. Circuit Court
for Clataop, will reconveno In adjourn
ed Nlon, Judge Mtitrlde prealdlng.
Tha d(ket preacnta two caeca for JI-
poltlon: that of Charles M. Poreat,
charged with murder, and A. Lelier
man, who, It la aald, will enter a plea
of" guilty to the charge of embeaiel
ment lying ngnlnat him, all other crim
inal muttera having gone over to the
June term.
I5ASTEK )ltl)i:iW
1A .M v5.i."iV(i .1
p mr- m a
r aj
m In the Future
When dissatisfied with
your Groceries trade with
us and you will receive the
best obtainable.
Scholfield, Hattson Co.,
JoIinsonPhonograpli Co.
Parlara Saoond Floor evar Boholfleld A Mattton Co.
I. 0, Millar, of A. A C, Goea t th
8tt R. R. Cemmlaaion. -
Ooorga (lomlull, tvuiporary aicmtiiry
of tha Oregon Rjillroad Commlaelon,
will be elMer permanent aecretary at
a meeting' of the Commlaalonerw to he
held at Wlm today, Mr, ' flood H h
been famlllarixlng hlmaelf with the
work alnca th OigittijtMtlon of the
Commlaalon, when ho wa named tem
porary aecretary, and 1 miw In o por
tion to go ahead wth hie dutleM, thu
relieving the Commlaalon of th nara
Nlty for breaking In i new man, ft,
(J. Mlll'-r of A"trl will b appointed
atntlatklnn and rate clerk for the pliuv
ddcldd upon yeeterdny, Ho Imo
been In the aervlce of the Awtmlu ft
Culumblii Itlver Ftitllroad lii'n;, ai-tlng
bn al!anl to J. l Mayo, gf.nernl
freight and pntenger agent. Mr, Mil
ler goea to the Cmnmlaelon highly rec.
otninendiiil and the conunlaalonerv ate
of the opinion Ihey have awured
valuable aealetitnt in Mr, Milter, for he
la thoroughly fumlllur with the nilrou1
btiKllie, II will move to Solum from
Aatorln, where ho la employed at pre
tent, und will al;t up iilx new dutlea
In the cuurae of a few daya.
, Falta Alarm The chimney, belong
ing to the building occupied by M. H.
Cufirltind on Ilond atreet burned out
blMt evening at MS. feeing Ihe amoke
unmcotie turned In nn alarm, engine
CompHiiy .Vol reapondml. . , .
Todaa Convanlion .Th eoRverstion
of the Hunikty arhoot of Ctatkop will
open at the Flrat Congregallonnl
cjiurch In thla cHy at t:J0 o'clock thla
afternwn nd a large number of del
gutea are expected in thla morning.
Tho convention will lut two day with
five meeting and will be very Intor-eetlng.
Marsh Waathar, 1907 According to
the record maintained by Weather
Obaerver C. W. Lamar, of the 'Wes
tern lnlon office In thla city, there were
14 clear: IS cloudy, and four partly
cloudy daya. In the paat month, the
rainfall for which period waa 7:8! In
chea. The prevalent wind for the
month were northweat; and tha high
eat tomprature waa SI, on the tji in
atnnt. and tha loweat, S7 degr-ea. on
the JInd.
What Will 8ha Dot The county
court of Columbia county i to meet
In regular aeaalon today, and It la ex
pected It will take and declare aome
particular atund upon the Port of Col
umlba law, The people of thl county
have nnver had to confr on th aub
JiHt .the rank Illegality and Injuetlce
of tha menaure Ixdng ao apparent on
Ita fai. to obviate any Jptnlled In
quiry, Portland la aald to be getting
lubloiia about It, herself.
Ready For tha Term District At
torney O. F. Iledgea, of Oregon City,
hu arrived In thla rhy to be preaenl
at the opening of tho adjourned term
of the circuit court her tomorrow,
when ther will be a few criminal
baae up for hla attention. He bring
the cheerful Intelligence that on Tuea
day lust hi home wa blotted with
the arrival of a fine hearty little dmigh
ter. Ho la conferring with hla deputy
here, Hon, J. C. McCue, aa' to the
treatment of tho legal matter pend
ing In the upper court.
Important Changa Mr. E. J. Prent,
president and general manager of the
Seualde Lumber and Manufacturing
Company ha disponed of hla Interests
In tha company to Mr, W. S. Honnlnger
and retired, Mr. Henlngor assuming the
presidency and principal direction of
the bualneaa with Mr. A. H. Wilson aa
general manager. A week ago thqre
waa no thought of a change In the af
fair of the company, but on Monday
Mr. Hennlngor made Mr. Brent an of
fer to buy hta' atock, the proposition
wa accepted. the deal wa closed and
that' all tho editor knows about It
Seaside Signal.
More Thfta The wrecked bark Pe
ter Irednle Is again the subject of the
pilferer. A number of valuable items
of equipment have been stolen from
her lately, and lost, evening Deputy
Sheriff Archie McLean went- to the
coast armed with a search warrant
and wilt probably report today with
the goods'. His work is at the In
stance of President HnrrlBon of the,
Paclflo Iron Works, the present own
er of the wreck. Tho thieves, whoever
they 'were, went so far In their opera
tions aa to cut a fine Manila hawsers
In two, to get a line long enough to
swing a float from the ship to the
sands, on which to carry their plun
der ashore.
eons at the 12th street, market, come
.a, running. J. J. Carlln.
In a letter, to Hon. John Halm of
IkU city, gentleman In California,
who tuke soma interest In Aa'torla, '.
apeak of the Interview (pubtlihe4 In
,in "exchange.) with Charle M. Levey,
Jhn: Hill's Pacific Coast representa
tive, about Hill's purposes a to the.
A, C. ft. It. Ho says:
"It seems to me that Levey plainly!
Intimates that Astoria can now have
common point rate on wheat export
over that roaJ. The Interview says: ,
"When directly questioned as to the
effect on the local altunn of the pur-1
chnoe of the A. & C. R. R..v Hill, he
sold that he could not see that there
would be any at present, aa such mat-.
tr as wheat shipping are not In hi
province or In hla line of duty, but he
fidt afwured that If any local mer
chant desired to make any shipments
tha road would accomodate) them." Of
"'nire, this means at common point
rut', aa they need no accommodation
" "In fact, It Is likely that Hill would
like to see a buslm demand for
this right, which he could not refuse'
under the Inter Commerce Act. Tou
know Hill is a broad, grand railroad
man. His Scenic Coast line, now un-j
der way, i one of the grandest in the
world. Branching out from Spokane,
he is to make a grand fan system of
feedera for the Coast Line, to Seattle: 1
to Cray' Harbor: to Gray's Bay; to'
Astoria; to Eureka. Hi Coast line'
will run from 8. F. along the face of
Tillamook Head-the grandest aoenlc!
feature In the world, a C P. Hunting-1
ton often Aald, -and across the Colum
bia at Tongue Point to hla own coming '
city of St Jome and on to the Straits
of Fuca at Port Angeles. In making!
thla grand route, he la not narraw. Hej
haa no partisanship for Seattle nor
Everett where, by the way, he and
Rockefeller have sold out their indl-j
vidua! holdings. He will not be held;
down by any local, and nonsensical.,
Jealousy of Portland. If It Is a bust-
ness proposition, he will grant As-;
tnrla the tremlnal rate on wheat when- !
ever business men oner mm tnes
freight. All that Astoria, In her newi
found life and energy, has to do Is to
get up a wheat shipping company andi
start In. It seems to me, too, that Hill j
has a secret trackage agreement with!
Hurrlman to let him ship grain over,
the A. &. C. R. whenever Astoria getnj
the common point rate nnd goes to i
work. I have heard that ihey madej
this agreement to head off Hammond, i
who had them bidding against each!
other. I would advise Astoria to rake!
the cue from Levey and "butt in."
. ' . , . - I
Three Fin Bank Rooms The banks :
of Astoria are all In course ot very de-'
elded and handsome re-equipment and!
etu)ol)hment. Tho A&lorfa Savings j
Bank Is finishing up the most beau
tiful ro(un In the city for Its new hnbl
tat, the tiling on the floors being Just
about finished and exceedingly ele
gant: the First National ils doing the
siime thing to Us splendid quartera at
Bond and Tenth serects, and will pro
bably be "at home" to Its customres
about the flrat of May; and, the As
toria National haa Juat Installed a
fine sot of safe-deposit boxes in one
section of Us big main vault, nnd tins
100 of them for rental, with plenty of
room for as many more aa are needed;
about one third of those on hand hav
ing been rented In the past few days.
This bank haK made a number of dis
tinct Improvements about Its fine home
on Commercial and Tonth, having put
In '& complete steam heating plant,
and embellished its floors, and board
rooms, ' with new coverings and fine
Mission furniture. It has also tcssa
la ted Its threshold in fine shape. '
tive, wide awake boys can And stea
dy employment by applying at the As
tortan office. '
We shall not be responsible if any
person takes any but the genuine Fo
ley's Honey and Tar for coughs and
colds. Imitations' Are worthless and
may qondaln opiates. Thp genuine
Foley' Honey and Tar In the yellow
package' contains no opiates, and Is
safe and sure. T. F. Laurln.
The clock ticks and ticks the time
away, a
Shortening up our lives each day,
Eat, drink and be merry,
For Bome day you will be where.
You can't get Rocky Mountain Tea.
Free Sam pies atFrank Hart's.
Why Astoria,
Is on the move.
a m rn o n ti , A , B
arrimun f 14
Astoria's Greatest Clothier.
Like your mother
used to make.
Our Cakes and Pastry are just right.
II 0 Y A L ilElEEl?
505 Duane Street.
275 W. Bond Street.
Easter Only a
Few Days Off.
The new suit or new dress
requires new shoes to proper
ly set it off.
A pair of our ladies' $4.00
patent colt or $3.50 Kid Ox
fords are just the kind need
ed to produce correct effect.
Wherity, Ralston S Company
Tht LMdlna ohoo Daltr,