The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, April 02, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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    jAY,. APRIL 2,
it0' the Cotton Planter! Mada
:tho Sharpen Disgoroo.
ThHiind That rouaht Matter to
Cfoi and h. Way It Wai Play.d
t Finish an a Floating Gambling
Paie en th White River.
palmy days of .tea oi boa ting
were some pMlatlal gambling
which wre rim on houseboata,
Silled the Inland stream, atop-
'or days and wwk at poltita
wbtnlth terrllorr was nroinlilnf and
good l'lay could be bad, moving on
whripia ttrrllory waa cleaned out and
all uli. "pigeon plucked."
Anuitnramuf UtfJ tuia by a
vpft'fii river captain of an Incident
bnit4lng to a floating gambling bou
itlmt ini accustomed to travel up aud
'luwqjwhlio river In Arkansas ami
leecsjtli. opulent planters aad river
i ueu methods that were not at all
I u keying wltU tli ruli of tttt game,
lui icldeut In question occurred at
Mm liny, Ark., theu proeperou
' HlMfC At that tlmo ludlnu ltuy waa
( letting metropolis, wlicra all of the
nvrr ciuHt'iit luuueu 10 ns:eiv muu
dlarltfKt freight aud puwi'iim-m and
wbenllie pluntiT of the ferula While
rirei bttm laud caaio to buy Uwlr
auptta and receive their wail, It b
tng 14 only postofflee In a largo torrh
TlMfwuseUoat, which waa Otlod op
la pnatlal style, with gambling room
after he most approved fashion aud
Wv that would compare fnvorahly
la Vt uiuijtilih-rui of lu mahogany
flxtu, with lum of tb Iwxt city tio
tula the siune period, waa owned and
nw hj two brother. "
' It raa tbe dy of fruom out poker,
wbet flakes were a 1ikIi aa one cared
to pf and whore one player could
.take put without a show down tt
be oSf bad eumrlcut coin to lay more
ttpouhe tii tile thnn hi oppoutnta
could uuter. The brother acorn!
tbe ot.t.miary h'iiiMt inert that gum
bllnt placce employ and participated
tlii-iiwlvp In all of tbe games that
wrrvturti-d. Aa a rale, they played
I fw ostensibly fair, but It waa
wblKd altout that they were wore
dtrt tb the card lhatt waa accredit
ed tiifiicm by their victims, for they
WH pemon of wnwfjumice they
were direful of their Play and to all
appfisfiK U,1J trtot1y wltliln the
letter ti; iwAe .jich gambler were
upr-ofd M nlwer" TVit with twn
m trip-yr-,, le were not so
pen'r'", aa w ennui wa ui
mean to part the. unwary from bis
cash. It waa well known fact that
the gnme never ran too btuh for them,
and rumor had It that there waa for
tune In tbe big aafe of tha private of
fice of the, brother which opened off
the bar. '
There waa a lanky Arkanan planter
of uncertain anceetry who rived near
Indian Bay, and tuli particular fall be
barveated and aold a large cotton crop,
reallxlng therefrom aomi f 10,000, wblcb
be, a waa then the cnatom, brought
back from Nee Orleana, where he mar
ketmi hi cotton, In cnah. He waa one
of the regular vlctlma of the brothera
of the magnificent gambling houaeboat
and had contributed many dollar be
fore this to the pile of colna etort-4
away In the big afe,
Btratghtway upon fata return to tbe
bay he aought out tbe light Angered
gentry of the houaeboat and, with a
few neighboring planter to fill out,
etartod a big poker game, which waned
and waied and grew apace through
taveral daya aud olghta, throughout all
of which time tha lanky planter aaw
bla cotton money dwindle away In a
teady atream acme the table to the
opulent pile of cblpa before tbe broth
er. 80 ateadlly did be loae that hi
auaplctona became arouaed, and on the
evening of tbe laat day which tbe boat
waa to renmlu at the bay, for tbe
brother had announced tbe time of
their departure, he eat In the game
fully aattafied that be waa dealing with
card abarka, and hi mind made op to
eecure a aquare deal at any cont
Tbe grand coup of the houecboat
brotbera'wa to bide their time uutll a
victim had aecured an Invincible band,
douhtii'M of their own tlx lug-, and then
fuoruing it pk'Ken tie ww.
Itia f'ir tout-ah the gnme win then
ployed a band that could hut be beaten,
lie opened, the. put wlih a good atlff
but, which waa promptly awa by the
other plnyur until It came the turn of
the gambler, who aut t tho pliiutor'
rlKht. 'llie gtuublw A hi a trtncU of
yellow chip, each worth 120, many
Incbw In height The pltwtflr, of course,
aaw the bet find ralcd for all the mon
ey be bnd before him, All the other
player threw down thulr card except
the KiiuiMcr, who, culllug to a mr
porter and whimpering a word In hl
enr, t lu atolld liullfTcretice until fie
porter rcturtHKl with A heavy etack of
gold ateticlled $10,(XW. Thl ha irttnpt
ly ahovod to tha contcr of the tnble,
ttirtilug with a vnuerlng mlle to tiie
planter nml rcijiicntln falm to eeo the
bet or lone the pot, ;
Thl "wn Jnt the play the planter
hitd anticipated, tho grand conp -which
the brother hitd employe! with uo
ccm at more than one place ting tlio
river, for auch . were thr rule of
frecjieout pokrr. The Imiky planter
reached down Into the pocket of hie
rout a If rlu fti' coll of money,
Imttend he gave the preconcerted alg
nal and came up with a lx ahooter,
cockd and alghtcd fairly at tha head
of the gnmbler. A If but one tnuid
controlled their movemcntft, nil tle
other, player, except the two brother.
produced In a flaah long, Hungry wok
big alx ahixrtcra.
It waa a fence moment; not a aoui
eeemed to bn-atiie. 1b6 lanky planter
wa the ninHter of the attuatlott, and
he appreciated tha tact. Without mot
Ing from liW aeat or ahirtlng tbe aim
of hi murderon looking revolver he
called to the men at the other table.
after lurlug him on by taiititllxlug twta glug If they had teen anything que-
and rni-a to place uwu me lame v-1 tlousble In the play. Two or the ptani-
ery cent he icned, to rabe blra tra a tha brotliera allp card
further, bringing out a aackful of ! from th bottom of tbe deck, and one,
gold from tlio luexhauatible aupply of ! WD0 had been bually counting the deck
tbe aafe for tlmt purpose. It uaa been , 0f card upon the table lnce tbe de-
a good aeaeon for tbe piautei-a, excel- nouement a unconcernedly aa If
lent crop and high price for cotton tragedy waa not In progreM In the
giving to all ample futula. and tha j room, now announced that the deck
brother had renped a rich harveat. At , w(l nbort four card and that the four
Indian Bay alouo they had cleaned up , acM were tha mlaalng ottea. Th
aoraethlng over lao.OOO. On thla laat brother at that table waa aearched,
night of their etay they expected to j and the four mlaalng ace were found
gather In the email leaving which had ! in g little pocket Inalde hi aleera.
thua far eacaped them. Two big game At the other, table aeveral crooked
were going, each aeven banded, all of , play bad been detected. A cloeo ex
tha toalng ptantera having flocked In tmlnatlon of both deck allowed that
for a laat attempt to recoup their 'they were aklllfully marked, and the
loaaea. four ace were found to be what gum-
The lanky planter wn the beavlcot , blera technically call "trlppera."
loaer In the neighborhood, and he bad j Each of the planter pmluced mcnio
jioetwl hi companion of hi auapl-. rnndura book In which had been kept
rlona and cnutUmel them to watch .'a careful account of their lonae
carefully the pfy of the brother, one I throughout their play on the houae
of wlmm tireelihjd at either table. He ' boat Altogether the loeaea totaled
bad planuM hla caplonaije with ex- 178.000. Leaving tbe table for a mo
ceding care and bad given explicit In- j nient and forcing on of tbe trembling
tructlon to bbi friend to watch mer-' negro attendant to open the big afe
Iv and ui nothing, whatever they 1 at tbe muzsle of hi revolver, tbe
ji.ui.nn until h n an trimwl . Intilti tilnlp iwturnMt lneddd down
alKunl. )wlth ack of gold' and bundle of
Stendlty th luck ran agalnet bin ' greenback. Thla amy of wealth he
atU avevc towurl 1 a'clock In the piled upon the table and, appointing a
grim guard for each of tha gambler,
carefully ortcd out the money Into
pile of 11,000 each. Then he mad a
reckoning of each niau'e kwe and
paid to each one the aum bta memo
rnwlura book ahowed. v -1
After dUtributlng to each man what
wu due to him and carefully counting
out hi own money, aomethlng more
than $15,000, he turned to th brother,
now thoroughly cowed and trembling,
fearful of umrnary pnnhthment and
delivered to them a final meaaag In an
even, omotlonlo voice. lie told them
tlmt lie never repudiated a gambling
debt or claimed back bla loaee when
he bad been beaten by a fair run of
tbe carda or the aklll of the player, but
fiat ha and hi frlind were not g
Ing to auhrnlt quietly to robbery, and
crude robbery at tlmt; that they bad
taken only what wa due to them and
not a dollar more. HI peroration di
rected tli gambler to make them
elve ecaree In that community and
never again to ebow their face on
White river under penalty of Intimacy
with a hempen tope. Until morning he
gave them to take away tbemeelvct
and their boat ;
Leaving pile of gold and bill, the
nrplti from the aafe after deducting
the ION"1 of hlminelf and friend, cat
tered In confualon over the table, the
planter end bt companion etalked In
atatcly dignity from the boat
It wa lew than an hour before the
hottucboat cant off It mooring and
floated away with the current negroe
aiding with the weep. That wa the
IiiBt ever een or beard of the brother
or their gambling houteboat on any of
the river of Arkansa. Kana City
Star. ' ;
Before the Day of Envtlope.
Ancient peclmen of letter are
ahown In the Hof maaeum at Vienna.
One la dated 1300. It consist of a
large sheet of ribbed white paper fold
ed In three. A band of paper wa
pnased round the outalde and through
a allt In one edge, being then fas
tened with aoft wax. A amall piece
of thin paper was laid on the wax
and the aeat pressed on tbe paper, not
directly on tbe wax. A lomewhat
similar arrangement U found In a let
ter of the year 1W0, which wa writ
ten by the town counselor of Munich
to th burgomaster of Baatenburg, in
the Tyrol, In order to obtain inforaia
Uon concerning a man accused of big
amy. In the sixteenth century people
In the Tyrol and Bavaria used band
of vellum or cords, fastened wltn wax
Later came separate round and oblong
wafer Tbe use of the encircling
band continued In Austria generally to
1760, or thereabout and probably
reached the last century among con
aervatlve people. The Bret envelope
of the modern type in this collection
belongs to the yenr 1715.
7- jr(-
Personal Knowledg
Pefsonal knowledge it tha winning factor in the culminating contests of
rut competitive age ana wnen 01 ampm cntuaaer n mace its lonunaio
poHcaior m the front rank of
The Well Informed of the World.
A vsst fund of pcnonal knowledge is really essential to the achievement of the
highest excellence in any field of human effort
A Knowledge of Forma, Knowledge of Functions jand Knowl
edge of Product are all of the utmost value and in queoni of life and health
when a true and wholesome remedy is dewed it should be 'lembered that Syrup
ol Fiss and Elixir of Senna, manufactured by the California Fifl Syrup Co., is an
ethical product which hsi met with the approval of the most eminent phyiicians and
, gives universal satufachon, because it is a remedy ol
Known Quality, Known Excellence and Known Component
Parts and ha won the valuable patronage of millions of the Well Informed of the
world, who know of their own personal knowledge and from actual use that it is the first
and best of family laxatives, for which no extravagant or unreasonable claims are made.
This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known
under (he name of Syrup of Figs and has attained to world
wide acceptance as the most excellent family laxative. As its purs
laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well known to physciar.s
and the. Well Informed of the world to be the best we have
adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of Fig$ and
elixir ol benna o more fully descriptive ot the remedy,
but doubtless it will alwavi be called for bv the shorter
name ofSyrup of Figs- and lo get its beneficial
elf eels, always note, when purchasing the full
name of the Company California Fig Syrup
FjV'V Co. pnnted on the front of every package,
whether you call tor ayrupot ri
or by the lull namo5 fcyrup
rigs and blixir of Senna.
r 1 f
II r..M n,iha P.n1r1n ; f!rnnn Ia' Griniae. Asthma. Throat
I 1 voutv-a w6i ww.-, - r ' - -rr'1 . '
Mj and Lung Troubles. Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption
T. F. Lauren. Owiurug more:
in the
Disinterested Affsetion.
He Darling, you must want me to
give you something or you wouldn't be
so sweet and gentle today. She On
the contrary, 1 don't want anything at
all. lt' only for the dressmaxar,
Prou Frou.
Have a torpid liver when Hrbtne,
the osly liver regulator will help you
There la no reason why you ahould
suffer from Dyspepsia, Constipation,
Chills and Fever or any other liver
comDlalnta. when Herblne will cure
you. F. C. Watte, WeatvUIe, Fuu,
writes: "I was sick for a month with
chills and fever, and after taking tw
bottles of Herblne am well and heal
thy." Sold by, Hart's Drug Store.
' ' Nutriment of Bacon.
Professor Snyder of the .Minnesota
food ststion gave In a report some rea
son why bacon should become popu
lar. In reference to a test ue says mat
bacon waa cut In thin slices and baked
or broiled in the oven until crisp and
brown. All the fnt which waa cooked
out waa saved and eaten with the
bread and other foods which made up
tha dailv fare.
On an average about 00 per cent or
the nroteln and 00 per cent of the rat
of the ration containing bacon were
digested and about 88 per cent or tne
enerirr was available. Calculated vat
uos for bacon alone showed over 90
tier cent Protein and 00 per cent digest
llile fat, figures which compare favor
ably with those which have been ob
tained for other animal foods.
'Lean bacon contains as much pro
tein and about twice as much digesti
ble fat as other meats " snvs Professor
Snyder; "making it at the same time
and even at a higher price a pound
a cheaper food than other meats. Bn
mn rt in pnsiiv dictated, and when
combined with other foods It appears
to exert a favorable mechanical action
upon digestion."
rs n r
For Infanta and Children.'
The Kind You Hevo
Always Bought
Bears the
Promotes DitotkiBWi
ness aud 0t(mta!iu neissr
ikMirMv- -Jmtktt
A nerrVrt Rmriv for CflttsSt-
Hon , Sour StonadL Dlarrimi
ness amlLossorMm
TacSrole Siijianwtf
11 " 11 sg"i'm''
Signature fW
For Over
Thirty Years
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
e :! .' I ' " , . ' , , ..." U'-
The season of 1897 is at band
and also
Spaulding's Complete
As we placed our order early and received practically all
we will need.
Club orders and orders for suits attended to promptly.
One window full will give you an idea of the assortment-
i. Q. A. B0W1BT, President tfEAXK PATTON, Oasaler.
O. I PETERSON, Vloe-Presidenl J. W. GARNER. Assistant Cashier.
Astoria Savings Bank
OspIUU Paid la tlOS,W. Siirpnu sntl Undivided Profits 6,K.
iretT. G.l Baking Buslne Interest Paid on Tim. uepos
i.f Vr;t.h Otiet. '
First National Bank of .Astoria, Ore.
Capital $100,000
Most victims of appendicitis ! are
those who are habitually constipated,
Orlno laxative , Fruit Syrup cures
chronic constipation by stimulating
ttm liver nnd bowels and restores the
natural notlnn of the bowels. Orlno
TjiTDttvA Prult Svrun does not nause
ate or gripe and Is mild and pleasant
to take. Refuse substitutes. Tv P.
Laurln, Owl Drug Store.
Mr. 8. I Bowen, of Wayne, W. Va.,
writes: "I was a sufferer form kidney
disease, so that at times I could not
get out of bed, and when I did, I could
not stand straight. I took Foty's Kid
ney Cure. One dollar bottle and part
of the second cured me entirely." Fo
ley's Kidney Cure works wonders
where others are total failures. T. F.
LaurliiiV " ' ' -.:
First Class In Every Rsspeot
Pre Coach to tt Bouse. '
Bar and Billiard Room.
Good Check Rsstsurant
1 .1
Good Sampla Rooms oa Ground" floor
One en
tor OscBiaercIa Haa.
Tt' vlrtuna have been established for I
many years,, and thousands of people.
have been made happy by taking Hoi-1 w
lister's Rocky Mountain Tea. S5 cents, 33 CoSsCierCleM MTJ
Tea of Tablet's. Frank Hart's, , , ,
Shennaa Transter Co.
Hwka, arViiies-Baggsg Checked aad Traasterred-Truek. at4 Funltura
Wagons Pianos Moved, Boxed aad Snipped.
Main Fhon021