THE MORNING ASTOIUAN, A STOMA, OKEGON. SATURDAY, MARCH 30, M. WE CARRY THE GREEN AND BLACK ' UPTONS TETLEY9 GATTS CEYLON SCHILLINGS Eng. BreaHfast, Japan. Oolong. Sole Agents for Bakers Barrington Hall Steel Cut Coffee. A. V. ALLEN, ART TREASURES TO BE SOLD. Ssnford White'e Superb Colltetion of Art Tressures to bo Sold. . NEW YORK, March 88, From the American Art Galleries there .was Is sued yesterday, a handsomely Illus trated catalogue of the Stanford White Art treasures. These consti tute a super collection which Mr. Thomas R. Klrby will alsposae of tn the residence, No. 121 East 21st Street " the afternoons of Thursday, Friday .and Saturday of next week. The 1 paintings, as distinguished from the furnishing and household ornaments will be sold In Mendelssohn ,Hall Thursday and Friday evenings, April 11 and 11 The. frontispiece of the catalogue Is given over to the first century Greek vase, a most notable piece of Jits kind. The pieces of tap estry, the series of four dating from ' Italian renaissance and hanging in the Keep Your Feet Dry. If people woiild keep their .feet dry half the doctors would have to go out of business. Our Dr. ReedY Cushion Shoes are just the thing for keeping your feet dry. They shed the water almost like a duck's back. We Guarantee Each Pair. Our Specialties Are Loggers and long hand made boots for Fishermen. S. A. G1MRE Ml Bend St, opposite Fisher Bros. Regular FOR THAT Table mm AND Butter Loaf Bread YOU HAD BETTER GO TO THE CHOICEST, OF "dining room, and the Urg GoMI tapestry which Is at the end of the music room," are also subjects of illus tration. Many antique musical Instrument are aptly employed in the decoration of this mustc room. Mr. White's residence was a veritable treasure house of art. There are 09 numbers In the catalogue of art ob Jects. The pictures are 112 In number, and range from old masters to living ar tlsts, among the latter several Amer leans. WORKED LIKE A CHARM. Mr. D. N. Walker.' editor of that apt cv lournal the BnterDrise. Louisa. Va says: "I ran a nail Into my foot last week and at once applied Bucaien Arnlca Salve. No inflamation follow ed: The salve simply healed the wound." Heals every sore, bum and skin disease. Guaranteed at cnaa. Rogers, Druggist Mo. UNION NOTICE. Organizers for Astoria Saw Mill and Planning Mill Industry Union have opened headquarters in lunch room In Depot Exchange Saloon building across from R. R. Depot Any MM worker wishing to become a member and re ceive his union card may call any hour Saturday or Sunday. By orJer Tem porary Board Trustees. . No Case en Record. There U no case on record of a cough or ccld resulting in pneumonia or con sumption after Foley's Honey and Tar baa been taken, as It will stop your couch and break up your cold quickly. Rerun any nut the genuine. Foley's Honey and Tar in a yellow. package. Contains no opiates and la safe and sura. T. F. Laurln, Owl Drug Store. wkwm too have a cough or cold. Just remember that Foley! Honey and Tar will cure it Do not rm your health by taking any but the genuine. It la In a yellow package. T. F. Iu rln. Owl Drug Start. CASTOR I A lor Infants and Children. fta Kind You Have Alwajs Bought Bears the Signature cf price 25c. GOOD OLD Queen AY SAKE 21c WORD FROM BELOW. Surveyors On the A, A C. Front Do A Bit Of Tslkino. The following (mm the Albany Her. aid. Indicates (hut the surveyor on the A. ft C. front do their talking On the other end of the route, or, that som one else I doing a bit of good gueNii lug. This hn been, known up , here for month , hut the reiteration from auother source nuty nerve to enhance Iti truth: "Parties arriving In Albany from Newport yesterday noon report that a mirveylng party of S4 men nrrlved In New Port Tuesday .having worked their way southward along the coast line from Aatorla. The surveyors are in tne employe of the Astoria & Col umbia River road, and the engineer In charge of the party stated In an swers to Inquiries that he waa under Inttruetlona to go back over the sur vey at once and set the grade Hukea. 'Prom the arrival of this surveying party in Newport It would seem that the Northern Pucltlc interests have not ceased the work of surveying the extension of the proposed coaat tine as Portland papers reported a short time ago, but that the line will be or tended an' planned. "The party his been proceeding slow ly and doing a careful Job of engineer ing. They are said to be working un der orders for strict secrecy and all haste compatible with a complete sur vey of a first-class railroad line. It Is believed that the Northern Pacific Is making all preparations to rush the building of a road from Astoria to Yaqulna Bay, and possibly from that point to the eastward, crossing the Coast and Cascade ranges and meet. ing the construction of a line up the Deschutes river to Central Oregon. Thuv plan has been reported before and It la thought to be a rough outline of the Hill scheme to break Into the pre sent Harrlman monopoly of railroad transportation in Oreggn. It would surprise nobouy familiar with Hill's railroad policy to hear that he was determined to extend tho Nor thern Pacific to San Francisco In re turn for the Harrlman extension of the Southern Pacific to Puget Sound, xv baa spat THMH TH TH H HS28 2 LULL IN THAW CASE (Continued from page 1) last night over his manner and an swers at yesterday's session of the commission. They believed the com mission would end Its work with Its examination of Thaw and that It finding would be that be Is quite ca pable of conferring with them. Thaw was delighted when he returned to the Tombs. His counsel told him he had undoubtedly convinced the commission of his sanity. As for the prosecution. It felt as sured last night that notwithstanding Thaw's answers to the commissioners questions, he did not comport him self as a sane man would have done. The prosecution think also that Dr. Putell Is a most Important factssor In the proceedings and that th ques tions he may ask tomorrow and his scrutiny of the defendant will have much weight when the commission reaches its conclusion. The Commission in lunacy examin ing the present mental condition of Thaw may finish It's work tomorrow and be ready to report to Justice Fitz gerald, Monday. If the report is fa vorable to Thaw the Justice will or der the trial to proceed without making public the commission's findings. If report Is against Thaw, Judge Fitz gerald will announce his decision from the bench and If he deems the prlh'o-ni-r's release dangerous to public peace and safety he will sign an order directing confinement in some hospi tal for the Insane, probably, Mattea wan. Today being Good Friday; there was no session of the lunacy board, riiaw spent a quiet day in the tombs. It Is reported to be extremely unlikely that any witnesses but the defendant a ill be called before the commission. It is also reported that neither of Thaw's attorneys, nor Jerome, will be permitted to examine the defendant, or any possible witnesses before the commission. The Commission has ap parently decided to keep its record clear of all expert testimony. Sources that are assumed to be au thentic, announced lata tonight that Dr. Allen McLane Hamilton, alienist, be called upon to testify, tomorrow: before the Thaw lunacy commission as a witness on request of the commls-t slon and will be the only expert ex amined. The declaration that Hamil ton would be called was a surprise, as It had been generally understood that the commission would not hear any expert testimony. 5 Hamilton has already expressed his opinion that Thaw was Insane last summer arid is still Insane. The attitude of themembut of tlx. Order of Railroad Conductor and of th Brotherhood of Railway Tialnmuti was today more favorahlo towui J the putmibln arbitration of the difficulties between thorn and the rnllrouds. It was reported today that Chairman Knapp, of the Interstate Commerce Commission, and Charles p. , Nelll. of nlted States Labor Commission, would leave for Chicago hum time duilng the day, mm the labor leaders declared that they were willing to await their arrival before taking nny action At the same time, Grand Master Mor- rlsney, of the Trainmen and Jrrl lent tlurretson. of the Conductors, declared that the attitude of the men In regit rd to the demands t.tey uttvo made upon the rallrouds had not chiinguj nor was It likely to change. The men are still disposed to Insist upon their domunds, and it was declared today that they uld not abate them. It Is possible that another meeting between repre sentatives of the men and the generul managers will be held after Messrs. Knapp and Nelll have roiw'icd city. Grand Master Morrlsifey said today t such a meeting would be held pro vided "there was anything new to dis cuss, but that the men had reached the final stage so far as the last proposals of tho railroads were concerned, Th.v men have been finally rejected by the "men," and they will not again be con 'dercd. "We will do' nothing has'llyT" he said, "and wo aro fully considering the right of the public, but the attitude of the railroads Is not satisfactory, uiiA w cannot accept the situation as Jt I. The members of our organisation have voted for a strike unlfs their demands are satisfied, and there t'.ie tig rests at present Both the trainmen and the conduc tors, as well as ,the general managers' committee, held meeting, tadajr, feat nothing , taritdble cam ""t of either leathering. On both rides there was a disposition to nwatt the arrival of Chairman Knapp find fWn-tury Nelll. Since the capture and nrrcM.of Ab raham Ruef. at the Troeadero month ago, runiorn have been rife that an attempt would be made !o rescue Mmj by force from Elisor Bigg and Ma" guard either during a session of court or while Ruef was being taken to and from court, or from his prison cham ber In the ft. Francis Hotel. An offi cer prominent In the bribery graft In vestigation was asked today it 'it Is not true that every person Identified with the prosecution Is going armed.and wag questioned about the significance of this. He said: Though, I think the matter should not be exploited. It Is a fact that every man openly Identfled with the prore- ution of the bribers, and grafters Is Ing heeled," and that some of the more prominent of them are employing bodyguards. Though It may sound sensational to thoe not familiar with the local situation, It Is a fact that for a month, w have been keeping a. spec lal lookout for an attempted rescue of Ruef, and we shall be happily surpris ed If these Investigations and Impen ding prosecutions end without a "gun Play." r I TO OLD COMRADES. Headquarters Association of the Vet erans of First Oregon Cavalry and First Oregon Infantry Volunteers'. COMRADES: The Sixth Annual Reunion of the As sociation of Veterans of the First Cav alry and First Oregon Infantry Volun teers will be held In conjunction with the State Encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic, at Newberg, Oregon, on Tuesday, June 25, 1907, AH Comrades and their families are cor dlally Invited to be present nnd part let pate. Comrades wha are unable' to at tned, will please send a letter or card to the Adjutant to be read at the re union. A new Roster will be Issued in June and a copy will be sdnt to all Comrade who repond to this notice, W. M. Hllleary, Adjutant, Turner, Oregon., J. T. ApperBon, Commander, Park Place, Oregon. LISTEN and remember the next time you suf fer frem pain caused by damp wea ther when your head nearly bursts from , neuralgia try Ballard's Snow Liniment It will cure you. A prom' inent business man of Hempstead, Texas, writes: "I have used your lin iment Previous to using It I was a great sufferer from rheumatism and neuralgia. I am pleased to say that now I am free from these complaints, I am sure I owe this to your liniment" For sale at Hart's drug store. . FOUND AT LAST. J. A. Harmon, or Llzemore, West Va., says: "At last I have found the per fect pill that never disappoints me, and for the benefit of others afflicted with torpid liver and chronic dlsslpa tlon, will say: Take Dr. King's New Life Pills." Guaranteed satisfactory, at Chas. Rogers, Druggist Judges of SNAPPY EXCLUSIVE styles in GOOD approval are giving their atten tion to JALOFF'S millinery. Sec the line JALOFF'S!1 New Store. 120 Kleteuih St., Hetweeu Commercial nnd llomt STEEL ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS In Business for,Business We rftake it our aim reasonable 222 Twelfth Street. Next to the Astoria Theatre. I SCOW "BAT IN ASTOltIA, IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS! Up-to-Dat Haw Mill Macninryfc 18th and Franklin Ave. FISHERMEN, ATTENTION! SEE OUR WINDOW1 EVERYTHING YOU NEED1 PAINT, COTTON ROPE, SAIL CLOTH, NETTING TWINE, NETTING NEEDLES, OARS 01 FLOATS The Foard & Stokes Hardware Co., Inc. Suecewori ta foam ft gtekai C ASTORIA IRON WORKS JOHN FOX, Pres. F L BISHOP. Secret? Designers and Manufacturers or "THE LATLriT IMPROVED Canning Machinery, Marine Engines ind Boilers; Complete Cannery Outits Furnished. SPJNDSIC! -SOLICITED Foot of Fourth Street and learn why. , if MILLINERY Suits, a Cloalls, Shirts, Waists, Etc., EWART and Your.S&Usf&ction. i to do first class work at 1 prices. & BRASS MES' OIIEUON LAND AND MARINE ENGINEERS Prompt sttratioo'slvcn Uful. repslr work Tel. Main 2441.' (Nelson Trovtr, Vice-Free, and Sapt. ASTORIA HAVINGS BANK. Treat