WMkklMMH),.. rHW'.'tM W. ' THE MORNING ASTOIUAN, AST01UA, OREGON. THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1007. WATERFRONT ITEMS Ship John Currier Due Down on Saturday. SHIP BAYONNE SAILS IN PORT Passenger Flset Sail South Thomas Wand Goes Outward Ntw Launch Comas to Harbor Jordanhill Entara Port from Rottardam. On her next visit to Portland from Ban Francisco, the steamer F, A. Kll burn. which arrived laat night, will be flying the houseflag of the Monterey, Fresno A Eastern Railroad Company. The craft has been purchased by that corporation from the Watson vtlle Transportation Company. The trans fer of the property Is to be made on April 1, and those In charge of the steamer will hurry her back down the coast that she may arrive at San Fran Cisco bx that date. She will sail to night, after having been In port less than 24 hours. Th new owners will keep the Kil burn on the same route and operate tier on the schedule she have been follow. Ing. It is also claimed by the agents at this end of the line, that the com pa ny will have a second steamer on the route by the end of the next month. This will allow better than a weekly service with San Francisco and Inter' mediate ports. The British bark Jordanhill, Capt ain Kenneally, from Rotterdam, repor ted in these columns yesterday morn ing, as outside the bar, entered port yesterday under the pilotage of Ca.pt. Cann and Is anchored In the lower bay awaiting towage to the metropolis. Captain Kenneally reports' the loss of three members of his crew in a heavy gale about a month ago, they being swept from the fore-yard arm and killed on deck; he also says he had a tempestuous passage practically all the way out, as is attested by his long voyage. She will go up to Portland on the earliest hawser offering. , J- The Palo brothers of Unlontown, have just completed a handsome 24 foot gasolene motor launch for young Mr. Cherry of this city, and she will be launched at an early day., The boat has a beam of six feet, and will draw two feet afloat. She Is thorough ly well built and handsomely finished and will be a credit to her owner and to the harbor when she gets In action. The ship, John Currier, which has been on the dry-dock at St John's for the past eight days, 'will not come off until Friday, and will be down here on Saturday or Sunday, to prepare for her northern voyage In the Interests of the Alaska Fishermen's Packing Company.- The French ship Bayonne, Captain Baudry, 160 days out from Cherbourg, ', and consigned to Kerr, Gifford & Co., at Portland, sailed into this harbor yesterday, and is now at anchor below Smith's. Point The Harvest Queen came down yes terday morning with the schooners A. B. Johnson and Letltla on her hawsers and returned up the river with the British ship Dlmsdale. The steamer Thomas L. Wand arriv ed down yesterday and cleared from the custom house here, with a big loaj of lumber from Linton, for San Fran Cisco delivery. The schooner Bangor arrived in yes , terday from San Francisco, and will go tip to Kalama for her lumber for the return voyage. The steamships Columbia, Roanoke and Kilburn came down the river ear ly yesterday morning In a bunch, and went over the bar shortly afterward, The steamer Johan Poulsen was due in yesterday from San Francisco, but will probably enter this morning. She goes to Knappton for lumber outward. The French bark Aisle, loaded with wheat for European delivery, is on her way down from Portland and will reach here sometime this afternoon. The schooner Letltia also 'cleared from here yesterday for the Bay City with a cargo of lumber from Rainier. t The bark Agate went outward yes terday on her way to the Bay City with her cargo of lumber. The French bark Muskoka, grain Imien for Kurope, is duo down from Portland sometime today. The schooner James Rolf was a mong the getaways yesterdny from the lower harbor. The schooner Annie Larson went over the bar yesterday on her way to San Frnnclsco. 4) PERSONAL MENTION. Judge A. S. Bennett of The Dalle was In Astoria yesterday. Geo. Shepard Is down from the me tropolis on business. ' Mrs, T.F. Laurln i. visiting In Port land. A. Gilbert of Seaside was In Astoria yesterday. ; C. C. Kelow Is In from KUvtskanl-j for a brief stay. E, Allen of New York Is a business visitor in Astoria. J. 0. Rosa baa returned from Toledo where he has been on a business trip. Mrs, A. Johnson of Uwaco was In Astoria yesterday. H. Harding of Tacoma was in thli city yesterday. Richard Evans Is down from the metropolis for a short stay. He will probably be engineer on the A. ft C. thts ummer Mklng his former run. H. J. Miller, travelling agent of the Northwestern Line is down from Port land on a business visit ns rassea nynow oru reacuea , . , . . J , , , - , . - Rogers, the son of the well known aruggisi unanes nogvra, iuu pnso-u i with pronounced success in his recent pharmaceutical examinations at Port land, although he had three months more In which to finish his studies at the department of pharmacy at Cor vallls. Secretary, Miss Kittle Har bord, of the State Board of Pharmacy, at Partland, yesterday apprised thlm that he had passed with the following ratios, in his classes: Pharmacy, 75: chemistry,' 83; materia meJlca. 77: toxicology, 91; specimens. (telling drugs by sight) 80. All of which means that the young Astorlan has labored dllllgntbr and ucceedad) handsomely, aa all young Astorlans are supposed to do. Credit to Astoria. The San Francis co Chronicle has the following to say Involving a well known and popular young Astorlan: "Local members of the Northwestern University alumni met In the offices of Dr. George A. Wood, at Ellis and Gough ' streets, Friday night and perfected a tempor yar organisation by the election of A, H. Brlggs, 1889, president; Albert G. Morse, 1900, vice-president; Dr. Henry B. Carey, 1905, secretary; Dr. George A. Wood, 1905, treasurer. Ar- rangments for a banquet some time in April were started, and the desira bility of a Northwestern University clubhouse- in San Francisco was dis cussed. This university has nearly 300 alumni In California, some of them occupying high positions In med ical law, educational and business cir cles." No Cass on Record. There is no case on record of a cough or cold resulting in pneumonia or con sumption after Foley's Honey and Tar has been taken, as it will stop your cough and break up your cold quickly. Refuse any but the genuine, Foley's Honey and Tar in a yellow package. Contains no opiates and is safe and sure. T. F. Launn, owl Drug Store. Gently mova the bowels and at the same time stops the cough. Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup. Contains Hon ey and Tar, . No opiates. Best for coughs, colds, and whooping cough. Satisfaction guaranteed. Mothers in dorse it Children like It Frank Hart's Drug I tore. STATEMENT OP At the close of business March 23, 1907. Loans and Discounts S 634,947.94 County Wsrrants. 11,778.71 City Warrants . , 8,756.7 1 Bank Building. . 32,512.80 Real Estate 10,000.00 Due from banks. $188,343.08 Cash on hand. . . . 140.273.87- 328,616.95 Total. .$1,026,611.11 Capital paid in t ........... $ 100,000.00 Surplus...'.. i. 05,000.00 Undivided profits : . 47.23 DEPOSITS. Subject to check $667,368.70 Time certificates 180,385.72 Demand certifi cates ' 13,689.46 Dividends un Astoria Saviu sM paid ... 120.00- 861,563.88 Total.... ( $1,026,611.11 OIL TANK ORDINANCE VETOED. MEASURE PASSED BY COMMON COUNCIL PROVIDING FOR FOUR FOOT RETAINING WALL IS RE FUSED SANCTION. The ordinance passed at the meet lng of the common council, specifying the safeguards to be provided for oil vetoed by Mayor Herman Wise: The veto message read us' follows: Astoria, Oregon, March 2$, 1907, To the Honorable Common Council of the City of Astoria: Gentlemen: I herewith return an ordinance, en titled "An Ordinance to regulate the storage or keeping of petroleum, crude oils or any 'product of petroleum in any greater quantity than 5,000 gallons within the city of Astoria" for the same reasons given In my veto of Repeal Ordinance No. S381. To that I can onlv mAA that I showed mv wll j llngneaa to meet the oil people more i than half way, when I offered to agree to a concrete wall of a sufficient height to contain the contents of the tanks, provided these walls were far enough removed from the tanks so the oil would not run over In case of a fire or an explosion. Mr. Flanders, the Portland agent for ! llir VI. VUMIINIMI. IIIIIIRVTI. . stated before this council that no wall m .f an VttU ,n c"" of an expio'ion, oui a targe numoer oi resi dent users of oil petitioned this honor able body for some concession and thinking that a wall might help some in case of a fire in the vicinity of the tanks, I waived my objections, provld' ed the walls were built a reasonable distance from the tanks but the Stan dard Oil Company insists that It must have Its own way) that they will not buy another foot of ground, but that they will build the wall four feet high, right close up against the tanks which are 30 feet high, so that the oil must necessarily flow Into the yards of the adotnlng property If it flows out at all; It Is stated that In the event of an ex plosion the top of the tank and the oil from within the tanks will always go up In the air; even so, where will It land when It comes down? Their oil undoubtedly has many good qualities, but I have never before beard that when an explosion occurs, the oil will stay In the air. In the face of the facts herein en- umerated In addition to the evidence submitted In my last veto, I regret that 1 must refuse to accept the rule or ruin ultimatum of the Standard Oil Company. Respectfully, HERMAN WISE, Mayor. INVESTIGATE ASTORIA THEATRE. Stat Health Board Hear Charges It I Fire Trsp. Dr. Alfred Kinney Informs us that at Tuesday's session of the State Board of Health the condition of the Astoria Theatre was ordered inquired Into. The Board does not give out for pub lication matters coming up. for Investi gation, but the Portland Journal ob tained and printed a garbled version of the action taken, In which the chatges against the Astoria theatre was taken ae having been proven. As a matter of fact, all the testimony presented was hearsay Information. The charges are that the bulld'ng Is practically without ventilation and without precautions against fire. It Is charged that the means of exit are, very Inadequate, especially In the gal lery, where the way of egress Is down a narrpw and tortuous stairs. Upon motion of Dr. Kinney, It as ordered that the secretary write to the local health officer requesting him to make an investigation of the premises and report the facts to the State Health Officer. The matter has several times been presented to the common council by the city physician, but no action has keen taken. Whenever you have a cough or cold, just remember that Foley's Honey and Tar will cure it Do not risk yourl health by taking any but the genuine. It is in a yellow package. T. F. Lau rln, Owl Drug Store. The largest grasshoppers are found in South America, where some speci mens eacn a length of five inches, with a spread of wings of ten Inches. There's naught so sweet as love's I young dream. And It would sweeter be, If lovers would only take A little Rocky Mountain Tea, DONE BY DEED. n. L. Ward and wife to F. J. Wood, Vnd. 1-S Int. lilock 8. Chelsea . , , . ,, ., .......... Same, to 0. B. llurko, Und. 1-2 Int. block 3, Chelsea F. M. Cnrruthers and wife to N- Iwlem Investnnmt Co., 180 acres. 2.4-8-V 1IR00 O. F. Morton. mi dwlfo to (. II. HlbbK,' Jts 18-19, block 14 Tract 2. II. & A. Astoria 100 II. It. Hlbbs to C, A. Gearhart lots 18-19-block 14, tract 2, II, 9t A. Astoria 100 B. F. Hitchcock and wlfo to Dou glass I. tk T. Co., I lots, Seal Rock Beach 20 Peninsula U A T. Co., to Henry nise, lots 31-33. block 4, Tay. Jor's Astoria, . , 300 Robert McMath and wife to J. H. Lewis, land In Sec. 3S-8-4- W.. United States to W. K. Kidder, N. W. 1-4 Sec. JJ-5-I-W N. Llvermoro to A. 8. Kerry, N. E. 1-4 Sec. 13-5-l-W CAN'T BE SEPARATED 8om. Astoria People Have Learned How to Get Rid of Both. Backache and kidney ache art twin brothers. You can't separate them. And you 'Cftn,t ir,tl cf " bc" ache until you cure the kidney ache. If the kidneys are well and strong. the rest of the system Is pretty sure to be In vigorous health. Doan's Kidney Pills make strong. healthy kidneys. Jacob Morelock, farmer, living on Rural Ave-, between Hasel and Lau rel St., Salem. Oregon, says: "what I said about Doan's Kidney Pills three years ago after having used them for which had troubled me for some time, was only the plain truth. 1 procured them and they acted up to the repre sentations mad for them and bsfors I had used a whole box 1 found great relief. In a short time the action of the kidney secretions was corrected and the pain and aching was removed from my back. I cheerfully recom mend Doan's Kidney Pills to an'one troubled with backache or kidney complaint" Plenty more proof like this , from Astoria people. Call at Chat. Rogers drug store and ask what customers re port For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-MUbum Co Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the Unltbd States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. SAVED HER SON'S LIFE. Tn happiest mother In the town of Ava, Mo Is Mrs. & Ruppee. She writes: "One year ago my son was down with such serious lung trouble that our physician was unabl to help blm; when by our druggist's advice I began giving him Dr. King's New Discovery, and I soon noticed Im provement I kept this treatment up for a few weeks when he was per. fectly well. He has worked steadily since at carpenter work. Dr. King's New Discovery saved his life." Guar anteed best cough and cold cure by Chas. Rogers, Druggist. 60c and $1.00. Trial bottl free. SUNDAY TRAVEL TO PORTLAND Inoresses and $2.50 Wound Trip Rste vis A. A C. R. R. is Popular. Travel from this city to Portland on Sunday at th low round trip rate of 32.50 is on th Increase and many enjoy that day in th metropolis each week. This rat will b continued throughout th winter and th volum of travel toward Portland every Sun day would indicate that th public appreciates It 11-8-tfl Don't Complain. If your chest pains anJ you are un- wwon't last long A cur for all pul monary diseases. MrMs. J , Galves ton, Texas, writes: T can't say enough for Ballard's Hoarhound Syr up. The relief it has given m Is all I that it is necessary for me to say.' For sale at Hart's drug store. Get a bottle now and that cough Buy a bottle of Ballard's Hoarhound Syrup, and you won't hav any cough. abls to sleep because of a cough. A severe cold that may develop Into pneumonia over night, can be cured quickly by taking Foley's Honey and Tar. It will cure the most obstinate racking cough and strengthen your lungs.' The genuine Is in a yellow package. T. F. Laurln, Owl Drug Many business men are shortslght- ed In not looking Into things. They are dally losing money by not adopt ing the great HolllHter Rocky Moun tain Tea system. Makes them well and keeps' them well. 35 cents. 1 W 'Itnfi Mi SSSSSmSSiSW Mil It V I I I !? T fp ffnJP Copyright 1907 by Hart SchafTrtcr fc? Marx Men who appreciate that genteel appear ance that good clothes gives a man will come to us to see our showing of good things for Spring. We are out with the strongest line ever shown in Astoria. See our windows. I Sole Agent "Uncommon'Clothes." w; g 1, f- rt 1. J to rt tmixi aSotiua dial mm; fJlCfftiJl nmn mm T urn rtnn Wd mm. m m -l. : TWra t-rflfkini lung partj ml tut lion UmImimoI fflqrfiM It f . w paffcctfy and han olid top and wla , Send it Ocntl (nr our it tul of othai vaJuabat 72flarfui Good, Better and Best. You always get the best at our store. Just received a large shipment of Balling' Powder Acme Grocery Co. Phone Main681 521 Commerdal St. auisa lu-d L. J il .L. I ..J.I -l..!. .11. X wn vj in vm mnnw rhmmv wm vm uul work tindn all tamMm. Th bmch bncii mm) KM 4mI drop-fcitiiafi I ttM bamla an el iparial kJM . . aholiuM (M (Jtiin ilia Ulaaca b frimn. Thay woadaitul pmrttaMn. tpctKa mmim wlctr asd co-tort. TUl b SM as yes cuW, which aSiitiu rnry fflaUA fcloVuJaad u Ma. ' t? WMuw SimL firearms Co. . iwu. dm. $ Fancy Spices ou I i