The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 27, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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Published Iliy len onay by
By tnalL Pr yur
I By sarrfcr, par Bi0Btt
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8j mil, per jmax, ia a4vasM..LW
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' T&SPBG52 MAIS fit.
OfSotal mer of CUUop eooBty and
't ' WIA1SXS. . : , .
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Oregon. Washington, Idaa
V' Shower. t,r , ,. .
transit, rt to bo Hod up, and remhsr.
d fruitless and perhaps, acrlflid
to the Issues pnilng between the
btinU forces engaged. For,' nearly,
year new scale of tlmo and wage has
been under dlscuaMon in the office
of the 'railway unions and the man
agerial office of the lines, and the
conferences had almost eliminated the
initial cause of dispute. The train
men demanded an advance of IS 1-1
per cent in the wage scale, and a day
of nine hours duration. By degrees
the companies had conceded all but I
1-1 per cent of the money demand, and
had altogether refused the nine hour
'day. - H' " n, ;-' i' '
This Is th status Of the controversy
now, and it will eventual In the usual
alternative, a strike of Immense pro
portions and of Incalculable Ka to all
concerned, a well at to hundreds of
thousands of outsiders who are not
parties to the mix-up In any way save
that of patrons of both, employes and
Every .Una .west of the Rockies to
wrought Into the huge scheme of con
tention, and only the. Canadian Pacific
la- left to break the onus of the tie-up
and that Is not to be counted on tor
any sort of real resistance as It has
Jut closed a deal wtth the O. R. A
N. to use-Its tracks this side of Spo
kane Into Portland, and the sympathy
of its employes is likely to be very
largely engaged wun me men
, the light
,,W ar not conversant wun we mer.
Its of the matter, and can only hope
the cause of Justice wilt be served
wheresoever It may", lie, and that the
trial of strength and endurance will
not be long borne by the trainmen.
the companies nor the public at large.
battleship Connecticut In New York
harbor. It will not easy In the next
war to steal a march on a competent
wlrulen department. ;
' i a
Last April the McKinley system
knocked t the door of ,8t Louis.
April t almost here again, and the
rwKpertful application' is still unan
nwcrcd. . , '
A man Is as old as he feel; and Mr.
Cleveland's refusal to have a colobra.
tlon of the 70th anniversary of his
birth Indicates that he doesn't feel t
present like Joining In any festivities
on the ground of venerable distinc
It is credibly reported that Port
land thinks Astoria altogether too slow
in launching the contest on the legal
ity and couftttutioaality of the P"rt
of Columbia law;; that we will not get
at it in time to permit the organisa
tion, of the commission at the end of
the ninety days that must elapse after
its filing by the Governor: There
fore she la to have some of ber inter
created cltlsens , institute a friendly
suit In a Portland court to try, out a
Portland measure, at Portlands ex
pense.'. .V, r. -'
Alright, let her. get at it. and if the
result does not suit us, the right of
appeal' stttl Ilea wlU us and., we Tftay
prosecutet our issue to the jutu of
last' resort, when it becomes necessa
ry. ,. ...........-- ' ;.
She is not at all sure, herself, of
the probity of the measure under, the
law and' Ue "constitution; there are
signs abroaS'thai she really feels she
haa bitten off too much an dmay have
to gag some of ft back; that, for once,
she haa over-stepped the bounds of
equity andjdrawn ddwn upon herself
the logical "stricture of ail right-thinking
men. And to quiet her conscience
she had best get busy in the courts
and ascertain for, herself, theL limit of
her blunder rather .than have the con
viction, thrust upon her at other hands.
One of the cardinal elements of
proof that the bUl was, primarily,
wrong, was the utter absence of sup
port in the columns of the Portland
Oregonlan during its pendency, in the
legislature. There was never a more
loyal paper than that for anything
that was honestly right, and good for
the 'metropolis; it has never filled In a
single instance 'during Its half-century
of existence, to . stand firmly by all
things" that were designed 'to uplift
Portland, from inception to consuma
tion, but In this particular instance,
It never uttered but one short half
hearted editoral for this wrong' thing,
until the responsibility for Its actual
existence was shouldered toy the legis
lature in the haste, confusion, and
worse, attendiant upon Its closing
hours. .
Astoria and Clatsop county care
nothing for the attitude of Multnomah
county ' in the premise, it does not
make, a farthing's difference whether
she fights or fondles, the Port of Col
umbia law; we have our own Ideas
about it and they are very deeply
fixed in the public mind here and only
' the edict of a court, far removed from
the purview and Influence of its bear
ings, pronouncing it equitable and
wholly within the. constitutional in
tent, yrttt. satisfy' us. , And we are
equally, indifferent s to who " shall
bring the issue to ine ironi.
The Oregonlan did not approve nor
bolster It, as a measure;" the Governor
did not slgn'u'as a law; we reject It
in bottVasw an. ;! 0,1,7
when we nave to.
J. Plerpont Morgan proix to be
stow 11,000,000 on an art museum at
Hartford, Conn., hla native city. Ex
perience teache that art museums
are always lucky In attracting Impor
tant gifts In money and famous pro-ducjlon
England's latest armored cruiser,
lust launched, the Indomitable, la
longer and swifter than the Dread-
naught. 8he is to nave two mates of
the same class, the Inflexible and the
Invincible. These big ships cost near
ly $9,000,000 each. A discussion about
disarmament usually winds up In this
It Is with a sense of positive relief
that the western publlo notes the fix
ing of the date and place of trial for
Moyer, Heywood and , Fetuoone,
charged With the murder' of Governor
Steunenberg of Idaho.- These men,
through their attorneys have Juggled
with all the processes of the law that
would contribute in any manner to
the policy of delay, and, have consist-'
ently. put out pleas and programs and j
charges against all, courts and , officers
charged- with . their., detention, laying
thes blame, of dalliance, upon them
rather , v than upon, themsehrea We do
not know,, to what extent. If any, they
are guilty, under , the j charges pre
ferred, and we. want, to see them get
the fullest, measure of justice, Inclu
ding., freedom and vindication If they
are due; bue . we , are infinitely glad
the issues are to com to a head and
the courts are to unwind- the snarls
and bickerings that have, made the
names of the trio a household word in
the west. ; , v..
They, might long ago, have been re
leased, bad they suffered, .their cases
to go before. the tribunals, especially
In the earlier hours of the. deadly con
troversy, when prejudice had hardly
awakened, as it has most thoroughly
since. .... ....
. If they are guiltless they will be' able
to prove it; if they are, guilty they
will be made to realise the burden of
such guilt Those ; are, questions of
law and evidence, of court, Jury and
attorney; It Is up to them at last end
the whole Pacific . slope is heartily
glad of it, for the sake of the men at
bar, as well as for the cause of Jus
tice, and public surcease from the
eternal harplngs of the names of these
three men; for whatever of genuine
public Interest and sympathy was
theirs at first has been flattened to
expressionless inertia, to the distinct
disadvantage of the men who might
have made better use of it
The utter Impossibility of keeping
a good man down la again UlustrateJ
in the cae of William J. Oliver, who
has Just been elected to the presiden
cy of a trust company. Clipping cou
pons on a mahogany table, under the
...ft rnr.M.v. of an electric fan, will
prove a much easier task than running
a scraper through the baked clay of
The Anarchist
1 This week is like 'to "see the tnaugu
ration of the most stupendous of all
strikes in the history of organized la
bor 'in the United States. . " ;
From fifty ' to sixty thousand men
in the railway service of the West are
to be involved, and hundreds of mil
lions of property, fixed, real, and in
Copyright. IS06. by McClure Newspaper
John Cunningham bad been g or
ernor of Dartmooi'' prison for tlilrteea
yearn, and during that long Interval
not a convict had succeeded la making j
bit escape. The governor' flattered!
himself oo this fact He lived four!
miles from the prison, and the lesa be
visited it the better things were run.
Governor Cunningham' finally Cccld
ed to write a book: ou criminology.
That was a perfectly' natural ' thlt,
since be bad so many siccluien9 at
band. He meant that liook to be a
standard aud to contain matter to as
tonish the world. He was entirely, Ig
norant of his subject but btf went to
work like a man who means basiuesa.
To get bis data be had to have prison
ers brought before him to be question
ed aud to have their beads examined.
Tbegovernor had boasted more than
ouce that he could tell a predisposed
crlmlual teu rods away."
One of the prisoners called before
the governor was James Brougbton,
who had received a sentence of five
years for embezzlement -The family
was a respectable one, and this was
the first offense for a hundred yearn.
Broughton himself bad anything' but
criminal tendencies. He was well edu
cated, well appearing and was remark
ed for his Intelligence. The governor
found In Brougbton the acme for
which be sought He put him down nn
a man who wan born with the in
stincts of a thief. : He did not credit
him with ordinary Intelligence. He
found him a victim of homicidal mania.
Brougbton bad entered prison de
termined to make bin escape if It wan
within the possibilities. After n year's
good conduct be wan named for the
agricultural gang, the trusties who
mowed the meadows and raised a
bare of the fresh vegetables consumed
A rather queer thing bod bnppoued
to the governor too yearn before, and
as the incident bad been published It
waa corumou property lu prlsou and
out. II had made trip to Russia,
aided an anarchist without knowing
wbat the man was, and after being
shut up in a fortress for a mouth he
had been given bin liberty aud escortod
to the frontier. This humiliation ran
kled In his breast, aud he wan tint
backward about saying to freeman or
convict that be would do most any;
... . . ...m i t k ...
thing to gvt square wim we uussmu
envernmenlL He bad been SO outspo
ken Uiat be bad received a bint from
bin own goverumeut to moderate his
sneech. He took warning by it. but be
ntlU chafed. Tb telephout called tl
goveruor up to Inform blni that a con
vict bad escaped,' aud while bo' was
fussing about It the card of stranger
wan brought In. The name wan that
of n Russian, aud the governor at ouce
thought of auarchlits aud nihilists and
arbitrary measures and became hot.
There wan a coufab lasting nn hour.
The Russian did not hesitate to confide
In the governor. He Informed hltn
that a nlot wan on foot to overturn
the government and rain ropvblle
on It ruins. He wan naked to assist
In the conspiracy. II knew that aucn
action would male" him1 amenable to
the law, nod yet be remembered the
dreary dayn nnd nlgbtn in that cell In
the fortress. He bad never talked with
a dot Intelligent man. He had never
met with another foreigner who spok
the English Inngusgt no correctly,
Tb warning received by the great
man was ringing In bin ears, but b
thought of tb miserable food, tb wet
straw nnd the manner in which he bad
been bounced out of the war's doming
Ions nod warned to stay out Tb tele
yhone gave him the1 particular of the
couvlct'n escape and Inquired about of
fering a reward, but be was too busy
to attend to such trifles. He first said
no, but an the Rnsslsn rose to leave
the bouse the goveruor brought out n
bag contalulng 1300 In gold and, plmwd
It on the table and turned his bm-k
and becan to bum the air of u tune.
The Russian tumbled to the sutwriip
tlou and murmured his thanks. Will
the gold ho picked tip one of the rov
ernor's cards. A:i hour later a trnln
was bi'arlDK him ti Liverpool. He wan
stopped on the w.ij" urn! flopped 'lectin
as he weut alwa'rtr n'stohturr for H ilil
America, but th::t curd of the Kovm- itir
carried hint tbrM&U.
The sMir-h for Ilrougtitfln l bor
ough ami Ions: ilrawti mit. A It vas
the flrrit mijm- fwrt Itartimwr nt'iiVr
Governor Cunulnuimra'H rrijtn. lie wan
overanxious for th tnnn's c-.;ti;ir'. lu
t ttvum or ;i 'mo.-tir nits r.flrren't
wn were trrfnnnl In d'.ffiwut "jmrtar
Rneiund. but of conrsi wnw tit thr-m
proved to t tlu jT.rnon wanted. nl
until HrottRliton rw.elw.l.H?th. Aimf
lea oiid ktv tlmt lie'tHinld col be i
trudlfe:! fild Iw ivc blmself Way.
Then ther ws- fun Irt tb bis prt'u
and at the tfoveruor's mansion. The
convicts Inuiibed aiuonff tbeuisejves.
and the rrws roastH the governor for
an ass. and the result was s resljtna
Hon and the abandonment of the luter-
estfng srndy of criminology for an time
toooma U. QUAir
In Basinets fortBoslness ftnd Your.Satisftctlon.
We make it our aim to do first claw work at
reasonable prices. . , '
' ;v. .;;;,::'' . ;v:V
222 Twelfth Street. Next to the Astoria Theatre.
-- -- .mmmm,mm,.MM,mM,MMbM,,i
As soon as a man falls in love with
a pretty girl he becomes food for the
The country has outgrown the "yVall
street speculators. Their Black Fri
days no longer affect the general cal
endar. ''; ' -! '"J.'';
' ' o
Th strike of the' atreet-car men in
Louisville," was put out by the flood.
Everything that originate in Ken
tucky1 yields readily ' to the water
treatment.'1' ' -"' '''.'".
The speaker of the Massachusetts
house Introduced Mr. Bryan as "from
Missouri." But this Is as accurate as
Mr. Bryan's reference to Nebraska as
"my state." ,; '-''- '
to aid him In so far as furnishing blm
a suit of citizen's clothe and a small
anm of money. He bad made tip bis
mind to go to South America, nnd he
mint hnve several hundred dollars.
The fact that be knew not wher to
rain the money prevented his escape
for months. It wnn not until arter mo
nvernor had made blm a ebole speci
men of criminology that a brilliant Idea
cam to blm. As th agricultural gang
marched back to prison one evening
Broughton was missing, and the alarm
wan given, lie naa louna toe suit naa
been met by a friend with a horse and
imn, anA hv tha tlmA the amards
VUBjBj, .v. J W
were scouring tb country for him th
convlcUrgj aJLtheovernojrls house.
Grover Cleveland passed the script
ural age limit yesterday, but it isn't
safe to assume .that anybody can take
liberty with him in a match at hurl-
' ,. '-. ; . c it
ing big words.
, "Wireless messages nave been ex
changed between Point Loma, on the
Pacific Coast Pensacola, Fla., and the
The nalv that acta Uk a poultloe
Is Pine Salve uaroonsea. r9 ouwr
naive no good for cuts, burns, bolls
and chapped skin. Ask about It Price
25 eta Frank Hart s Drug Biore.
If the wires should be cut to Wash
ington we would hardly now what
time to take our meals.
There'a naught so swet as love's
young dream.
, And It would sweeter be,
If lovers would only take
A little Rocky Mountain Tea.
The reporters will never be .satisfied
until they compel Mr. Rockefeller to all away.
The safe, certain reliable little Pls
that do not grip or sicken are Dade's
uarw m. wo - 1 utue wver rcus. xsev jot u-
ln the prison. He bad friends outnld h, bllUousness and' tasy livers.
a. . - t a . I m aMwtlaliffii film I
Chew Your Fbod
No medicine can take the place of
teeth. Eat slowly, chew your food
thoroughly and keep free from in
digestion. . .
When haste imposes extra work 00 ,
the stomach, help it out with
Sold everywhere. Inboxcil0c.and2Bc.
arid Cigars.
602 Commercial Street. ,;
Corner CommercUl and 14th , Astoria, Oregon,
n.u v.muii jjuumjJLjsmmr
a jmi-in1 m Ljimtjet
Dr. Moffors itneon
POUND. Contains no oils or
fats or any (Jrutf that is injur!
ons or liable to produce a habit
Each bottle contains a month s
Inatment and costs f 1.60 a
any first class drug stoJe. Pre
pnrnd by the . .
Lb U N.
To iri'; distant frUnd letteini from
home, news of frionds brinff ibddod
enjoyment Drts your thourfhti Well
by writing m correct ttotlonery.
We hav complete line of all'
the" li " w t stylet,' and at various
prices.., It will rflve us pleasure,
to'sKovr tUem te you. ? j& &
W. G. tAWS si CO.
, . . ' 1. " ; ' ,;" '' r" ' ' ''' '' r '
Plans and estimates furnished on application.
' All work done by First-Class Mechanics.
Sheet-Iron, Copper and Tin Work done in a first
class manner, as we do no other work in our shop.
mm atv
I , On account it Ithe W w .prine .toclc comineand i
to make room in our store we on er oU per ' cet X
off for the next few days. Buy .your
wall paper now while it is cheap.1 1
J Eastern Painting & Decorating Compariy.t
Commsrelal Strsat, nsar Eighth,' ' '. r '
Sherniah Transter Co.
Hacks, Carriagss Baggag Chsoked nod Transierrtd Trucks ard Fumiturt
Wagona Pianos Movsd, Boisd and Shipped. -
433 Commercial Street
Main Phone 121