The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 26, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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TUE8DAY, MARCH 26, 1907.
Established 1I7
FnbHahed Daily Except Monday by
By mall, pr jw , .17.00
By arrisr, par month 10
B, mail, per year, In adtanc.. 11.00
Kotrf4 m tMoo4-elM mMttr July
30, UOKM U postofflos at Astoria, Or
mom, asaer Us aot X Comr-"" o( March ,
tyOiito for taa AnUrmt ct T Mow
amuaouviUftoi reaKtaace pU et
tuirtiiMS MF b mada br post! oari or
tbwsk Sat ehotia. Any ta-rag-uiarRr to
Official Mptr of ClaUop eountj and
taa City of Astoria.
do In the way of lrns-bnnl reoojulons
ovations, and suoh mnnexivers will
niltlRnte for a moment the ronl oswrnee
of Iturton'a guilt; It will not hot i
him a partlolo vllh the gomMiil -mlillc.
nor lighten tbc burden ho hn as
?unied: It only serves for tlu niomont
of Its transpiring, to make hint feel
that he has nonie friends loft: that In
Abilene at Uvtst he " hM hU heftd
up and pom as a martyr. rteyonJ tills
he cannot carry the proof of the homo,
confidence to any m'n or place where
ll will operate to his advantage. It In
a mercy with a string to It, and
not a very long one at that.
Oregon, Washington, Idaho,
Showers. .
A prominent liquor dealer, a whole
saler, and retailer, yesterday, told a
member of this staff, that certain
countries, France In particular, were
moving rapidly to the point of abso
lutely prohibiting the manufacture
absinthe on account of Its pre-eminence
as an Incentive to suicide: and
speaking from his own knowledge of
the liquor he commended the Idea and
declared that many of the wretched
Ills inherent in the trade would be
eliminated if this particular evil
thing were done away with.
Of all the drinkables known to man
it Is the very worst. It is compounded
of brandy and wormwood, and he is
wise indeed who can extract any pos
slble irood from either, much less
from the horrible compound. The po
tency of brandy la enough, in the pur
suit of a habit, without the deadly.
insidious, vein-destroying, phantom
Droducing faculties of the drug, to
aid it in destroying the victim.
The instance of young Corporal
Lewis who suicided In this city early
on Saturday morning last, is a case In
point This man, mid-way in his
twenties, hale and healthy; a bright,
pleasant, companionable man, a good
soldier, an appreciated comrade,
comes to the citf for a few days recre
ation; he Indulges in drink, and for the
most part, drinks absinthe with his
whiskey; he drinks all of Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday and in the dawn
of Saturday he Is a maniac. To prove
It he causelessly shoots to kill the
woman who had been his companion
during his spree, and believing he had
done the deed, turns the weapon on
himself with fatal effect, and now lies
ready for the grave.
There is nothing to attribute the
wild, freakish, murderous tendency to,
save the ghastly French concoction.
He was not stupidly drunk as he might
have been had he drank straight whis
key; there was no serious quarrel be
tween him and the woman; they had
not been together long enough to es
taUish a basis for a quarrel of which
murder and suicide was a logical out
come; they had not known t each
other except for the three days
mentioned; there is sirrfply no
hypothesis for his untoward con
dition save the madness produced by
the frightful liquor to which he lent
a foolish preference ins'pired, perhaps,
by the notion that it was a manly,
fashionable tipple, and added some
what to his status as a bon vlvant
Absinthe lies at the bottom of this,
as well as many another unaccount
able crimes.
Eugeno Schmlti, San Francisco's
reform" mayor refuses to confess. In
the face of the vast mass of
the confessions that engulf . him In
their details, ' lrreclalmably.
should he?
There will be tomes and volumes
and sheets of testimony handed in to
the courts when the time conies that
will obviate anything like a confession.
from Mr. Schmlts. They won't do a
thing to him when they get on the
stand, these men who have already
admitted their share of the frightful
guilt of the hour there. They will tell
things on him and everyone else, true
things, raw and rare tales, that will
make him wish he had confessed as
the simpler and less hurtful way out
of an Inextricable mess.
It is literally impossible taal he, the
head and front of the great municipal
administration so tremendously In
volved; the bosom friend of the arch
leader of the spoilsmen: the main
source of referenco for all matters
of good and ill that affected the city.
should be Innocent, Ignorant, unin-
volved. Time, and the truth will do
more to swing him beneath the brunt 1
of outraged law, than any meagre,
studied confession he mlgnt offer.
Quarter Breed Mohawk Declares
She Did Deed for Love.
Was Waif Adopted By Farmer Burn
d Buildings and Fsar of Discovery
So Preyed On Mind That She D
eidsd on Suicide.
NKW YORK, March 35Jcnnlf
Rurch, a quarter breed Mohawk, who
In September last poisoned the Infant
son of Herbert Wlnshlp a wealthy far
mer of Cowles Corner, Putnam County,
will be placed on trial today for her
life at Carmel, N. Y. It Is her 15th
birthday. On the day of the baby's
burial she sobbed out a confession
of how she fed the Infant a poisoned
peach. She said she had loved her
little charge and becauso of her great
love had killed It.
Medical men and other men who have
examined this girl differ as to her
sanity. Jennie Rurch was a waif and
was given a home by the Wlnshlp J
family four years ago. The farmer and
his family treated the girl as 0110 of
their own. When the baby, Wilbur,
was born, Jennie Burch became It
guardian. Her love rivalled that of
the child's mother.
She has been unable to give a sat
isfactory explanation of the crime.
The murJer Itself was preceded by
several Incendiary fires which tho gli'l
admitted that she was responsible for.
There will be confessions enough with- Flrst tj,e bam was burned and then
out him, an dne prooaoiy Knows 11 followed nine different attempts to
better than anyone else In the whole iburn tne wlnshlp house. Jennie's ex-
city of San Francisco.
Abilene, Kansas, has demonstrated
that It possesses the real home-spirit
In the spontaneous character of Its
welcpme to Senator Burton who ha?
Just emerged from the penitentiary
doors, after his term of Imprisonment
for a deliberate crime.
It Is hard to kill this clinging, com
munal, place-prldeful sentiment, and
It must be counted anion the merci
ful provisions that lodge among the
peoples, taking nothing Into account
except the sole fact that the man or
the woman, "belongs to us."
Of course nothing that Abilene could
The woful news is at hand that the
prune crop is' a failure.
To the unthinking this Joes not
sound woful, nor even threatening,
but to the man who knows and loves
the cheap, common, succulent stewed
prune In all its fulness and fllllngness,
It will come as a shock.
One has only to cast his stomachic
e'e to the lost breakfast treat of rich,
black, soft, shjny glob-ales, floating
in thick cool syrup, like dark diamonds
In a still sea of Ink, to know the full
significance of the season of depriva
tion that Is ahead.
The lowly prune is one of the vital
staples of the land, and has more
friends than are usually accredited to
It. It is the most wholesome, compen
sating, satisfying fruit In the world,
and there is less loss in Its prepara
tion and use than In any other commo
dity known to mankind. It Is the wide
divergency in cooks that has brought
the prune Into disrepute. Three pounds
of good prunes and one real good cook
can effect a compound, which, with the
aid of half a pint of rich cream, will
put even the royal strawberry to the
bad, provided the partaker has not
cultivated a wilful prejudice against
the former, and the latter is out of
The prune is alright; and has a sim
pie honest history of its own that
should be studied and made applicable.
Only a perverted taste can safely dis
parage the good old prune.
planatlon of the lncemiiursm was that
she wanted to see "(lames shoot." Af
ter the barn had been burned she said
she Imagined she was suspected, and
this thought preyed on her mind,
Then she decided to kill herself. She
thought of the baby and
that child should die with her. She
poisoned a peach and gave the child
a portion of It and ate th remainder
herself. Within half an hour the gi i
and the Infant were taken violently
111. Mrs. Wlnshlp dIJ all she could for
both of them. Before night the baby
died but Jennie Burch recovered. The
girl insists that she poisoned the p'.Hh
with iodine. Chemists employed by
the state say that she killed the chllJ
with strychnine. It Is believed hr
lawyers will attempt to prove Insani
ty at the time of the murder.
John D. Rockefeller without mention
ing that he has a fortune of $300,000,
wlthout prefixing It with "Former
If the Douma knows Its business It
will hand the czar a loaded hypothet
ical question.
Mr. Fairbanks Is removing the outer
wrappings of his boom.
The impres'sarios have decided that,
though nature may supply a tenor
a voice, he must supply himself with
a physique.
Blue laws are not needed to make a
city blue. The utter rout of its base
ball aggregation did the act for Bos
ton last season.
P. S. to my letter of recent date
(1904) Vox Popull: Since you in
sist I will accept T. R."
Are we to go through a new set of
agonies with the wireless telephone?
What Roumanla needs Is a good,
swift kick.
It is a little late for an ocean rate
war Spring traffic is about to begin.
The Russians have sent a body of
Cossacks into Persia merely as a mat
ter of good faith and especially not
for publication broadcast.
We shall be obliged to the President
If he will, when he gets time, Issue an
exectutlve order requesting newspa
per reporters to write the name of
All the known medical exports wav
ing appeared In the Thaw trial, where
are we going to get expert for the lu
nacy commission?
His Ship Wsnt Down.
The imii with tho hrotmoJ face nnri
the rolling ve wits enlliralllux Ills
friends when Mr, Hut ton entered Just
lu time to hear him any;
"And so my ship went down with nit
"Went down?" queried Mr. Utitton
oxcttedU. "But where were you?"
"I wni lu tho captain's cabin nt the
time," said the browsed one. "Wo sunk
slowly, but surely, ami scarcely n rip
pie wna left to murk the spot."
"How sad!" snld Mr. Button. "But
still, I suppose you forced your way
out of the ciiMii and immnued to swim
ashore, ch? Or were you taken ptT by
a passing vessel?"
"No, I wasn't," trnkl tho browsed one
"I Just stood w liero I was."
"Loon here," mild Mr. Buttou seri
ously, "You say you were linked tn a
cabin and tuude 110 effort to escape
and yet here you are safe and souud
before ns! I this a tale of tho horse
"Not exactly." said the salt "It's 11
tale of tho submarine. That was the
sort of ship I was abord."-Cblcnj:o
A Chintsa Solemon,
A blind street musician, reports a
Chines newspaper, stood on .tin sbu.v
of a river, pusnled how to craa tin
stream. He Implored nn oil oVnt:r win
happened to come along to nasi; t lilui
The oil denier had pity on the helpless
mini, took him on bis shoulders, irnvo
htm his money b.ig t hold ami eurrled
hlui across, Wheii lie depuMite l Ms bur
den on tbc other shore tho bltnl mnn
refused to return him his tnouey bug,
raised a noise and declared that tho
money was bis projK-rty. The matter
came before the Judge, and each wan
aid on onth that tho money belonged
to him. Tbe Judge finally ordered tho
bag of tnouey emptied Into a water
tank, and then suddenly announced
that the oil dealer was tho owner.
When asked for the reason for his de
cision, he declared that the money of
the oil dealer must certainly show
traces of hla business, and, Indeed, on
tbe surface of the water races of oil
war foe!.
We might In an emergency secure
the powerful Nlcaraguan Meet to guard
the raclflo for us.
The wireless telegraph Is a great in
vention, but It doesn't seem to be able
to get a very Interesting Interview
out of J, P. Morgan In mid-ocean.
Rust Is already beginning on the
machine of that Chicago typist who
won the prize In a beauty show. It
requires all her time to live up to her
new reputation.
One of the best evidences of the de
sire oft Japan to maintain its newly
acquired reputation as a peer of west
ern nations is the large number of
Japanese seeking commercial Informa
tion In this country.
Physicians Called It Eczema In
Worst Form Treated Disease
for a Year but Could Not Cure it
Patient Became Despondent
Suffering Promptly Allayed and
"About four years ago I was afflicted
with black splotches all over my fm-e
and a few covering my body, which
produced a severe itching irritation, and
which caused me a great d-al of annoy
ance and suffering, to such an extent
that I was forced to call in two of tho
leading physicians of . Af ter
a thorough examination of the dreaded
complaint they annoum-ml it to be
skin eczema in Its worst form. Thev
treated me for the same for tho length
of one rear, but tho treatment did me
no good. Finally I became despondent
and decided to discontinue their ser
vioes. Shortly afterwards, my husband
in reading a copy of a w-wkljr New York
paper saw an advertisement of the Cuti
cura Itomediefl. He purchamtd tho en
tire outfit, and after using tho contents
of the first bottle of Cuticura Resolvent
in connection with the Cuticura Soap
and Ointment, the breaking out entirely
stooped. I continued the use of the
Cuticura Remedies for six months, and
after that every splotch was entirely
gone and tho affected parts were left as
clear as ever. I have not fj-lt a symp
tom of the eczema since, which was
three years ago. The Cuticura Reme
dies not only cured me of that dreadful
disease, eczema, but of other complicated
troubles as well, and I have bn the
means of others being cured of the same
disease by the Cuticura Remedies, and
I don't hesitate in saying that Cuticura
Resolvent is the best blood medicine
that the world has ever known. Mrs,
Lizzie E. Sledge, M0 Jones Ave., Selma
Ala., Oct. 28, 1905."
Eczemas, Rashes, Itchlngs, Irri
tations Cured by Cuticura
Warm baths with Cuticura Soap, gen
tle anointings with Cuticura Ointment,
and mild doses of Cuticura Pills, afford
immediate relief and point to a speedy
cure of torturing, disfiguring humors
of the skin, scalp, and blood of infants,
Children, and adults, when all else fails.
Bold throughout the world. Potter tirns 4 Chi-m.
("OTP., Bole Prop., Dnttorj, Mum. mrUmlUni btte.
48 pw CuUcura Booklet on Skin DImim
J. Q. A. BOWLBY, President.
0. L PETERSON, Vice-President.
J. W. GARNER, Assistant Csb
Astoria Savings Bank
Capital Paid In 1100,000, Surplus and Undivided Profits W.000 I
Transact a General Banking Business, Interest Paid on Tims i-e posits Stmt,
First National Bank of Astoria, Ore.
Capital $100,000
.1 J I U tl I ' 1 1
': r sssii 1
n 1 u 1 1 am a
HHBlt immiimm-jiriiwyiarmr
(Ing (lie SiormktlB aniliWis of
Opiwi.Marphl rtTMbxtit
Ancrfirrt Rtmedv fordsrt
Hon . Sour StoiiDlinWO
buAnutUed unoW 'flSTKjJa'
For Infanti and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
For Over
Thirty Years
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
wig &smkm$
the distant frind letters from
home, news of friends bring added
enjoyment. Dross your thoughts well
by writing on correct stationery.
We have a complete line of all
the newest styles, and at various
prices. It will give us pleasure
to show them to you. X? &
rv "i3
Plans and estimates furnished on application.
All work done by First-Class Mechanics.
Sheet-Iron, Copper and Tin Work done in a first
class manner, as we do no other work in our shop.
imumihiimihhihih nmiiiMMiHinM
Wall Paper
X On account of jjthe large new spring stock comingand X
I tc make room in our store we off er 30 per cet I
on tor the next few days. Buy your
" wall paper now while it is cheap.
:: Eastern Painting & Decorating Company.;;
Commsroial 8tret, naar Eighth. ' '
Sherman Transfer Co.
Hacks, .CaiTteges Baggage Checked and Transferred Trucks trd Furnlturs
. WagoMrrPisnofi Moved, Boxad and Shipped.
433 Commercial Street
Main Phone 121