WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 1007. THE MOItNING ASTOIUAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. t ixPORTLAND MARKETS Latest Quotations in tho Portland Markets. Complete Mark Report Correoted Each Day, diving tha Whole" Prices of Commodftlet, Farm Pro duo and Vegetable. PORTLAND, March Il.Tlie wwfc open with little or no chunge In poul try and tiign, I'rlcnM weia unchanged thla morning, though In some house ama.ll lota of fanny ckk wer aald to bring a fraction over lllc. Hutir contlnuoa very vnrct and on lng la exported from Ban Francisco for lorn dnya, although tha la tha tlma whan heretofore butter haa bean out from th South to JJa over scar- alt yhara. That city la also experlono Ing short auppllea aa that alilpment will ba delayed until thlnga Improva. Qraln, Flour m4 Fee. Whaat-wall Walla 18017c; vallay IIOI7o; blue-stem. 81061c; rod, 640 lie, Oato-White, 135.50 Q tt; gray, 124 0. Darl.y-Urawlng, 222.50; faad. IllOll ftO; rolled, $21023. Rya 11.40 par cwt, HayVolley, timothy, !:s14; at arn Oregon, I1BQU; clovar, I7O7.C0; cheat. 7O;.t0; alfalfa, $11.50; grain bay, $701; vetch, $7.5001. Uuckwhaat $21 par ton. Mlllaluffa-Mlddllnga, 2t,00; chop. $1$; bran, lll.OO; ahorta, 118.00. Corn Whola, $26027; crackeJ, $27 01$ par ton, Flour Hard whaat patent, $2.(0; straight, $115; graham, $2.50; rye, $5; whole wheat flour, $2.75; Valley flour, $2.40 $2.65; Dakota, $5.20OM0; East ern rye. $5.40; Ptllsbury, $6.20; Cor valtM, $2.70. Cereal Food Rolled Oata, cream, 10-rb encka, $7.00; lower grade, $8,500 plnapplo, $4.60 6.60 per dozen Lemona, $2,00 CP S-00 box; orangea, $2. 76 O 1.00; grapefruit, $4.60 crate llmea, 75c and 11.26 por 100; Malaga grape, $7.78 9 t.60 bbl; Tangerine, $1.(6 O 2 box. Domestic fruits Apple, common ISo II; fancy, 11.60 O 1.60 box; Lev ly apple, $1.28 1.7S box; pears, $1 O 1.78 box; cranberries, $10 O 11 bbl perelmmoni, $160 box. Vegetable. Potatoe-$U5 O 1.50 par cwt; Cabbage Lb., 2 1-2 O 2c; catillflow, r,K.60 O t.7l par crate; paraley 25c per down; hot houe lettuce, $1.60 per box; head, 40o do) aplnach, 2 O 5o lb.; rtlchokea 76c O 1.26 par down; peas, 15o lb.'; garlic, 7 O Jo lb.; red pepper, dry, 20 O26o lb.; celery, 66 O 6o Par do,; egg plant 11.60 per crate; okro, $1.76 box; aprouts, to lb.; tomatoes, Max., $$.76 O i Cat., $1; aaparagua, 26o lb. Onions Par sock, $1 0 1.26; car rots, $1 O 1.26; beats, $1.25 0 1.50; boreeradJih 7 O ic lb. i Preah Meats and Plh. Frh meats VaaL medium, 76 to 100 lbs I 1-2 0 fc; 100 to 160 lbs., 7- 1-2 O Ic; 160 to 200 lb., 6 0 6 l-2c; 200 lbs anJ over, 6 1-2 O 6o; pork, 8- 1-2 O Ic; heavies, 7 0 8c; beef, bulls. 2 1-2 O 2c; cow. I O I l-2c; steers, 6 1-2 0 6 l2o; mutton, modlum alxe, I 111 e; large, 6 O 7c Clama Hardahalla, per box, $2.75; raaor clone, $2.26 par box. Flan-Halibut, c; black coJ, 7c; black baaa, per pound, 18c; atripod ba, 12c; barring, 6c; flounder 6c; catflth, 10c; ahrlmp, 10c; perch, 6c; aturgeon, 11c; aea trout, 18c; allver- aldoe, (frown,) I l-2c; teelhoads, 10c; torn cods, 7c; smelts Ic; Oyatora Shoalwater Hay, per gal-. Ion, $2.26; per Back. $4.60; Toke Point, $1.60 per 100; Olymplaa, (120 lb.) 09; Olymplaa, per gajloji, $2.26. Grown sad rrortatdna. Nuta-Walnuta, No. 1. oft heIL 17c No. 1 hard thoJL 10c: Chile, 13c; almond, 17(i 18c; filbcrU. lflc; ItraxiU. 18c; pe can, 13$I3oj hickory, Be; Virginia p -a UOci Iron barrel, ISto. Turpentine-In mm, 8fle j la wood Iwrrela, 83oj in Iron barrel, 70c j in 10 cats lots, 85c , f lnwl llRaw, 8-barr'il lots, 47ci 1- liarrel lots, 48c j in oaea, 62o. Boiled, 0 hnrrcl lot. 40c; 1-barral Iota Me; la notes, flSc. Il aiwtx flood, clean and purs, 210 24o por lb, ilatollne Stovs gasoline, oe, iHc; iron barrel, 19c; 80 degress gaaollne, cat. 33c ; iron barrel or drum, 27cj 72 degree earn, 26of iron barrel, 2Qc engine distillate, iron barrel, Bo, Oregon grape root Per 100 lbs, 3ft4. Rope Pure Manila, 141c; itandard. 13oj SImI, He; We brand SUal, 10a Mohair Cboloe, 2830e. Wire nII present bats at. $2.00. (ry or mixed, 30cj duck, white, 18 1 j. .. a . a. f m . ar ! $euo quck mixra, jzwioo, Faaiberfle, whit, 8540c goe, Wool Valley 2228c; Eutem Ore gon, 1822o as to shrinkage. Catcara ssgrada (Cblttim bark) 21 4o. ITop Choice, 1005. Ilftl2c; prime, 100110, Lead Strictly purs whits lead and red lead In ton lot, 7Jcj 6001b lota, 8c; lcta than 600 lb. 81c OllVe) oil California ,per gallon, (2 78; quarts, per ca, dozen. 17.25; pint, 2 do n, 88.60; J pint 4 doaen. 13. Canned aalniun C);umbU River, 1-lb Ullt, 1.88; 2 lb Ull. (2.M): fancy, l ib flat. .00; 1 lb fancy flats, $1 25; fancy 1 11. oval. I2.7S; Alaika Ullt. pink, 0c; red. 11.43; nominal, 2, Ull. 12.00. Rice Imperial Japan. No. 1, 18.95; Southern, Japan, 6)o; broken, 4 Jo; head, fancy, 7c; head, choice. c. Breaks Up a Cold in Ten Hours. 6.60; oat meal, ateel cut. 45-tb 4ck. nuU. tel Jurob v'rinl Pm,t' T . I . at Itn..-. $8.00 per bbl.: 9-Ib aack. 14.25 per pcanui w ; cominui. iianan, bal. n.t m.l f-ounJV S.Th .k- i 1lci 00UU, do. 83f00c. $7.60 per bbl.; )-Tb aack $4 per bale; Coffee Mocha 2428c; Java, fancy 9Afi, , T.-j wwt QftfitQA. I.u. nr. . ,, . .... ... 'dlnary, 17(S20e; Coat Rica, fancy, 18C boxoa. 81. !5: nearl bnrlev. 84.00 oar 100 ' ' ' h... , . . k. Coat Rica, good. 12lc, Ar " ' . L r . . .. '.Columbia coffee, 141c, Salvador, 1110 j Provltiont Iltnia, to lx. 14; ham picnic lOic; bacon, regular, !8l; bacon rroouo'' tfancy bteakfaat 20ot dry talt tidea, 111 Butter Country creamery, 82 l-2c; ! baeka drj- salt 11 1-4& city creamery, 16c; atore, 1 O lie; ! 8lt-Rales of 7-2, bal. flid; baUi butter fat, II 1-lc. of 60-3., bale. 1160; balm of 40"4a. bale. Poultry Old rootter. 9 10c; Tiena $100; balea ol 15-10a, bale, l.C0;'baia and aprlnga, 13 1-2 14o; dreaaed, 14 Wc; Una. ton. i2.00; bapp, 50 lb, genu O 16o; ducka, 15 16c; turkeya, II 0,lns Liverpool, ton, 118.00; bg. 60 It 17c; drewed, 1 lb 20c; fancy, 21 Q 22 ground, 100. ton. $9.00; R. 8. V. I, l-2c; geeae, live. I O 10c; dreaaed, ll!20 6 lb cartone, $25; R. 8. V. 1 24 3 lb a no; r,irnni. nr rtoi 81 0 81.1K cartona, $1.75; Liverpool lump, toa squaba, $1.78 O 1 j $19.50. Egg Oregon ranch, 17c per doien. j rhMM-Tnunr Amnrlra. IS A 11.1 OIL Lead, EtA. c; Oregon full cream, fiata, IB 0 16 1-2 ' Coal oil Pearl and aetr&I oil. caws, Monav. .Wk-10 1.1 O llo: amber. 11 ' 15,0 Pr &oBi T wblU oil, iron " am a. oarreio, igoj wooa oarreu, ioe; eocene oil. catea, 2Uo; elalne oil case, 271o; extra star, caaes, J2ic; headlight oil O 12c; fancy white, 14 O 16c Fruits. Tropical fruits Uananas, 6a par lb. cea 21c; iron barrel, 151c Benxine Sixty-throe degree, case, TIDE TABLE, MARCH MXRCH, 1967.; High Water; CAl'J JL: DfttoT n'mH f t." hjm. f ft. Friday 1 1:60 8:4 i:47 8.7 Saturday I 2:24 1.7 1:28 1,4 SUNDAY I 1:00 1.8 1:14 8.1 Monday 4 1:18 1.7 4:06 7.4 Tueaday .... ,, 6 4:19 8.6 6:01 6.7 Wedneadaf .... 6 5:08 1.4 6:18 6.1 Tbnreday 7 6:05 I.I 7.46 1.0 Friday 8 7:15 1.1 9:11 8.8 Saturday .. .... 9 1:80 1.2 10:22 1.6 SUNDAY 101 9:411 8.4111.15. 7.8 Monday 11 10:48 8.7 11:68 ,7.7 Tueaday 12 11:87 8.9 Wednesday ....13 0:35 8.8 12:26 9.0 Thuraday 14 1:10 8.5 1:09 8.9 Friday 16 1:48 8.7 1:10 8.6 Saturday 16 2:17 8.8 8:10 1.2 SUNDAY 17 2:50 1.6 1:11 7.7 Monday ... .,..18 8:26 1.4 1:55 7.0 Tueaday .... ..19 4:00 1.2 4:41 6.4 Wednesday .. ..20 4:40 7.9 8:40 6.9 Thuraday 21 6:27 7.6 1:60 6.1 Friday 22 6:22 7.8 8:10 6.6 Saturday 28 7:80 7.2 9:20 6.1 SUNDAY .. ...24 8:88 7.1 10:12 8.6 Monday ..25 9:39 7.6 10:65 7.1 Tueaday 24 10:32 7.8 11:82 7.7 Wedneaday ,. ,.27 11:20 8:2 Thursday 28 0:05 8.2 12:05 8.6 Friday 29 0:40 8.7 12:60 8.6 Saturday 80 1.13 8.9 1:84 8.7 SUNDAY ,. ...81 1:49 9.1 2:20 8.4 MARCH, 19077 Low Water. XI, ) P. M. P&teT j h.mTTft. I h.m. tC Friday 1 7:56 1.6"17io 0.1 Saturday 2 8:80 1.2 1:45 0.6 SU.NDAY 3 9:12 1.0 9:20 1.1 Monday 4 10:00 0.8 10:06 1.7 Tueaday 5 10:66 0.8 10:51 2.4 Wedneaday .. ., 6 12:00 0.9 Wednesday .. .. 6 11:45 8.0 Thuraday 7 1:16 0:8 Friday 8 1:00 8.5 2:37 0.6 Saturday 9 2:29 4.0 8:49 0.2 SUNDAY 10 8:52 3.8 4:60 -0.2 Monday ........11 4:59 2.9 6:40 -0.6 Tueaday 12 6:52 2.8 6:23 -0.6 Wedneaday.. ,.13 6:40 1.8 7:03 -0.6 Thursday 14 7:22 1.8 7:40 -0,1 Friday 15 7:69 1.0 8:12 0.4 Saturday 16 8:87 0.9 8:45 0.9 SUNDAY 17 9:18 0.9 9:20 1.6 Monday 18 10:00 1.0 9:55 2.2 Tueaday 19 10:44 1.210:31 2.8 Wednesday .. . .20 11:82 1.8 11:13 8.3 Thuraday 21 12:29 1.5 Friday 22 0:08 8.8 1:32 1.6 Saturday 23 1:80 4.1 2:40 1.3 SUNDAY 24 2:63 4.0 3:40 1.1 Monday .. .....25 4:03 8.6 4:30 0.8 Tuesday 26 4:55 8.0 5:13 0.6 Wednesday .. ..27 6:37 2.3 6:52 0.4 Thursday 28 6:15 1.6 6:29 0.4 Friday 20 6:50 1.0 7:05 0.6 Saturday .. ...80 7:80 0.4 7:43 0.7 SUNDAY 81 8:13 0.1 8:23 1.2 Astoria & Columbia R. River R. Co Effective Sunday, September 9. 1908 Paoifto Time. m 8.15 6.4A tM 9.2S n.m e.iol S-BiSj 8.U 6.M 6.1 8-40 T.2M a-m 11.40 11-56 12.05 1215 12.30 o-m 111 ,00 8.10 8.25 1.08 10.86 H.m 800 9.10 923 10.05 11.85 11.55 11.54 12.90 P-m SsLv. PORTLAND OOHI.K RAINIER CLATHKANIR Ar- ASTORIA Lv., Lv. ASTORHAr. v Ar. WARKBNTON Lv? Lv. WARKBNTON Ar. Ar. FT, STEVENS Lv. Lv rrrffrnvENS Ar Ar. WAKRKNTONLv. Lv.WARRENTON Ar, Ar. HBA8IDK Lv. Ar. u. ni 11.55 10.45 10.80 9.45 8.20 8.15 7.55 7.M 7-42 7.41 7.3fH 7.27 6.50 p. in 9.50 8.40 8.25 7.40 0.10 5.20 0.05 6.05 4.80 p.m. p. m 146 2.20 il5 2.00! Breath Hyomei't Medicated Air and you Will Soon be Well. If you have catarrh In tho noc, head or thront, with offenalve breath, couitlilns:. Iiriutloii of tho throat, rais ing of mucou, difficulty In breath ing, snoozing, hunky or hoarse voice, llHchurgo from the nose, tickling and dropping ut tho bitck of tho throat, (.specially at night, begin the u'e of llyoinf'l at once . llyomcl If it u breathud through the nu'U pocket inhuler thut comca with every outfit, will give quick relief lu all catarrhal troubles, and Its continued uas will kill the ca tarrhal Kcrms, nnd drive them from your syttUim." , l!y uMnif Hyomol you get In your own homo tho same ri-sults as though you lived out of doors In the Adlton diu-ks or tho Colorado mountains. Tin- Ki-im-klllliiK properties of lllyo moi reach the moat remote air cells if! ih"? r-ai.lrntiiry orHii". (.ooibltig- nnd healing any Irritation there may bo In tin- mucous mcmbrnno,- and killing all catarrhal germs. Here In Asiurla whoro Hyomol has ln-iii l.ii'iwn iiiu! soid, tUore are many who fiecly atttjsi Hh wonderful pow-t-rn, but the best testimony that can be offered In favor of Hyomel is the ?Uitl;iintOe that T. 'F. Iiuiln glvoa With every outfit he sells, "money hue if he falls." The complete Hyomel outfit cohls but 81.00, extra bottles, if needed, 50c. making It the most economical treat-! ment for catarrh n well aa the onlyj one that is aold under a guarantee to refund the money If it falls to cure. 44aaataa44.44a4i.AAtttttnMtttMnttt4tttttttttMMtttt . Ml in your office as well as in other departments , ,,,,nH,M,,6,,,M, 6 6 6 ,,M... We make all kinds of B O Ol but our specialty is systems for the UMBES BUSINESS! Piles are dangerous, but do not sub mit to on operation until you have first tried Man Zanthe Great Pile Rem edy. It is put up in collaplslble tubes with a noxzle that allows It to be ap plied exactly where it Is needed. If you have Itching, bleeding, or pro truding piles and Man Zanthe Joe not relieve, money refunded. Soothes and cools. Relieves at once. Frank Hart's Drug Stora. I DISTILLERS LOUSIVILLE, KENTUCKY Old Forester Whiskey High in Quality and Price Tucker Whiskey Best Value on the C oast Major Paul Whiskey Noted for its Fine Flavor "f T fr ' mmaaaMauaiMmM i(Bapaaj!w i J a v , J i to? . V i -n- LATEST STYLE RULING MACHINE FOR RULING PAPER. The majority of saw mills in the Northwest use our productions! We make all kinds of Voucher Records, Car Shipment Sales Books, iCargo Shipment Sales Books j 10.45 10.26 10.26 10.16 10.14 10.06 10.06 9.10 a.m- IN Si in DISTKIBUTOKS ASTORIA, . OREGON Pay Roll Ledgers, Log Registers, and a full line of Lumber Blanks. o i I M SEND FOR SAMPLES 4)MMMMMMMMMti i! The . S Delling'er Co. i! Astoria, Oreg'on. mip.mi (