WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 1907. THE MORNING ASTOlUAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. 4 'GOLD MEDAL BUTTER' ' i " ' Has that fresh taste, and inviting appearance We reconimeiid it to PEOPLE WHO LIKE "THEBES T." ROSS, HIGGINS & CO. THI? LEADING CROCKRS TERSE TILES OF THE TOIVN Qo to A, D, Craig for your tnt, awnings and all til win of canvaa wirK 12th and Exchange, tf "'i'lia very beat board to b obtalntd In the city ta at "Tha Occident Hotnl." Ilata vary raonabl, For Fine Watch and clock repairing o to Frank J, Donnerbtrg, tha re- Itabla Jw.lor, 111 11th St Hotal Irving will open thalr dining room to boarders and transient, March lit Now .managamant,, Rataa Rea sonable. 1 For Rant A 7 room noun with mod am bath, rant 120.00 Inqulra at Scho flnlJ It Mattson Co, Appandioltj'a Oparatlon Ouat Oram oth, a linn mroritly arrived from the old country, wm suerttMtfully opurn td upon for appendicitis y-sirdiy. Dal! n. Scully, NoUry Public, ai Mully'a Cigan 8 tor a. Any old hour! ror ciaoirio aervioe installation or rapalr work, go to J. B, Varnon, Me trician, No. 4(7 Exchange street, tel. phone, Main 2441. All manner of electric and telephone work dona at hort notloe. New Book-Keeper Engaged -Titi" V'Mwr Brothers' Company yosturdny secured the nrvlt-i of Will A. Hber man, of ihla city, a chief book-kcep or In thflr Bond street houH, .Mr, Hhi'nnurt will ent'-r upon hi dullc t once. Hat Been Discharged -Hui'Prlnti'it lent J. F, Culbrnlih, of ih.- Oregon Asylum for the lniins yesterday ni' ,H-1 the county nutho Win lu-ri-, i' lli discharge from ihiit limtlnnlon of Luwla A. Bcgur, sent thtro from Chit nop courtly, on July 17, I'JOfi. Hegur bus guttt to Portland. Five Cante to 1100 When you feel Ilka "sponging" a bit. drop into Frank Hart's drug etore and buy a aponge. Tou can And Just what you want, fngn t cent to $1.00 por sponge. Meete Again Today Tho rounty court epant yesterday In reviewing enitirt of the principal roads of the country, and will resumt the session of the court here this morning. But One Transfer The nnly lit ant to the public records yesterday timid tho rest of the documents filed, was thai In wltlrh E Pottu and wife convey to Krnnk Hmllh, 60 by 100 feet, In Taylor's Addition, for the sum of 110. Do you feel sleepy and not a bit like working In the afternoon? Per hapa It'a braua of the kind of lunch you're eating loo heavy and too hard to digest. Why not try the Palace reaiAurant on Commercial street, where H the baking la done In those famoua slow-process ovena, which turn out light. appetising wholeeome thlngaT Tou'll save money, too. II Dainty Foot-Gear At Coat ladles with a penchant for elegant foot-wear, especially In the Una of allppera, (and who of them la without It?), will be glad to know that Char lea V. Brown haa Just put 100 palra of thoaa elegant accessories on bis cost-list and will dispose of them at' that atandard until the lout 'pair goei out. Thar are bar gains, galore I A Splendid Qift-Tho good Metho dist of tho State, mid of Astoria, are quite Jubilant over tho generoua gift mad,) to Willamette University on Saturday last, by an unknown donor, of 100,000', accompanied by n smaller liut none the less welcome gift, by the Unknown wlfo of tho former, of $5,000. '1 V" win 1,0 followed nt once by a contribution on the purt of the faculty of tho college, of $3,000. nnd by nnoth er from the atudont body, of $2,000. All of which win he profoundly ap preciated at the ifanioua old achool. Cloied Season Observed Q. II. Cmn dill nnil O. Grind? of Qulnn were In Astoria yesterday obtaining fish li cense from Muster Flh Warden If O. Van Duen. They report that there few flMi In the river, only three fish being cnttKht by eight boats on the Inst day of the open season. It will not need much vigilance to cnforVc the prevnt cloi.d period. Lutheran Matters The puisomige of th 1st Luth. church Is undergoing vx- tonslvo fepiilrs. Men tro at work put ting In a concrete foundation and It will be put In & first class condition before the pastor nnd his family leave for this extended trl East In May. Rev. O. E. Rydqulst received a letter today from Iron wood. Mich, aklng If he would consider call if extended to him. to become pnstor o fa -Lutheran church at that place. Chocolates and Bonbons Are the Best Good Goods, Good Servjce, and Prices Right. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. Scholfield, Mattson Co., 8UCCE380RS TO JOHNSON BROS. NO HAIR-SPLITTING ALLOWED PROBABLE ACTION OF THE A8 TORIA POLICE COMMISSION ON MAYOR WI8E'S ORDER TO CL08E THE DANCE HALL8. Chief of Police Charles Onmnuil, of thi sclty, yoalorday morning, filed with Chalnnuii Chas, It. pago, of tho A" lot la- Police CotiiinlsHlori, tb wrlttvn order of Mayor , ilurinuit Wlsu dlicc- tliijf 1 1 i.i thief to close all iho (.lame. hulls of the city forthwith; and ak d for a ruling on tho mattor before he proceeded further. Judge Puge, ui oncf called a meet ing f tho (jominhjalon, but owing to tho Illness of Commissioner ' Martin l-'oard, 'tha board wan not ablo to a. Humbly yesterday, uml will probably get, together toduy, or tomorrow, or Juxt us soon as Mr, Fourd Is ablo to Mlend. Judgo Page says ho desires th full board to be In uttendunce when tho matter Is presented In order that there may be no doubt as to the ac- lon trfiit may eiinuo In the premls. In speaking of the subject matter if Muyor Wise's order, yesterday, Clial rmntt Page said, to a reporter of he Axlorlun, In purt: "U I4 very esNenilul thai this matter fhall U- deiilt with by the entire coin- illusion, mid Intelligently at that, slnco t is to be made a. dlrct lsue, and the Html rulings must be thoroughly under stood and appreciated by all partlei o tho question Involved. For mysolf. shall Insist that there be no hair- splitting, no discrimination, no favorl- Isin whatever In the caso. 1 cannot see the Justice nor the necessity of siiialliijf out th dance-hall evil and euvlng a hundred other evils undls- lurbed, to (loutifh without question, egul or otherwise. Gambling, prosti tution, the mucqucreaux, and all kin dred engagementa must take their shure of consideration and adverae ac tion If any at all la to be meted out, and It Is my purpose to arrungo mat- era, In accordance with the law gov erning tho police commission which makes It obligatory on the cotnmia- lon to acquaint tho Mayor and Coun- II with all infractions of the Uw known, and discoverable, in the city. This duty, ui.J thoso of appointing, and discharging policemen, are all that ppei'iuln to this' board under the act reatlng It; and for my part I desire o !ee what tho Mayor and Council In tend to do with all the rest of the de linquents under the ordinances. "The reports that we shall llle with the city authorities In this relation, EASTERN HOSTS ARE ARRIVING aie to be quite comprehensive. The list shiUl Include all the offenses K.iliiNt the municipal law, the names f the owners and lessors and lessees f ull propers li s coming under the bun, In any of the Illegal pursuits, and shall be so constructed us to make manifest to the Mayor und his col leagues, the sum and scope of evil- lolng under the charter and ordinan ce, so that they shall have no cause to complain of ignorance in connec tion with the iKHUe that haa been rals ed. At the present moment, no one can say Just how the matter of the order made on Monday night, and filed here esterduy by Ch.-f Onmmnl, will even tuate; But it is likely to be put in operation simultaneously with a num ber of like orders directed nga,lnst other known evils, if the Mayor and outuil doslre to be Impartial In the work of closing the town and keeping It closed, a contingency that will be lurgely. accelerated by the full and I specific Information that wjll be sub Imltted tn them at an earlv day." From this statement made by the chairman of the police commission it of authority and responsibility, under the laws and charters, ta to be aired completely and some fixed conclusion reached that shall lay, for all time, the vexatious doubts and disagree ments pending between the two muni cipal bodies supposed to direct and maintain the peace and quietude of the city; and there are none to dis parage the try-out of the issues, if it shall be but final. THOUSANDS REACHING THE COAST WELCOMING HAND 8HOULD BE EXTENDED TRAV EL THIS WAY UNPRECEDENTED PORTLAND, Ore., March IS, 1907. The campaign of advertising which has been conducted during the past ninety days by the commercial bodies of Oregon composing tho Oregon De velopment League,- Is bearing fruit. Much credit for the success of this 1 iHttpalgn Is duo to the press through out the State, which mi rendered val uable assistance In exploiting tho col onist rates which became effective March 1st and which will continue un til April 30th . The rates are the lowest ever made by the transcontinental railroad ,and hornescckers, quick to take advantage of them, are pouring Into Oregon In onstantly Increasing number'. While many of these have come through to Portland, larger numbers have scat tered to various parts of the State. It Is now the duty of our citizens to make these strangers within our gates feel entirely at home. We should show thern every attention; give them all necessary Information; tho effect of a little encouragement, a little nelghborliness. During the first few lays or weeks, will be marvelous, and as the newcomers become better ac quainted at clost range with what Ore gon has for them, they will be thorough ly glad they are here, and wonder why they did not come bofore. How over, It must uui be forgotten that these low rates will continue for six weeks' more, and that great work may be done in that lme. It has1 been said that "PersiHtent Publicity Pays." Eugene, Grants Pass, Med ford and Ashland have become firm be lievers In this doctrine; only last week the Commercial Clubs those cities,, assisted by Tom Richardson, Malager of the Portland Commercial Club, In augurated vigorous publicity cam paigns and raised good sums of money for advertising purposes. ' If other communities, not already active, will but follow the examples being set for them from week to week, and advertise to all the world what they ave to offer to homeseekers and investors .the population of the eBav er state will surely double within a very few years. ""M"'ttttttmtMttiHttttttMMtiMMMIMMMl MADAM ! When thinking of MILLINERY THINK OP Jaloff's New Store 120 Eleventh Mt., ISetween Commercial and Uont The Leading' Millinery Par lors of the City. For a VICTOR OR AN EDISON PHONOGRAPH goto Johnson Phonograph Go, Parlors leoond Floor oyer Soholfleld A Mattson Co. Doing The Tile Work The new and beautiful bank building erected by the Astoria Savings Bank, is rapidly nearlng completion, only the work of adornment being left to finish. In this behalf, Fred Wagner of Portland, of Portland, with a group of skilled work men, has arrived and ta now engaged In laying the tile-work in the corri dors of the building. The work Is very handsome and will be among the chlea beauties of the structure. He will al so do the tile work on the entries and floors of the new home of the First National bank, at the corner of Bond and Tenth streets. All Want the. Best Wnen one goes In search of amusement of a certain kind, as, for instance, a fine line of moving pictures, he wants the best and latest and will not be satisfied with thread-bare and common presen tations. In this line, the films now on at the Waldorf are said to be among the real artistic work of that kind pro grammed in this western country. In all there are six of these realistic strings and all are living portrayals of the leading events of history, such as the "Bennington at San Diego;" the "Transfer of Paul Jones;" the "Two Champion Wrestling Matches of the World;" the "Slums of Paris;" "Monsieur Beaucaire, or the Gentle man Friend;" and others of equal and remarkable fidelity, make up a series of entertaining Items not to be dis counted in this city. . We wish to call your attention to the fact that pur millinery department is under the man agement of MRS. A. JALOFF, the milliner of TWELVE YEARS EXPERIENCE, a stand ing that speaks for itself. We have no left-overs from 1906. Every one of our hats is the latest pattern of 1907. We do business on the CALL AGAIN MOTTO, and do not offer you no I DO NOT HAVE TO. Our hats are mod- erately priced, and sell without premiums, BE CAUSE THEY ARE THE KIND YOU OUGHT TO WEAR. All we ask of ou is to give us a call and talk to us about MILLI NERY before purchasing your hat elsewhere. Always glad to see you at ALOFFS Millinery, Suits, Cloaks, Skirts, Waists, Etc. lilMMUMIIMIllllMllllHimMMIIIHMIHMIHH Interesting Operation Charles Tay lor, the engineer of a logging train at Oleson's camp on Deep river, who was badly burned In a wreck there on the 26th of January, had a skin grafting operation performed yesterday. The operation, which was' performed by Doctor Henderson, was one of the lar gest performed In the country lately, and was remarkable for Its extent, 240 grafts in all being taken from nine men for the benefit of the sufferer. - TJhe mriji who gavo of their shins were nearly all laborers from the Oleson camp. They were: Frank Higglns, Clau'Je Bellinger, Nels BJork, Amll BJork, Tom Taylor, Jim Taylor, Les ter Morve, Amll Helklln, and John Rl netta". These men gave from 10 to SO gratfts each. Definite Arrangements A letter has been received by PrinclpL. . i. Gar man of the Astoria high school, from Eugene high, setting the time of the debate between the two schools at the 19th of April. The letter also con tains some definite arrangements as to the time allowed each speaker. The debate will be held In Eugene, and the high school there will pay the ex penses of the three debaters sent down. Astoi ia high, however, intends to treat her representatives royally, and will give them a liberal supply o -noney and send a coach, probably Principal Gorman, along with them. PERSONAL. U. S. Senator C. W. Fulton arrived home yesterday from his trip up the Willamette valley, which he enjoyed Immensely. He will be at home now practically all summer, save for such occasional trips as he may have to take over the state. Hon. Ralph E. Moody, of Portland arrived In the city yesterday, on a busi nesf strip. He Is one of the leading lawyers of the metropolis and a prom inent Oregon Elk. Miss Anna McLean will leave on Friday morning next for San Francisco on the steamship Costa Rica; and will be the guest of Mrs. E. S. Page, for merly Miss Bessie Ross, of this city. and of other friends during a month's stay in the CayCity. Captain V. Merslch and wife arriv ed last evening from Aberdeen Wash, to visit S. Andrlch of this city. W. E. confined to his home with a severe attack of la grippe. A. Sorenson of Gray's river was in Astoria yesterday. M. Wise was down from Portland yesterday on a business trip. C. H. Petit and wife were in from Aberdeen yesterday. ' Martin Foard is ill with an attack of Indigestion. Rev. W. A. M. Breck is down from Portland for a brief visit Henry Lang of Portland is in this city on business. T. J. Sufert of The Dalles was in Astoria yesterday. Ceptain Peterson has' arrived from Tacoma. He will take the steamer North Star to Alaska. j R. G. Morrow was down from the metropolis yesterday on business. Herman Martin of South Bend is visiting In Astoria. John Strom, of Skamakawa, was a business visitor in this city -yesterday. Fort Stevens Notes Colonel Walk er, commanding officer at Forts Stev ens, Canby and Columbia, was in the city yesterday on a matter of business. It is quite possible that Colonel Walk er will soo be relieved of the com mand here an dtake an assignment in the East, to which his new rank as full colonel entltka him. A new com pany of artillery is to be organized for this command, and It is quite like ly, a sub-marine torpedo company will soon be assigned to the forts' here. - Dead At Skamokawa Word was re ceived in this city yesterday, of the death, at Skamokawa, yesterday af ternoon, from stomach trouble, of Ja cob Wilson, one of the best known and most highly respected citizens of that town and section, at the age of 79 years. He leaves a wife and several grown children to mourn his demise. The funeral will take place there to morrow afternoon, from the beautiful home of the family. Opens Negotiations C. A. Street act ing for the Western Cooperage Com pany, was in Astoria yesterday nego tiating with the Bremner Logging Co., for the use of a boom and the ac quisition of some land to get the logs to tidewater fro mthe tract of land on Young's river recently purchased by the former concern of the Street Lumber Company. , It is no! Difficult to Fit Your Feet With the Shoes We Sell. Any Man. Woman or Child can secure the greatest com fort from our shoes. Whether it be footwear for sunshine , or stonnj 'you can buy at prices that will surprise and secure qualities that will please. Wherity,Ralston Compan j The Leading Shoe Dealer.