The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 20, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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1 V
To be the best
I dressed this season
go to the
w O
o .St
fl C w
i We solicit your ac
JR C. JUDD, Prop J
1684 Commercial St.
Peculiarities of Those Used by the
Different Nations,
"One of the most tntorestlufr collec
tions of fotvlRu loot that I've seon
recently, said a uiau omllnarlly too
busy to make the trip over the sens
utciBelf, "Is ru assortment of play lug
J J cards from various ynrts of tbe worM.
"In every country tlio owucr of tlie
collection vlsltwl ami he eut to a
' jrood many plokiM p cards of local
manufacture and so representative of
the nation.
"The Russian cards lire perhaps the
moat eluborate. The faces of the kluip
J ! and queens are different in euch suit,
S Indicating the racial elements that go
! to compose the empire.
! "On the Greek cards classical heroes
I i nd heroines are represented. Kestor,
for eisuiple, Is the- king of nenrts and
Orestes the knave. ' Agamemnon la the
' king of clubs, Hercules the jack of
i spade and Minos and Danae the king
and queen of diamonds. The Greek
! pack it rather a cheap one aud scarce
ly doe honor to the celebrities por
trayed "Cadis Is a renter for card manufac
turing. The idea of the Spanish card
maker seems to be to get as much color
on the cards aa possible. The royal
robes are of unusual magnificence.
Tbe clubs are big bludgeons In greeu
and red, and the knave of clubs, gayly
caparisoned on a prancing horse, re
minds you iustautly of Jack the Olant
Killer. The spades are ugly little dag
gers, and for hearts and diamonds
there are disks and dice cups. The
cards In some of the Spanish packs are
very mm ana nave a capital spring.
"Tbe Madeira' cards come from Lis
bon. The figures are more convention
al in design than on the Spanish. The
ace cards are adorned with typical
, Portuguese scenes.
"A peculiarity of the pack bought in
Constantinople Is that the ace cards.
In addition to tbe single spade, dia
mond, club or heart In the center of
eacbf have diminutive aces at the up
per . left hand and lower right band
"The Italian face cards portray de
cidedly gloomy personages. Each one
of the face cards, by the way, carries
In small print the name and address of
tbe maker. There are tiny packs, an
Inch and a quarter by an Inch and
three-quarters in size, which can be
bought on the streets of Naples for a
soldo. These resemble the Spanish
cards to some extent, although the
royalties are more dignified.
"Cairo is a great card emporium, and
Mousky street offers rich returns to
the card hunter. Fortune telling cards
must be in demand there, to Judge
from the samples I saw In the collec
tion. The Cairo playing carjs come
mostly from Germany. They are bril
liant in their coloring. Tbe ates carry
scenes from lands both west and east
"The gem of all the packs comes
fmm Switzerland. The cards are
small, one and three-quarter by two
and a half inches in size, and the back
design Is the edelweiss, fbe kings,
queens and Ja1w are deligh tful studies
in Swiss costume, and the purchase
certninly gets his money's worth, to
each face card has two lJf figures
quite unlike. Ou the aces are Swiss
scenes and objects of interest, also two
to a card, the subjects Including the
castle of Chlllon, the Matterhorn, the
bridge at Lucerne and the Lion of Lu
cerne." Indianapolis Star.
weights In order to press out all the
mercury which remains fluid. This Is
received in n gutter around the stone.
After about twenty-four Jiount It Is
gently rajacd upon Its edge, and in a
few weeks It Is ready to frame.
His Psrstversncs.
Henry Arthur Joiim, the noted Eng
lish playwright, was giving the stu
dents of Vale an address on the drama.
"Your American vernacular Is pictur
esque." he said, "and It should help
your playwrights to build strong, racy
plays. Hut neither vernacular nor any
thing else Is of moineut If persever
ance Is lacking. No playwright cau
succeed who Is like a man I know. I
said to this man one New Year's day,
'lo you keep a diary, Philip?' ' 'Yes.'
he answered. 'I've kept otie for the
Hi. st two weeks In January for the
last seven years."
A Mystery of the Sea
. 1
His Good Ntws,
"l have," said a lawyer as ho entered
his condemned client's cell, "good news
at last"
"A reprieve?" eagerly exclaimed the
"No, not a reprieve, but your uncle
has. left you 500, and now you cau
meet your fate with the satisfying
feeling that the noble efforts of your
lawyer In your behalf will not go unre-irarded.,,-l.oiidon
Tit Btts.
Boarder (on leaving Madam, you
are one of the most honest jwrsons I
bare ever met. Landlady I am glad
to bear you say that, sir. Boarder
Yes; your honesty Is conspicuous on
the very' front of your establishment
Your slgu says, "Boarders taken In!"
London Telegraph.
If we fail to conquer smaller difficul
ties, what will become of us when as
saulted by greater?-Thomaa a Kfcm-
In Job Lots The Astoria Klectrlc
Comany yesterday received the sec
ond of the three Immense carloads of
new machinery for the power plant,
whlc hhas been en route for the past
eighty days. The last load must ar
rive before any of that on hand can
be st In pliu-e or utilized, and the
Jelay has been a source of extraordi
nary annoyance and practical loss to
the company. !
Silvering Mirrors.
Mirrors are usually silvered by coat-
' ; ing the glass with amalgam. For this
purpose a lare, perfectly flat stone Is
provided, aud upon it is evenly spread
a nbeet of tin foil without crack or
'I Caw. This is covered to the depth of
one-eighth of an inch with clean mer
cury. The plate of glass, perfectly
, ' cleaned from all grease and Impurity,
is floated on to the mercury by sliding,
si as t: c::cli!(!j all air bubbles. It is
tr: ijcC Cjvra l- hiudki-r it with
Leave Hospital Gladys Kraser, th
daughter of P. Fraser of Ilwaco, who
sustained an operation for a disorder
of the Internal ear about three weeks
ago wa discharged from St. Mary's
hospital yesterday, and returnej home.
Another passenger on the Nahrottn
for Ilwaco was nine year old Oliver
Grahiim, who sustained an operation
for appendicitis some two weeks ago.
at St. Mary's HospltaL
and remember the next Ume you suf
fer from pain caused by damp wea-ther-r-when
your head nearly bursta
Jrom neuralgia try Ballard's Snow
Liniment It will cure you. A prom
inent business man of Hempstead, somewhere
Texas, writes: "I have used your lin
iment Previous to using it I was a
great sufferer from rheumatism and
neuralgia. I am pleased to say that
now I am free from these complaints.
I am sure I dwe this to your liniment"
For sain at Hart's drug store.
tCopyrlght, by MeClure NwpnMr
We were making the round voynge
from Liverpool to Sydney, calling at
Cape Town, and the day's observation
bad shown that wo were about half
way between Cape Towu aud Australia,
when a man aloft sang out that he
could descry n ship's boat about two
miles away on the hv bow. For eight
eon days we had uol sighted a sail.
Wo had been na much alone ou that
oceau as If hls and men did not ex
.It was driving with wind aud
sea, and until we fell off our course
and passed It wlthlu biscuit toss we
supposed it to be empty. As we pass
! ed it we saw a girl crouching In the
bottom, and when we raised a shout
she stood up and supplicated us wltb
bands and arms to save her.
Tbe bark was brought to the wind
and a boat towered, and after a little
we bad the girl aboard. I say girl, for
she was not a day over sixteen and
was of German birth, though she
could speak English tolerably well. It
was only when she was safe aboard
that we found she had lost her mind
and was like a child. Of course the
, first thing was to .tverhaut the boat.
She had no uatne. There were a few
biscuits leJt. but tie water eg hud
lieen empty for at least three days.
There were n; oar no spnse clothing
-not the pj:htct thlug to give na a
clew to th't Identity of tho girl or the
name of tbe craft from which she must
have cast off. She had uot suffered
greatly In a physical way, but was
mentally upset and looked about her
so strangely that we wondered If she
had ever e-u a ship before. She was
given a spare stateroom and fell asleep
almost at once aud did not open her
eyes for n iteeu hours. Meanwhile
her clothing had been Inspected for
marks or Initials. There were none.
While the garments were serviceable,
they belonged rather to a wealthy girl
than a oor one.
It was hoistl that vhen the stranger
awoke her mind would U clear aud
that Me sl.ould hear her story, but In
that we were disappointed. She met
us with a smile and asked how she
came aboard. She did not even recol
lect being fcikcu from tho boat. I said
she bad lost her mind. Perhaps It
would be nearer the mark to say mem
ory, though at tbe same time It could
be seen that the hardships she bad
passed through had more or less af
fected her mind as well. We saw how
It was almost at once and did not
crowd her. From the first she seemed
to feel at home, cslllng each of na by
a name she had selected herself, and
she had not been wltb us five days
before the captain sat down to draw
her out. There was nothing to draw.
In other words, she remembered noth
ing previous to waking up In the state
room after her long sleep. She wss
told that she must have been on a
hhlp and that there must have been
caircj for iicr leaving it. She had no
recollection of such a thing. She must
have been going from somewhere to
She admitted It but could
Bicycles On "Sale At Oik-
Thirty days treatment for kidney,
bladder troubles and rheumatism for
11.00. Tour money refunded if, not
satisfied. Pinules contain no alcohol.
Do not derange the stomach. Easy to
take. Frank Hart's Drug Store.
Morning Astorian, 80 rents per mont!.
Df. ifi(
POUND. Contains no oils or
fats or BDy drug that is injuri
ou8 or liable to produce a habit
Each bottle contains a month's
treatment and costs $1.50 a
any first class drug skue. Pre
pared by tbe
w. c. laws a CO.
Plans and estimates furnished on application.
' All work done by First-Class Mechanics.
Sheet-Iron, Copper and Tin Work done in a first
class manner, as we do no other work in our shop.
not name the points. If she had a fa
ther and mother, sisters and brothers,
she did not know.
We were a rough lot of men, but
that girl had the pity and sympathy of
every man aboard. The many tricks
we resorted to to call her memory
back would make a book. The sailors
before tho mast were allowed to make
suggestions, aud every day some new
scheme was suggested. Hho knew the
uses of the comb, brush and glass, and
she could sew. Her table manners
showed that she had been well reared.
She would take a book and read for
hours, but It was a disputed point
with us bovr much she understood. We
mentioned the name of almost every
town in tjcrmauy, but all seemed
strange to Iter. Then we tried Bouth
Africa, and our earnestness made her
laugh merrily. Nothing was surer than
that her father and mother were (Jer
mans, but when a German sailor
aboard sought to converse with her In
that language she pimply stared at
him. Wherever our charts showed
that the Germans bad a Colony lu the
Pacific we mentioned the name, but it
did no good.
The girl spoke to us only In broken
German and was a child in her ways.
She regained her health and spirits aft
er a few days and then wandered
about the decks asking the name and
use of everything she saw. She would
exclaim In her native language and
sing songs In German, but she would
not speak it. She called tho captain
father and me Carl and was content
not to even ask our destination. By
and by we saw that It was useless and
gave up trying. Kho had her own
stateroom, was always ready at meal
time, and one not knowing of her af
fliction would uot have suspected it
from anything In her actions. It was
only when she began to talk that you
saw her mind was u blank. he was
treated as respectfully as If she had
been tbe captain's own daughter, and
it was a bard task parting with ber at
Sydney. She was taken to the German
consul there, and be at once bestirred
himself to gather particulars. I am
telling of what took place over twenty
years ago, and yet I have a letter from
Australia lying before me as 1 write
that says the mystery surrounding the
girl, who Is now a middle aged wom
an, has never been cleared up. She
has never recovered her mind and will
continue to be an inmate of a borne to
tbe day of her death. Inquiries have
been pushed everywhere and In every,
direction, but without success.
Clothes (or
Men are the
for Several
Every garment
bearing this lsll
ii guaranteed to m
every thread wool.
They are hand
tailored through
out and the work
msushipis (sirfoct.
They are design
ed by (lie highest
paid artists in the
business aud sw
um Hint ''swag
ger air" that is so
agerly sought for.
We could name
a dozen more
reasons why
they lead them
;.'-sv I JF
; Copyright 1906 by Hart iKhalfncr fc? Marx
Shipment of fresh fruit and vegetables today.
Fancy Asparagus 2 lbs. 25c.
Fresh Rhubarb,! 3 lbs, 25c.
Hot House Lettuce, Celery, Cabbage
and Cauliflower.
Sweet Navel Oranges, 20 to 50c dozen.
Acme Grocery Co.
Phone Mam68I 521 Commercial St.
A. BOWLBY, President.
PETERSON, Vice-President
(RANK PATTON, Cashier.
J. W. GARNER, Assistant Csthlar.
Astoria Savings Bank
Capital Paid in 1100,000. Bnrpins and Undivided 1'roflu 188,000 !
TrannseU a Ut-neml Banking Bunuou. Infarct Paid on Time 1
TnfifH 8tt,
Sole Agent "UncommpnJClothcs."
First National Bank of Astoria. Ore.
Capital $100,000
C. F. WISE, Prop.
Choice Wines, Liquors
and Cigars
Hot Lunch at all Hours
Merchant! Lunch From
11:30 a. m, to 1:30 p joa.
5 Crati
Corner Eleventh and Commercial