The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 20, 1907, Image 3

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    WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, ' 107.
England's Equivalent of Our Inde
pendenoe Day.
t ' J
FolUd In Ml AHtmpt to Blow Up tht
Houim of Parliament, th Qunpowdor
Plot Conspirator Qav to tho English
Boy a Joyous Holiday.
Th day In England most nearly cor-
rotpoudluy with the Aoiorlcau Fourth'
of July in It manner of celebration In '
Ouy FawkM day, Nov, B, tho anui-!
vewary of tho' attempt to Mow up tho
British bouse of parliament, king,
lord aud common by Guy Fawkea iu
1005. Tho celebration, although grad-'
uaJly lotiluir ila national and hlatorical I
Iffildcanr, in still olnred at a bull-:
day by children iu many part of tho
country. J
For several week before "tho Fifth"
tho lad scour tho countryside for tree
trunk and bram-ho. boxes, barrel,
anything thai will burn, in fact, and
they trail their finds to some old barn I
tulle away, wlwrt they aro atortd in
anticipation of tho (treat day aud
guarded with n aeal that often leads
to prutty atlff fljthW.
Marauder from other localities wilt,
If uot carefully watched, secretly ra
move invitlnti "chump," u the, toga
art called, and add them to their own
Between (hl Intermittent warfare
aud dodjjlujr the pollee aud owuera of
woodland property the younfier ele
ment of Great Britain baa quite a live
ly time during tho few wtwke prior to
Gay Fawkea day.
The day Itself I occupied until duk
la building bonfire, "cadging" coal,
coke and oil and eating "parkin a
cake inseparably associated with the
celebrations. Tola cake la made of
molamca, ginger and oatmeal or any
other coamo meal,
la noon n Mm, first nlirht almdow
falla tho fires tiro lighted, firecracker
begin to simp, arid pyrotechnic display
of every description are In evidence In
all direction.
The fun la kept up with a vim similar
to our Fourth of July epliit until far
Into the nlKht. when potato, roasted
la the Ores, are Indulged In.
Tito name Riven to tho day I some
what mlleadltiK perhaps, and the
whole credit or onus of. tho plot., ha
been popularly laid upon the shoulder
of Guy Fnwkiw, whereaa' ho was far
from being the numt iiuiKirtaut of the
plotter find secttm to have been chosen
of hi suiwrb cournga and coolness.
The plan1 vim originated by Uobert
CatMby, a man wIhmo natural ntnto
I'bero waa one t plot, but a tnuu of
extraordinary eninnl charm. The
Roman Catholic had cxirted great
thing from tho accession of Jituie I.
to the throne. Tho law of Kllstubeth
were cruel and ' uujuat toward fheto.
and they were led by Jauie to expect
amelioration aud tolerance.
Instcsd of thin, tho law agalunt
them were enforced with renewed vig
or, aud the great discontent resulted
In tjie. giinjil'wiler, plot. The, conspir
acy wn elaborately and carefully con
ceived, nud great hardship were un
dergone to curry It out.
It wmt not until the conspirator, all
(eiitlciiieii unused to physical labor,
Imd excnviiled through ilne feet thick
lie of atone wall In order to- get be
neath tho boil of common that they
found that a vault underneath the ed
ifice waa to let. The vault wo taken
In tho name of Guy Fawkea, aud tho
aeTere phyalcal work waa ended. Un
der cover of night thirty six barrel of
gunpowder were conveyed to the vault,
aud all waa Jn readlneaa for the meet
ing of' parliament on Nov, 5.
Then came the flrat weakening Which
waa to end iu th failure of the
scheme. The conspirator could not
agree upon a plan to warn the Cath
olic lord end member who would oth
erwise be blown up with tho rent,
The plotter were all prominent gen
tlemen and had personal friends among
the apparently doomed legislators. An
anonymous letter waa received by
Lord Montengle, one of the Catholic
peers, warning blra uot to lw preeeut.
The author of the letter Is not really
known, but it is commonly believed
to have been Gresbaiu, In aplte of hi
vigorous denial when accused by Cate
by. At all event, this Is suppled to
have been the key to tho dlcovery.
Monteagla showed the letter to Bails,
bury, who in turn took It to the king,
and all sort of Ingenuity were exer
cised to discover Its moaning. A clone
watch was kept, and in order to take
the plotters redhandod the arrest waa
palpably postponed until tho dramatic
moment In order to allow Catesby to
scape, though he was shot few days
later while attempting to raise an In
aurrectlon at Worcester. ' '
Gay Fawkes, whoso work It was to
Are the train, waa taken aa be was
leaving: the house through which ac
cess was gahied to the vault, and the
rest of the plotters were either killed
or captured at tiiinchurcb, to where
they fled.
Fawkea was put to the torture, but
nothing could shake his magnificent
fortitude, though be was so weuk from
agony and sickness that he could
scarcely mount the scaffold, The day
(Sot. B) was proclaimed a day of
thanksgiving forever by an act of par
liament, which wri only repealed after
200 year.
For nearly Wx year the celebration
were carried to riotous exce. Kfflgle
of Ouy Fawkes wore paradr-d In towns
and village all day amid shouting and
slnglnp and burned at night In huge
eonflagratlons'to the Accompaniment of
thousands of fireworks.-Scrap Book.
Th Hatch experiment station has
been devoting Its attention to the Im
provement of conditions on the farms
where milk I produced. It baa been
giving particular attention to the bac
terial content of milk. The two cows
shown in the Illustration represent tbe
average and tbe extra way In which
herds are kept,
The cow which was kept In tbe clean
dairy will be easily recognised. She
Th happiest mother in tti town of
Ava, Mo is Mrs, & Ruppee. Sfee
writes: "On year ago my son waa
down with such serious lung trouble
that our Dhyslctan waa unable to help
him; when by our druggist's advice
1 began giving him Dr. King's New
Discovery, and I soon noticed tm
provement I kept tht treatment up
for a few weeks wnen n waa per
fectly well. He ha worked MeaJlly
since at carpenter work. Dr. King's
New DUcovery saved his life." Guar
anteed best cough and cold cure by
Chaa. Rogers, Druggist.
50c and 11.00. Trial bottle free.
Morning Aatorlan, SO cents a month,
Jctlvered by carrier.
Of Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, tht
Great Woman's Remedy for Woman's Ills.
1 mtim aps at(S
No other medloina for Woman'a Ula in the world has received auoh wide,
aoread and unqualified endorsement. u
No other medicine has suoh a record of cures of female illneasea or auoh
hoaU of grateful friends aa has Lydla E. Ptnkham'a Vegetable Compound.
For more than 80 years It haa bcenourlny all forms of Female Complaint,
Inflammation and Uloeration, and consequent Spinal Weakness.
It ha cured more oases of Backache and Local Weaknesses than any other
one remedy. It dissolve, and expels tumors In an early atage of development.
Irregufarltlea and perlodlcalpalns, Weakness of the Stomach, Indigestion,
Bloating, Nervous Prostration, ffeadache, General Debility quickly yield to itj
lao deranged organa, causing pain, dragging aensationa and Uokache.
Under all circumstances it acta In harmony with the female aystem.
It remove that wearing feeling, extreme lassitude, "ionh care" and
ant-to-be-left-alona1' feelfng, excitability, '"iw'h
clness faintness, sleeplessness, flatulency, melancholy or the "blues . These
Il Tdlntkmi i of Female Weakness, or some derangement of the organa.
ihlS this medicine cures aa well as Chronic Sidney Complainta and
Bft - Those WomSwhoXrefuse to accept anything else are rewarded a hundred
thousand tto; for they get what they want-a cure. Sold by Druggists
everywhere. Refuse all substitutes. '
Kirr ra a clrax daisy.
1 perhapN no better bred than her sis
ter, but ah looks a whole lot better.
Her product Is more desirable, too, lie
cause by actual test It was found that
the bacteria in her milk waa much ices
than In the milk of tbe other cow. The
unkempt cow look aa If she might be
affected with tuberculosis. A a mat
ter of fuct, she Is healthy enough, but
tbe stable In which she wss kept and
the care which sb got necessarily gave
her this appearance.
On March 24 her milk wa tested
and showed 11,500,000 bacteria per cu
bic centimeter. A cubic centimeter Is
about 1.900 of a pint The other was
tented on March 31 and allowed 4,050
bacteria, per cubic centimeter. These
figures are hard to "comprehend, bat
bacterial tests do not lie.
Another series of tents was made on
July 2i and Aug. 15. At this time tbe
cows had been upon pasture for some
weeks. They would naturally be clean
er than whim the testa were made Iu
March, because that date represented
tbe end of the winter season. The
spring rains and living upon tbe clean
pasture produced a more sanitary con
dltion than sleeping on filthy bedding
in dark barns. Tbe clean cow tested,
on Aug. 15, (WO bacteria per cubic
centimeter, and the other one tested
1,000.000 on July 20. One way to ac
count for this great variation Is the
difference In stables and surroundings
at milking tluie, says Kimball's Dairy
Farmer, Most of the bacteria get Into
tbe milk after It leaves the cow's ud
der. Vsntllatlon of Stables.
Kvery good cow stable should have
about 800 cubic feet of air apace per
cow. That sounds like a big space
800 cubic feet per cow. It Is not, how
ever, too much space. You should hot
have your cows, all dumped up In a
heap. And I would not advise you to
have the air space all above the cattle.
Have it all nrouud them-that Is, have
good wide passages and give the cows
lots of room in their stalls. Do not
crowd them down to two and one-half
feet, but give them three, or, better
still, three and one-half feet. I speak
from experience when I say that that
kind Is a profitable stable. I have
seen both kinds tried. Where the ven
tilation was practically equal and
where a much larger space was given
the cows they were In very mut bet
ter health. I have In mind two farms.
In one I should Judge tho air space U
about 700 feet, not quite up to the
standard, and In the other I should
Judge there is about 300 feet of air
space, a long way below. In one tbe
cows are continually getting sick, and
the milk is not up to the standard of
qunllty or quantity. In the other
stnblo there is never any complaint
about the health of the animals or the
quantity or quality of the milk. This
Is a result of having sufficient air
space. J. II. Grlsdale In Kimball's
Dairy Farmer.
Going It Blind.
Why are dairymen so willing to go It
blind? I heard a man say the other
day be did not Intend to take time to
test any cow iu his herd until he had a
hundred registered cows In milking.
He said hfe had no time to run the Bab
cock, though he had a fine steam one
connected with the boiler. I thought
how much money he could save by
weeding as he grows the herd. The
undesirable sire could be spotted at
once when his heifers came In and dis
carded, while the valuable one, the one
that nicked kindly with his strain of
cattle, could be used more freely.
Numbers In a herd amount to little. I
had at one time twelve cows at the
head of the herd that made In a year
6,182 pounds of butter, while at the
foot of the herd It took over nineteen
to equal them In production. TbSse
last nineteen made an average of 303
pounds of butter Tln a year, jojthey
were not so awfully poor, after all?
Mrs, M. rt, 8):crmnu In California Col.
To Do It 1he Aetr Sooiltd th Play
and Lost His Poiitlon. . ,
, An American actress who bad toured
In England whi telling her experience
and related un Incident that amused
her, Hhe said:
"In a play produced in tbe provinces
there I a scene in which tbe hero
strikes the villain, who slinks away
without seeUiitf to defend himself.
One night iu n largo manufacturing
town the young fl!ow who played the
deep dyed scoundrel remarked to tbe
leading man before ihe curtain rose:
" 'I say, old chap. I've jrtit my fiancee
out In front tonight with her father
and mother. Now, of course they don't
know anything about our business, and
I'm afraid It would rather hurt me
with thm if 1 received a blow and got
awaV hi tbe usual cowardly fashion.
8o, desr old chap, can't you omit the
blow tonight? '
" 'But, my Iwy, the management will
fine me 2 shillings!' -
" 'Well, I'll pay the fine
'"Oh, yet! That' all very well for
yon, but what do I get out of It?
Nothing but a bad name with the pow
ers that be.'
"'Oh. well, I'll give you 2 shillings
extra, or, better yet. you bit me as
usual, and I'll hit back! They'll fine
me, not you. ond I'll give you the 2
shillings Ix-Mlde. Yon see how I'm sit
uated. I shouldn't like the gtrj to mix
me up with thr- character 1 play. Out
siders are so fiiniiy that way.'
"8o tbe Compact was made, and, that
night when the in ro cried. 'Rlr Daniel
Deepwater-or something of that sort
'hno iiffnnrlnff of n noble race, take
tbatr Sir Dfiulel not only 'took that,'!
but gave it back with such force that
'the nit in cheers rose at him,' Includ
Ing his relatives to tie by marriage,
and he walked off the stage In triumph.
"I am sorry to add be lost bis situa
tion, but he 'gained bis point."
M4U444444M4tf4 tt4Mj
Wall Paper
X On account of tht large new spring stock coming and
w make room in our store we otter au per cet
off lor the next few days. Buy your
wall paper now while it is cheap.
Eastern Painting & Decorating Company, J
Commercial Street, near Eighth. WT
Nine Hundred Pieces of New
Sheet Music
Received last Friday from all the leading music pub
lishers of the United States. We are going to make
this an important part of our bnsiness and have bought
accordingly. Both show windows full and display
inside as well .as stock on shelves. All the latest, both
instrumental and vocal. Come early and get your choice.
An Odd Animal Community.
.Natural enemies of the animal world
are sometimes found living together in
extraordinary communities. J. G.'MIl
lals In a volume on animals quotes this
experience of nn o'werver: "On one oc
casion when ferreting I bolted a for, a
cat, a stoat and several rabbits and
rats out of tbe same earth. The fox
bolted first, after giving the ferret n
nip across the back, from tbe effects of
which It died an hour later. Next came
the stoat and then tbe cat, both of
which I Rhot. Then followed the rab
bits and rats promiscuously. It was a
large burrow on the bank of a deep,
dry watercourse and often held a fox
when I ferreted It afterward."
Talking Through a Human Body.
To talk through a human body or a
row of human bodies, for the matter
of that, Is one of the weirdest of the
electrician's feats. If u telephone wire
be severed and the two ends be held
by a person, one in each band, but .far
apart, It Is quite possible for two indi
viduals to carry on a conversation
through the body of the medium as
readily and ns distinctly as If the line
bad been properly connected.
Johnny's Horrid Finish.
"If you don't quit eating so much,
Johnny." exclaimed Mrs. Lapsllng, hor
rified at the gluttonous propensities of
her youngest, "the first thing you know
you'll be a regular fllIbuster!"-Ch!cago
Fmin!n Bravery.
Tom Do you think women are
braver than men? Dick Yes, I do. I
never saw one yet that wouldn't take a
chance at marriage. Detroit Free
' Sot So Very Jbvlnal.
"I cannot be your wife," she replied
and added, "ThU is final."
He paced swiftly to and fro several
times, than halted abruptly In front of
"Pray, bo caudld with me," be said,
not without the note of masculine Im
patience. "About how final?"
This was too much. She burst Into
"How do I know?" she sobbed.
Puck. : .
Tor Infants and Children.
Tha Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars the Sip
gtgnawrooi c;
AkoluNfafty, FiMtfflivor,
(total 5frenh.&isoMi!t fVkJ
m. ponnaNn.eeEGQN. r
i ' :
Often a person is sized up by his appear
ance; by the tone that surrounds him. And
more often a business house is sized up by
the stationary it uses. A cheap letter
head or a poor bill head gives a mighty
poor first impression and makes business
harder to transact. Good printing costs no
more than poor printing. The first im
pression is half the battle in business. "
.You wouldn't employ a "sloppy" sales
man; why put up with "sloppy" station
ery, that gives a wrong impression of the .
importance of your business. Let us do
your printing and help you to make that
ten strike. .
The J. S. DellingerGo.
In Business foiBusiness and Your Satisfaction.
We make it our aim 'to do first class work at
reasonable prices.
222 Twelfth Street. Next to the Astoria Theatre.
.First Claa in Evry RpV
, rra CMeh to th Hons.
Bar and Billiard Room.
I ..", -( "If
1 "iJ
Good Check Restaurant
Good Sample Room oa Ground Floor
Oregon for Commercial It en.