The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 19, 1907, Image 1

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End of Thaw Trial Seems
Document Possessed By Hummel
is rinany Head to tno
casual Inspection of the new nft of
rtdlway being laid from Ilwaeo eat
ward g) KiMjfittm, and) found tine
worn progressing rspmiy and thor
ougmy. At McOowan' landing, the
party was met by Messrs; J. w. and
U. C. McOowan, and eacorted to the
home of the fine old family, where, It
la needle to say ,al that delightful
courtoa yan4 generous hospitality
could devise, was mod apparent with
every moment of their , my. They
found the venerable hoat In fine frl
tin and charmed to them, and they
all listened with great Interest
to th many Interesting thing he had
to tell thum of the mollow old day
long before any of them were born;
nor did he confine himself to the far
away past, but 'talked long and Infer
tmlngly of the current duya and the
big thins appertaining t othem. AN
ter enjoying their vlalt to the utmost,
mey bade the bale old gentleman a
hearty good bye and returned to' thla
olty, each, and all, doeply' ad I find by
the touch they had with a green and
honored old age that almply would not
, . - I. . i , ,
i i
Excitement Aroused by Ses
sion of Grand Jury.
San Francisco Bulletin Says New
Frauds Have Been Exposed.
up the flood ff-ctlon In an endeavor
to avert sn epidemls of sickness
which la threatening the city. Dr.
James V. Edward, superintendent of
the bureau of health, who a few year
ago hud much to do with maintaining
sanitary . cotidltlona in Majnllu, dls-
patched 18 aanltary Inspector and a
number of assistants into the low
land of Plttaburg. Compulsory meth-
oda were reaorted to In order to com
pel haute and thoroughness In the
clean up of the filth and debrla washed
Into the city from up the river bot
toms. The flooded cellars must be
pumped dry a aoon aa poaalblo and
other precautlona against an epldem
lc of ' sickness are being taken. The
health bureau haa laaued additional
warning urging the people of Pitta
nun w onii aii water nerore using aa
a preventative of an epidemic of ty
phold fever.
Seven Alienists Entered By Delmai In
Sur Rebuttal But From Expert
Witneteet Remain D fenae May
Sum Up Tomorrow.
NEW YORK. March II. When the
Thaw trial waa adjourned today there
remained but four expert wttntfWe
to be examined before the taking of
the evidence ctoao. Three cxporta
were disposed of today In little "more
than an hour, ao It In, generally bcllv.
ed that the last word of the evidence
may be entered In the famnua case
tomorrow. In that event the eummng
up by Delmaa for the defenae will be
gin Wedneaday morning. District At-
torney Jerome will reply Thursday.
Judge Fltxgcrald may proceed Im
mediately with hla charge to the Jury.
MADIUD.March 1.-Klng Alfoneo.
who ha been U of grippe, had a
alight relapae. HI doctor!, fearing
complication, have ordered htm to
remain In the palace and follow their
direction with the utmoat strictness,
The King, it I elated, la not confined
to hla bed.
ROME March 18. Italy'a represen
tative to the Hague peace conference
will be Count Tornellll Italian Am
baaaador to France, and Deputy Gul-
INDICTMENTS WILL FOLLOW d0 P'PllUt. o i, under secretary
or the minlater of foreign affaire.
Board of 8uperviaora Summoned Be
fore Grand Jury Many Rumora of
Municipal Corruption Heney De
clare Hia Caiet Are 8trong.
TACOMA, March II. Wheat blue-
stem 78 to 71 club 71 to 72 red 6 to
Bryan Says They Have Done More
Good Than Any Other Force.
or he may defer It until Frl'lay and Have Increased Wtget of Worfclngmen, statement were given credence be-
Shortened Their Hour, And Been In-
atrumental In Political Reform
Women Earner Should Organixe.
SAN FRANCISCO, March 13,-Tbe
action of the Grand Jury In bringing
In today themmbcra of the board of
supervisors ehowed the greatest Inter
eat taken In the procedlng of thla
body. When It waa announced that
the grand Jury would probably remain
In aeaalon all night, It waa conceded
that extrao;dlnary result might be
looked for. To add to the public excite
ment, the Bulletin tonight publlahed
an extra declaring that further expos
ure of municipal corruption had been
made and many InJlctment would
aoon be laaued. In certain circles the E,oh 8UU Legislature Will Be Asked
to Contribute Two Hundred Thou
sand Dollar While Congre Will
B Aaked For Five Million,
Placed In New York and Contain
.Exibits from all States.
Judge Wood Will Continue
Moyer Cases.
Accused Men Have Been Held
Over During Two Sessions
of Court
'Efforts of Attorney For Dtnfense in
Meyer, Haywood and Pettibon Caie
to Free Client On Technical Ground
Recults in Failure.
because of the knowledge that the Bul
letin peoplo have beon openly secur
ing evidence to aid Assistant Datrlctl
Attorney Heney in the prosecution .of I
the public official. The Bullentln
say a plot Involving the granting ofl
NEW YORK. March 18. A perma-
CHICAGO, March II, Wm. Jen- valuable atreet railway privilege waa Lent National Fair to contain exhibits
union th unexpected lm'i"'iit' there
ehould be a vordlct by Friday nlitht.
The caae for the penpla waa finally I
closed today by the Introduction of
the much-dlacuaaed Hummel atlldavlt
which with the conacnt f the defense
waa read to the Jury. The affidavit
. - . ti i
j.iov'ii a auiprme noi oiuy in uio nlnga lltyan. at the c bain a- confaren.- laid bar. todav. T Is rharreil that r, .u-
. I I - " 1. ci; in nnj uiiiuii ana l
l-ged severity of th aaaaulta Thaw yesterday In connection with th In. nearly half a million was nald feih k. v,,..... . .,..
., , , I I r - " iuuiiwu uiiiuuu uuuur
" uusinni oxnioii. expresaea me opin- omciaia to permit the coverslon of butl.iine- tn this ritv. i. h.inr ni.nni
bit during the trip through Europe In on that trad union have done more atreet railway ayatems Into electric by aome of the state aocletlea having
190J when, according to Abraham g01,d for society than any othor force llnea and the bulk of' thla money waa headquartera h'ere. The plaa includes
" coumry. Aunougn air. uryan retainea Dy tno mysterious man-' anjia continuous MDnsttinn mnvnriorno-
the atatementa which Thaw had pre- disclaimed any "aclentMc" knowledge only small aums parceled out to minor the beat features of world's fairs of
parea wnuo 01 e- ot the queatlon. his remarks were ra officials to secure the vows to Permit the past and also luxurloua club rooms
dud her. Icelved with much aatlarartlnn hv thitlthn
t ( , I .... . ......, lur luo Biniu Bwioiies, congress i
xwnen vmmn uu.wuu.., audience of the union men from the other charge is that a corruption fund tha next aelon win h upd t an.
. a 1. a I I " ' - "w
lesumnny in, ..o .u u Fod,.rat,m r Labori who atenlcd the of 125.000 waal ralaed by prlxeflght pro- proprlate 15,000.000 toxvard thla enter
Urn aland three pollwmen who anw meeUng. motera to secure the monoply of fight nri, and oarh of th. ..t.
rr... it.. lh Af lh. (rn, mull , . ' I I "
a in r ..ii u... v" -... ,,, umons novo made aome m a- norm ta. The sunerv sora were reanon ,m t. tnnnnn -rt,x
slble 'for nil of the legislative acts, leadera in tha movement, which be.
Honey said a few days ago, when ask- gan In the Michigan society say they
ed for ha candid opinion of his evl- have already been assured by many
denco against the officials' Indicted and members of Congress and by sever
about to be indicted I have stronger aj atat legislature of support of their
evidence against these people that I plan, and they believe they can carry
had in the land fraud eases in Oregon, it out. Robert C. Auld, a member of
nil declared he eurior looked or acted take but they have accompllahed
Irrationally. Two of them said he com mor8 gjt.. wal tne koynote ot hin'
plained of hearing young girl's voices. gpm,h. Ho pnj a tribute especially
The witnesses admitted on croas ex- l0 the organlaatlona of women In this
nmlnatlon that thcro were several worn Lonnoctlon. "When we consider that
en In tho atatlon that night and they through -trade unions wages have boon
wore making considerable noise, but increased, hours shortened nnd com
they could not be heard from Thuw's r,jrt (,i t0 the worklngmcn In
coll. , , M greater measure," he said.' "1 think
Dclmns then presented ven alien- we have a right to say tho bcnellts
1st for the defense. Tomorrows -x-1 rottultlnar from thene unions cannot be
pert will be Drs. Wagner and Kvans, overestlmated. Perhap no other force
who have heretofore testified for tho )n tlu, COUntry ever has been so'erMe-
li fne and who will now be asked tlvo for improvement in the cltlxen-
to give their opnlon on Jerome's long hlp ami 'general moral "qualities of
question; Dr. Chnrlos W. Plgrlm of our lwope.
"The Australian ballot system, for
ono thing, Ib largoly due In this coun
try to the agitation of the trade un
Ions. I almost feel safe In saying that
had It not been for the Interest taken
In thla reform by those organlaatlona
we might still be en Joy 1 rig the old
system of voting.
"If the labor union had never done
anything else than raise the age limit
of employment for children in the
mines and facjtorle of this nation, I
believe that accomplishment alone
Poughkoepsle N. Y.. president, of the
New York Lunacy Commission and Dr.
MinAi nreforv. gunerlutendent of
Pjliopatihlo Pavllllon at Bellevlow
V '
Croup of Astorian Cross Rivr
Greet the Patrlaroh P. J. MoQowan.
On Sunday last at 8 o'clock, the fol
lowing gentlelnen of thiai cityj left
'here in a body on th steamer voigo, would .justify Its . existence. No In
for the northbank of the Columbia, interference In this country ha ever
pny their Tespects to the patriarch of keen as evil In It effects as the ten
this section, the venerable J. P-jdency to crowd our workshops with
McOo)wan, wlioa'e nllnetlaHh birthday children of topder years.' U is a most
occuredj on the anniversary of hjto I destructive tendency, and one that the
patron saint, rfttncn, or meeea mem-
X . ii .. T"IF On.ltnrn I
ry: B. h, ooraon, u. . "ii
R. b: Dyer, E. W. Tallant, W, E. Tal-
lant, Brenham Van Dusen and E.. P.mght accomplish as much as men
Noonan. TEn route, the party made a' through organisation and unions.
public conscience should protest."
Referring to women jn industries
Mr. Bryan, said he believed women
where the Jury convicted."
Austrian Countess Weds Gypsy Vio
linist In Oldenburg Ban.d.
the Michigan society Is one of the ad'
vocates of the plan. He said yester
'The building will not only serve
the practical business. Interests of the
states but it will at the same time
bo an enduring monument to the Idea
YIENN A.March .18. A sensational of statehood as conceived by therfra
betrothal haa .caused a stir among the I mers of the constitution.' Once it Is
aristocracy here and at Budopest. It completed no American citizen will
Is that of Countess of lima, daughter die content without seeing It' It will
of Count Paul de Festetlcs, to Rudl I advertise the existence of our com-
Nayarl, first violinist of tho Oldenberg monwealth, too often forgotten, be
Tslgane band. The Countess Is 24 yond the Metropolitan Mmlt.
years of age. She first saw Nayari at wm. J. Worden. of Michigan is the
a ha nOncart. Sha waa than an. I ....- n ...ii
- - . i iubiivi u. mo yivjovi, . , , ..
gaged to Count Slgmund Sprezxl, butl it was discussed briefly at a recent
she fell In love at first sight with the dinner of the Michigan society at the
young violinist, who reciprocated her Hotel Astor.
affection. When she returned to her
mother, who was living in Oldenberg! NEW' MINISTER OF JUSTICE.
she broke off her engagement with
Count Bprexxi ana betrothed Nayarij ROME, March 18. Victor Emmanu
at his own house. All th Gypsies in 61 Orlando has been appointed Minis.
BOISE, March 18. In the case of
Moyer, Heywood and Pettibone, Judge
Wood at Caldwell today overruled the
motion made by the defense to dismiss
the case. The motion was based on
the long delay in the trial. Since the
cases were ready for trial two terms
have passed and the defense conten
ded that the accused men are entitled
to liberty on the ground that these
two terms have passed since their ar
raignment Attorney Richardson for
the defense argued that the statutes
of the United States do not act as a
bar In such cases, pending the deter
mination of the appeal n habeas cor
pus proceedings. He held it only pro
hibited the execution of any sentence
that might be imposed.
Senator Borah for the state, took the
ground that the statute as sonstltuted
by the Supreme Court prohibited the
state court from proceeding In any
manner. In overruling the motion
Judge Wood said he was not called
on to decide whether the federal sta
tute raised bar to proceeding whle
habeas corpus proceedings are pend
ing. The afternoon was taken up wth
a motion for change of venue. The
defense said they had hundreds of affi
davits in support of the motion. These
were made by persons living In the
county and all set forth that public:
mind was prejudiced against the vie-1
fondants. The arguments of the mo-
ton wll be made tomorrow.
passed by the legislature making it a
felony to operate a bucket shop in
this state, the penalty clause including
and telegraph company or telephone
company which furnished Information
to bucket shops .
Delivers Addr it Befor Irish Fellow
ship Club in Chicago.
CHICAGO,, March Is An elaborate
banquet was held at the auditorium
tonight under the auspices of the Irish
Fellowship Club. Vce-President Fair-
bank was the guest of .honor, and
made the chief address. ' He was greet '
ed in the banquet hall by iully five
hundred members of the club and half
as many ladles. The Vice-president
spoke of the Irish' in America. Pre
vious to the banquet the vice-president
made three addresses, two of the prn-
ctpal ones being those at St Ignatius
College ths morning and at luncheon
later at the Press club.
VALLA DO LID, Spain, March 18. An
unusual and horrifying drowning ac
cident occurred yesterday. Pedro Mar
cos a lawyer, his two children, their
nurse and a young lady were drowned
by their carriage and horse falling
from a bridge into the canal Senora
Marcos who was with the party, was
the only one that was saved.
Salvador Openly Allies Herself
Against Nicaragua.
Oldenberg were present
Pittsburg Health Offioials Ruth Work
. of Cleaning Flooded Sections.
PITTSBURG, March 18. Health of
ficials today began the task of clean-
tor of Justice in the place of the late
Slgnor Callo.
ROME, March 18. Parmenlo Betto
11, a noted author and literary critic
died suddenly Sunday. Apoplexy was
the cause .
Was One of Chicago's Oldest Settlers
And Civil War Veteran.
CHICAGO, March 18,-KJen. Joe
Stockton, one of Chicago's oldest set
tlers died yesterday after an Illness of
several weeks. General Stockton was
bor nln Pittsburg, Pa.,, on August 10,
10, 1833, and came to Chicago, in 1856.
In July 1862, he enlisted In the Sev
en tyV-second' lllnolS) Volunteers,
known as the first Board of Trade
regiment. After the battle of Vicks-
burg he assumed command of the reg
iment and after the battle of Franklin
Tenn., in which he was wounded, he
waa breveted colonel and ' brigadier
general. General Stockton had . been
procession In Chicago since the war.
He was chief marshal ' of the Grand
Procession just preceding the elec
tion of McKInley, was chief of staff to
General Sheridan at the reception to
General x Grant on his tour of the
world, as General Forsyth at the un
veiling of the Grant Monument, and'
at the World's Fair parade in October
1892. ;
Two Thousand, Five Hundred Salva
dorean Soldiers Start on Expedition
Against Nioaregua Guatemala Main
tain Position At Neutral Power.
PANAMA, March 18. According to
reliable information received here
from Salvador that country has al
lied Itself openly with Honduras ln
war with Nicaragua. On March ninth
2500 Salvadorean soldeirs landed at
Amalpala and proceeded next morn
ing In the "direction of Cholutea. This
body of men came from San Miguel
In Honduras and are under the com
mand ot General Jose (Dolores Preda.
The gSvernment of Guatemala has re
fused the request made by Hondurean
evolutionists to be permitted to pass
the frontier and invade Nicargua.
Leader of Opposing Faction Come
to Blowt On Floor.
SANTA FE, N. M., March. 18. The
fight In the lower House of the legis
lature culmnated this afternodn by the
adoption of a report to investigate the
governor's alleged connection with the
disposal of seven thousand acres of
timber territory to the Pennsylvania
Development Co. The report Is bitter
In its arralngnment of Governor Hag-
erman. During tne reading of the re
port a personal encounter took place
on the floor of the House between the
leaders of the opposing (factions.
Sgnt Measure to Stop Opera
tor of Bucket Shops.
Governor Folk today signed a bill
MONTEVIDEO.March 18. The new
Uruguayan cabinet Is announced as
follows: .-. v.-
Alvaro Gulllct, minister of the Inte
rior; Jacobo Varela, ' foreign affairs;
Gabriel Terra, public Instruction la
bor and industry; Gen. Eduardo Vas-
quel, war; and Senor Lameleo, public
WASHINGTON, March 18. Presi
dent Mellen of the New York, New Ha
ven and Hartford Railroad, arrived to,
nlght and will confer with the Presi
dent tomorrow . ' t