THE MORNING ASTOIUAN, A SI Oil I A, r OREG ON. SUNDAY, MAUCH 17, 10U7. I Brother Gardner's ' H General Remarks1 Clingstone Johnson of Souf C&raliny Comet in For a Raking at the j Limekiln Club. I (Copyright, ISO, by T. C Etment) WHEN the Limekiln club bad finished the regular order of business at Its last meeting, Brother Gardner arose with a very serious expression of counte nance, and after a long look up and down the hall be said: "Gem'len of dis club, I feel It my dooty to uuike a few sin era 1 remarks dis eaveiilu' on a subjick dat consarns us all. 'Bout fo' weeks ago do Hon. Clingstone Johuson of Souf Carallny, arrove yere to make a speech befo dis club. I didn't tartly li'ke de looks of de man. IIe"wr,i too long In de back of de neck and too short In de legs, nis eyes was too clus together and his mouf too fur np.nrt. IIo had de appe tite of a hous while clalmtn to her de sentiment of a poet. "All of you will remember dat 6peeeh. It had to do w'.i de rights of ; man. and It appeared to make out dat "DIS CLHUTB All TOO COLD FCB HI. ne man was jest as good as another, no matter what his color, condition or de length of his lire's.' Instead of gwlne back home arter makln' dat speech de Hon. Clingstone decided to bang around fur a spell, and he's bang In' ylt If Braiders Giveadam Jones and Samuel Shin want to take a free boarder Into deir cabins, I her no ob jections, but de time hiyi arrove when I also wanter say somethln' 'bout de rights of man. "It has pained and grieved, me to ob sarve de effects of dat speech. Feelin' dat he was as good s any other man on alrth, Waydown 9ebee has put a mortgage on his mew! to buy bisself a fifteen dollar dress coat "Six weeks ago Elder Penstock was satisfied to drink cold water and lib mostly on puddin' and milk. Yester day he was orderin in 4 case of beer and a gallon of Ice cream. "A few days ago Pickles Smith would hev climbed obes de fence to make room fur a whit man to pass, but today be wants all de road fur hisself and am wlshln' dAt some white man would jest try to crowd him de least bit. "I notice a swagger In de gait of ! Nlcodenius White and a surprisln air of Independence in de way Jedge Car ter walks into a grocery and inquires de price of pineapples. "Three weeks ago State Rights Hen derson thought a pa'r of cowhide shoes good nuff fur him. He appears yere dis eavenin' wearln' patent leathers dat cost fo' dollars, and Instead of walkin" five blocks on foot he took de street kyar. "Two months ago Jbilashun Scott was so humble dat be'dasn't assert dat Columbus diskivered America, but dis arternoon he was sweKliT around town and offerin' to lick any man who de nied dat Noah's ark was. painted blue. "Up to a few days ag-j any member of dis club rldiu' on a street kyar would hev bin ushamed to keep his out Trttilp u tvmmin nf nnv v.lnr strHvl . , . , ,t. . I iugton Blair, Judas Browc and Tele graph Jones hangin' right to der seats like grim death, whilo ?o' women was hangin' to de straps. When dey was spoke to by a while turn v;l;o !ud i,'.- np his seat long befo', dey sassed him back. "I see a change In Waterruillyon Carter, Emancipation Hardee and Pre viously Green, and I see it In Kurnel Cablff, Sundown Jackson and Come along Harper. Humble Black am no longer humble, and Retlrln' Davis isn't on de retire any mo'. "In his speech befo dis club de Hon. Clingstone was fool nuff to declar' dat de Lawd duo created all men eknl and meant dat one man should hev jest as much as another. Yo' hev evidently been asses nuff to believe bim and am actln' accordingly. If somebody dun told yo' dat all bosses was created ekal and dat de scrub boss was jest as good as de race boss, yo'd laugh at bim. "Samuel Shla am a breeder and deal er In dawgs. He's got curs and poodles and setters and terriers fur ale. He'll sell yo' a cur dawg fur a dollar or two, but when yo want a collie or a grey bound yo hev go to come down wid $25. Why? If all men and all dawgs am created ekal, why should one cost more dan another? "Yo' kin go down to de auction places , and buy a work howe fur fo'ty dollars, .y .'iK ' Hollow Concrete Block House. It Is Warm and Dry and Estimated Copyright, 1907, by ll :Bii;'. 1 1 feii3 1 m i it . .j. d a i - r,v.'i i mi ii Ti' vviar i rw r ':a i m 'iBj-i.ik r. i i i i ma i i i ma mm PERSPECTIVE VIEW. I m j 1 WTCHCN I j :uyl CMAMBM I 'ko dining boomT 1 m-' lew jf HAUV. LMNCJ BOOM j I ' a W T "j I ' cic 4'',""v VCQANQa. ' J y In el FIRST FLOOR PLAN. This hollow concrete block residence of two stories and basement Is well arranged and pleasing in design. The best size of block for it Is eight Inches high and sixteen inches long. The hollow concrete block construction Insures a warm, dry house costing less than brick and requiring no repairs. It Is also fireproof and substantial in appearance. The estimated cost of this design Is !iaH. HENRY WITTEKIND. bnt if yo' dun want a race boss"yo may hev to pay thousands. If one boss am de same as another, how does dl come about? Yo' Jest put it down In Mack and white dat dar's about fo'teen different sorts of men in dis world and dat when a one X man gits de idea ! dat he's as god as a three X man he's shorely breedin' trublde fur bisself. "De Hon. Clingstone gibs us to un derstand dat one man has jest as much right to dis world's goods as another, an' some of yo' am idiots nuff to be lieve him.. De only right dat yo' or any other livin' man has got is a chance to aim yo'r way, an' yo' can't alius git dat. "If yo' kin git a few dollars ahead an' make dem few dollars bring yo' in a few dollars mo', dat's all right, but yo' jest dun keep yo'r hands off de bas ket of cokeruuts in front oj" de grocery. Yo' may argy dat dey belong to yo' as much as to de grocer, but arter three months In jaiIyo' will probably see de difference. ' "People am gwiuji around ebery day an' sayin' dat no man has a right to be worf a loillyou doirs while another man wants fur bread. Dar hain't no question of right or wrong 'bout it. One man will git .iliend of another In mouey makin', an' yo' can't help it. Yo' misht as well ijay dat one boss has no bimess to gallop in under de wire while niiolhcr am fcolin' away his time on de backstretch "No man was ever jit bo'n Into dis world who didn't have a show to git along. Mebbe he has to begin life In a sawmill, but It depends upon hisself how long he st;iy dar. Yo will find mighty few o' 1 rich men of today who wasn't as pore as skim milk when dey started out in life. If dey hev hustled and worked bard and been cute and forced luck, why should we be down on 'em? "When yo' And a pusson arguin' dat all property orter be divided up, yo' jest trace him .back and yo'll find dat he has sot on de fence thirty days fur ebery day he's worked. He aches to git sunthln fur nuthln. He wants some one else to climb de tree fur de chest nuts. "I reckon yo'll find de'Hon. Cling stone to be a man of dis sort. In de spring, while ollfcr folks am plantln' yams aud watemiillyons, he's shootln' craps or sloepin' In de sun. When sum mer comes and de yarns and water mlllyons are ripe, he's ready to argy dat one man has no bizness to hev a hundred millyons while another has none. "io' want to uwtolanct dat a man am what ho act I !;'' hisself and no- Less Expensive Than Brick. Cost, $1,500. - nry Wittrkimt. Chlcuo. Ai '."L-LJ 'I 19 mf I w SECOND FLOOR PLAN. body else. De Lawd didn't dun pnl him yere to be great or mall. rich or pore. It's all left to hisself as to what he shall become. Yo' must gib him half de road, and ho must do de same by yo. De man who gits It Into his head dat bekase he happens to be Iw'n he's at de top ob de heap is half fool. I hev dis eavenin' sent word to de non. Clingstone dat dis climate am too cold fur him and dat he'd better pack up his bundle and move on. It's none ob my blzness what he may say to yo as Individuals, but when I find his doctrines brung Into dis Limekiln club as the things fo sw'ar by It becums my dooty to move In de matter. "At our last meetin' I accidentally left fo' lemons on my desk. Some of yo' who believe dat all property should be divided up hev divided dose k-mons. Not only dat, but yo didn't even leave de seeds fur me. Dat's 'bout de way slch Ideas work out. "I am told dat Giveadutn Jones was swaggerln' around a day or two ago and declarin dat he was Jest as good a man as de next and dat if he had his rights he would also own a cabin. As for his bel;i' as good as I am, we won't waste any breath disputlu', but I want to make It mighty plain to him and to all de re' of yo' dat yo'r the ories want to stop right dar. If any of yo go on to argy dat de tutors and pumpkins and squashes and onions in my cellar am his Jest as much as mine, yo'll git slch a dose of bird shot dat yo'll linger In bed for three months arterward. Let us now break de meetin' in two and go home." M. QUAD. On the Job. At a recent public meeting of retir ing councilors In a certain ward In a country town one of the speakers was boasting that be could bring an argu ment to a "p'lnt" as quick as any other man. On hearing this one of the audience who was acquainted with the speaker shouted out, "Aye, man, Sandy, and ye can bring a quart tae a pint a guld bit quicker." London Tit-Bits. When a man has trouble with hl stomach you may know that he U eat ing more than he should or of some ar ticle of food or drink not suited to his age or occupation, or that his bowels are habitually constipateJ. Take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver 7afcltn to rrT5't CBb twei and. im prove th fixestttB 4 ' WHrtU &sm not Jtapra. Aisic for frs samste. Pct si by Frank Hjtt tending draggiata. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. irinjvyux If you have a want that you wish to dvtrtlif ttp to your nsarcit phone nd "Phone It" to The Aitorlam. No ned of waiting ( your tlms walking blocks to do thing that oan be done In your lmmdit surroundings. Call up Main 661, k for tho want ad ds ptitment which is at your rvios. Pay or Niqhf HELP WANTED. MALE HELP WANTED MEN AND women to Irani watchmaking, en graving, Jeweler work, optics; euxy terms; positions guarantred; money made learning. Watchmaking-Engraving School, 142S Fourth avenue, Seat tle. It WANTKD MANAOKIt FOR C'LAT nop. Columbia and Tillamook Conn ties. Must have $100.00 which will soon be refunded. Agents make 15.00 lo $10.00 per d.iy. Hmin Mercantile Co., Pun land, Oivgon. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL TO do housework. Coll at No. 46 Seventeenth St. GIRL TO DO COOKINO AND KIT chen work In small family; must sleep home, good wages. 647 Frank 11a avenue. WANTED SAJLESM KN . MANY MAKE $100 to $160 per month. Some even more. Stock clean; grown on Reser vation, far from old orchards. Cash advaaetd weekly. Choice of territory. Address Washington Nursery Company, Toppenisb, Washington. 9-tfi-tf WANTED TWO GOOD 8TJB8CRIP Uon solicitors to work. First class proposition, good pay. Apply Astortaa office FOE EXIT FOR RENT TWO FURNISHED housekeeping rooms centrally loca ted. 425 Duane Btr. FOR RENT MODERN HOUSE FOR rent First and Bond. 2-16-tf FOR RENT SUITE OF FUR nished house-keeping rooms, 677 Exchange street LOST AND FOUND. LOST PET CANARY BIRD FROM 227-10 St., Finder pbne return and receive reward. PROPOSALS. OFFICE OF C. Q. M., VANCOUVER Barracks, Wash., March 1, 1907. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received here until 11 o'clock, a, m., April 1, 1907, for furnishing fuol, fuel oil, dogfood and mineral oil, at posts In this Department for the year end ing June 80, 1908. Information fur nished here or by quartermasters at post U. S. reserves the right to reject or accept any or all proposals, or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked: "Propo sals for at ," addressed Sam, R. Jones, C. Q. M. PROPOSALS FOR BEEF AND MUT ton Vancouver liarraoks, Wash., March, 18, 1907. Sealed propooals for furnishing and delivering frpHh Iwef and mutton for lx month bKlnnlni? July 1, 1907, will be reolved here and at offices of commlflaries at Fort Ste vens, Ore., Boise Barrnr-ks, Idaho; Forts Casey, Columbia, Flagler, Law ton, Wulia Walla, Ward, -Worden, Wright and Vancouver Barrack', Wash., Until 10 a. m. April 17, 1907 and then opened. Envelopes contain -Ing proposals should be Indorsed," "Proposals for fresh beef and mutton to be opened April J7, 1907" and ad dressed to commissary of post to be supplied, or to Lt-Col. George Da vis, Chief Corm'y. Morning Astorlan, 60 cents a month, Delivered by oarrier. fl"! f l' BOABDINO. CALL FOR WARRANTS. CALL FOR WARRANT8 NOTICE IS Hereby given to all parties holding Cltttxop county warranti endorsed pri or to Sept. IH, 1905, to present same for payment to county Treasurer's of fice No. 433 Commercial street. In torent ceasos after this date. WM. A. SHERMAN Treasurer Clatsop County, Ore. DateJ Astoria, Ore, March 7, 1907 1-7-10 t. The ft" Line Steamer - Lurline Night Boat for Portland and Way Landings. PA88ENQER8. FREIGHT. Lesves Astoria dally txoept Sundsy st , , 7 p. m, ! Leaves Portland Dslly Except Sundsy at 7 a. m. Quick 8ervloe Exoellent Mesla Good Berths. 1 , . ...... . L'nd " Fl.v.l Wharf. Landing Portland Foot Taylor St! C. M. FOWLER, Agent. Phons Main 2761. CANADIAN PACIFIC "EMPRESS" Lino of tho Atlantic Nothing better afloat than our new express steamers, "Empress of Brit ain" and "Ktnpress of Ireland" (14500 tons), Quebec to Liverpool! in six nays; less than tour days at . sea, Superior accommodations ; available. Comfort, elegance and : safety. Send for ilhistred booklet i and sailing list. ' James F'r alyson, Agent Astoria Ora I lit 416 BOND ST, ASTORIA, OREGOJT Carries the Finest Lisa of I Wines, and Cigars CALL AND SEE US I t t ' .... ' 'A THE OREGON 530-536 Commercial Street, between lMoventh and Twelfth. A8TOKIA, OREGON MRS. M. NOLAN, Proprietress, Rooms Single and Suites. , 'l.a T1-. 117 1 aciuio, unj, routt or lUOIltD. Steam Heat, Bath and telephone. Telephone Red 2303. II i BUSINESS DIRECTORY TB LIYDi. Rooms with or without board j rates reasonable! good seeoni uedatlon for trnnsleoU, 14th and OowmeroUi. . ,iiai)...iiLii.. jm.isiiJBiai.i,m ii imm j i.jsisi TAPANIS GOOD INEXPENSIVE JAPANESE FIXINGS, MADE OF BAM ' BOO, LIGHT, STRONG, IAND ' MADE, TABLES, STANDS, CHAItS, j WHAT-NOT!" "OKCASES, SHJXV. j INO, ETC ' i ' ! Yokohama Bazaar ! C5 Commerrlsl Pt. Astoria. e HOUSE HOVERS. FREDRECKwiN lUlOft-We make a ipedalty of hoiue moving, carpenters, contractors, genoral jobbing i prompt at-v tentloo te all orders. Corner Tenth sad ' Duane. tf HOTEL. HOTEL PORTLAND j Fines Hotel In the Northwest. PORTLAND, ORI. LATNDROS. BUTTON HOLE AT THE BACX. Your eiperienoe with It ae no doubt lead to much vesatlon, possibly pro fs nit y. Rroks your ftnrnall trying to PV It up from ths nerk band, tat You wont have that that siperienos If you tend your shirts to oi we save yon this trouble, and danger of tearing lbs Alrt Try us and ses, TROY LAUNDRY, Tenth and Dtune Sta. Phone isoi PROFESSIONAL CARDS. OtTIOFATHIiTt. DI. BJ0DA C. HICEJ 08TE0PATB fflc Mansei, Bid. Phons Black !! 171 Commercial Bt, Astoria, Ore. ATTORNEYS AT tAW. JOHN C. McCUE. Attornby-at-Law. DEPUTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY Page Bdg. Room 37. HOWARD M. BR0WNCLL, Attorney-at-Law. Offloe with Mr. J. A. Eakln, at No. 42t Commercial tt Astoria. DENTISTS Dk. vaugiian, Dkntist Py'biau UuilditiK, Astoria, Oregon. ' Dr. W. 0. LOGAN IENTIS'l Coamcrvial ft , Bhanslian Build .. ... j WINES, LIQU0BS AHD CI0AI1. THE SAVOY Popular Oonoert Hall, Good rsuslc. All are woleom. (Jet aer BeTratk ani Astor. Eagle Concert Hall 320 Astor St. The leading amusement house. Agency for Edison Phonographs aai Gold Moulded Records. ' ' - P. A. PETERSON, Pnt First Class Meal 15c Coffee with Pie, Cake or Dough nuts 10 cents. , U. S. RESTAURANT 434 Bond Street.