The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 16, 1907, Image 5

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    SATURDAY, MARCH 16, 1007. .
Fresh - Vegetables !
The best in the market. Note our low prices.
Asparagus ICc per pound.
Rhubarb 3 pounds 25c.
Head Lettuce , 25c per dozen.
Extra Fancy Artichokes 3 for 25c.
You make no mistake when you place your
order with us.'
ns tiles or lit in
Go to A. 0. Craig for your tni
awning and all kind of canvas worn
11th and E-cbani. tf
Orkwlti ha received a sample of th
National blcycl for tb aeaaon of
Tb very best board to b obtained
1n the city ! at "The Occident Hotel
Rate vary remonable,
Wot Fine Wtoh and clock repairing
go to Frank J. Donnerberg, tha re
liable Jeweler, 111 11 tb Bt.
Hotel Irving will open their dining
room to boarder and tranelent, March
let New .management,. Rate Rea
Baby Go-Carte New Block Juat In
Hlldebrand Oor furniture old Be
Hive Building.
For Rent A 7 room houa with mod'
ern bath, rent 130.00 Inquire at Bcho
field Mattaon Co.
Five Conta to 100 Whn you feel
Ilk "eponftng" a bit. drop into Frank
Hart' drug etore and buy a aponge
Tou can Ond Juat what you want, from
t cent to II 00 per apong.
A Citiien Some Day Albert Math
Inn, a native of Norway, ymterday filed
hi declaration of Intention to become
a cltl?n of thl country, with J. C.
Clinton, county clerk, ymterday, and
will prosecute hie ambition to a finish
In duo time.
Do you feel sleepy and not a bit
like working In the afternoon? Per
hap It' bocau of the kind of lunch
you're eating too heavy and too hard
to dlgeet Why not try the Palace
reataurant on Commercial etreet.
where all the baking la done In those
famou alow-proces ovena, which turn
out light, appetising wholeeom
thing? You'll av money, too. U
nan it. Scully, Notary l'uuiio, at
Scully' Cigar Store. Any old liourl
Wanted Young men to atudy tflrg.
rnphy. position whn qualified. Wa
ge 175 to I HO per month. Apply Im
mediately, Oregon College, S03 Com
monwealth lld. Portland Ore.
Nvr Aaked For It. My some mis
understanding, It ha been declared
thai Aatorla UmhI 142, of the In
ternational rtestaurant Keeper' and
Hnrtendcr' Association, hue been work
log fixedly fr a six rtny weekly term)
of (iervt-n, unit twit the Aatorla mem.'
burnt were wholly committed to thl
principal of employment, the rumor hiiNc, upon aomethlng that hud
been aiild ,y Vic President W
llornn, tm hi recent visit to thin city,
Mr. Home at the meeting held In hi
honor recently, d..nlt only with the
good of the association iitet told what
enV tlve thing eouid (. wrought by
n local with money In He treaaury,
iiiki rrii..itr.i rnany thing of value
that were being lr. by other union,
In behalf of their members; but nel
ther h... nor the local aaaoelutfoii, hu
ever held to the lx jny theory, nor In
nriy way sought to enforce It here mi
ner any aort or condition". Thl In
one of the mlNtiike that gt abroad
hy tlu. routii of unauthorized tat
menta ,
ror tiectrio servioa Itiatalivtlon or
repair work, go to J. 8. Vernon, tWo
trlcltn. No. 417 Exchange, lei
"phone, Main 2441. All manner of
electric and telephone work done at
abort boUoo.
No Baseball Team-The Aatoila High
school la In have definitely decided to
abandon the ham-ball field rntlruly thin
yeur entirely and will concentrate ihi-lr
effort a n trnk work, The uilriint
for team placea are turning out regu
larly Mini a creditable hkkivkhI"
wwma naaured. Aatorla high will wid
hi-r track team to the Intermholaatlc
meet at corviillla whh h will be held la
ter In the aemeater.
vn ror bntna-Kng Fu rook, one
one of the brightest of the vounaer
"Th Truth Will Rio"-After a do
liberate and punitive denial, by word
of mouth, over the liiig-dltaiic wire
between thl city and Portland, by
Trunin Wagner ,of the Welnhurd K
tute, that there wan anything like auch
a purchase contemplated by the estate
truMeea, a dent wiih pii-d to th pub
He record of thin county, yesterday,
ennvrying to ruul Wenninger, the trun
tee in chief of that prooertv. an on
milled half Intereni In and to lot
No. 7 ond of Mock No. 2, of Mc
Clure'a Aatoila, the water Iota at Dunne
and Twelfth ntreetn. the property not
long alnee named In the preaa here
an having been negotiated by that body
for the purponen of a hotel nlte. It la
hard to give tho new when elmple
trulhn are o lnllnliely hard to get
from fountain-head authority, and It
la barely poanlble that an assertion to
the effect that the Welnhard trustee
Intend to buy the other half and erect
generation of Chinamen In thla city, . moi,pr. h0. , thron w, ur,,K
nmj & nnuva ot I'oriiana uy tne way.
departed yeaterday evening for an ex
tended trip to China, via Portland, am)
Victoria, nd will crona the Pacific onl
tho Emprenn of India, one of tha Can
adian Pacific Company' ateamera,
milling from the latter city on March
18th, next Monday. He want to know
aomeihlng of the land of hi people and
will atudy her Institution, tradltlone
and p op. for a period of ilx month
before returning to Aatorla.
a like denial. The Aatorlan therefore
refrain fro mmaklng the announce
ment until they hall volunteer a con
Dainty Foot-Qear At Coat Ladle
with a per.chant for elegant foot-wear,
eapeclally In the line of llpper, (and
who of them I without It?), will be
glad to know that Charlo V. Brown
haa Juat put 100 pair of thoae elegtnt
acceanrle on hi coat-llat and will
dlapoa of them at that standard until
the laat pair go out. There are bar.
gain, galore!
Negotiation About Cloaed Th
Committee on Promotion, of the Aa
torlu Chamber of Commerce hu about
concluded Ita negotiation with Mr
White, of New Ctrleana, the gentleman
who wa o atrongly recommended to
them by Secretary Tom, nichardnon
of tho Oregon Development League,
a a aullable manager for the local
chamber. Tho term' upon which Mr.
White will come on and aaaumo the
big tank, have been nettled at 12.500
her annum, and It la thought he will
be here to tnko hold of the work about
tho rat day of May. The formal Je
talla are all that remain to be dlapena.
ed with, and thcae will bo covered at
th earlloat possible moment.
Today and today only, between 2 and
B p. m. we offer at apeclal Hide 2Ge
value layer cukoa for 15 cent each.
We want you to come and get aciiualn "
ed with u. Itoyal ltukery new ahop
r.O'i Duano St.
Chocolates and Bonbons
Are the Best
Vegetables ! Vegetables !
The Finest Assortment in the City.
We have Asparagus, Celery, Cauliflower, Hot House
Lettuce, Tomatoes, Cabbage and Rhubarb
AH kinds of Root Vegetables strictlv fresh.
Scholfield, Mattson Co,,
All Want th Beet When one roe
In oaxch of amuecment of a certain
kind, an, for lntance, a fine line of
moving picture, he want the beat
and lateat and will not be aatuned
with thread-bare and common presen
tation. In thl line, the film now on
at the Waldorf are said to be among
the real artistic work of that kind pro-
grammed in this weatern country. In
all there are tlx of theae realistic
atrlng and all are living portrayal
of the leading events of history, auch
as the "Bennington at San Diego:"
the "Tnanafer of Paul Jones r" the
"Two Champion Wrestling Matches of
the World;" the "Slums of Pari;"
"Monsieur Beaucalre, or the Gentle
man Friend;" and other of equal and
remarkable fidelity, make up a series
of entertaining Itoms not to bo dis
counted In thl city.
The Kingly Product This morning
another himlni'KM house will open Its
doors to the Atorla public, and offer
the stork that Ih IndlsnciiHlble to all
null. Tne Royal Bakery thrown Its
doom wide open to Its new putronajje
Mini will value received for every
atom of goods soli over Its counters.
Meaner: Muelhnuser & Mlahne, the
proprietors, are practical bakers of
ong experience and muster of the
i le from the oven to the counters,
and will do all that may be done to
rve tho p,tronx that shall fall
to thorn. Among their special products
are the Table Queen loaf, and the
Hutter loaf breads, than which there
Is no better In the city. From 2 p. m.
to g p. m. today, they will offer the
Inducement of 25 cent value layer cake.
for 15 cents. The new establishment
will be opened at No. 505 Duane st.
Hon. Herman Wlae was a homing
paiwenger on the Portland exprca at
noon yesterday, having been to the
metropolis on a bulnea trip of
couple of day duration.
Among the arrival In thl city via
the steamship Columbia, on Thursday
last, wa Mr. Jarnea Carlln, the moth
er or uie well known Twefth treet
market man, J. J. CaHlh. Mr. Car
lln came from Ollne, Indiana, via Ii
Angeles and Han Francisco, and vial
ted with friend en route.
Mrs, F, A. Bloke left yesterday morn
Ing on tho early express for Portland,
with her daughter Mia Orre Htokea,
the latter leavln gon a protracted vla
It with friends In Han Francisco.
..P. 3. McOowan, the McOowan can
m ryman wa in Astoria yeaterday.
C. H. Malnwarlng came down from
i ho metropoll yesterday on a bual-
nraa visit.
I. H. Bagan came down from the
motropoll yesterday.
John Hurko of Jewell was In Aatorla
A. W, Clement of Palouae I vMtlng
liv this city.
spontaneous Foot Race Policeman
Houghton had a atrenuoua hour yes
trrday afternoon. He ffad hardly ov
ereome one man drunk and J la
orderly and aided Chief Oammal and
Policeman Thompson In getting him
to tho nollre station wh.'n he came
aero another Intoxicated Individual
on'lower Commercial etreet and Mart
ej for the city Jail with him. At the
corner of Commercial and Twelfth
atreet the prlwoner gave a audden Jerk
and broke away from his captor. Ex
citement steadied his feet and fear
lent him wings and he went down the
street like a runaway horse. Officer
Houghton In hot pursuit. The streets
were lined with spectator, and much
lntoret wn rrmnffented. Three block
were raced In record time and then the
Intervention of another policeman,
aved the day and the runaway wa
locked In Jail.
Doing Good Work O. Gunderson,
the well known and cheerful old soUd-
tor In the service of the Salvation Ar
my, arrived In the city yesterday, on
his customary round In behalf of the
Rescue Home maintained by the army
at Portland. Tho army keeps up 108
of these refugee throughout the world.
24 In the United State and 12 tn the
Weatern territory, one of which la at
the Oregon metropolis. The record of
the work In this splendid department,
for the past twenty years, I summar
ized In the saving of 3,000,000 girls, the
record for the past year being 1,600.
It Is nn Institution well worth the kind
lli-st consideration of all men. En
slKn Nancy Garslde I matron of the
Portland home.
For a
Johnson Phonograph Co,
Parlor Sooond Floor over 8oholfield A Mattaon Co.
Avalanche of Jews-Harps With an
extraordinary outlay of about $150 In
gold coin, Dell Scully cornered the
Jews-harp market here yesterday buy
ing the last five hundred of those In
struments known to be In existence.
Those he distributed broad-cast among
the"1 youngsters of the town and among
the relic hunters of maturer age, and
the festive twang of the hideous things'
was heard on all corners last night to
the discomfiture of all the cats and
dtigs In Astoria Chrjlstendam. This
Is his latest diversion fro mthe oner
ous task of watching his alfalfa patch
now underway on the placid and un
disturbed section of Eleventh street
that passes his store door.
Search Wa Fruitless-S'nerifT M. R
Pomeroy and T. Shute. the agent and
part owner of the stranded ehlp Galena
made a long and Ineffectual search
yesterday, all about the country-side
In the neighborhood of the Vessel, for
the two apprentices Plnlr and Beadle,
who had disappeared from her decks',
Just on the eve of their departure for
Port Gamble, to take their home-ward
passage on another of the company's
ships sailing; thence. It Is thought
the yiire In hiding, and may have been
employed by some of the farmers In
the coast country. At all events Mr.
Shute has abandoned the task of look
ing for them.
A Few
Men's Overcoats One-Half
Boys' Overcoats One-Half
Men's Suits One-Fourth Off.
Boy's Suits One-Fourth Off.
Men's Hats One-Fifth Off.
; i r
Underwear One-Fifth off.
Trunks, Sox, One-Fifth Off.
Umbrellas One-Fourth Off.
Herman Wise
Astoria's Reliable Clothier.
On The Old Rout Hon. Cyrus E.
Palmer, old "Cy" Palmer, Paper Ped-;
lar Palmer, the Blake-McFall travel-i Qua,lty l of m0" importance,
ling man that used to be, out of Port-! The brettd you eat Bnould pure n'1
land, hit the trail yesterday and came! nole80m. 1W be the beat Only
down to Astoria Juat to see If blithe be" of ,nTedlent are used In too
friends had forrotten him. Havlna ar makln of our .bread MnK weU
tured himself on this score, he busied
himself the rest of' the day, introduc
ing his successor on the line, or rather
C. E. White' successor, Mr. H. T.
Mlncbew, who will fcom this day on,
represent that popular house In this
baked It ia aweet and wholesome, easily
digested and la without question tho
best, In the city. If you are not ac
quainted with the merlu of our broad
we invite a trial, feeling confident yon
will be delighted with It Royal Bak-
territory. Confinement In tho house!"' UBW 'aop 8ua wuane Bt ,7B w
at Portland ha reduced Cy"a bulk!50"'1 "trMt
somewhat but has not diminished his
fund'of good humor nor hi aptitude, 8tar Courtel Dunbar Male Quartet
for Belling the stuff. Mr. Mlnchew Is and Bell Rtnger Monday night Seats
certain to make good and proved it may be reserved at Martinson's 'lit
yesterday. gtreot
A Big Deal Reported Rumor was
busy hereabout yesterday with the de
tails of the final negotiation for the
sale of the Street timber holdings back
of this city between Young's River and
the Klatskunine, to the Western Coop
erage Company, of Aberdeen; and the
probability of the early establishment
here of the third plant owned by that
company for the getting out of coop
erage stock, the other two being at
Aberdeen, Washington, and at Hol
ton, Oregon. It is Ho be hoped the
rumor Is well founded and ripe for
A Tni a i rr-vi ri- c
$4.00 and $5.00
They are the height of fash
ion but not the extreme.
Full of comfort and good
service for the man that
walks much or little
They come in various leathers.
All sizes and widths in stock.
Wherity,Ra!ston S Company
Th Leading Shoe Dealers.
Taken to Hospital Miss Jessie John
son, daughter of Ed. Johnson of this
city was taken to St. Mary'a hospital
yesterday for medical treatment.
Over Half Done The sheriff's office
force hnd been worked to tho limit the
past few days In meeting the demands
of the tax-paying public In the period
of ttmo In which the three per cent re
bate operated, and last evening, , atter
collecting about $18,000 more tn this
behalf, with about $8,000 more In the
malls received yesterday, the sum of
collections to date will aggregate ap
proximately, 150,000, or 5-9 of the en-,
tire roll for 1906. '
Will Begin Construction The log
ging road which the Tongue Point Lum
ber Co,, plans at Oak Point will be
gin In a short time. W. A. Goodln has
the contract.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Fred Len
hart of this city a daughter was born
yesterday morning.
Homo Made Pie Home made Mince
and Lemon pies at the Oregon Bakery
He had no coat upon his back,
But he had one on his tongue,
And Rocky Mountain Tea, 'lt'a said,
Kept him from being hung.
(Bad , breath.) Frank Hart
- : . ,
Lower in price, higher in quality and style; than can
be purchased elsewhere in Astoria.
With every hat purchased any one of the beautiful
gold mounted back combs in. our window
exhibit at 483 Bond Street, oppo-
site First National Bank.
Our styles are absolutely exclusive and of
the latest patterns.
483 Bond Street.