THE MORNING ASTOIUAN, AS10R1A, OREGON. THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1907, (Qiivderella to Date. By HELEN MAXFILXD. CoprrtshU 1W&. br Mar McKmn. like a pntl. Slw was fra now to work j out her own happiness. ' t f w:nt ,ur nuul' allowance rptfular Rut for the next week hannlness v niougiu to tue future- "I suppose you have read lu the pa pers If you have time to think about anything except janrt that the Weetfleld bank la wrecked. They hart arrested Mr. Hartley and Mr. Manners, but that does not help the rest of us. In a short time I presume I shall be ou the county. If you had married Dan Martin, as I wanted you to do, I should not be facing: this terrible situation, but you always were headstrong, and my whole life has been sacrificed to the effort to raise you as your dear dead mother would have had me. Even now Dan is willing to forgive your folly and marry yon. lie will have the bouse all done over, and his sister will go to Johs to live, and there will be only Dan and you and me." The letter covered five closely writ ten pages, and Aunabel read it through twice 'Ith firmly set lips and dry ; eye. Aen very deliberately she put on her coat,, hat and gloves and went .out for a long walk In the snowy park, . where motor cars filled with fur clad figures flew past and laughing children pelted her with harmless balls of feath ery whiteness. It was a glorious day. and when she came back to her dlniar hall room she was smiling, and the hard lines had faded from her face Then she wrote her answer: My Dear Aunt Molly-I am so grieved to hear of the bank wreck. I hud not read of It in the papers, because we have been enjoying the privllese of some apo dal Instruction under Professor of New Tork, and I have been working at the academy night and day. FVrhnps the bank receivers may save something, and to the meantime you must not worry. 1 will have the store deeded to you. and the rent will more than keep your bouse coins, and each week I will send you some of my earnings. I am Inclosin? V money order for -5 that I happen to have In hand. Have Mr. Gregory ar range the transfer of the store property. As to Mr. Martin. please do not urge that upon me again. I still feel that I have some right to happiness, and I know it will never come to me through Dan Mar-1 tin. Not one word of reproach, no re minders of a dun colored childhood and a dreary girlhood, spent under nagging of the most trying sort: no reference to th fact thst her own patrimony bad gone under with ber aunt's small fortune In the bank wreck; no Intimation that she bad sent almost her last dollar In the money order and must now drop her art studies and seek a position In the workaday world. She smiled grimly ni she mailed the letter. Her aunt wonM accept the sacrifice and wail to Dun Martin over Annabel's lack of appro elation. Dan Martin! now she hated eve-;; Inch of his undersized person. Ms small beady eyes, his perpetual smile, his weak, receding chin! She mailed the letter with a strange feeling of independence achieved, for now she had paid to her own satisfaction the debt of gratitude imposed by ber aunt vbich. had bjing, over, her young life! seemed to move farther and farther away. In later yean she never thought of tho days without shud dering. The holidays were over. Nobody wanted to hire clerks or buy Illuminat ed cards or telephone records or any of the pretty things she painted. The room rent was again due. She might sell ber few casts and painting outfit. She set her Hps firmly and climbed the stairs to a fashionable employment agency. The manager was sitting at the telephone when Annabel entered. She hung up the receiver with an Im patient frown. "What do yen want position as governess-or companion? Nothing like that In view; a hundred applicants for every position. On, wait a minute! You look bright Can you do manicur ing and dress hair a bit and mend laces? If you can do it even halfway. I wish you'd try this place. I've sent the customer a doten girls, and they always part after a terrible scoue. The woman's crauk, but you look as If you had tact." The upshot was that Annabel, with 23 cents in her purse and a notice of rent due tinder the door of her hall room, went to see Mrs. Cartwrlght Brown, and that highly strung person age said with dissatisfaction and sus picion In her voice that she would give the girl n trial. ' j The Cartwrigbt Browus were newly rich. The father had made an euor mous fortune through his own efforts and was proud q it The mother was so burdened by it that she was ou the verge of nervous prostration. Annabel saw it was nerves and not temper and took heart Later she learned that there were a son aud a daughter away at college who were Just a little ashamed of their new riches. Nobody, Annabel least of all, knew how It happened, but she became the virtual bead of the Cartwrigbt Brown household. Mrs. Brown vowed that she could hire a visiting manicurist and hairdresser, but no one could stand between her and domestic and social worries as Annabel could. It was Annabel who reorganized the staff of servants and Installed a com petent housekeeper. It was Annabel who had the conservatories brought up ' i&olj: rt A a in Attrtarml -ti matin onf vn. - ,m0i ,iinn, it. An.i-,i ,h.v i Th yeddliw took place yesterday " " - - aiisraoon. i wanted to have you come. lerrvu w ua Mrs. urown a uiouwie ana until me two yamg people came home from college. The daughter was a mere butterfly, who neither appreciat ed nor resented Annabels position In the household. The son was a grave faced chap who seemed suddenly op pressed by tlie responsibility of bis fa ther's wealth. He had studied theoret ical sociology In college and on practi cal Hues among the glided youth or his class. By this time the Onrtwrlght Brawns were at their country place, nud An uauej round that her early morning rliles were subject to Interruption, not uupieasant, but disturbing. Norman Brawn Insisted upon unloading upon her capable shoulders, as his mother and father had done before lilm. the onraen or his personal problems. But they were no longer burdensome when he found that , Aunabel shared his Weals about the use of wealth, and he Doidiy carried his plans to his father. "No more college? You're going Into tne works t say. what will our rich friends thlnkr "I am more Interested In knowing what the meu at our works will thluk. Aud Miss Anuabcl says" Cartwrigbt Brown waved his baud as If to dismiss the entire subject. "Oh. If Annabel says you are right neither heaven nor earth could move you. I declare that girl has this fam ily hypnotised." "Nothing of the sort aud you know it, replied his sou hotly. "She ha simply taught us how to make the bos of our money.' "Ami cured your mother of nervous prostration. Gracious, when I think those old days! Oh, try It If you like. Letter from Miss Molly Sewell to Annabel Maltland We were Inexpressibly shocked. Of course I had watched for your name un der some magazine Illustrations or tor soms work you would send me. and when none came 1 sent Pan Martin to Den er to nnd out what you were doing. You. a Sewell and a Maltland. hiring out as a mere servant! You must come home at onoe. The Woitneld bank will pay tc cents on the dollar, and we can get along somehow, and If you show some signs of settling; down I think Dan will marry you axxer ail. tie isn t like soms men, hold lag- a grudge. Letter from Annabel to ber Aunt CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. of Mr. Brown's tailor. Annabel who ship- j but we were compelled to hasten matters. There la trouble at the Blackstake smelt ped smart, suitable clothing and room T.,Z,.. " ,!L SH men, dear aunt, and you will learn to iove furnishings to two colleges. ' Annabel's position In the household was peculiar. She was neither house keeper nor private secret rj -Just "Ulss Annabel." ' She did not receive vtth Mrs. Brown on Wednesday after noons, but she did Join the family oc slonally at the theater or in viewing art exhibitions. And It was after one of these rare occasions that she real ized the full extent of her happiness. She had been hunting congenial work, not an art career. She knew now that ber small talent for drawing had offered her only an excuse for fleeing an unhappy home life, but that she never would have become a great art ist while she was a competent man ager of the Cartwrigbt Brown home. inpes 1 6l The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per- -rVV sonal supervision since its infancy. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare, gorie Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fevcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. him when we come to see you. forgiving the fact that this prince found his Cin derella not behind the kitchen stove, but la his mothers boudoir. I am not as ham ed of my work In the past year, for It brought me the greatest happiness that can come to a woman. We were married with the full consent of his parents, and I cannot write more. My cup of happl ness brims over and blots out mere words. MOLLY. SAVED HER 80N'8 LIFE. The happiest mother In the town of Ava, Mo, is Mrs. a Ruppee, Sae writes: "One year ago my son was down with such serious lung trouble that our physician was unable to help him; when by our druggist's advice I began giving him Dr. King's New Discovery, and I soon noticed Im provement I kept this treatment up for a few weeks when he was per fectly well. He has worked steadily since at carpenter work. Dr. King's ftew Discovery saved his life." Ouar anteed best cough and cold cure by cnas. Rogers, Druggist. 50c and 11.00. Trial bottle free. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAY Bears the Signature of MM The Kind You to Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMS eiNTMIK COKMNT, TT ItUIIIUy STRICT, IW VOKK CITY. It KTsito Hiri, "When piiii'r i;r m:.;!i blj; apart ment lion' !'! D'h -r d:iy 1 i ikiux for si friend I citiii" ;:itish Huusethin?? fun ny," said the busy wyn!:m. "! read the names of .-ill Uv t 'lumu mi the doors as I passed from Uotir to Hour, and by and by I came to one card that said. J. Fitzgerald and wife.' I have bwn puzzlinar ever since over the signifi cance of that card. Had J. Fitzgerald only recently taken unto himself a wife, nnd was he anxious to advertise the fact, or bad Mrs. Fitzgerald a mind of her own, and did nhe Inwist upon recognition, or-but I give It up. What did It mean anyhow?" New Tork Globe. How to continue youns; in healt'i and strength, do as Mrs. F. N. Rowan, McDonough, Ga., did. She says: Three bottles of Electric Bitters cured mepf Chronic liver and stomach troubles, complicated with such an unhealthy condition of the blood that my skin turned practically as red as flannel. I am now practically 20 years younger than before I took Electric Bitters. I can now Jo all my work with ease and assist my husband in the store." Guaranteed at Chaa. Rogers Drug Store. Price 50c, TP?? II If you have want that you wish to advertise step to your nearest phone nd "Phons It to The Astoria- Ne; need of wasting your time walking blocks to do a thing that ean be done in your Immediate surroundings. Call up Main C81, ask for the want ad de paitmsnt which Is at your ssrvlee. Pay or Gnqlht ! BUSINESS DIRECTORY COLUMBIA ENGINEERING CO, ' ' Office Astor Hous. Surveying, Platting, llueprlntlng ne General Civil Engineering. Prompt Attention Guaranteed. A. . TEE, Manager. Phone Ualn 114. BOAUUITQ. TIIUTSl. Rooms with or without board rates reasonable) good aeooa medaUoa for tnuuteaU, Uth ad OMomerefsJ. uj ",;auu j, u.sujsjtj.igumssSfSgesssBsi HELP WANTED. U1HL TO DO COOKING AJN'D KIT chen work In small family; must sleep homo, good wages. 8T Frank lin avenue, WANTED GIRL KOIt LIGHTHOUSE work. Must sleep at her own home Apply at Si? Franklin. WANTED SALESMEN. MANY MAKE - $100 to $150 per month. Some even more. Stock clean j grown os fteer ration, far from old orchards. Cash advanced weekly. Choice of territory. Addrese WashlagtoQ Nursery Company, Toppeniah, Washington." 0-SMf WANTED A GOOD SMART BOT to carry paper Inquire at this office. WANTED TWO GOOD 8UB8CRIP Uon solicitors to work. First cites proposition, good pay. Apply Astor lao office. ...'.' FOS KX3TT FOR RENT TWO FURNISHED housekeeping rooms centrally loca ted. 425 Duane 8tr. FOR RENT MODERN HOUSE FOR rent. First anJ Bond. J-l-tf FOR RENT SUITE OF FUR nlshed house-keeping rooms, 17? Exchange street. CALL FOR WARRANTS. CALL FOR WARRANTS NOTICE 18 Hereby given to all parties holding Clatsop county warrants endorsed pri or to Sept 1st, 1905, to present same for payment to county Treasurer's of fice No. 433 Commcrclnl street. In terest censes after this date. WM. A. SHERMAN Treasurer Clatsop County, Ore. Dated Astoria, Ore., March 7, 1907 3-7-10 t. The KM Une - rtt e'Vr j AHstSBM JAPANI51 GOOD INEXPENSIVE JAPANESE FIXINGS, HADE OF BAM BOO, LIGHT, STRONG, BAND MADB, TABLES, 8TAKDS. CHUBB, WHAT NOTP ,"X)l"CASM,HXLV. WO, ETC. Yokohama Daxaar m Commercial St. Astoria. HOUSE MOYEBS, r tvuJKXCKoON BRO& We -tH a spedsJtj of bouse moving, earpeaten, eon tractors, general JobMngi prompt it- lenuon to, au oram. Corner Tath as! Duaoe, Steamer - Lurline Night Boat for PortUnd and Way Undines. PASSENGERS. PRIIOHT. Leaves Astoria daily except Sunday at 7 . m. Leavee Portland Dally Except Sunday at 7 a. m. Qulok Servlee Exoellsnt Meals flood Bertha. e ' ' im r i . Landing Astoria Ptavet Wharf. Landing Portland Foot Taylor St C. M. FOWLER, Aent. Phone Main 2781. If HOTELS. HOTEL PORTLAND Plaeae Hotel In the North wi. rOHTLANO, ORE. UTNDEUS. BUTTON BOLE AT TBS BACX. Yotir STperienoe with It has ao Seaht 14 to moch tetsUoa, poasiblj pro-fnlt-. Broke jour flnirnall trytnf to P7 H up from the rMcx-fcaad. aAt To wool hare that that exprVe If yor ah lit to vs we eare y thla trouble, and danger of tearirur Iks stlri Try M aast see. TBOY LAUNDBT, Tiath aal Dtuae Bta, Phoae iai PROFESSIONAL CARDS. OSTEOPATHISTB, PROPOSALS. OFFICE OF C. Q. M., VANCOUVER Barracks, Wash March 1, 1907. Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will be received here until 11 o'clock, a, m., April L 1907, for furnishing fuel, fuel oil, dogfood and mineral oil, at posts In this Department, for Jthe year end ing Juno 30, 1908. Information fur nished here or by quartermasters at post U. S. reserves the rlgnt to reject or accept any or all. proposals, or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked: "Propo sals for at addressed Sam. R, Jones, C. Q. M. n USfl2i3hit wonderful CANADIAN PACIFIC EMPRESS" Line of the Atlantic, Nothing better afloat than our new express steamers, "Empress of Brit ain" and "Empress of Ireland" (14500 tons), Quebec to Liverpool in six days; less than fouf days at sea, Superior accommodationb available. Comfort, elegance and safety. Send for illustred booklet and sailing list. James Fi' alyson, Agent Astoria Ore. QUI laxative Ffwt Syrup Cures Biliousness, Sick Headache, Sour Stom ach, Torpid Liver and Chronic Pleasant Cleanses the system thoroughly and clears sallow complexions of pimples and blotches. It is guaranteed WORKED LIKE A CHARM. Mr. D. N. Walker, editor of that spi cy Journal, the Enterprise, Louisa, Va., says: "I ran a nail Into my foot last week and atonce applied Bucklen's Arnica Salve. No inflamatlon follow ed: The salve simply healed the wound." Heals every eore, burn and skin disease. Guaranteed at Chaa. Rogers, Druggist 25c. Klsntv and ' (Jallir,i i.w.i 1 11 smnf m Eladdar Troublit UHIHARY DISCHARQES BELIEVED IN 24 Hours hCap- earsMIOYl Each Cap ule b the nzmcW fitvare qfcounttrftiU ALT. DRDHGISTS. iAi'dii, WOMEtl .'';& til. or 1-1 1 R (Jiin wrniiiK'. li'm nil? a forunmtmrsl .I'liarctalPillBliiiinHotu, itf ninr,i'f. iiirftbrtutPd. I'j.Wii- ittiil not astrirt Unprecedented Suocsea of DR. C- HE i THE CBJCAT CHIITESE DOCTOB 'V Who Is knowa J'HWil. m aseouat of cures. So poisons nor drugs used. He guarsn tees to cure catarrh, asthma, lung and throat trouble, rheumatism, nitrrousness, totnaoh, liver, and kidney, female oom plaints and all cbronle diseases, SUCCESSFUL HOME- TREATMENT. If you cannot call write for symptom blank and circular, Inolosing 4 cents in ttamps, THE C. "GEE WO MEDICINE CO. 12J Firt St. Corner atorrlson, PORTLAND, OREGON. Plese mention the Astorian DR. SXODA C. HXCZS OSTEOPATH Offloa sihmw Wd, Phoo. Black ttll , 171 Commercial Su, Astoria, Ore, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. HOWARO M. BROWNELL, Attorneyat'Law. Offloe with Mr. J. A. Eakln, at Ne, 42' Commerolal CU Astoria. h Tiir nriuiAAi nan It III! IIIIIBIIIII i Hit MUIJ I 9 416 BOND ST., ASTORIA, 0REO0W Carries the Finest Lisa of Wines, Liquors and I Cigars CALL AD, SEE US DENTIST, Dr. VAUGHAN, Demist 1 Pj-hlan Uuilding, Astoria. Oregon. Dr. W. O. LOGAK DENTI81 Coniimercial f l ., Bhanahau Bnild WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGAItl, THE SAVOY Popular Coooert Hall. Good naslo. All are waleotno. Ber Ssventk and Astor. Pa Eagle Concert Hall 320 Astor St ' ('It'- J lit f,fUit' THE OREGON 530-630 Commercial Street, between Eleventh and Twelfth. ASTORIA, OREGON MRS. M.NOLAN, Proprietress. Rooms Sinplfand Suites. ' , Terms, Day, Week or Month. ! 8team Heat, Bath and telephone, Telephone Red 2303. The leading amusement house. Agency for Edison Phonographs awl Gold Moulded Reoords. P. A. PETERSON, Prof First Class Meal 15c Coffee with Pie, Cake or Dough-, nuis iu cems, U.S.. RESTAURANT 434 Bond Street.