SUNDAY) MARCH S, 1907. BARGAIN t WEnemi Goodlmess is THE MORNING ASTOR1AN, ASTORIA, OREGON. We wish .o call your attention ro our oc and 10c tables on which you will alwajs find exceptional values. ALSO wish to state that we have inaugurated a bargain table which is changed every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. It ill pay you to visit our Crockery Depart ment as we offer some rare bargains on these special days. Watch window displays, Agents for H. C. Fry's cut glass. A. V. ALLEN, Phones 3S71 and 711 Main. WATER PROBLEM IS NOW PENDING SOME PERTINENT QUESTIONS ASKED IN CONNECTION WITH WITH THE PROPOSED IN CREASE OF WATER SUPPLY. "Should a larger pipe line b erec ted, more than twenty millions reserve, or storage would be required to keep It full during the dry season and It would then be advisable to build a reservoir at the headworks, but. still, this would not lessen the necessity of the proposed new reservoir near the eit. Of what capacity this latter will be, however, will not be known un til the measurements of the Bear Creek at the ehadworks, now being taken, are finally reported In January next "The estimated cost of the new pipe line of larger flow, Is $230,000. "Which I shall it be?" SPANISH POLITICS. A citizen of Astoria, deeply interest-. ed In the problem of future water sup ply for this city, has sent In the follow- tag communication In Ration to the atatn nd immediate needs or, ' .... t0 Become Church contest. the local syrtem. It carries U o wn March royal Je .uggesuon and Is well worth th ear- 6 0( ,a8t Aug nest con-uentM-u --m,ttInjr catholics to contract -Beside the .election of a superln-. tenoent ana engmeer 'T-10 tne Lbera, who regarded It Is t to .ucceed Mr. Bergsvlck. the members of the Water Commission are pud n & their brain, over improvement to the whole plant- An adjourned meeting ( fc wfll be held on Friday night next to gtep consider thl. particular ! wlu gtren(fthen the Ubral campalgn 1Muu-- - for the corning elections. The eJec- t import la. shall a reservoir of , million gallon capac y be tw, u expecte( wl turn lt tne city, or one oi ivw umuuu 6"""" he constructed at the headworka, ele ven miles distant? i- m a 111 nlm mm lha AaflpiATI. : IHO Urol wm uiaAc f cr In the shortened supply of dry rea- . - - . n cy iu Lutj o t Smoot Reimbursed For Epeme of De- tons; n win iumn mo ij mm - , ter when the pipe line breaks, or is largely into a church question. PAY FOR TROUBLE. hut off for repairs, and will furnish water to the city when the present reservoirs are emptied for cleaning or repairs, or emptied by overdraft in case of Are, or cold weather such as prevailed this winter. fending Seat In Senate. WASHINGTON, March 2. The Sen ate today passed the Deficiency Ap propriation bill carrying sllghtiy less than $10,740,000. Among other Items provided was $1,000 to reimburse Smoot for the expenses In curred by him in defending his rights to a seat in the It wUl furnish water to families liv-jgenate tag on the hills and fire protection to - discuaslon the property situated above the eleva-j tion of the present reservlors. , wiNTHROP APPOINTED. "The reservoir at the headworks will keep up the water supply through the WASHinGTON, March, 2. It is an- tardy season, but nothing more. Should n0unced tnat tae preSaent has tender ed to Beckman Wlnthrop, Governor of Porto Eica the position of Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. Winthrop has accepted the appointment. the pipe line be out of repair, lt would not even do that, but be useless. Un der no circumstances would it meet any of the other advantages of the new reservoir near the town. "The cost, also, is a heavy factor. The estimated cost of the first is ap proximately, $100,000: of the 100 mil lion gallon reservior, $30,000: of the 200 million reservoir, $90,000. "Should a reservoir be constructed at the headworks, there -would still be the same demand, and necessity, for the additional reservoir near the city, and should the new city reser voir be built, there would be no demand for the headworks reservoir, or need of It, until the new pipe line of larger EXPLOSION INJURES MANY. SCRANTON, Pa., March 2 Four teen men were seriously, hurt and twelve slightly Injured In an explosion of gas today In the Holden Mine at Taylor, four miles from this city. Four will probably die. MARCHIONESS RIPON DEAD. LONDON, March 2. The Marchion ess of Ripon is dead here. She was capacity shall be built from Bear Creek j married t0 the Marqul8, who is her and when that shall be required, de- cousin, and who survives her, In 1851. pends upon the growth of the city, or the life of the present conduit. UCUIBEZ You Can Be Easy! W. L. Douglas Shoe They are the Greatest of All Shoes in single and double soles, warm and strong, protecting the feet and health at the same time. These shoes have that soft, velvety feeling, and have that peculiar action making walking a pleasure. They are gratifying to the most sensitive feet. Our Specialty Line of Loggers Shoes guarantee satisfaction to the wearer. No better but a leader of all. S. A. G1MRE 643 Bond St., opposite Fisher Bros. ITALIAN ERUPTION. NAPLES, March 2. The crater of Zolfalara at Pozzull which we suposeJ to be extinct has openod up a new mouth and is emitting dense smoke. There have been slight earthquakes In Calabria. Don't Complain. If your cheat pains and you are un able to sleep because of a cough. Buy a bottle of Ballard's Hoar'nound Syrup, and you won't have any cough. Get a bottle now and that cough wwon't last long. A cure for all pul monary diseases. MrMs. J, Galves ton, Texas, writes: "I can't say enough for Ballard's Hoarhound Syr up. The relief lt has given me Is all that lt is necessary for me to say." For sale at Hart's drug store. FATAL GAS EXPLOSION. WILKESBARRE, Mar.2. Twom en were killed and Ave badly burned In an explosion of gas In the Woodmard mine at Klugston today., from They scolded and looked sour morn till night, They never would agree; Now they are healthy happy and bright, They both take Rocky Mountain tea at night I Why Try Poorness? DURING Wise's Gire&ft You can buy A 1 Goods for the Price of Imitations. 1-2 off, on men's and boys' Overcoats, ex cept Cravenettes, they arc 1-4 off. 1-5 off on Underwear, Hats, Etc. I -4 off on Men's and Boy's Suits, Trunks, Umbrellas, Etc. Boy's Long Pants Suits, sizes 12 to 19, $4.85. Boy's 3 piece knee pant suits, 4 to J 6 yrs.. $2.90. HERMAN WIS Astoria's Reliable Clothier and Hatter. BEHIND EACH ARTICLE SOLD IN HIS STORE JUNIOR SOCIAL. Third Year Class of High School Gives Entertainment. i The Junior .class of the Astoria hlga school gave a very enjoyable enter tainment last evening at the McClure aHsernbly hall. A good attendance was present and the program, which Is as follows .was well received: Instrumental Duet.BlrJie and Louise Wise. Vocal Solo, Lena Faatabend, Instrumental Solo, Norman Anstenson. Recitation, Jennie Jeff ers, Song Mabel Larson, Spanish Dance, Ethel Ells worth, Instrumental Solo Maude Ross, After the program refreshments were served and dancing was Indulged in. The entertainment was a decided success, both socially and financially, netting the Junior class a sum which will later be used to assist in staging the class play. LI8TEN and remember the next vlme you suf fer from pain caused by damp wea therwhen your head nearly bursts Urom neuralgia try Ballard's Snow Liniment. It will cure you. A prom inent business man of Hempstead, Texas, writes: "I have used your lin iment. Previous to using it I was a great sufferer from rheumatism and neuralgia. I am pleased to say that now I am free from these complaints. I am sure I owe this to your liniment" For sale at Hart's drug store. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind Yen Rava Always Bought Q. A. IJOWLBY, President. r?RANK PATTON, Cashier. J, I'KTKUSON, Vice-President. J. W. GARNER, Assistant Cashier. Astoria Savings Bank Bears the Signature of "O SPICES, COFFEE,TEA DAlflNGFOYDER, FWJQMIQ EXTRACTS AbolurePurity, finest Flavor, Crtaresr 5f ren$f h, fcasonIe frki CL05SET&DEYEBS f PORTLAND, OREGON. ' Opllal i'sld In 1)00,000 8urp!u sud Un(SWIde(l I'ronu IM.OOO. TraiiMiu-U dfiieral Bunking Buxlnwm. Intercut l'uld on Time Deponlui A STOMA, OREGON I I I Ki4r 'SWMiVru i i ' in ii 'mm II I f 1r,i, 'Mi Jhy ii tlx fflarfin 12 liuge ulu-dowt npuling ihotguo ht bat hotiuD thai money cm buy t MKa J.itotina .m mmAm ri t. ... J.I ! . - f .1. - ... - ny rt ttroos (no wn, and woik unlet ill conditioni. 1'h breech block and working parti are cut from aolid itaal diop-forginiii iha ba trait an o ipacial iQlied Heal or of " SpeciaTSmokclcw Slwl." Thelinetol fflqrtin ahoiiuna an pleating iha balanc ii parfect. TKey paltrrn perferlly and Kara wonderful penetration. Tha aolid top and tide election aawra taiely and comfock Toil ll tna gun you have been needing. Send ail cents for our catalogue, which eiplaiat every PIotHa In detail and It lull of other raluable gua lore. 42WU Srreel 7e77Zarfifi firearms Co. , """n. km, du. J