The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 03, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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    SUNDAY, MARCH 1, 1007.
It is carefully made by skillful workmen
25c Pound
Qo to A, D. Craig for your tent
awning and all klnda of canvaa worii
llth and Exchange, tt
The vary beat board to be obtained
In the city la at "Tho Occident Hotel.'
Rates very reaaonabla.
For Fine Watch and clock repairing
go to Frank J. Donnerberg, the re
liable jeweler, 111 Utb Bt.
New Arrival Of nice new. iprlng
aulta and millinery at Jaloffa new
tore, llth atreot between Commercial
and Bond atreots.
Baby Qo-Carta-New stock Jut In
llll'lubrand & dor furniture old Uee
Hive Ilulldlng.
The Liberty Hell Hoclal club will
give a dance Saturday evening, March
Id, at Logan'a halt. All are cordially
Five Centi to 3.00 Whn you feel
like "aponglng" a bit. drop inio Frank
Hart'a drug etore and buy a aponge.
Tou can find Juat what you want, from
I centa to $3 00 per aponge. .
Don't 8uffr Go straight to Llnton'a
drug atore, on ICloventh atreet be
tween Duane and Commercial. It la
open day and night Everything of
tb pureat and beat.
Ship That Pa Teatorday waa, bo
yond doubt, the vary dulleat day In tn
recant hlatory of Atorta, aa far aa ma
rlni matter wero concerned, out tv.
veavel paialng thla port during tho
day, the Rodondo and the Nome City
leaving out, both lumber laden, for the
Bay City.
Old Man Injured -W, 11. Kacue of
Portland, aged 6 yoara, was Injured
at Dave Kolley' logging camp on the
Blind Plough yesterday morning. He
waa working on a akldway and waa
cruahed by a long log which unexpec
tedly awung against him. He waa at
once brought to Aatorl.
Bt. Mary'a hospital for treatment
While he la badly bruised hi Injuries
are not regarded aa serious.
Do you feel sleepy and not a bit
tlk working In the afternoon? Pr
hap It' because of the kind of lunch
you're eating too heavy and too hard
to digest. Why not try the Palace
restaurant on Commercial atreet.
where all the baking la done In those
famous low-process ovens, which turn
out light, appetlxlng wholeaome
things ? Ton'll save money, too. U
$1.25 for One-Half Box.
5end in your orders while they last as this very low
price will apply on this shipment only.
Scholfield, Mattson $ Co.,
For a
go to
Johnson Phonograph Go.
Parlor Ssoond Floor ovr SohotfUld & Mattion Co.
Dell 11. Scully, Notary I'ublle, m
foully' Cigar 8 tore. Any old flour t i
Orkwit haa received a .ample of the
National bicycle fn, the aeaaon of
J. A. Gllb.uflh 4 Company, Under-
taker., M9 Duane atreet. corner of
Twelfth tf
Hotel Irving will open tholr dining
room to boarder and transient, Maroh
1t. New .management,. Rate Rea
aonabl. Warrenton Teacher' MeetingBu
ierlntndint A. L. Clark will no to
... , . , ...... ..i..
Warrenton today to deliver an adJrea
to tho mooting of tho Teacher Aaao
elation to bo held In that city.
For Electrio Sarviee limtullntlo i or
repulr work, go to J. 8. Vernon, l'c.
trlclan, No. 487 Exchange .'rect, Main 2443. All manner of ,
electric and telephone work done at
hart notice.
Expert Ladle Tailor Teachea Gar
ment Cutting, alio Courae In ldle
Tailoring Man'a Method, you can make
a ault for youraelf whllo learning ev
ery lady ihoutd learn o aa to make
tholr own clothe. Will be In your
town about the 10th of March. Lad
le winding to learn pleaae writ to
Mr. Wcbater, 245 Yamhill St. Portland,
Dainty Foot-Gear At Cost Ladle
with a penchant for elegant foot-wear,
especially In the line of allpper. (and
who of them la without It?), will be
glad to know that Charlei V. Brown
haa Just put 100 pair of those elegant
accesorlea on hi cot-llt and will j
dlepote of them at that standard until
the last pair goes out. There are bar
gains, galore!
Putting On City Air-Warrenton la tack or man nnure, on rway nuer
forglng right ahead along the line of 'noon, will be burled today from Pohl's
her recent development, and Is now In , undertaking parlors.: The funeral will
evidence aa a banking center, the In-j take place at 1:30 o'clock, Rev. W. S.
corporatora of the First Bank of War-; tlllbert, pnator of the First Pr?sby
renton having filed It articles of In- terlnn church ofllelatlng.
corporation with County Clerk Clin- .
ton yeaterdny. Tho bank will have a' Senator Fulton Return Senator
capital of $10,000, and It sponsor of Fulton Is expected to return from Wash
record are Oeorgo W. Warren, Walter! l"Kton about the middle of the month.
C. Smith, C. R. Hlgglna and F. I,. War- He will probably assist in the defense
ren. The new house will d0 a genernl i of Captain Forrest accused of the
banking business. J murder of George Fisher on December
i ( th lost.
Chocolates and Bonbons
Are the Best
J !
Cathalamot ,Nw -Editor George
lfunnlgan, of tho Cathalamet Now,
was u buMlncM visitor in the city yes
terday. Mr, Harmlgan In also county
clink of Wukliilium county, anJ a gon
ry well pouted ciilvm of th north
shore bailiwick, lie report the death
fit OthfiliifmH yesterday morning, of
Wllllimi O'Hilim, one of the bent know
and rriOMt popular "f the younger citi
zen of that place, Mr. O'Brien died
frotn t'i result of un operation per
formed a a dernier resort to avo hi
llfo. IIo wu a victim of heart trou
ble and hud suffered for a long time
greatly. Ho was but 24 year of age.
Tho funeral will tttko plane on Wednes
day next. The deccaand wa a half
brother of Ueorgo Kaejaon, of thla
Leg Badly Cruihed Nola
while working at the Tybcrg logging ind many tell of parties that will at
ctinip on the Lewi and Clark wa o- tend In a body during the next few
. r,,u""r ,nJur,,'J
wu ftl"ne ut U, ,,m of ,h0 acd
j di'nt, but from what could be gathered
i from hi brother a.'lerward, It eecrned
t,ml "'' l "
, an "M h!" Hht ' bo"
t'10 w"' nurr'',l 10 tn''1
' city and placed In Ht. Mary' hospital
wh"r0 h ""Stated at an
curly hour latit night. HI condition
I reported to bo aorlou.
Funeral Today Andrew J, Belmont
whoae Mineral will take place thla af
ternoon from the Ollh-iugh undwrtak-
lug parlor, had been alnce 1879 a mem
ber of Temple lodge, No. 7, the local
Macule lodgtt, and th; ceremonlca
will be under the auaplce of that
order. The deceaaed waa 78 year of
age, single and without known rein-
tel-,,lv,, "' thlH p'"",lrr- d'0" ,n Bt'
"n h"-I",al 10 ,'or,,,in1 or ,n"
ftuenxa on February 26.
Logging Camp Injury August Bealo,
a Flnnlah employe of tho Tell Seppan
en togging camp on Beaver Creek re
ceived a bad cut above the right knee
Thursday afternoon. While at work
he stepped from a bank some ton feet
high and fell on hi axe, gashing the
flesh badly and splitting the bone. He
wna brought to Aatorla at once for
medical treatment
Jury Return Vordiot In tho case
of U Lebeck vs. Daniel and Andrew
Hannula, a ault waa brought to recover
damages to the extent of $1000 for In
Jury done to the Uppcrtown property
possessed by the plaintiff, the circuit
court Jury brounght In a verdict of $130
vor of the plaintiff.
Funeral Today Duncan .McMullen
who was drowned In Tucker Creek,
by fulling Into the water during an at-
) New Library Book The Woman'
! Club met yesterday afternoon. Among
other matters before the society was
1 the selection of a list of new booka
for the library. Quito a number of
new books are already on the way anJ
nre c'iccteJ t0 arr,ve ln ,he near futuro-
1 Over-Sunday Visit Miss Isabel Gtl
baugh nnd I Van Horn, of Portland,
aro spending Sunday in thla city, vis
iting tho former's brother, J. A. GU
baugh. Police Court But one case came up
In police court yesterday. A young
man was fined $5 or two days In Jail
by Police Judge Olof Anderson on the
charge of being found drunk ln a pub
lic place.
..Funeral Notice The funeral of the
Into Andrew J. Belmont will take place
at 2 o'clock this afternoon from the
Gllbaugh undertaking parlors.:
Died at Deep River Irene, the six
months old daughter of John Pentula,
died at Deep River yesterday morning,
The funeral will be at that place to
day. Collector Appointed Pres., Welch of
tho Chamber of Commerce has named
L. E. Solig as collector for the sub
scriptions to the Greater Aatorla fund.
Subscribers are requested to pay
promptly in order that the collecting
be as Inexpensive as possible.
Sons of soldiers and sailors of the
Civil War, please send your names and
addresses to B. F. ALLEN,
Commander Cushlng Post No. 14, G.
A. R. Object will be stated later.
A Grand Reoeptlon Received by the
Hhafor-Whlttlor Co., on tbelr opening
Jay of 'the Sacrifice Bale of the fine
$10,000 stock of Men&Womcn's wear
ing apparel of the New York Credit
Co., on 9th and Bond atreet, Mr. Bha-
fer aaya one of the largest and moat'
good nut u rod crowd that ever attend
ed a aale In the city of Atorla's lze
waa on hand all day yesterday till 10
p. m. at night. They were far above
the majority of crowda In point of In
telligence, and bought rnot highest
claaa gooda. Well poaalbly the repu
tation of the lino atock was the cauae
of thai, ue evwy lntdiig!iit person la
aware of the fyt, that a Credit com
pany muat keep the beat un.l moat re
llable goods, preparation will te made
to handle big crowda all through the
Halt! U many let tore and carda from I
aurroundlng town come In for gooda
day. Door open at 9 , rn. dally.
Mill is 8old --Roadmaater John Frye
arrived In the city yesterday from the
Jewell country and the county saw
mill, which he reports to be busily at
work cutting the 300,000 feet of road
lumber heretofore ordered cut by th
county court, and that about one half
that amount la now In readiness for
delivery and that the balance will be
ready about the middle of the month.
When thla cutting is finished the mill
will be sold to Messrs: Nystrom &
Bond, of Vesper, at $1,250 a price agreed
upon a time ago and the portable plant
will be delivered to the new owner In
due course. The money, It Is said, will
be devoted to the purchase of a new
rock-crusher for the county service an
that will be placed for operation at a
point where ready transportation by
mall will bo available to various point
of the county, where the rock la moat
Hardly A Fair Deal The attention
of the street department Is called to
the fact that a little more discrimina
tion may be used to advantage, and
the peace of mind of a number of peo
ple, if, when the washing of the in
tersection on Commercial atreet la
In progress, the men In charge are In
structed to wash away the surplusage
of debris the hoae force from the In
tersections onto the street adjoining.
Yesterday afternoon the crossing at
Tenth and Commercial waa cleaned at
the expense of the block to the west
ward of Tenth, where the filth was
washed back, and left without so much
as an (Tort to direct It down the gutter-scuppers,
and this, even upon the
protest of a citizen who does business
at that particular point
Oomo Probata Orders The following
were made In probate court, yesterday,
by JudKo Trenchard: In the matter of
the estate and guardianship of Maud,
Harold, Mabel and Marlon TuHey, the
time for tho filing of the final account
of the guardian, Mrs. Lena B. Gilmore,
was extended. A nunc pro tunc or
der was made for the entry of an or
der for the commitment of two home
less minors, made by the late Judge
J. H. D. Gray, sending Clara and
Frank Schultz to the Boys' and Girls'
Aid Society on September 15. 1896.
how the order missed the records Is
not known, but this entry fulfils the
demand of the law, since It has the
sanction of the presiding Judge of that
Singer .Sowing Machine Co., Just
received a new stock of Singer and
Wheeler&Wllson machines, all the la
teat styles. Repairing and cleaning
of all makes of machines a specialty
come and give us a trial, 172-10th St
Dressmaking 8chool A grand op
portunity Is offered the young ladles in
Astoria to learn the art of dressmaking,
In all Its branches, cutting, fitting, mak
Ing and. finishing. Bring your own
goods. Tou simply cannot fall. Tou
cannot lose; the gain Is certain. The
ladles In the last class were delighted
with the arrangements ln this behalf
at the parlors of Mesdames Hawks and
Smith at 519 Duane street.
Funny Films On The measure of a
good laugh Is the meat of an entertain
ment. The moving picture present-.
tlon of "The India Rubber Man" at;
the Waldorf with Its miraculous con- J
tortionist and clown work is among
the real amusing things in Astoria at
this time; and anything this may lack
In the way of humor, la supplied by
the film that shows the grim fate of
the group of old "New Tork Mashers,"
whose fate at the hands of a bright
woman Is as merciless as It is ridicu
lous. Search For Body George Benson,
who has carried mall from Seaside to
Nehalem for years and is familiar with
every foot of the route, is to under
take today the perilous task of search
ing Hug Point for traces of John Cros-'
no, who disappeared somewhere on the
road from Seaside south on January 9.
Herman Wise
Astoria's Reliable Clothier.
$4.00 and $5.00
They are the height of fash
ion but not the extreme.
Full of comfort and good
service for the man that
walks much or little.
They come in various leathers.
All sizes and widths in . stock.
tWherity, Ralston $ Company j
Th Loading
Second of a Series of Teacher's As
emblie Held at Warrenton.
Smith, block 2, Smlfh "War-
The second of a series of three meet- j renton
lngs of West Side teachers was held Henry Siml to Ole Olaen, lot
yesterday at Warrenton, the first hav- i 9, block 35, Shlveley's Asto-
Ing been held at Seaside some time ago ria
at which all of the teachers in that C. Bradbury and wife to James
district, without exception, were pre- j Still, 40 acres, Sec. 18,-5.-10-sent
and a thoroughly good time was; w '.
County Superintendent MUs Emma
Warren, presided! and Professor. A.
L. Clark, head of the Astoria schools
was present and made things very In
teresting with talks; as did many of
the gathered pedagogues.
The third of the series of instltu -
tes will be held during the closing days
of March, at Hammond, at the school
presided over by Professor Keezel.
The following resolutions passed
yesterday afternoon by those in at-
tendance at Warrenton, reveal some of
the pleasures enjoyed by the teachers
at yesterday's session: ;
Resolved That we, teachers ln in- (
stltute assembled at Warrenton do
hereby express our appreciation for
the reception tendered us by the
County Superintendent, teachers and
patrons of the Warrenton Public school
and be it further resolved that we ex
tend a vote of thanks to the teachers
and ladles of Warrenton for the en
tertainment and refreshments given
Resolved That we, the teachers, ln
appreciation of the kindness shown
us, by Mr. McElroy, Supt. of the Ore-
gon Mills, do hereby extend to him the
thanks of this convention for so cour
teously escorting us through his plant
And be it further resolved that a
copy of these resolutions be sent to a
county paper.
Respectfully Submitted.
In the Astorlan cannot be figured as
additional expense. It Is simply in
creasing an Investment from which
you are to receive good returns.
Men's Overcoats One-Half '
Boys' Overcoats One-Half
Men's Suits One-Fourth Off.
Bos Suits One-Fourth Off.
Men's Hats One-Fifth Off.
Underwear One-Fifth off.
Trunks, Sox, One-Fifth Off.
Umbrellas One-Fourth Off.
8hot Dealers.
; Emma L. McKercher, to N. C
E. B. Winters, et al to Thomas
Dolg, lot 11, block 39, Shive
leys Astoria
Frank Olesen, of Cathalamet, and
formerly of the Hotel Irving here, waa
a business visitor here yesterday.
H. Wendt of San Francisco is in the
city on business,
L- Kelly and wife of Knappa wer
in Astoria yesterday,
B. A. Chllders was ln from Seaside
I. Bush of Woodland Is In this city,
on a brief visit.
G. M. Grimes of Seaside was In As-
torla yesterday on business.
B. F. Allen went to Seaside yeater-
day for a short trip.
Ches. Thompson was up from Sea
side yesterday.
Norrls Staples Is In Portland on busl
nes. Max M. Shlllock, a well known news
paper man of Baker City, was ln As
toria yesterday, on a business trip.
There will be a special communica
tion of Temple Lodge No. 7, A. F.& A.
M. at Masonic Hall, this Sunday af
ternoon at one o'clock for the purpose
of attending the funeral of our late
brother Andrew J. Belmont By order
of the Worshipful Master.
M. E. MASTERSON, Secretary.
are watching for bargains. If you
have any to offer you will get quick
responses from announcing the same
ln the classified columns of The
Morning Astorlan.