THE MORNING ASTOIUAN, ASTOHIA, OREGON. SUNDAY) MARCH 3, 1907. was Illuminated by : pink nnd whit candles. Two games were pliiyed In which little Miss Rossis Holt was peculiar ly fortunate In being the winner of both the prises. Skating Club. ' HI TUP YT?ETf TM ASTORIA SOCIETY re a All Items of social or personal nature will please be tent to Miss Alert. 144 Duane street, Fhone Red 1091. No communication will be received Inter than 10 o'clock Saturday morning, ex-eept In case of an event occurring la ter than that time. February has come to a close piano accompanymont, Miss Laura with the usual commemorations of , Jeffer,MIs Jennie Jeffera, accotnpanN the birth of our country's Father, est, piano solo, Mrs. Frances Rannells. whose name, an Oriental philosopher, j Tono Slmada, says, "is almost a syno- j Tin Shower., ny mfor Freedom, the best loved word t Monday afternoon, Mrs. John In any tongue." After this the Len- j Wilson, of East Astoria, was tendered ten season holds few occasions for so- j a tin-shower surprise by friends. Mr. elal festivity. March has dawned-a ; and Mrs. Wilson have been recently gray dawn. But the HtUe hare and ' established In their new home In East crocuses await In timid anxiety to Astoria, and the afternoon was made sprint; forth at the first good chance, In a premature sun-burst The little spring bonnets do not a delightful occasion for all. Mr. Oscar Stmlngton of this city, re deem so timid. They perch in gay j turned this week with his bride, from complacency In the windows of all the egon City whert they were quietly mllllnery-shops, quite sure it will not married at St, Paul's Episcopal church. be long before they will be taken out of the windows and perched on divers fair heads-marching to reception or tea. ' But this week there la a lull and a dearth of all doings in Society. Among the few happenlngs-mlght be mentioned first-la the afternoon tea given by Mrs. J. E, Ferguson: Afternoon Benefit. Mrs. Stmlngton, was formerly Miss Barbara Barratt of Marchmount, Wash. The event possesses much Interest to many, for the young couple are the recipients of all good wlshei from the manly friends, here of the groom's family. There were several other quiet and Informal at homes. In honor of Mrs. The helpful and unostentatious or- Richard Shore Smith, who left Friday ganixatlon of the W. C. T. U. In this evening with her husband the promt- city has been kept astir In some good nent and popular young lawyer, for cau for years past. The latest project in which there seems to be no co-operation from other associations is the building of a Seamen's Home. So strikingly evi dent fa the practical wor thiness of this effort, that non-mem bers of the W. C. T. U. are opening I their homes and lending tlmo and j talent to the cause. On Thursday, members of the W. C T. U. and others were present at the charming home of Mrs. J. E. Ferguson, on Kensington Avenue where they were entertained by a program of mu sic after which refreshments were served In a dainty setting of spring flowers. Piano Solo.Mrs. J. E. HIggtna, vocal solo, Miss Grace Rannels; piano solo, Miss Jennie Jeffers; violin solo with Kalamath, Oregon, whjre they, will make their home. Miss Mabel Taylor has been con fined to her home in Warrenton, the past week with a severe attack of La Grippe and tonsilltla. Miss Floretta Elmore is also 111 from the wretched effects of La Grippe. Master James Welch Holmes, the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Holmes was given a pink and white party by his mother on Thursday. In honor of his fourth birthday. The little folks who were Invited guests were regaled by visions of ros es and cream and refreshed by pink and white confections. Pink and white carnations decorated the table which The skating club, which It was de cided would not disband for a time yet. hold .their regular skating meet Friday evening at the Gregg rink. The club is organising a party to go to Cathalamct, next week. A visiting Portlnndor says that they have an Ice rink In that city, which proves that at least we have not reached the final stage. In our appreciation of the de servedly popular nnd healthy sport. The Gushing Tost, G. A. R., enter tained the ladles of the Relief Corps, this week In a moat enjoyable evening, which they report and mention es pecially the toothsome viands provided by the gentlemen. Miss Grace Stokes, whose charm and beauty as the mald-of. honor at the recent Allen-Fredrlcksen wedding, was greatly admired, will leave soon for California, where she will be a brides-! maid again at the wedding of a friend In Berkely. Following this, Miss Stokes, expects to make Los Angeles her point of destination, probably spending the summer there. Mrs. John Tyson Allen's many friends who know her artistic gifts, will be delighted to hear that she has resumed teaching a limited number of violin pupus ana u is nnpeu win invur " j audience In the near future with In terpretations on her beautiful Instru ment Mr. Donald Symington, of Chicago, was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. , Samuel Elmore, one cay this week. Mrs. C. R. Morse, Is away on a vis It to the metropolis. Surprise Party. A number of the friends of Mrs. urge Longford gathered at her home in East Astoria, Thursday evening and tendered her a pleasant surprise, In honor of the anniversary of her birth. Progressive Whist was played until a late hour when refreshments were served, after which all departed wlh- MllimlHHHHMttH44l, r Htm44MtH i MJfe fly eSrf - p Spring Copyright 1906 by jrhrt SchsH'ner M"-x For arc now ready for your inspection. WE HAVE GATHERED with a liberal hand and are showing the nobbiest, suappiest line of ready for service clothes ever brought together in Astoria. The second shipment of Hart, Schaffner Marx clothes for spring just received. See our windows. P. A. STOKES,"ucTorer New rat Hats for Spring. Just received a Large Shipment of Our New Spring Hats Embracing all the Latest Styles, Shades and Highest Q,uaility in IThe new "Telescope" four inch soft hats in many different styles and all the latest "Derbies." Boys' fiats and Caps. A most complete stock of Boy's hats and caps in all the latest styles for the little fellow. Our Prices are the Lowest. Our large stock of "Alfred Benjamin's" correct clothes for men. f and the famous "Preis Made" clothes for 'voune men and f boys, the clothes without a fault, and our famous "Oregon t KAa 14-Ul a.- - J J mi "aw, uuiiiiug aic uii mc ruau ana win soon arrive. Walt for them. It Will pay you. romlle woo en rJiill store E. C JUDD, Proprietor, 684 Commercial St., between 15th and 16th. In Mrs. Langford many happy returns of tho day. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Townsend, Mr. and Mrs. lien Hay, Mr. Theodore Falangos, of Clifton Mr. and Mrs. Wlliam Roll. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bacry, and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Oam mel. ; Browntll-Harts. Mr. Howard M. lirownell, son of; Senator Oeorge nrownall and Mis Nellie B. Harte. of Oregon City for merly the home of Mr. lirownell, wore( married In that city on Thursday af ternoon. Mr.. BrowneU who located In his profession here, has returned ! the lust session of the legislature, with j Mrs. lirownell to Astoria where they i will make their home. j .Mrs. M. F. Woods well known In Portland art circles Is In Astoria with serious Intentions of locating here. It Is to be hoped that Mrs. Woods will And sufficient encouragement to war rant the most deslrablo acquisition to this city of a studio of painting such as this lady might estubllHh. The A. H. 8. Junior Class enter tainment, which was to have been giv en Friday evening, March the 1st, was postponed until Saturday evening the 2nd, and will be reported later. The ladles of the East Astoria Kpls copal Oulltl, during the Inten session transposo themselve Into an auxiliary, and meet at this time without tho usual display of hospitality, to work and subscribe to the missionary fund. Mrs F. D. Kuettner entertained the Fortnightly Club, Monday. The coloni al effect In decotatlon which was car ried out In favors, etc., bespoke the artistic ability of this clever hostess. At cards Mrs. E. Osborno and Mrs. Kuettner won the ladles' prises and Mr. John Slmlngton and Mr. Fred SI mlngton the gentlomens' prizes. Mr George Nolan was awarded the guest's prize. The Thursday Club met at the home of Mls Cal Young, who was hostess, this week. The Pastime club was entertained by Mrs. Welch at her home, on Grand Avenue. The winners of prizes at alx handed Euchre were Mrs. G. W. Woods and Mr. OswalJ West. Loads of Good Things. An extra fine line of canned goods, both fruit and vegetables. A fresh shipment of Norwegian Sardines, Anchovies and smoked. Acme Grocery, Phone Main 681 52 Commercial St. i To Be Happy and Gay Means not only good things to oat. but also the best of things to drink, and tho best of all good drinks Is 8und A Carlson's Rye and Bourbon Whiskies, Choice Wines and Champagnes. THE COMMERCIAL 609 Commsrolal 8t ft, Miss Jessie Sands entertained D. M. C, D. club. the The Friday club was entertained this week by Mrs. Wm Gordon. The engagement Is annuonced of Miss Christine Rarth to Mr. J. R. Beck ley of Portland. In reference to the Lenten prayers of the Episcopal Church which were to have been printed this week Rev. Short has sent word that owing to throat trouble Induced by a cold he has- de cided to forego the usual service ex ceptlng the lecture by Bishop Scaddlng which will take place in Grace church FISHERMEN, ATTENTION! SEE OUR WINDOWI EVERYTHING YOU NEEDl PAINT, COTTON ROPE, SAIL CLOTH, NETTING TWINE, NETTING NEEDLES, OARS & FLOATS The Foard & Stokes Hardware Go.,lnc. Successors. t rttxft k Stokat C rn 1 1 xj pat t A ISA. J, F L BISHOP. Secretar ASTORIA IRON WORKS (Nelson Trovti, Vice-Pres. and Sopt. ASTORIA HAVINGS BANK. Trea Designers and Manufacturers oi THE LATfcdT IMPKOVED Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers, Complete Cannery Ouwlb FurnisM. ORRE5P0NDENCE 'SOUCITEDi Foot of Fourth Street First National Bank of Astoria, Ore. ESTABLISHED 188U. on Tuesday evening. Capital $100,000