THE MORNING ASTORIA N, ASTORIA, OREGON. 30 PER CENT. SAVING. 30 PER CENT. SAVING. 30 PER CENT. SAVING. 30 PER CENT. SAVING. 30 PER CENT. SAVING. Sale Opens Thursday Morning, February 28, Closes Saturday Night, March 9. FIFTH ANNUAL Sale Opens Thursday Morning, February 28, Closes Saturday Night, March 9. 3 rin it '! .1: uuu JVJ SUNDAY) MARCH 3, 1907, EIDEB 8 6 AND i w o w 8 8 6 I .w 8 (A w 8 w E3 w u W 0 I w o 5 09 (4 Ph 8 wwnn fit wwff? n J r HERE is no sale that appeals to the gentler sex like a sale in which UNDER-MUSLINS are the principal feature, and the ladies of Astoria and vicinity are coming to recognize MORSE'S ANNUAL WHIT6 GOODS SALE as the principal event of the Spring months. They watch for it, and there is always live ly shopping during the opening days of the sale. Our Muslin Underwear contracts were placed early in the season before the BIG ADVANCE IN THE PRICE OF COTTON, to be made up during the manufacturer's dull season, at which time they are willing to do the work for prac tically cdst to keep their machines and help busy. We bought this Underwear 30 Per Cent Cheaper than it could be bought for now, which means a great saving to our customers. Skirts 60c I?or a ood Muslin Skirt 10-inch ruffle resu- lar price 05c. lji4.,1i i , i i i .. --- CQr For Muslin Skirt, 14-inch double Ruffle, four uo rows hemstitched Tucks; regular price 85c. flSr For fine Cambric Skirt, M-inch flounce, trim mcd with three rows of lace insertion and , three inch lace around bottom; regular priee fl.25. i I "IK For fine Cambric Skirt, H-inch double flouuee trimmed with four clusters of tucks and edged with 5-inch Valencien nes lace; regular price $2.25. Oj For fine Cambric Skirt, 10-nch flounce, V 1 made of lace insertion; regular price $1.95 Corset Covers fir For fine Muslin Corset Cover, regular price 0t 15c. (Or or fine lace trimmed Corset Covert regular IUt price 30c. 25c or ne lace Cambric Corset Cover price 35c. AKr For fine Cambric , Corset Cover, beautifully trimmed wuh fine Nainsook Embroidery and : Ribbon; regular price 00c. RKr For fine Long Cloth Corset Cover, beautifully 00t trimmed with fine Nainsook Embroidery and ribbon; regular price 80c. flCr For fine Corset Cover made of fine Nainsook, full finished garment in laces and insertions of various designs, regular price $1.00. ft I IE 01 ok Af For beautiful Corset $ 1 . 1 0, Q I fcO V Covers made of tine Long Cloth and Nainsook. White Goods India Linon, worth 8c, at 5c Indiu Linon, worth 12 l-2c, at 9c India Linon, worth 15c, at 12k India Linon, worth 20c, at I5c India Linon, worth 25c, at 20c Embroideries, worth 20c, at. 10c Embroideries, worth 25c, at.. 15c Embroideries, worth 40c, at. , Corset Embroidery, worth 40c, at Corset Embroidery, worth 50c, at Persian Lawns, worth 25c, at ., Persian Lawns, worth 35c, at.......... Long Cloth, worth 20c, at 15c Long Cloth, worth 25c, at 20c Sheets, 72x90, worth GOc, at 48c Bed Spreads, worth $1.50, at $1.25 25c 25c 35c 20 c 25c Napkins, worth $1.25, at.... . Lace Curtains, worth $1.25, at Table Linen, worth 70c, at Piquas, worth 30c. at Piquas, worth 25c, at Mercerized Swiss, worth 35c, at Curtain Swiss, worth 20c, at Curtain Swiss, worth 15c, at.. 95c 95c 48c 20c 18c 25c 15c 10c Chemise 75c I?or Cnerrse made of best grade of Muslin, ruffled bottom,- yoke of fine Embroidery; reg ular price $1.00. S 1 .25 For phemise made of best grade Cambric, combination of Embroidery and Lace trim ming; regular price $1.65. 3,50 ?or Chemise made of Nainsook and Long v Cloth and trimmed Empire style, with fine Embroideries and Lace; regular price $2. Gowns 45p For 00( Muslin Gown; regular price 75c. 60C For a ne Muslin Gown, beautifnlly trimmed; regular price $1.00. 78b For a ne Muslin Gown, beautifully trimmed; ! regular price $1.15. ' ' S 1 .00 I?or a n Cambric Gown, yoke of hemstitch v ed tucks; regular price $1.45. $1 $1 ,25 For ne 9amk"c Gown, square and high yoke, trimmed with fine Valenciennes Lace; regular price $1.75. 75 ?or'fine Nainsook Gown, deep yoke of em broidery and lace insertion, with embroid ery beading and silk ribbons; worth $2.50 Drawers 20C For Muslin Drawers, with Cambric ruffle; reg ular price 25c. , . , 35C For Muslin Drawers, hemstitched and tucked; regular price 45c. 5C Fr Childrens Drawers, made of best grade . muslin; wortk 25c. , 69C For. fine Cambric, Drawers, wide ruffle, trim med with fine Embroidery four inches wide; regular price 95c. Thursday Morning, Feb. 28, to Saturday Night, March 9. Y i ET3I Y M CT3 E"J3 ASTOFI A, OREGON Thursday Morning', Feb. 28, to Saturday Night, 9. i T, -( 30 PER CENT. SAVING. 30 PER CENT. SAVING. 30 PER CENT. SAVING. 30 PER CENT. SAVING. 30 PER , CENT. SAVING. P