10 THE MORNING ASTOR IAN, AS'l OHIA, OREGON. SUNDAY, MARCH I, 1007. CRITICISES CANAL METHODS. DISTURBS STOCK MARKET.. Hsrriman Says Whole Trouble it Lack Harriman Investigation Leads to of Executive. Thoughts of Retrenchment. NEW TORK. March J.-The World, NEW YORK, March I .-The Harrl- In as Interview with E. H. Harriman man Investigation has bxn the prln- printed this morning quoted him as ctp;il disturbing Influence In the stock follows: market this week. Facts disclosed "It Is too bad that a man with such wer not Generally new to Wall Street, an alert mind as President Roosevelt but the probable effect on the agitation" has, shoulJ not have subjected him- for more stringent government con ceit to more discipline said Ed- trol of corporations and on the public demand for both foreign and domes tic securities has been much dread ed. The Increase of capital require ments and the necessity of rentrench- ward H. Harrtman, during an Inter view on his cross-examination of the Interstate , Commerce Commission. "Mr. Roosevelt Is a very able man," he continued. "He is capable of doing ment of plans for railroad Improve- thlngs if there was only more fixity OC purpose." It was the day when announcement had been made of another change of purpose In Panama Canal affairs by order of the President. "Why don't you build the canal?" Mr. Harrlmnn was asked. "I would If I had a chance." he re plied, "Let me tell you this: We pend more money a year In improve ments on the Union Pacific system than can be expended in any year on the canal. If we ran railroads like Panama canal affairs are conducted there would be a great crop of re ceiverships In this country." "The whole trouble In Panama Is lack of executive. How can you ex pect engineers to carry on work de cently when It Is Impossible to get a decision on Important points from headquarters until three or four weeks. "You must have an executive head nients to conform to capital limita tions, occupy a large share of atten tion. Trade and industrial reports show no signs of contraction. Mon ey was firmer with the March settle ments, but the passage of the Aldrlch bill Increased confidence In the money outlook. Cause of Stomach Troubles. When a man has trouble with his stomach you may know that he Is eat lng more than he should or of some ar ticle of food or drink not suited to his age or occupation, or that hit bowels are habitually constipated, Take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets to regulate the bowels and 1m prove the digestion and see If the trouble does not disappear. Ask for a free sample. For sale by Frank Hart and leading druggists. Advice o mothers. Don t let your children waste away. They can be strong, healthy and vigorous with Hol- llstor's Rooky Mountain Tea. It s a swift-winged messenger of health. 35 cents, tea or tablets. Do Net Crowd the Season. The first warm days of spring bring with them a desire to get out and enjoy the exhlliarating air and sun shine. Children that have been hous ed up all winter are brought and you wonder where they all came from. The heavy winter clothing Is thrown away and many shed their flannels. Then a cold wave comes and people say that grip is epidemic. Colds at this sea son are even more dangerous than in mid-winter, as there Is much more , danger of pneumonia. Take Cham i berlaln'a Cough Remedy, however, and you will have nothing to fear. It al- It Never Lowers Its High Standard OF QUALITY started In with way-up aspirations and Instead of Just "making good," Its makers have ever tried to Improve It and succeeded. So that now when you mention Pale Bohemian you mention as good as any and better than most On Draught and in Bottlee. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. J'.l.l i.J,,i".PS wars cures, and we have never known 10 every department, an executive with j a coid to result In pneumonia when It was used. It Is pleasant and safe to take. Children like It For sale by Frank Hart and Leading druggists. a fixed purpose In view. You must have such a system as will enable any part of It to have an Immediate and Arm decision when any question aris es. Then it can be done." REORGANIZING POLICE. FOUND AT LAST. Morocco Will Have Three Detachments at Each Port MADRID. March 2. In accordance with the Franco-Spanish agreement signed Thursday, the organization of the police force is to be as follows: There are to be three detainments of police at each port two detain ments under one officer will protect the harbor and town, while the third, .under another officer, will guard the suburbs. In the mixed ports such as Tangier, the commanders of the two sections must be of different nation ality. In the event o the necessity for united action the officer with the highest rank will command all three detachments. A water police for the prevention of the passage of contra band will also be organized. Should Franco-Spanish intervention become necessary at any point It is to be conducted on lines similar to those followed during the recent na val demonstration at Tangier. J. A. Harmon, or Lliemore, West Va., says: "At last I have round the per fect pill that never disappoints me. and for the benefit of others afflicted with torpid Hverand chronic dlaslpa tion, will say: Take Dr. King's New Life Pills." Guaranteed satisfactory. at Chas. Rogers, Druggist North Pacific Brewing Co. Morning AstorUn, 60 cents ronth, delivered by carrier. per The it K" Line Steamer - Lurline Night Boat for Portland and Way Landing's. Unprecedented Success of nn n nrr urn A UK. Ml nU '& THE GREAT iW CHINESE DOCTOH V Who Is known t,. throughout the United "y-J Stale ah swvttat ol his wonderful cures. No poisons nor drug used. He guaran tees to core catarrh, asthma, lung and throat trouble, rheumatism, nervousness, stomach, liver, and kidney, female com plaints and all ehronie diseases. SUCCESSFUL HOME TKEATMXIfT. If you cannot call write for symptom blank and circular, inclosing 4 cents in stamp. THZ C. GEE WO MEDICINE CO. 162 First St. Corner Morrison, PORTLAND, OREGON. PImmi mention the Aatorian PASSENGERS. FREIGHT. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is Both Agreeable and Effective. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has no superior for coughs, colds and croup, and the fact that it is pleasant to take and contains nothing in any way Injurious has made it a favorite with mothers. Mr. W. S. Pelham, a merch ant at Klrkville, Iowa, says: "For more than twenty years Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been my leading remedy for all throat troubles. It is especially successful in cases of croup. Children like it and my customers who have used it will not take any other." For sale by Frank Hart and leading druggists. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Cures Coldg. Oan and Whipping Cough. Leaves Astoria daily except Sunday at 7 p. m. Leaves Portland Daily Except Sunday at 7 a. m. Quick Service Excellent Meals Good Berths. Landing Astoria Flavel Wharf. Landing Portland Foot Taylor 8t C. M. FOWLER, Agent. Phone Main 2761. I (II I 416 BOND ST., ASTORIA, OREGON Carries the Finest Lint of I Wines, Liquors and Cigars I CALL AND SEE US mm, IT" If you have want that you wlah to advertise step to your nearest phone and "Phone It" to The Astorlan.. No need ef wetting your time walking bloeks to do a thing that oan bo done In your Immediate surroundings. Call up Main 601, ask for the want ad de paitment which Is at your servioe. ay of Might BUSINESS DIRECTORY COLUMBIA ENGINEERING CO, Office Astor House. Surveying, Platting, Blueprinting and Qeneral Civil Engineering. Prompt Attention Guaranteed. A. t. TEE, Manager. Phone Main 2U. tj.n'iu!!'! i. t .,.i,i &i.jm.wJmmm BOARDING. TBI LITDE. Hoonu with or without board 1 rata reasonable good aeum modktion for transient. 14t& and CoaiiuercUi. g , 1 .i-i 11 - . 11 , t.....-ftja JAPANESE 900D9. INEXPENSIVE JAPANESE FIIINGS, MADE OP BAM BOO, LIGHT, STRONG, HAND MADE, TABLES, STANDS, CHAIRS, WHAT NOTS, BOOKCASES, 3HELV- v INO. ETC. Yokohama Bazaar I2S Commercial PL Astoria. HELP WANTED. WANTED-SALESMEN. MANY MAKE !00 to $150 per month. Some even more. Stock cleaoj grown on Ker Tation, fur from old orchards. Cash advanced weekly. Choice of territory. Address Washington Xureerj Company, Toppenish, Washington," 9-2A-tf WANT ED-TWO GOOD 8UHSCRIP tlon solicitors to work. First class proposition, good pay. Apply Astorlan office. WANTED MEN EVERT WHEftT good pay to distribute Circulars, adv. matter, tack signs, etc No anvasslng . National Adv. Bureau, Chicago. MALE HELP WANTED MEN AND women to learn watchmaking, en graving, jeweler work, optics; easy terms; positions guaranteed; money made learning. Watchmaking-Engraving School, 1426 Fourth avenue, Beat- tie, it FOR RENT FOR RENT FIVE ROOM WELL Furnished House, with bath. To adults only. Apply at this office.. 3t FOR RENT-SUITE OF House keeping rooms. Apply 677 Exchange. 2-20-7t CANADIAN PACIFIC "EMPRESS" Line of the Atlantic, Land to Land in Four Days. The Empress of Britain and Empress of Ireland make the voyage from Que bec to Liverpool in alx days, two be ing spent on the majestic St Law rence. Book now for summer sailings. James Fi- alyson, Agent Astoria Ore. Our Doors Are Open We are anticipating your patronage and will appreciate it. We will do business on the basis of "A Dollar in Value for a Dollar in Cash." We offer nothing but the best and genuine LJqwors and Wines Our reputation going with the goods as they are sold. Drop in and look over the stock we are handling. We dispose of our wares only in bulk, bottle and package. A wholesale line on wholesale terms. American Importing - Co. Successors to Foard & Stokes, 589 Commercial Street, Phone Main 1883. QT FOR RENT-MODERN HOUSE FOR rent. First and Bond. 2-l-tf Business Chances. 91,500 cash will buy one of the lead ing drug storos In Astoria, well locat ed and doing nourishing business. The; present owner must leave Astoria onj business, therefore must sell out. This J It a chance to get an established drug business cheap. For further particu lars aldress O, Anorlan. HOUSE MOVERS. FUKlJKBCKSON HKOH.-We maka specialty of house moving, carpenters, contractors, general Jobbing! prompt at tention te all orders. Corner Tenth aad Inisne. tf UNDERTAKER. 3. . cruuuoii A CO, Cigar store and pool rooms for sale. This Is a good paying business and! takes smalt capital t0 conduct It. A J chance for some one to gt Into a' good paying business. Reason for! soiling. Ill health. For further partlo ulars address X, Astorlan. Undertaker and EmbaJmer i Phone VHn till. CW. 11 and Dmu tl-e-tf HOTEL. The F. N. Clark Co. baa list of good business chances. If you are con templating going into business, come look over our list. Real Estate. HOTEL PORTLAND Fines Hotel In the Northwst. Portland! ori. LA HTf DRIES. BUTTON ROLE AT THE BACK. Your eiperlrnce with It has ao doubt lead to much veistlon, possibly pro- 5,500 will buy lOOilOO corner. nnJ Bond streets, with a large mory Duiitimg on it. This piece of:F7 n 'P tram the nerk-haiul. ehf property will bo worth much more In Yf w't hare that that experience If Ird two lenity. Broke your finaemafl trrlnt to the near future. POR SALE. FOR SALE-HOUSEHOLD 000D8 etc., Iowet prices.Send three friends address, illustrated catalogue free. D. Shaw & Co., 2543 Larkln street, San Francisco, California. 2-28-7L 13,000 for a new two-story rooming housa on a corner lot EOxlOO, one block from Hume's mill; 20 rooms, all fur nished, riullillng cost when built last year J2.7B0. Tbls property Is easily worth 14,000. Rents for 130 a month. Terms. you send your shirts to ti ; we save yon this trouble, and danger of tearing the hlrt Try tis snd see, TROY LAUNDRY, Tenth and Duane Sta. phone 1091 PROPOSALS. OFFICE OF C. Q. M., VANCOUVER Barracks, Wash., March 1, 1907, Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will be received here until II o'clock, a, m., April 1, 1907, -for furnishing fuel, fuel oil, .dogfood and mineral oil, at posts in this Department, for the year end ing June 30, 1908. Information, fur nished here or by quartermasters at post U. S. reserves the right to reject or accept any or all proposals, or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked: "Propo sals for at ," addressed Sam. R. Jones, C. Q. M, ..j,aw mr a nne DUsineHs lot near j Astoria Iron Works.- A very valuable piece of ground and a good Investment $25,000 will buy one of the best pieces of water front to be had. Oood loca tlon and plenty room for a good big en terprlse. i.oov, mouern -room house near Humes mill. Just built last year at a cost of $1,600. Lot 50x100 on Improved street. This is a bargain. The house will rent for $20 month. Woll worth 12,000. Terms. THE 530-5.'ifi OREGON between Commerfiul Street. Eleventh and Twelfth. A3TGKIA, ORKOON MRS. M. NOLAN, Proprietress. Rooms Sinirle and Huites. Terms, Day, Week or Montb Steam Heat, Ruth and lelephone. Telephone Red 2308. jj Cures Coughs, Colds, Croup, La Grippe, Asthma, Throat and Lung Troubles. Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption THE ORIGINAL LAXATIVE HONEY and TAR in the YELLOW PACKAGE First Class Meal 15c Coffee with Pie, Cake or Dough' nuts 10 cents. U. S. RESTAURANT 434 Bond Street. Kidney and Bladder Troubles URINARY DISCHARGES BELIEVED IN 24 Hours Each Cap. ; tule bears (MIDYl: the name V ; Beware cf counterfeit! ALL DIIUOOI8TS. J $400 for a fine rosldenco lot In Al derbrook on Improved streets. Easy terms. We have three shares In the Alaska Fishermen's Company for salo al loss than par. Worth par value. This com pany Is paying good dividends. Full particulars at our office. , WINIS, LIQU0KS AND CIGAM. THE SAVOY PopuUr Concert HU. Oood music. All are weleome. er Seventh and Astor. Oar- OftTEO PATH 1 8Ti. Dl. RH0DA C. HICO OSTEOPATH Offlce Mansei, Bid Phone Black lost 171 Commercial St, Astoria, Ora. Eagle Concert Hall (320 Astor Bt. $3,500 modern rosidence on Eleventh streot and Grand avenue, near Presby terian church. Lots in and around Warrenton from $75 up. If you want to make a small Investment when It will bring you quick profits, come see us. We have several good things. The F. N. Clark Co., 495 Commercial St., Near 11th. Phone Red 2241 ASTORIA, - OREGON The lending amusement house. Agency for Kdlson Phonoirrsnhs aid Oold Moulded Records. P. A. FETRRHON, Prop. PROFESSIONAL CARD. ATTORNEYS AT UW. HOWARD M. BROWN ILL, Attorney-at-Law. Offloe with Mr. J. A. Eakln, at No. 421 Commercial t, Astoria, 'J la 1 la i 1J.,1 M Gurttiti4 .Vifl mwlf nrti to atrlnmrn, asttwEwiisOinEBwrj. ,,yiit'i.!i.Ti,.- MEN AM0 WOMEN, Vm Big U for unnatural ilnRhari:, Inflammation!, Irrlti.tluiji or ulioiatlouii nf niiivj.i! niamliranSi, and not aitrln- L't-nt or ul-wmin. t Xt'.ltH l:v ItrnKtlfiia. j'' !.(. .ic 5 l.otN'Djvi.'r. DENTIST. Dr. VAITGHAN, Dknmst Py'hian Bnildlnpr, Astoria. Oreoni Dr. W. O, LOGAN DENTIN! , 78 Commercial St., Bhnnahan Building