The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, February 24, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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EstabUtfaei UTS
Published Dally Except Monday by
By mail, per year
By carrier, per month.
8, mail, per year, in adranoa.. 11.00
tntarad aa aaooad-alaas matter JolT
, 1KO. at the poitofflea at Astoria. On
won, aader tke act of Con-ra ol March a,
f or (ha iMwui of T Mo an
urauroauirtoeiUMr naidanos or plan ot
huetMMi y be rod by postal card or
tferouxb taW bana. Any trwtrularity Id da
linn thould be imdUtatr reported to the
oAo( publication.
ifaa at of Astoria.
Official paper of CluUop county and
try is all right We are forgetting J
much, nwrly all, the heroic lessons
and standards anJ men, that mndo us,
really and honorably great Commor- I
dally, we are jthe greatest on this
wide earth, but at what catalyptto
sacrifice are we achieving even that!
That Is the supreme question that will
never down until its answer Is re
corded in the very fundament of na
tional bitterness. Wealth, great
wealth, public nor private, never con
served the virtues of a nation; rather,
it sots up the sins of recklesness, In
difference, arrogance class-alms and
the Insolence that defies social law
and the canona of human Intercourse,
until only the dread reprisal of broad
cast feud and hatred merged into the
flame ol Intercenlne war shall bring us
to our senses and strike anew the bal
ances among men and brethren.
We know this doctrine Is scorned in
lofty places and contemned of the
comfortable, pleasure seeking crowd
but it Is brooding, silently, deeply, bit
terly and upon levels higher yet than
were ever known before; and the warn
Ing Is writ plainly, daily, so that all
may read, upon the public prints of
the nation. If you doubt it take up
your pet paper some morning or eve
nly, and soberly analyse Its each news
Hem for cause, effect, relation and
bearing, to human conditions, using
your own best standards of the vlr
tues, moral and civic, as an honest
McDonald-Guerrin Tragedy at
MaJly In Lava With Htr Victim 8ine
His Boyhood and Despair At His Ap
proaching Marriage Given as Cause i Wf.i large sums of money, thus prao-
Trenchery, itaath ami undying love
are uiuoug (lie subjects touched upon
In the verse,
Mrs. MclHuinld's explanation to the
police as to the motive or her crime
seemed exploded by the statements of
her husband.
Mrs, McDonald declared that Otior
rln had been levying blackmail! on her
and that repeatedly he hud obtained
sums from her on threats of exposure,
Site declared he hud followed her to
California after she had tied to escape
his attentions and renewed hi de
This explanation however, was con.
tradlcfed by the words of Mr MePon.
aid. He said he had never given his
For Shooting.
'Oregon, Washington, Idaho, j
Lots of war talk la emanating from
CentralAmerica. The wet season Is
Tomorrow night the Astoria Cham
ber of Commerce Is going on record
as a newly equipped, strong-handed,
resourceful organization, with plenty
of men, definite methods and excel
lent motives, and with money in sight
to make all effective.
This Is a splendid basis and the city
Is to be heartily congratulated upon
It The day Is at band for the doing
of things, new things, large whole
some compensating things and tempo
rizing, waiting, balancing, compromis
ing will be cut out, and the county and
the city sent to the front for consider
ation, patronage, and a fair division of
the blessings of progress.
Let there be no lingering no du
biouaness. about going before the
people on the Port of Columbia out
rage. The declaration of the Cham
ber must be unequivocal, emphatic,
straightforward in Its rejection of that
Imposition, in order that its path shall
not be hampered by any ambiguities
whatever, when that subject Is forced
upon us for final action. The County
court of Clatsop Is already In the lead
In this relation, and It is up to every
organic body, including the city and
town councils, in Clatsop County, to
get In line for the deliberate fight that
is ahead of them on this score.
There Is no time to lose. The soon
er the people of the State know of our
Just Indignation and our purpose of
righteous resistance, the easier the
course of that contention will be.
The Chamber of Commerce can do
nothing so conspicuously appropriate,
and altogether popular, as this one
Poultney Blgelow's voice, after
such long silence, has a sort of sepul
chral sound.
"The backbone of winter has been
"Ah, then, I suppose It will take two
or three months for the poor crippled
thing to crawl away."
Being too young at the time to re
member distinctly, Mrs. Thaw could
not testify as to the esyt date of her
The Oregon legislature has adjourn
ed; the people of the State breathe
freely once again, and, casting critical
eye on the sum of the work of ninety
men in forty days, dev outly thank God
that affairs are no worse.
The acquisition of a railway com
mission endowed with fairly liberal
authority to correct many, and abate
some, of the transportation evils, ls
the one thing of value out of the Inter
minable mass and mess. There has
been some pretence made to minify
the appropriations with the illogical
result that the sum of them exceeds
anything In her history. The session is
notorious for the worst organization
ever known, and the procedure, gen
erally, the most complicated and In
effective In long years of assembly
record. Neither house hag been ably
controlled, and if any credit is awarda
ble, it should go to Haines of the sen
ate, and In restricted doses at that.
There has not been an atom of
statesmanship evinced in any direc
tion; politics of the rankest sort have
prevailed always, save when that cult
gave place to sectional 'domination;
and one of the most conspicuous re
sults will come with the new election,
when republican prestige in Oregon
Will be found to' have suffered Irre
trleveajbly from the blunders and
worse than blunders, of the past forty
Ex-President Grover Cleveland to
the contrary withstanding, this coun-
What Is the difference between fin
ished and completed? The Thaw Jury
Is likely to finished before It Is completed.
proud, when a government Inquiry
or a salacious murder case Is likely to
come along and drag his name into tie
In case of the government owner
ship of railroads will the distribution
of free passes equal the postal frank
ing privileges?
Bob Taylor's pleasant ways will be
a 'boon to the senate, but It has less
need at present of a first violin than
of a new end man.
It isn't very flattering to the auto
mobile that the horse Is now com
manding a higher price on market
than ever before.
CHICAGO, Feb. 2i. With her mind
almost completely wrecked, Mrs. Flora
McDonald, who yesterday shot and
Killed Webster . Uuerrln, was re
moved last night to the annex of the
Harrison Street Police Station, where
her husband, Michael C. McDonald.
spent most of the night with her.
After her removal her condition be
came gradually worse, and she could
neither recognise McDonald nor others
who had questioned her earlier In the
When quieted by her husband and
attending physicians she would declare
that she was suffering from pains and
aches all through her body. At other
times her hallucination was that she
was on a voyage across the ocean In
the midst of a storm.
At another time she Imagined that
the annx was crowded with children.
McDonald was deeply affected by
hjs wife's condition and frequently
sobbed. For a time she linaglnod she
was on the summit of Pike's Peak
praying, and In her prayers she ap
pealed to God to tell eer what the
trouble was sho had dragged her hus
band Into. All the while McDonald sat
near her, striving to hold back his
tears, as he stroked her hands.
From the time of the tragedy until
a late hour last night, Mrs. McDonald
talked In a rambling disconnected way
and little was obtained from her con
cerning the motive of the crime. From
other sources and lso from pieces of
crudely composed verso that were
found In her handbag It was learned
that Mrs. McDonald had been possessed
of an absorbing passion a love for
some one.
The object of her affection was not
disclosed in the verse, but develop
ments after the tragedy led to the, be-
bellef that It was Guerrln. The verses
were written on sheets of white paper
In an uneven hand and the writing Is
believed to be that of Mrs. MuDonal.l.
tleiilly having only sufficient for hut.o
hold expenses,
The reports from tluerln's relatives
seem to place n, far different light on
the tragedy. They declare that since
Ouerln had been a boy In school Mrs.
McDonald had been enamored of him
and that she had continued her atten
tions even after he had used every In
fluence to break his relations with bur.
It was said last night that Guerln
recently became engaged to a West
Side young woman. This situation was
considered as significant Inasmuch It
may have meant that he had served
notice on Mrs. McDonald that her re
lations with him must cease.
will save nine. So will a twttla of
Ballard's Horehound Syrup always
kept on hand savt many a spell of
sickness, A sure cure for Coughs,
CoIJa, nronchltls, and Whooping
Cough. Mrs. 8, Hot Springs. Ark.
writes: "I keeo a bottle of Ballard'
Horehound Syrup In my medicine
chest ami thank my forethought many
time. It hat prevented many severe
spells of sickness." Sold by Hart's
drug store.
ROME. Feb. 23. In Vatican circles
it Is stated that communication has
been sent to Cardinal Rlcaard, arch
bishop of Paris, that he must conduct
negotiations with the French govern
ment according to tho Instructions of
tho Pope.
What To Do When Bilious.
The right thing to do when you feet
bilious is to take a dose of Chamber
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They
wilt cleanse the stomach and regulate
the liver and bowela Try It. Price,
25 cents. Samples free at Frank Hart's
and leading druggists.
Morning Astorian, 60 cents a month.
Delivered by carrier.
m; t
After Congress has adjourned, those
senators can get out and further grat
ify their speech making tendencies
among their constituents.
. o
It's a safe bet that the man who
Introduced a bill In the Wisconsin leg
islature forbidding chorus girls to
wear tights. Isn't bald headed.
The actress who failed to be Inter
viewed In the Thaw case must have
a very unenterprising news agent.
Why should the spirit of mortal be
IT'S UP TO YOU to save One-Half
J on your Tinware. Graniteware, Crockery, J
I Glassware, Stationery, Notions, Etc.
You can get it at the
Between Commercial and Duane on Eleventh Street.
London womansuffragists like to
march about in muddy streets, yeti
doubtless they would resent It if anyi
one Insinuated
they practice "dirty
The latest ocean liners include flats
for passengers who want more room.
Even a fiat, It seems, can be made to
convey the Idea of luxurious spacious
ness. 0 M I-
Bills to the number of 33,000 havej
been offered in the present congress. ;
There is no chance to get them into j
an omnibus it will take a steamship
this time.
all Paper
On account of the large new spring stock coming and
to make room in our store we offer 30 per cent
off for the next few days. Buy your
wall paper now while it is cheap.
Eastern Painting & Decorating Company.
Commercial 8tret, near Eighth.
Mr.Rockefeller doesn't insist that
any of the money be used in "educa
ting" the the people to the uses of eled-
icity and wood alcohol fOr lighting
and heating purposes.
. o
"JCow," says the lawyer to the wit- i
ness, "will you tell the court if you
noticed anything peculiar about the
people In the flat next to yours.
"Why no. They had a piano they
kept going most of the time, and when
the piano wasn't going their phono
graph was."
The Old vStove Man
Has been hunting around for year or more to find a lino of
as good or better than the kind he sold hers twenty years ago (some
of these sra beginning to wear out). Hs thinks he has found the
line. Hs will show them to you if you will oall at the store of
W. G. LAWS & CO.
Plumbers and Steam Fitters.
Something' Special
in Suit Bargains
This week we expect to sell a fcreat many suits at the
special reduction offered.
Splendid $20 Suits for $15.
Take your leisure, shop I We've Included nothing;
around, make sure you've ! but our own regular stock-
seen the best bargains In of handsome, fashionable
men's suits In the town be
foreyou come here.
This reduction Is unique,
most store keepers would
call such suits as these in
this peat convention we
offer choice of at $15 00 big
values at $25, but here they
arc normal at. $zu.
ASmart$20 (Mr Ark
Suit for tpiUtVUj
suits no spectal lots to help
' You want to be quick if
you're thinking of buying-
as a matter of factyou
can't afford to postpone or
For a big quick closing
outthe price this week is
We've just one case of the
finest, richest, softest but
splendid wearing light wool,
half hose "sox" if you
please fast black.drcssy and
the biggest bargain this town
ever saw at their regular
price of 25c the pair. Just
to make things lively 'round
the hosiery counter this
week we shall offer 'cm long
as they last, at.
Send your wife, sister, i
sweetheart or mother for !
what you need if you cannot
come yourself.
S. Danziger Co.
Astoria's Foremost Clothing
In Business forBusiness and Your Satisfaction.
We make it otir aim to do first class work at
reasonable prices,
222 Twelfth Street. Next to the Astoria Theatre.
Proprietor. 1
First Class In Evsry Rtsptot.
Free Coach to the House.
Bar and Billiard Room.
Good Chack Restaurant.
.v , r ., ii.i t
' Ml
V 1
'ill !
Oood Sample Rooms on Ground Floor
Oragon for Commercial Msn.
C. F. WISE, Prop.
Choice Wlnss, Liquors Merchants Lunch From
and Cigars 11:30 a. m. to 1:30 p jn.
Hot Luncb at all Hours as Cents
Corner Eleventh and Commercial
Sherman Transter "Co.
Hacks, Carriages Baggage Checked and, Transferred Trucks ard Furnltur
Wagons Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped.
433 Commercial Street'
Main Phone 121